Do you think your partisanship automatically pull you to agreeing with your party?

For those who consistently vote for the same party, do you think your partisanship au

  • Yes, I'm swayed to agree with my party from the beginning

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I look at everything with an open mind

    Votes: 7 100.0%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
For those who consistently vote for the same party, do you think your partisanship automatically pulls you to agreeing with your party, or do you view every political issue with an open mind?

For those of you who don't consistently vote for the same party, this poll doesn't apply to you.
Good luck to having anyone admit to being a party puppet! Democrats and Republicans do it all the time. That's why the independent voter is so sought after.
Depends on the issue. If it's Gun Control or welfare reform... I stand more with the Conservatives. When it involves Labor, SS, Medicare and Health Care in general... I stand more with Liberals.

When it comes to personal Freedoms such as marijuana, Sexual Preference and even Abortion... I am very much Libertarian in my views.
Nope. I'm dedicated to a political ideology which happens to be conservatism. As a result I'm more naturally inclined to Republican or conservative candidates vs. Democrat or liberal ones. I'm certain I've never voted for a liberal, but a few Democrats have gotten my vote over the years.
I don't vote Republican because I approve of the Republican Party or think it has done a lot of favors for the country. I consistently vote Republican because it is the ONLY alternative to the Democrats and because it does LESS damage to the country or at least is destroying the nation the Founders gave us more slowly.

When there is a truly modern American conservative alternative to either the Marxist Statist party and the Statist Light party, I will be joining that with great enthusiasm.
Good luck to having anyone admit to being a party puppet! Democrats and Republicans do it all the time. That's why the independent voter is so sought after.

You are giving independents too much credit. They just vote for whichever party they are pissed off most with at the moment.

As for me, I will not always vote the party line, but I do tend to most of the time. In local elections, I really don't pay much attention at all to party affiliation.
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I usually end up voting Republican but I approach each election with a clean slate regarding whoever is running. I disagree with the Republicans on several issues, usually of a social nature: abortion, gay marriage, etc. I agree with them strongly on economics and foreign policy. It's just that the most important issues to me in elections happen to be economics and foreign policy so that side wins out.
I am a left-libertarian. If a viable alternative to Democrats came along I would dump them in a hot minute.
Although the OP says this poll doesn't apply to me, I would bet really good money that several on this board think it does apply to me.

I look at every issue on it's merits, evaluating what I believe and whether the policy is logically sound.

Unfortunately, we don't vote on issues, we vote for people and parties.
Good luck to having anyone admit to being a party puppet! Democrats and Republicans do it all the time. That's why the independent voter is so sought after.

You are giving independents too much credit. They just vote for whichever party they are pissed off most with at the moment.

And that can be a dilemma!
I am seriously pissed off at both parties, which I believe is the case of a huge majority of Americans!
The Dems are weak and cave in to the GOP/Tea Party and they too are tools to Big Money! The Dems talk alot about protecting the working class stiffs but their talk is cheap.
The GOP is clearly a tool of Big Money, except unlike the Dems, the GOP actively works their asses off doing all they can to protect Big Money while ignoring a huge majority of Americans, the working class.
Plus the biggie for me is that there is really no such thing as bipartisanship. Here we have a country struggling with the after-effects of the Great Recession, the US has lost it's great credit rating and majority of people are struggling. Yet we have the two major parties refusing to put country over ideology! Well screw them!
Right now we have a huge, huge void in the middle as both parties are controlled by the fringe elements, in other words neither party really represents Main Street America. They are completely out-of-touch with Middle America.
I can guarantee one thing, no incumbent will get my vote next November. Now that doesn't necessary mean I'll vote for the other major party either.
The people of this country need/deserve a centralist party because most Americans are centralist. Maybe they lean right ot left but overall, a majority are much more centralist than either the Dems or GOP.
Both of these establishment parties have screwed us. I choose the "lesser of two evils" every time I cast a vote.....

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