Do you understand this election? Have you done your investigation of what is at stake?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Are we the true Sheeple that the parties have molded us into? What happened to people who took the time to understand what each candidate stands for and warrants our vote. This is a crazy election. The unfavorables are high for both candidates and that is what they deserve.

Hillary is truly dishonest and proven by the FBI and wikileaks. Her campaign is proud of their efforts to entertain and control the media. Do the citizens care? What is happening with women is particularly troubling. They intentionally do not seek answers and believe the salacious as if it is a romance novel ready to entertain. Do they care about the truth? Are they open to spoon fed information when the truth is being leaked each day? Are all of them feminists before they are mothers concerned with the safety of their families?

Trump is really not the bargain we hoped we see in the race. But, he stands for getting rid if establishment politics and their rush to enrich themselves before working for the country...Americans and their families. Hillary is in there for the power and continues to enrich her family through the Clinton Foundation and has molded her daughter into the witch Hillary is. Chelsea has been a"Spoiled Brat" even by DNC campaign organizers. And they worry about her on the campaign trail because she isn't focused. Spoiled brats seldom are.

As for throwing the "kitchen sink" on Trump, the best they can come up with is unsubstantiated reports of women "being violated" up to 30 years ago who conveniently never sought out the police, medical attention or the help from the courts. And it shows up 20 days from the election. Horrifying, claim women. Yes, it is horrifying because there is no proof of the ancient incidents. Bill's antics came to light at the time of the ordeal and are well publicised at the time. He was even impeached for one unsavory incident because he lied about it and his dna on Lewinski's dress happened to be his. Smart girl..don't get it cleaned!

So, are there "Thinking WOmen out there ready to think of their families safety with controlled borders, jobs being saved for Americans and trade that is safe for the US? Do you care about your family? Prove it. Fo to "Trump's Positions" on his website and make an informed choice.
I think there are tens of millions out there who know exactly what this election is about. They keep their mouths shut around anyone they think to be Democrats but attend the rallies near them. Their numbers will quickly become public as tallies are made of early voting in the various states that permit it. In spite of a lot of mail in ballots disappearing, the number of those going to the physical polls will be staggering.
Hillary is not the only corrupt POS in government, in fact a good share of them are just as corrupt. That's why its so rare any of them are held accountable even for breaking the law.
What's at stake is if the circus will roll along this way or if the circus will roll along that way. Pay no attention to the clowns...........
Donald Trump cannot give a substantive answer to a single question about the issues facing our country today. He is a completely clueless dolt. He is a huckster. A con man. A fraud. A fake.

His answers on how to handle the debt were downright frightening. What's more, he will had more to the debt than Clinton. In fact, his plan would add more to the debt than Obama has.

And since the debt is the single most important issue, from which the majority of all other issues flow, then Donald Trump is the LAST person on Earth you want at the helm.

Hillary is a piece of shit, yes. But it isn't her fault the Republicans put up the worst fucking clown they could find as the alternative.
In spite of a lot of mail in ballots disappearing, the number of those going to the physical polls will be staggering.

I have been wondering about this issue. If mail-in ballots are counted (or estimated) before the election, the Democrats will have a better idea of how many "lost" ballots they will need to find.
But, he stands for getting rid if establishment politics
This is the same bullshit used to justify ObamaCare.

1. We must do something.
2. This is something.
3. We must do this.

It's bullshit. Trump is the cure who is worse than the disease, just like ObamaCare was.

If three percent of all brain surgeons committed medical malpractice, you wouldn't hire a circus clown to take over brain surgery just because "he stands for getting rid of establishment surgeons".

Donald Trump is a clown on the sidelines. "I tole ya they would break some brains! You need to let me do the brain surgery stuff because I will be the best brain surgeon, believe me!"

His fucking rubes are out there saying, "The fact he has zero experience or background in any kind of medicine whatsoever is a PLUS!" :cuckoo:
In spite of a lot of mail in ballots disappearing, the number of those going to the physical polls will be staggering.

I have been wondering about this issue. If mail-in ballots are counted (or estimated) before the election, the Democrats will have a better idea of how many "lost" ballots they will need to find.
All this piss drinking about a "rigged election" is Pedophile Don front-loading all you stupid fucks with an excuse for why he lost. Gosh, it can't possibly be because you chose the absolute worst fucking clown you could find as your nominee.

Pedophile Don is a loser, and a very sore one at that.

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