Do you unequivocally condemn political violence?

Do you unequivocally condemn political violence?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 54.1%
  • No

    Votes: 16 43.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 2.7%

  • Total voters
They were Lefty's. You are intellectually dishonest, no its worse than that you are a liar.

A lot of lefties were present and/or supporting the chaos. That doesn't mean everybody there was a leftie. Maybe the left has a responsibility to answer for why it supports civil unrest, but it's not fair to say everybody committing crime was a representative of the left.
I hope nobody is going to bullshit me and try to suggest that a lot of right wingers on this forum haven't been using language that supports shit like that as some kind of retaliation to leftism.

No, I DO NOT condemn political violence. There are times when it is an absolute necessity. This country was founded by individuals carrying out political violence.
Go ahead and deny the riots all over the Country for the last year, ,it'll make you "look" smart.

When people were rioting I said they were just hurting innocent locals and tarnishing the left's image. Though somehow I doubt that the people looting were very politically keen.

"Politically keen" or not, I'd be willing to bet that every one of those looters voted for Biden. Even the felons who were ineligible to vote.
any physical violence coming from the people on them is totally justified and also a right of the people to commit,,
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
A lot of lefties were present and/or supporting the chaos. That doesn't mean everybody there was a leftie. Maybe the left has a responsibility to answer for why it supports civil unrest, but it's not fair to say everybody committing crime was a representative of the left.
BLM and Antifa were the main antagonists. They are decidedly left. The looters, etc. were criminals taking advantage of the leftist chaos. The protesters were dumbasses who just hate law enforcement because that's what the leftist media tells them to hate.
"Politically keen" or not, I'd be willing to bet that every one of those looters voted for Biden. Even the felons who were ineligible to vote.

If the left ever figures out how to get more of its retards to vote you guys are in big trouble. I would bet a lot that very few of those people were actually politically aware and active.
BLM and Antifa were the main antagonists. They are decidedly left. The looters, etc. were criminals taking advantage of the leftist chaos. The protesters were dumbasses who just hate law enforcement because that's what the leftist media tells them to hate.

This is rough around the edges but I won't be picky and disagree with you.
They were Lefty's. You are intellectually dishonest, no its worse than that you are a liar.

A lot of lefties were present and/or supporting the chaos. That doesn't mean everybody there was a leftie. Maybe the left has a responsibility to answer for why it supports civil unrest, but it's not fair to say everybody committing crime was a representative of the left.

Straw man, I never said EVERYBODY, but I will say this...they were orchestrated and facilitated by leftist groups.
The gun toters in Michigan? Stupid move.
Well, lets see who might hold similar reservations as those of myself. Hmm...lemme see....I wonder who it could be....

Natty C.png

Oh...I's Thomas Jefferson, the feller who said that "In defense of our persons and properties under actual violation, we took up arms. When that violence shall be removed, when hostilities shall cease on the part of the aggressors, hostilities shall cease on our part also"....


But in the interest of placating the feelings of those who might find themselves standing aghast at the mere thought of upholding said duty, I can assure you one and all that my views are not in any way fueled by emotion. I'm a rather strict INTJ every single time. Top of the scale, in fact.

Natty C.jpg

So, I guess no, huh uh. I've traditionally rejected the use of force, unless justifiably provoked.

The screwed up part for the casual violent usurper is that I have a good bit of savage in my genes. Granny was darned near a full blood. But it's just whuevs. Fuck around and find out. :dunno:
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I don't support anyone harming anyone else. Things? That's another story.
They were Lefty's. You are intellectually dishonest, no its worse than that you are a liar.

A lot of lefties were present and/or supporting the chaos. That doesn't mean everybody there was a leftie. Maybe the left has a responsibility to answer for why it supports civil unrest, but it's not fair to say everybody committing crime was a representative of the left.
I joined the army. The government sent me my orders. So evidently not opposed to political violence.
I hope nobody is going to bullshit me and try to suggest that a lot of right wingers on this forum haven't been using language that supports shit like that as some kind of retaliation to leftism.
Do you wake up at night worrying that 7.5 million people are conspiring to stone you to death?

Do you wake up from the nightmare that a Bernie Sanders employee who was shot and killed by the Secret Service for trying to murder Republican congressman of whom he attempted to murder the first congressman on his list, Republican House leader Steve Scalise?

Do you expect that Nancy Pelosi will never get scolded for trying for four merciless years to coup a President of the United States because his election postponed the former card-carrying Communist House Speaker's plan to institutionalize a constitution- killing Communist regime in Washington, D.C.?

Oh, you poor dear with all your worries,.
"Politically keen" or not, I'd be willing to bet that every one of those looters voted for Biden. Even the felons who were ineligible to vote.

If the left ever figures out how to get more of its retards to vote you guys are in big trouble. I would bet a lot that very few of those people were actually politically aware and active.

Dude. You just admitted that great un-tapped voter base of the left is made up of "retards."


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