Do you want the AMNESTY bill for illegal aliens to pass?

Fix the border first, penalties/jail time on businesses, then the rest. If you don't do that then it won't matter about the rest. Fix the hole in the damn to stop the flow then fix the damn.

You are full of nonsense if you think we believe you will do the rest after the first bill is passed.


The whole thing or nothing.

And if it is nothing, then we go electorally after the office holders in both parties that held it up.
You're right, but that's not a good argument against the bill.

But it is a start to show that the GOP values Hispanics as much as any other American.

Yeah, that's right, let's flush the country down the toilet to show Hispanics that we value them.

I don't value illegal aliens. Hispanics that are citizens, on the other hand, already have the same rights as every other American. Why should we be appeasing people who can't even vote and aren't even here legally?

I really hope you're a WASP, because the irony stings otherwise.
We don't need Immigration Reform......

We need Dem and Pub reps and senators to realize that such is the past and we need to forget them forever.
Fix the border first, penalties/jail time on businesses, then the rest. If you don't do that then it won't matter about the rest. Fix the hole in the damn to stop the flow then fix the damn.

You are full of nonsense if you think we believe you will do the rest after the first bill is passed.


The whole thing or nothing.

And if it is nothing, then we go electorally after the office holders in both parties that held it up.

Who are you referring to in that sentence?

Reagan got screwed on border security after giving amnesty. Forget that.

Fix the border first, jail and fine businesses who hire illegals, and only when that has been addressed turn to reform. It's bullshit to address it all at once. Another thousand page bill like ACA? Nope. Smaller bills addressing specific issues.

Oh, you changed your mind about expelling those who vote against the whole enchilada. Told ya it was nonsense. :)
Fix the border first, penalties/jail time on businesses, then the rest. If you don't do that then it won't matter about the rest. Fix the hole in the damn to stop the flow then fix the damn.

You are full of nonsense if you think we believe you will do the rest after the first bill is passed.


The whole thing or nothing.

And if it is nothing, then we go electorally after the office holders in both parties that held it up.

Why should we?

Frankly, the real thing you guys fear is that if we were able to ever secure the border, there's no good reason to give amnesty.

And let's be honest why amnesty is unfair. There are a lot of people who went through the process to emigrate legally, paid the fees, found a job, got a sponsor, learned the language, and someone who hopped over a fence gets there first? Seriously?

Again, you can end this illegal problem in a year. Go after the wealthy people who hire them.
Fix the border first, penalties/jail time on businesses, then the rest. If you don't do that then it won't matter about the rest. Fix the hole in the damn to stop the flow then fix the damn.

You are full of nonsense if you think we believe you will do the rest after the first bill is passed.


The whole thing or nothing.

And if it is nothing, then we go electorally after the office holders in both parties that held it up.

Fix the border first, jail and fine businesses who hire illegals, and only when that has been addressed turn to reform. It's bullshit to address it all at once. Another thousand page bill like ACA?

The bullshit is to not address all of it in an omnibus bill. It all has to be done as one, or nothing will be done.
Fix the border first, penalties/jail time on businesses, then the rest. If you don't do that then it won't matter about the rest. Fix the hole in the damn to stop the flow then fix the damn.

You are full of nonsense if you think we believe you will do the rest after the first bill is passed.


The whole thing or nothing.

And if it is nothing, then we go electorally after the office holders in both parties that held it up.

Why should we?

Frankly, the real thing you guys fear is that if we were able to ever secure the border, there's no good reason to give amnesty.

And let's be honest why amnesty is unfair. There are a lot of people who went through the process to emigrate legally, paid the fees, found a job, got a sponsor, learned the language, and someone who hopped over a fence gets there first? Seriously?

Again, you can end this illegal problem in a year. Go after the wealthy people who hire them.

The Gang of 8 reform bill is a joke, nothing in it does anything to stop illegal immigration, and this is how it was designed. As I stated in the Arpaio thread the whole secure the border thing is nothing more than a ruse, a meaningless sleight of hand, a con, being played out on the American people. The simple fact is border security is just an obstacle not a deterrent the only thing that will stop illegal immigration is a strong deterrent.
"...It all has to be done as one, or nothing will be done."
Then nothing.

Until we get an Administration in-power, backed by a Congress, that is willing to focus first upon Border Security and plugging the holes. We can wait another 3-1/2 years.

Tick... tick... tick...
The reform nay sayers are wrong, economically as well as morally.

The bill will pass. Border security will have to be joined to economic sanctions and immigrant reform.

The small minority will not dictate the outcome.
A shanty town in the State of Mexico. 51% of Mexicans live in moderate to extreme poverty, according to national statistics.This is a reason to oppose amnesty.

No, it is not.

This is;

Cost of Illegal Immigration

The cost of illegal immigration and amnesty could amount to $6.3 trillion, which would fall on American taxpayers over the long term, according to a Heritage Foundation analysis. As Heritage showed, the majority of illegal immigrants receiving amnesty would receive far more in taxpayer-funded benefits than they would pay in taxes. Even critics of the Heritage study admit amnesty will cost trillions of dollars. Whether it is $4 trillion, $6 trillion or more, the additional costs to the U.S. taxpayer are still too high.

We simply can't afford them nor can the millions of Americans out of work afford to be while millions of them remain gainfully employed at jobs they should not have.

We have to put the welfare of America and Americans first and foremost, which is something our own government refuses to do.
The reform nay sayers are wrong, economically as well as morally.
It is not 'moral' to allow 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens, present upon United States soil without our prior express consent, to remain.

On the contrary, it feeds and encourages similar future lawbreaking.

All of that is highly IMMORAL, by any gauge that a reasonable person understands.

"...The bill will pass..."

This will determine that.

"...Border security will have to be joined to economic sanctions and immigrant reform..."

Meaningless, toothless provisions.

But, I do agree with one thing... we do, indeed, need 'immigrant reform'... some of those immigrants (Illegal Aliens) do, indeed, need 'reforming', in the worst way.

"...The small minority will not dictate the outcome."

"Small Minority"?????????????????


O..... M..... G.... !!!

I suggest you take a closer look about the country, and not just the city-fied liberals whom the survey-polls like to go after, but a much broader spectrum of Middle America...

I don't think you're going to find the same 'feedback results' outside traditional Liberal strongholds...

Ask any carpenter or mason or iron worker or other trade or profession that has been negatively impacted by this most recent flood of 12,000,000 invaders whom none of our politicians have the balls to deal with in the context of existing immigration law.

The Federal Government... on the watch of both GOP and Democrat Administrations... has lost all credibility on the subject and needs to prove itself to the American People again before it will be entrusted to deal with such things properly.

This P.O.S. bill may, indeed, pass - or it may not - but it remains a P.O.S., nevertheless.
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It is immoral to not bring the 11-12mm into the system, and, yes, you are a small minority who will not stop the bills.
It is immoral to not bring the 11-12mm into the system, and, yes, you are a small minority who will not stop the bills.
You declaring it thus does not render it thus.

It ain't over 'til the Fat Lady sings.

And she ain't even warmin' up in the bullpen yet.

As I said: This (the upcoming fight over the bill) will determine that (whether it passes).
You denying does not make it so.

The numbers, the push of history, demographics, and morality argue for passage.
You are full of nonsense if you think we believe you will do the rest after the first bill is passed.


The whole thing or nothing.

And if it is nothing, then we go electorally after the office holders in both parties that held it up.

Fix the border first, jail and fine businesses who hire illegals, and only when that has been addressed turn to reform. It's bullshit to address it all at once. Another thousand page bill like ACA?

The bullshit is to not address all of it in an omnibus bill. It all has to be done as one, or nothing will be done.

Can you stop deleting my name when you quote me? I makes it hard to find your replies and hard for anyone else to know who you are replying to. Thanks.

You didn't answer my question. Who were you referring to when you said "we" and "you"? Cause I'm reading it as "we" being Dems and "you" being Repubs.

Nope. It didn't work when Reagan tried it - congress squelched the border security part - it won't work now. Talks is cheap. Fix the damn borders, whack the damn businesses then reform -- real reform, not some half-assed 'pass'. People who do illegal things should not get any type of pass. If one enters the US illegally then wants to become legal? They get to go the long way around ... for entering illegally in the first place.

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