Do you want the AMNESTY bill for illegal aliens to pass?

The dems told Reagan they would secure the border if he signed amnesty.

clearly they lied and they are lying now about border security.

It's become more and more clear to me that they hate what America is and will do anything to gain more power to change it into some kind of hell hole that they can reign over.

Which is why border security should be addressed first and separately from reform. The R's should put forth a bill that addresses this with concrete solutions and only after its passage should they move on to immigration.

Sadly, protecting the country from criminals is racists.

So it will never be done.

Having borders is racist
Using common sense when using resources is racist
Any form of enforcement is racist
Next any opposition to free movement of human beings will be racist
later anyone that opposes the world government will be racist!
The GOP will have dozens in the Senate and fifties in the House voting for it.

The bill is bi-partisan, and the GOP will remain viable as a national party because of it.

Hispanics will not vote for Republicans just because they help pass an immigration bill.

You're right, but that's not a good argument against the bill.

But it is a start to show that the GOP values Hispanics as much as any other American.
The R's should put forth a bill that addresses this with concrete solutions and only after its passage should they move on to immigration.

Absolutely backwards. A bill must include ALL THREE: horrific penalties against businesses that hire illegals; tightening security on the boarders much more; and immigration reform.

Any party member of either Dem or GOP that votes against the bill should be censured by his party and expelled from the Senate and the House.
Let's split The Bill into two parts...

Part I - strengthen the borders, define and increase penalties for sneaking-in, hiring Illegals, etc.

Part II - deal with the 12,000,000 here...

And let's pass Part I now, and see how that works...

We can deal wit Part II some other time, once the Federal Government reestablishes its credibility with respect to protecting our borders and stopping Illegals from flooding into the country.
Let's split The Bill into two parts...

Part I - strengthen the borders, define and increase penalties for sneaking-in, hiring Illegals, etc.

Part II - deal with the 12,000,000 here...

And let's pass Part I now, and see how that works...

We can deal wit Part II some other time, once the Federal Government reestablishes its credibility with respect to protecting our borders and stopping Illegals from flooding into the country.

Any Bill that allows any one who is here illegally right now, regardless of their age or how old they were when they got here, to get Citizenship in under 30 years from the date the bill was signed should be killed.
Hispanics will not vote for Republicans just because they help pass an immigration bill.

You're right, but that's not a good argument against the bill.

But it is a start to show that the GOP values Hispanics as much as any other American.

Yeah, that's right, let's flush the country down the toilet to show Hispanics that we value them.

I don't value illegal aliens. Hispanics that are citizens, on the other hand, already have the same rights as every other American. Why should we be appeasing people who can't even vote and aren't even here legally?
Yes, Reagan-style.

It's a mistake to chase people out who want to live here. You live in a country where people want to come and live. How is that a "problem"? I would want to live here too if I lived anywhere else. I would not want to live in Mexico too. Their children and grandchildren will assimilate, as immigrants always have. Get over your ethnic anxieties.

I don't suggest "chasing anybody out".

Just shut the door BEFORE you start luring more in.
They're flooding in, like ants on a picnic, at just the hint of amnesty.
But it is a start to show that the GOP values Hispanics as much as any other American.

Yeah, that's right, let's flush the country down the toilet to show Hispanics that we value them.

You are entitled to your opinion, but it is wrong, and it will not be the one upheld in the votes this summer in congress.
But it is a start to show that the GOP values Hispanics as much as any other American.

Yeah, that's right, let's flush the country down the toilet to show Hispanics that we value them.

You are entitled to your opinion, it is wrong, and it will not be the one upheld in the votes this summer in congress.
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Let's split The Bill into two parts...

Part I - strengthen the borders, define and increase penalties for sneaking-in, hiring Illegals, etc.

Part II - deal with the 12,000,000 here...

And let's pass Part I now, and see how that works...

We can deal wit Part II some other time, once the Federal Government reestablishes its credibility with respect to protecting our borders and stopping Illegals from flooding into the country.

Part I is the only thing the voters want. The politicians really only want part 2 so they can pander to Hispanic voters. The are dangling Part 1 to get the voters to fall for Part 2. Anyone who agrees to Part 2 is a damn fool.
The dems told Reagan they would secure the border if he signed amnesty.

clearly they lied and they are lying now about border security.

It's become more and more clear to me that they hate what America is and will do anything to gain more power to change it into some kind of hell hole that they can reign over.

This is going back to my Rube vs. Rich argument about the GOP.

The Rubes are upset about illegal aliens, but the rich WANT Them to cross the border. This is sort of what you guys don't get. They want that cheap labor. They want to pay these people sub-minimum wage. They want you clowns to be afraid to lose your jobs to them.

And you go along with it.
The R's should put forth a bill that addresses this with concrete solutions and only after its passage should they move on to immigration.

Absolutely backwards. A bill must include ALL THREE: horrific penalties against businesses that hire illegals; tightening security on the boarders much more; and immigration reform.

Any party member of either Dem or GOP that votes against the bill should be censured by his party and expelled from the Senate and the House.

I disagree. Fix the border first, penalties/jail time on businesses, then the rest. If you don't do that then it won't matter about the rest. Fix the hole in the damn to stop the flow then fix the damn.

Your second sentence is nonsense.
Immigration Reform = codespeak for Shamnesty...

We don't need Immigration Reform...

We need new laws making it illegal to hire an Illegal Alien or to provide them with a wide range of services...

We also need Border Control and Immigration Law Enforcement Reform, in an Immigration context...

We need Republicans in Congress with the balls to ignore businessmen who want cheap (pseudo-slave) labor...

We need Democrats in Congress with the balls to ignore those who dream of a large bloc of grateful new voters once the Illegals obtain citizenship...

We need Republicans and Democrats in Congress with the balls to ignore the Latino-Hispanic vote when that voting bloc threatens to apply voting pressure unless the Congress-folk cave-in to their demands and allow their ethnic brethren to flood into the country...

We need Republicans and Democrats in Congress with the balls to ignore the We-Are-the-World, I-Want-to-Buy-the-World-a-Coke, Kumbaya-My-Lord, World-Without-Borders types who would rather see the nation crumble under the weight of Illegals than to turn away a single soul...

We need Republicans and Democrats in Congress with the balls to do what is best for the country and not what is best for big business or a political party or an ethnic voting bloc or the touchy-feely-feel-good types...

We need all that, but it does not seem likely that we are going to get it...
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