Do you want the AMNESTY bill for illegal aliens to pass?

What a well trained little animal you are, able to just vomit out all of those
Lib canards at will.

Did the borders stop the 9/11 attackers? No. Their attack was the first of many GOP flops & failures during the Bushtarded Era.

No, 9/11 was the result of Clintoon's Leftist foreign policy. You, like the rest of the Liberal scum contaminating this country, won't be happy until the US is turned into another Turd World tinpot dictatorship.

The right's ability to blame anyone but Bush and the GOP for their mistakes, gaffes and errors is the only thing I admire about them.

Good thing not enough voters agree with the right, or we'd be mired in Syria now too under another disastrous GOP President.
Amnesty? No way. Why should someone who broke the law by entering the US illegally get a free pass/clean slate?

Ideally what should happen is that those who are here illegally get booted and come back in the right way. The reality is that that is never, ever going to happen. So the question is, what is plan B?

Fix the border problem first and only when that has been done (not just given lip service) illegals go to the back of the line, fined, they lose the right to vote in any election, fine and jail those who employ illegals, look at changing the immigration policy to make it less difficult/expensive to become a citizen.
You live in a country where people want to come and live. How is that a "problem"?

It's a problem if you're importing third world poverty bringing with them no skills that we need or they can use to support themselves and they end up on the public dole, fat ass. That's why it's a problem.

Right Wing Myths & Legends. This tale of woe has been puked out by racists, nativists, and the ethnically anxious for more than a century now. The country bumpkins that hated the Italians, Irish and Slavs were wrong then, and the country bumpkins that hate the Hispanics are wrong today.

An infantile Straw Man response from an infantile mind.

When the Italians and the Irish and everyone came here they didn't have a welfare state to hop on to, fat ass. That's the difference. They worked or they starved and died. Today they come here illegally and then bring over the rest of their family and start popping out babies who are American citizens and start collecting Medicaid and food stamps and everything else.

The immigration system needs to be reformed, but done so in a way that the people coming here provide us with a needed skill set and can demonstrate they will not suck off the public tit. My buddy's fiance is from France. She has a college degree and a professional job and the red tape they have to go through to get her citizenship is ridiculous. She'd have been better off just sneaking across the Rio Grande.

Nobody has a right to come to this country.
It's another too big to read bill packed with stuff nobody understands.

So, no, I don't favor its passage.
The GOP will have dozens in the Senate and fifties in the House voting for it.

The bill is bi-partisan, and the GOP will remain viable as a national party because of it.

If the purpose of this bill is to make the GOP More appealling to Hispanics, it will fail.

That is one of its purposes, and, yes, it will succeed.

No, it won't because if that were the case Hispanics would be voting 70% Republican today after the Reagan amnesty, yet, despite that, the percentage of Hispanic voting Republicans has barely changed since. The only Republican presidential candidate to get a decent percentage of their vote was Bush 43 in 2004 when he got 44% of their votes, but he is the only GOP presidential candidate to crack 40%. McCain was Mr. Immigration Reform in 2008 and he got less than 30% of their vote.
It's another too big to read bill packed with stuff nobody understands.

So, no, I don't favor its passage.

Exactly and that's why I don't support it either. There is no reason for it to be a thousand pages crammed with all kinds of shit inside. Legislation like that you can bet your ass is not going to end well.
Yes, Reagan-style.

It's a mistake to chase people out who want to live here. You live in a country where people want to come and live. How is that a "problem"? I would want to live here too if I lived anywhere else. I would not want to live in Mexico too. Their children and grandchildren will assimilate, as immigrants always have. Get over your ethnic anxieties.

The reason Mexico is a fucked up place to live is the fact that it's full of Mexicans. They fucked up their country. They all have the Democrat attitude that government should give them free stuff. And also just like Democrats, They are content with government corruption. If they all come here, they will fuck up this country just like they fucked up their own country. If they want a better place to live, them let them fix their own country.

The democrat theory that all people make equally good citizens is bunk.
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The GOP will have dozens in the Senate and fifties in the House voting for it.

The bill is bi-partisan, and the GOP will remain viable as a national party because of it.

This bill will destroy the Republican party. It will open the flood gates to a hoard of new Democrats.
You live in a country where people want to come and live. How is that a "problem"?

It's a problem if you're importing third world poverty bringing with them no skills that we need or they can use to support themselves and they end up on the public dole, fat ass. That's why it's a problem.

Our immigration laws don't need to be reformed. They just need to be enforced.
The GOP will have dozens in the Senate and fifties in the House voting for it.

The bill is bi-partisan, and the GOP will remain viable as a national party because of it.

Hispanics will not vote for Republicans just because they help pass an immigration bill.

Exactly. They like the free stuff Democrats are always promising them.

Your comment is irrelevant because (1) it is not true and (2) look at number one.

What also is irrelevant is any form of libertarianism.
What a well trained little animal you are, able to just vomit out all of those

What a well trained little reactionary animal you are. We will be around to throw you some snacks in the cage.
The dems told Reagan they would secure the border if he signed amnesty.

clearly they lied and they are lying now about border security.

It's become more and more clear to me that they hate what America is and will do anything to gain more power to change it into some kind of hell hole that they can reign over.
Exactly. They like the free stuff Democrats are always promising them.

Your comment is irrelevant because (1) it is not true and (2) look at number one.

What also is irrelevant is any form of libertarianism.

Look at Fakey defending the Democrats once again.

Look at the irrelevant one from the far right unable to refute clearly and effectively, so he resorts to ad hom.
Your comment is irrelevant because (1) it is not true and (2) look at number one.

What also is irrelevant is any form of libertarianism.

Look at Fakey defending the Democrats once again.

Look at the irrelevant one from the far right unable to refute clearly and effectively, so he resorts to ad hom.

Why don't you refer us to some "relevant" communist propaganda like you did in that thread about healthcare?
The dems told Reagan they would secure the border if he signed amnesty.

clearly they lied and they are lying now about border security.

It's become more and more clear to me that they hate what America is and will do anything to gain more power to change it into some kind of hell hole that they can reign over.

Which is why border security should be addressed first and separately from reform. The R's should put forth a bill that addresses this with concrete solutions and only after its passage should they move on to immigration.
1. These people broke the law.
2. These people mostly aren't here out of love for our country and constitution. Simply to take and the children will join gangs. I'm sorry these people don't give a fuck.
3. Why should we be taxed to help the people of mexico?

A EU like body with Mexico would be a very bad idea on many levels. Our living standards would drop through the floor. This is a stupid idea.

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