Do you want the AMNESTY bill for illegal aliens to pass?

The GOP will have dozens in the Senate and fifties in the House voting for it.

The bill is bi-partisan, and the GOP will remain viable as a national party because of it.

If the purpose of this bill is to make the GOP More appealling to Hispanics, it will fail.

If the purpose is to do the right thing with all these undocumented workers in limbo, meh... maybe.

The big problem I have with it is that it is making the same mistake that the 1986 bill made when we only had 3 million legal immigrants.

the first and foremost thing we have to address here is WHY we have an illegal alien problem. We have one because there are unpleasent jobs that Americans don't want to do for minimum wage or less.

You could get Americans to do them if you paid them a fair wage for it, but frankly, that would mean rich folks would have to give up their Dressage Ponies.


"I can't have illegals here, I'm running for office, for Pete's Sake!"

You could end the illegal problem in a year without giving one person amensty, and without building one mile of fence.

Simply go after the assholes that hire them. Make hiring them a more expensive proposition than hiring an American.
Do you want the AMNESTY bill for illegal aliens to pass?

This makes no sense.

Neither body in Congress is considering legislation that authorizes ‘amnesty.’

One should support the current legislation under consideration, however.
The GOP will have dozens in the Senate and fifties in the House voting for it.

The bill is bi-partisan, and the GOP will remain viable as a national party because of it.

If the purpose of this bill is to make the GOP More appealling to Hispanics, it will fail.

If the purpose is to do the right thing with all these undocumented workers in limbo, meh... maybe.

The big problem I have with it is that it is making the same mistake that the 1986 bill made when we only had 3 million legal immigrants.

the first and foremost thing we have to address here is WHY we have an illegal alien problem. We have one because there are unpleasent jobs that Americans don't want to do for minimum wage or less.

You could get Americans to do them if you paid them a fair wage for it, but frankly, that would mean rich folks would have to give up their Dressage Ponies.


"I can't have illegals here, I'm running for office, for Pete's Sake!"

You could end the illegal problem in a year without giving one person amnesty, and without building one mile of fence.

Simply go after the assholes that hire them. Make hiring them a more expensive proposition than hiring an American.

My points since the 1980s, only my words were "one INCH of fence".

It's easy to understand why many come to the United States.

What isn't easy to understand is why businesses that hire illegals are not prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
The GOP will have dozens in the Senate and fifties in the House voting for it.

The bill is bi-partisan, and the GOP will remain viable as a national party because of it.

If the purpose of this bill is to make the GOP More appealling to Hispanics, it will fail.

If the purpose is to do the right thing with all these undocumented workers in limbo, meh... maybe.

The big problem I have with it is that it is making the same mistake that the 1986 bill made when we only had 3 million legal immigrants.

the first and foremost thing we have to address here is WHY we have an illegal alien problem. We have one because there are unpleasent jobs that Americans don't want to do for minimum wage or less.

You could get Americans to do them if you paid them a fair wage for it, but frankly, that would mean rich folks would have to give up their Dressage Ponies.


"I can't have illegals here, I'm running for office, for Pete's Sake!"

You could end the illegal problem in a year without giving one person amensty, and without building one mile of fence.

Simply go after the assholes that hire them. Make hiring them a more expensive proposition than hiring an American.

I am trying to figure out why you are posting a photo of Mitt Romney with your statement..

He's never hired an illegal.
Then I agree with half the world that living in the US is better than living where they are now. We should allow them to make their life here. We can overcome whatever problems arrive from it, because we have in the past. The immigrants and their children and grandchildren will assimilate, because they have in the past.
Yes, Reagan-style.

It's a mistake to chase people out who want to live here. You live in a country where people want to come and live. How is that a "problem"? I would want to live here too if I lived anywhere else. I would not want to live in Mexico too. Their children and grandchildren will assimilate, as immigrants always have. Get over your ethnic anxieties.

Then have them do it the right fucking way! Not jumping fences!!
The GOP will have dozens in the Senate and fifties in the House voting for it.

The bill is bi-partisan, and the GOP will remain viable as a national party because of it.

If the purpose of this bill is to make the GOP More appealling to Hispanics, it will fail. [/quote]

That is one of its purposes, and, yes, it will succeed.
The GOP will have dozens in the Senate and fifties in the House voting for it.

The bill is bi-partisan, and the GOP will remain viable as a national party because of it.

If the purpose of this bill is to make the GOP More appealling to Hispanics, it will fail.

If the purpose is to do the right thing with all these undocumented workers in limbo, meh... maybe.

The big problem I have with it is that it is making the same mistake that the 1986 bill made when we only had 3 million legal immigrants.

the first and foremost thing we have to address here is WHY we have an illegal alien problem. We have one because there are unpleasent jobs that Americans don't want to do for minimum wage or less.

You could get Americans to do them if you paid them a fair wage for it, but frankly, that would mean rich folks would have to give up their Dressage Ponies.


"I can't have illegals here, I'm running for office, for Pete's Sake!"

You could end the illegal problem in a year without giving one person amensty, and without building one mile of fence.

Simply go after the assholes that hire them. Make hiring them a more expensive proposition than hiring an American.

I am trying to figure out why you are posting a photo of Mitt Romney with your statement..

He's never hired an illegal.

Actually, he did. to do the lawn work on his mansions. Then he fired them because it would look bad when he ran for office.
Yes, Reagan-style.

It's a mistake to chase people out who want to live here. You live in a country where people want to come and live. How is that a "problem"? I would want to live here too if I lived anywhere else. I would not want to live in Mexico too. Their children and grandchildren will assimilate, as immigrants always have. Get over your ethnic anxieties.

Then have them do it the right fucking way! Not jumping fences!!

Take down the fences.
Yes, Reagan-style.

It's a mistake to chase people out who want to live here. You live in a country where people want to come and live. How is that a "problem"? I would want to live here too if I lived anywhere else. I would not want to live in Mexico too. Their children and grandchildren will assimilate, as immigrants always have. Get over your ethnic anxieties.

Then have them do it the right fucking way! Not jumping fences!!

Take down the fences.
Oh goodie, another shit for brains "open border" moron Liberal loser. There's a reason why we have the borders, dumb-ass! It's something your peanut-sized atrophied little leftist brain will never grasp. It's called National Security!
Then have them do it the right fucking way! Not jumping fences!!

Take down the fences.
Oh goodie, another shit for brains "open border" moron Liberal loser. There's a reason why we have the borders, dumb-ass! It's something your peanut-sized atrophied little leftist brain will never grasp. It's called National Security!

Did the borders stop the 9/11 attackers? No. Their attack was the first of many GOP flops & failures during the Bushtarded Era.
Take down the fences.
Oh goodie, another shit for brains "open border" moron Liberal loser. There's a reason why we have the borders, dumb-ass! It's something your peanut-sized atrophied little leftist brain will never grasp. It's called National Security!

Did the borders stop the 9/11 attackers? No. Their attack was the first of many GOP flops & failures during the Bushtarded Era.

No, 9/11 was the result of Clintoon's Leftist foreign policy. You, like the rest of the Liberal scum contaminating this country, won't be happy until the US is turned into another Turd World tinpot dictatorship.
The bill is going to pass. The issue is going to be how much more secure can the border be made.

The issue is about giving the impression that something will be done to secure the border. That is all.
What has to happen is the borders need to be tightened up, pure and simple. Round up the invaders and send them back. Then, make any employer complicit pay through the nose.
The bill is going to pass. The issue is going to be how much more secure can the border be made.

The issue is about giving the impression that something will be done to secure the border. That is all.
What has to happen is the borders need to be tightened up, pure and simple. Round up the invaders and send them back. Then, make any employer complicit pay through the nose.

Intense may well be correct: only impressions and perhaps cosmetic changes regarding border security. If that is the case, then the bill is no better than the travesty that was the end result of Reagan's effort.

No reform bill can actually work with a porous border.
Oh goodie, another shit for brains "open border" moron Liberal loser. There's a reason why we have the borders, dumb-ass! It's something your peanut-sized atrophied little leftist brain will never grasp. It's called National Security!

Did the borders stop the 9/11 attackers? No. Their attack was the first of many GOP flops & failures during the Bushtarded Era.

No, 9/11 was the result of Clintoon's Leftist foreign policy. You, like the rest of the Liberal scum contaminating this country, won't be happy until the US is turned into another Turd World tinpot dictatorship.

The right's ability to blame anyone but Bush and the GOP for their mistakes, gaffes and errors is the only thing I admire about them.

Good thing not enough voters agree with the right, or we'd be mired in Syria now too under another disastrous GOP President.
Did the borders stop the 9/11 attackers? No. Their attack was the first of many GOP flops & failures during the Bushtarded Era.

No, 9/11 was the result of Clintoon's Leftist foreign policy. You, like the rest of the Liberal scum contaminating this country, won't be happy until the US is turned into another Turd World tinpot dictatorship.

The right's ability to blame anyone but Bush and the GOP for their mistakes, gaffes and errors is the only thing I admire about them.

Good thing not enough voters agree with the right, or we'd be mired in Syria now too under another disastrous GOP President.
Lemee ask, Government cheese, do you favor permanent Leftwing rule in the US?
Yes, Reagan-style.

It's a mistake to chase people out who want to live here. You live in a country where people want to come and live. How is that a "problem"? I would want to live here too if I lived anywhere else. I would not want to live in Mexico too. Their children and grandchildren will assimilate, as immigrants always have. Get over your ethnic anxieties.

what a pompous ass you are. It's not about "ethnic anxieties" we are a nation of laws and we expect all citizens and future citizens to follow those laws, to sneak across the border and steal identity and resources is not following those laws, so open your front door dipshit and take ten of them in for a year. Then get back to us. Provide them with food water, electric, you money, and your hospital bed, pay for their education too. dumbass.

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