Do you watch the State of the Union Address

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Actually the best part was republican reaction. And their claim that as a "presidential paper" that Nancy wasn't allowed to rip it up, and was required to turn her copy over to the National Archives.

In light of how Trump treated his presidential papers, we can see what a joke republicans are.
Trump's papers were in a legal SCIF in his home as required by regulations, Biden's were in a box in his open garage, a clear violation or regulations.

As to crazy nancy tearing up the speech, she was an embarrassment to the speaker's office that night. and probably committed a constitutional crime.
Actually the best part was republican reaction. And their claim that as a "presidential paper" that Nancy wasn't allowed to rip it up, and was required to turn her copy over to the National Archives.
In light of how Trump treated his presidential papers, we can see what a joke republicans are.
1. So did Nancy get in trouble for ripping up her copy? No. More "double-standard" bullshit.
2. You mean the papers Trump declassified? The ones the FBI found in Melania's panties?
3. How about Hunter's laptop and the suspicious money transfers that the banks reported to the FBI?
Trump's papers were in a legal SCIF in his home as required by regulations,

Wrong, Trumps papers (actually the National Archives papers) were in a storage room in Mar-a-lago.

The SCIF like the Helipad, had been removed when Trump left office.
As to crazy nancy tearing up the speech, she was an embarrassment to the speaker's office that night. and probably committed a constitutional crime.

Constitutional crime?

The only crime the constitution mentions is TREASON.

Why make shit up?
so you think the wash post always posts the truth??????????? if so, you are very uninformed, it is a left wing propaganda rag, nothing more.

And how would you know. You said you don't read it, because it's behind a pay wall.

Yet you have a prejudiced opinion of something you haven't read.
2. You mean the papers Trump declassified? The ones the FBI found in Melania's panties?
I wasn't talking about anything Trump declassified. I was talking about presidential papers that were the property of the National Archives. 15 Boxes worth, plus another 12 boxes, on top of the 52 documents with classification markings.
Wrong, Trumps papers (actually the National Archives papers) were in a storage room in Mar-a-lago.

The SCIF like the Helipad, had been removed when Trump left office.
they were locked up as required by federal statute. Where were the ones held by Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Ford, Carter et. al.?
For reasons that I don't myself fully understand, I find all Democrat public speakers to be insufferable...along with most Republican speakers (to be fair, the elder Cuomo - Mario - was a good public speaker, but I can't think of any other Democrats). Biden is one of the worst, compounded by the fact that essentially nothing he says in this sort of scripted forum represents his own thought-content.

I think it's preferable to read the "Cliff's Notes" on Wednesday morning on Real Clear Politics, picking out a few Leftist commentaries along with the NYPost and other Conservatives.

Nothing can be gained by watching this. Netflix will probably crash with all the viewers seeking an alternative to the SOTU.
destruction of government property is a crime, I misspoke calling it a constitutional crime, see unlike you libs, we admit our mistakes.
Then why didn't you say something about the ripped up presidential records they found in Trumps toilet. Or the numerous presidential records that Trump ripped up and threw in the trash, and his aides had to scotch tape back together.
I wasn't talking about anything Trump declassified. I was talking about presidential papers that were the property of the National Archives. 15 Boxes worth, plus another 12 boxes, on top of the 52 documents with classification markings.
kysr said it correctly, as president Trump (or obama, clinton, bush, carter) declassified them so the classification rules no longer applied. Biden as ex VP could not do that, so the ones he had in his garage were in violation of regulations, and if Hunter sold them to the Chinese----------------------------
Then why didn't you say something about the ripped up presidential records they found in Trumps toilet. Or the numerous presidential records that Trump ripped up and threw in the trash, and his aides had to scotch tape back together.
How do you know that any of that actually happened? Wash post???????????????
it is widely quoted, in other media, you don't have to buy it to know what it says.
Again, you're basing you prejudiced opinion on the snippets that other media report.
Which by their very nature only extracts or repeats the items of controversy.

In short, the media reports what the Washington Post got wrong, not what they get right.
I wasn't talking about anything Trump declassified. I was talking about presidential papers that were the property of the National Archives. 15 Boxes worth, plus another 12 boxes, on top of the 52 documents with classification markings.
1. You mean the ones that the FBI already looked thru, and said to add a lock? Those being protected by the Secret Service?
2. The courts did not say whose property those boxes are. Their disposition should have been decided in court. like Bubba Clinton's sock drawer tapes.

This thread is about the SOTU, do stay on topic.

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