Dobbs was the worst thing that could happen to Republicans.

Sorry, I thought you were a conservative and knew that. Our Federal government is intentionally small and has very little legitimate power. Those powers are enumerated in the Constitution. The primary one is defense of the country. They are also responsible for treaties. Very little else. Read the 9th and 10th amendments to learn who does have most power in this country. I won't spoil the surprise for you

The 1st amendment's purpose is based on morality.
Democrats would say redistributing money is based on morality. That's why our system doesn't have vague powers like "morality." There is no point to your post

And they can try to do that as long as they follow the Constitution, Especially at the State level.
Before Dobbs, the Republicans could placate the Religious Right and Social Conservatives by speaking out against Abortion. This was essentially harmless. With Roe as the law of the land, there was no hope of actually doing anything. And best of all, the Republicans couldn’t be blamed for doing nothing. The Supreme Court had ruled and the poor politicians were powerless to do anything about it.

So some fool in the audience screams that “Abortion is Murder” and the politician could agree and lament about how awful it was and it’s a shame the Supremes gave us this awful ruling.

Then Dobbs came and the Republicans got what they said they wanted. Only, it’s not going the way they wanted.

Abortions have remained the same, and indications are that there has been an increase since Dobbs.

So the stated goal to stop abortions, has failed. They are about the same and even possibly increasing. So the “have to save lives” mentality is taking it right on the nose.

For decades polling indicated that most people supported a woman’s right to choose. The Anti Abortion people swore that these were push polls. They were fiction. These polls were lies. A vast majority wanted to save the unborn babies.

Even when Abortion was an issue in an election, the Republican would win. But nobody stopped to consider it might be because the voters didn’t think the politician could do anything about the issue.

Now of course we are in a post Dobbs world. The problem is that the Republicans don’t know what to do. It turns out the polls were right. The majority of voters actually are pro choice. In the meantime the Republicans have become defined by fierce opposition to Abortion.

It is worse for Trump. He proudly announced he had done this. He had packed the court with anti abortion Judges who overturned Roe.

The Republicans are now demanding that the important issues, the ones that matter are the economy, and immigration, and the deficit. The voters appear to think Abortion is pretty important.
Dobbs is just the Neocons, NeverTrumpers, Commie-Progressives, and the Mainstream Media conspiring to steal elections.

They timed it to coincide with the 2022 election to allow the Democrats to steal the Senate.
Dobbs is just the Neocons, NeverTrumpers, Commie-Progressives, and the Mainstream Media conspiring to steal elections.

They timed it to coincide with the 2022 election to allow the Democrats to steal the Senate.

Huh. I wasn't planning to vote Democrat. So you think I should, huh?
It used to be a free country.
Go ahead.
See what it gets you.

I have no intent to vote Democrat. That's why I found it odd you were telling me to because I only agree with you what, 90% of the time? Probably more. Still not enough, huh. I might have figured out your problem winning elections ...
I have no intent to vote Democrat. That's why I found it odd you were telling me to because I only agree with you what, 90% of the time? Probably more. Still not enough, huh. I might have figured out your problem winning elections ...
I don't have a problem winning elections. The GOP does.
I'm an independent.
As long as the GOP keeps working with Democrats to undermine our elections, I don't want anything to do with them.
I don't have a problem winning elections. The GOP does.
I'm an independent.
As long as the GOP keeps working with Democrats to undermine our elections, I don't want anything to do with them.

That you and I agree on almost every issue isn't good enough for you, you'd rather lose. Sounds like you're a Republican to me
That would make sense if I weren't responding to what you said
No offense.....but you sound like Mac.....
He's always pulling this crap.

I'm not siding with people who are undermining Democracy by voting with Democrats......too bad if that harelips every queer in DC or on USMB.
Tell me exactly how going in, and cutting the baby into pieces, and delivering them, makes it safer for her you ghoul?

Well, to start with, it isn't the same as doing a live birth and then watching the Baby die and having her body all messed up for her troubles.

Yours is the mindset of a murderous terrorist.

You want to use the threat of murdering innocents, to back up a demand for destructive, extreme, left wrong-wing policies. Keep murdering children until your demands are met.

Not at all...

Besides the fact that these are policies that all sensible democracies have EXCEPT ours, they are policies that make it easier for women to make the choice YOU prefer.

Again - and I am repeating myself because you are intentionally dense.

The Philippines have the policies YOU want. They have more abortions than we have, with only 1/3rd of our population.

France has the policies I want. They have fewer abortions than we do per capita.
1. Limbaugh and Hunter are NOT comparable.
Pain pills vs cocaine, meth, crack, etc.
I never understand how poor folks always seem to afford drugs??

Because they are willing to commit crimes to get them. This is what makes your policies so fucking stupid. They actually make things worse.

Limbaugh and Hunter are exactly the same. They took drugs they legally weren't supposed to have to get high, and they had enough wealth to avoid consequences and get treatment.

Hunter isn't a flaming hypocrite about it like Limbaugh was.

He's denying that since 7 blue states allow late term abortions for no reason, that any late term abortions there are because of medical reasons, like severe deformities. I call bullshit. Dr. Kermit Gosnell had a thriving business doing late term abortions for no reason.

Republicans want the 15-week limit like they have in the EU, with exceptions.

Gosnell operated in a state that had the toughest abortion laws in the country at the time. Planned Parenthood v. Casey outlawed late term abortions. All this meant was that women didn't go to the nice clean abortion clinic, they went to his dirty, illegal one with the cat shit on the floor.

If you guys got your way, Gosnell would be the norm, not the exception. But you want to punish those women for being sluts, we know.

Actually we get to decide a lot of that via laws.

And in the case of abortion many believe another party is involved, a life worthy as just as much protection as the mother.

If you guys really believed fetuses were people, you would support paid family leave and universal health care. You don't give a fuck about women, you just want to punish them for being sexual.

Just because you don't agree or like it doesn't make it reality. Kind of like thinking a woman can have a penis.

Here's the reality you don't want to deal with. The laws you want will be unenforceable. Just like the prostitution laws. Just like the drug laws. Just like prohibition was.

I want to live in a free country. Implementing force to control other people's lives is what I'm fighting against. It'd be nice to have you on our side. I thought you were. I didn't realize passing a law made government oppression OK. Fun fact, it doesn't. Voting my rights away isn't what our country was founded on

There are no rights. There are only the privileges the majority thinks you should have or are willing to tolerate.

The 2nd amendment is explicit. Abortion is mentioned nowhere in the Constitution.

The Second Amendment is about Militias, and that's how it was read from1787 to 2010. So it wasn't as explicit as you think it is.

I am mostly "on your side", but I see why abortion is different than almost any other situation. There is another life involved, regardless of what you or others think about the status of that lifeform.

To me 12 week limits on Birth Control abortions, (which covers rape and incest) followed by therapeutic abortions for the life of the mother, unless birthing the fetus after viability is an equal option. Miscarriages, stillborn, and non-viable fetuses are miscarriages, not abortions even if medically aided. Parental notification for minors having an abortion, No taking minors across state lines for abortions except by parents or guardians, and no government funds for birth control abortions (except rape, incest).

In short, punish those little sluts!
If I want to kill you, is government justified in using its power and force to prevent that? If I do, in fact, kill you, is government justified in using its force to punish me for it?

What makes you delusionally imagine that you are any more worthy of such protection than an innocent, defenseless child is?

Well, to start with, he isn't attaching himself to another person's body and having severe health effects.

I don't see any female posters opining on this thread, maybe they are just tired of men lecturing to them. But a pregnancy is a pretty big commitment for a woman.

If they are committed to it, they are happy to make the sacrifices to their body and mind.
But if they aren't, no one should force them.

Oh, by the way, Happy Birthday, Bob. Please note that your sad existence was started at the day of your birth, not the day of your conception.
The 1st amendment's purpose is based on morality.

And yet, we have sensible limits on it.

You can't belong to a religion that advocates human sacrifice.
You can't scream "Fire" in a crowded theater.
You can't print scurrilous lies about someone in a newspaper without being sued for libel and slander.
Your petitioning the government for a redress of grievances does not include burning down your city or storming the Capitol.
Tell me exactly how going in, and cutting the baby into pieces, and delivering them, makes it safer for her you ghoul?
Well, to start with, it isn't the same as doing a live birth and then watching the Baby die and having her body all messed up for her troubles.

You're amazingly close, here, to admitting an important truth that you stanchly, desperately deny.

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