Doctors are coming out in droves saying hydroxychloroquine works

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It didn't but we have the disease under control. If people were healthier we would have COVID under control too. We are too fat.
BTW, I don't believe any numbers coming out today. all bullshit. nothing of value or logic. if masks worked then the masks failed if the count went up. there isn't any other way to look at it. the compliance is by 90% of people. fk, the stay at home participation was worse. But yet, the numbers are rising with masks. How can that even be logically? start naming places people frequent where there have been reported outbreaks. none. zip, and the governors are still talking about stricter restrictions. fk them and their administrations. Fake numbers all of them. I say prove it. BTW, if masks work why is it my glasses fog up when I wear one? why do they stick a nine inch swab into one's head rather than a swab from the mouth? anyone else curious? just asking.
Masks are just there for optics. Disease is real. I had it.

If I were fat and or had diabetes, I'd be dead.
God I wish people would just stop pretending they know what they’re talking about.
So now you don't believe me? Excellent. I had firsthand experience. You're discussing theory.
What’s your experience that says masks are just for optics?

Go ahead.

My doctor. Unless you have surgical masks...they are just for show.

Sounds like he may not have been basing that statement on best evidence.

For example:

We can play link games all day.
Except my link shows that it works in practice. Links don’t work if you don’t read them.
you mean like the link I gave you from Dr Risch proving you wrong on all accounts of the topic at hand???
he has you and me on ignore. we beat his fugley ass. therefore, he didn't read your article, nor will he respond.
he responded a few comments ago, so he doesnt have me on ignore,,at least 20 minutes ago,,,
I don’t have you on ignore, I just don’t have much to say to you.
only because what I provided you proves you wrong,,,
that and that youre a liar most of the time,,,
only because what I provided you proves you wrong,,,
that and that youre a liar most of the time,,,
The proof is in the well controlled clinical trials that demonstrated no effect, not cherry picked observational trials.
what was cherry picked???

and those observations were hundreds if not thousands of cases being treated successfully,,,

thats called field trials and was the way things happened for thousands of yrs in medicine,,,
Cherry picking positive studies which have some questionable characteristics and are out of line with the best available data.
prove it,,,

and what was cherry picked???
its an overall observation not cherry picked,, in some cases there was 100% success,,,
Did he mention any of the negative trials in the article?
you tell me,,,

as I said it was an overall observation,,,
You didn’t read the article, did you.
it isnt about me,,so stop deflecting,,,
Why do you want me to comment on an article you didn’t even bother to read?
when did I say I didnt read it???

I wanted your comment because of all the lies you were telling about the doctors in the OP because it proved you wrong and a liar,,,
What lies? That lady Stella Immanuel is a little crazy.

It sure looks like you didn’t read the article because you don’t seem to have any knowledge of the information in it.
why are you singling her out and ignoring the rest of them including Dr risch???

youre doing that because it proves you wrong and a liar,,,
I’m not ignoring Dr Risch, I’ve responded why I don’t find his case compelling. You never read the article so I’m not sure what you’re looking for here.
I find it compelling.
You’re not treating anyone with COVID, so it’s not terribly relevant.
My convalescent plasma is
View attachment 368204
Democrats get

Yep maybe she has cured hundreds with demon sperm.

Maybe Simone Gold the other doctor saved hundreds at a hospital she says she works at but left there over a year ago.
no, she's cured 350 patients using a known malaria drug. 100%. and what?
Prove it.
prove she didnt,,,
I need not prove a negative. I accept your surrender.
how would you like him to prove her claims???

your question is just as dumb if not dumber,,,

I accept your surrender

Imbecile, if she did as she claimed, there would be medical records. So yes, if it's true, it can be proven.

Are you ever not a mindlessly squawking parrot?

so you want us to get medical records of hundreds of people we dont know???

like I said your question was just dumb and a deflection,,,
In other words, you merely accept her outrageous claim simply because she said it and you like hearing it. You like the way it feelz. That's kind of how my kids felt about the tooth fairy when they were little. Thanks for unwittingly admitting you have the mind of a 6 year old.
why are you so focused on her when there are hundreds of doctors making the same claim???

Really??? Where. Where are these peer reviewed studies that say the drug works on Covid?

Covid is a virus. Malaria, the drug it was designed for, is a bacteria. Lupus, another drug it’s used to treat, is an autoimmune disorder.

Hydroxycloroquine has NEVER been used successfully in the treatment of ANY virus, and was tried on both SARS and MERS.

Why is it so important to you that people do not take this drug and live?
Because it's not the cure. And if imbeciles fool themselves into believing it is, they won't look for the actual cure.
no one claimed it a cure,,,

I peer reviewed (well i'm not really a peer, just a fact checker) the one doctor named, and as I said, it came up snake eyes.

Name some more doctors and i'll fact check them too.
this is a long debated and posted topic so if you dont know of any others its not my problem,,,

Doctors are coming out in droves saying hydroxychloroquine works
this is a long debated and posted topic so if you dont know of any others its not my problem,,,

if I were you I would apply critical thinking and use google if they havent deleted or banned them you should be able to find what you search for,,
keep in mind google has moved anything deemed not to their likely well back on the search pages,,,
I found video of Faun

Have you read about this crackpot, Dr. Stella Emmanuel??
Keep your racism down

Oh, so now you are following the democrat's playbook? Can't say anything about people of color without being a racist?

Dr. Emmanuel believes that gynecological problems stem from having dream sex with demons. She believes the governments of the world have been taken over by reptilians who disguise themselves as humans. And she believes vaccines are dangerous because they contain alien DNA.

That is why I call her a crackpot. And you want to take HER medical advice?
What does that have to do with her patients Improving because of the great drug Donald Trump discovered

Trump discovered it? LMAO!!

Hey, if you want to take the advice of a doctor who believes demon dream sex makes women sick, and that our leaders are reptilians disguised as humans, go right ahead.
I peer reviewed (well i'm not really a peer, just a fact checker) the one doctor named, and as I said, it came up snake eyes.

Name some more doctors and i'll fact check them too.
this is a long debated and posted topic so if you dont know of any others its not my problem,,,

Doctors are coming out in droves saying hydroxychloroquine works
this is a long debated and posted topic so if you dont know of any others its not my problem,,,

if I were you I would apply critical thinking and use google if they havent deleted or banned them you should be able to find what you search for,,
keep in mind google has moved anything deemed not to their likely well back on the search pages,,,

Google, YouTube and the rest have been pretty upfront about it.

If the information doesn't reinforce the Chinese-Who info we will delete it.

At least they are honest about their dishonesty.
I found video of Faun

Have you read about this crackpot, Dr. Stella Emmanuel??
Keep your racism down

Oh, so now you are following the democrat's playbook? Can't say anything about people of color without being a racist?

Dr. Emmanuel believes that gynecological problems stem from having dream sex with demons. She believes the governments of the world have been taken over by reptilians who disguise themselves as humans. And she believes vaccines are dangerous because they contain alien DNA.

That is why I call her a crackpot. And you want to take HER medical advice?
What does that have to do with her patients Improving because of the great drug Donald Trump discovered

Trump discovered it? LMAO!!

Hey, if you want to take the advice of a doctor who believes demon dream sex makes women sick, and that our leaders are reptilians disguised as humans, go right ahead.
I peer reviewed (well i'm not really a peer, just a fact checker) the one doctor named, and as I said, it came up snake eyes.

Name some more doctors and i'll fact check them too.
this is a long debated and posted topic so if you dont know of any others its not my problem,,,

Doctors are coming out in droves saying hydroxychloroquine works
this is a long debated and posted topic so if you dont know of any others its not my problem,,,

if I were you I would apply critical thinking and use google if they havent deleted or banned them you should be able to find what you search for,,
keep in mind google has moved anything deemed not to their likely well back on the search pages,,,

Google, YouTube and the rest have been pretty upfront about it.

If the information doesn't reinforce the Chinese-Who info we will delete it.

At least they are honest about their dishonesty.
that tells us which side colfax, faun and many more are on,,,
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
Who's we? Are you a doctor involved with treating Covid patients?
Excellent! So you honestly don't think there was political motivation behind the backlash against hydroxychloroquine?
Not from medical professionals. The media always dials it up to 11, but that’s the nature of cable news. Trump should not have been making such outlandish statements about hydroxychloroquine when he did, which prompted the backlash (which was proper in its basis but excessive in its application).

The CDC ended their prospective randomized trial early because of lack of effectiveness. That wasn’t political.
If it wasn't political then why did the CDC and the WHO give up so quickly on their trials when a random walk through the internet yields many trials with positive results?
Because the CDC doesn’t do random walk through of the internet in order to draw its conclusion.

They had enrolled 470 patients and it was called at their 4th interim analysis.
No one would expect the CDC to draw a conclusion based on a random walk of several studies. But in light of multiple studies showing positive results, that at a minimum should have driven the CDC to try and replicate the positive results rather than abruptly abandon the trial. That to me smacks of political motivation and not the scientific method.
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
Who's we? Are you a doctor involved with treating Covid patients?
Excellent! So you honestly don't think there was political motivation behind the backlash against hydroxychloroquine?

The problem with hydroxychloroquine is that it doesn't work.

The political motivation is from the right which continues to back trump.
Why are front line doctors saying it is?
LOL These frontlinedoctors...?

View attachment 368393
Corn pop rubs my legs lol
Can you kindly keep your fetishes to yourself?
I peer reviewed (well i'm not really a peer, just a fact checker) the one doctor named, and as I said, it came up snake eyes.

Name some more doctors and i'll fact check them too.
this is a long debated and posted topic so if you dont know of any others its not my problem,,,

Doctors are coming out in droves saying hydroxychloroquine works
this is a long debated and posted topic so if you dont know of any others its not my problem,,,

if I were you I would apply critical thinking and use google if they havent deleted or banned them you should be able to find what you search for,,
keep in mind google has moved anything deemed not to their likely well back on the search pages,,,

Google, YouTube and the rest have been pretty upfront about it.

If the information doesn't reinforce the Chinese-Who info we will delete it.

At least they are honest about their dishonesty.
that tells us which side colfax, faun and many more are on,,,

Their body of work weaves a fairly clear tapestry of their intentions and abilities.
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
Who's we? Are you a doctor involved with treating Covid patients?
Excellent! So you honestly don't think there was political motivation behind the backlash against hydroxychloroquine?
Not from medical professionals. The media always dials it up to 11, but that’s the nature of cable news. Trump should not have been making such outlandish statements about hydroxychloroquine when he did, which prompted the backlash (which was proper in its basis but excessive in its application).

The CDC ended their prospective randomized trial early because of lack of effectiveness. That wasn’t political.
If it wasn't political then why did the CDC and the WHO give up so quickly on their trials when a random walk through the internet yields many trials with positive results?
Because the CDC doesn’t do random walk through of the internet in order to draw its conclusion.

They had enrolled 470 patients and it was called at their 4th interim analysis.
No one would expect the CDC to draw a conclusion based on a random walk of several studies. But in light of multiple studies showing positive results, that at a minimum should have driven the CDC to try and replicate the positive results rather than abruptly abandon the trial. That to me smacks of political motivation and not the scientific method.

Of course.
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
Who's we? Are you a doctor involved with treating Covid patients?
Excellent! So you honestly don't think there was political motivation behind the backlash against hydroxychloroquine?

The problem with hydroxychloroquine is that it doesn't work.

The political motivation is from the right which continues to back trump.
Why are front line doctors saying it is?
So the patients are fake? Lol
Have you seen evidence they're real?
Have you?
No. And by your avoidance of the question, I'll take it you haven't either.
Doctors are coming out in droves saying hydroxychloroquine works
this is a long debated and posted topic so if you dont know of any others its not my problem,,,

if I were you I would apply critical thinking and use google if they havent deleted or banned them you should be able to find what you search for,,
keep in mind google has moved anything deemed not to their likely well back on the search pages,,,
I just fact check. Now you want me to also "find" who to fact check, if I find another quack, and post it are you going to accept it?
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
Who's we? Are you a doctor involved with treating Covid patients?
Excellent! So you honestly don't think there was political motivation behind the backlash against hydroxychloroquine?

The problem with hydroxychloroquine is that it doesn't work.

The political motivation is from the right which continues to back trump.
Why are front line doctors saying it is?
LOL These frontlinedoctors...?

View attachment 368393
Corn pop rubs my legs lol
Can you kindly keep your fetishes to yourself?
That’s a quote from joe biden lol
Not sure what they are giving now, but that was part of the standard cocktail our local hospital was using to treat patients during the first months.
I haven’t seen it used in months. We’ve moved on to things with far better data.
Who's we? Are you a doctor involved with treating Covid patients?
Excellent! So you honestly don't think there was political motivation behind the backlash against hydroxychloroquine?

The problem with hydroxychloroquine is that it doesn't work.

The political motivation is from the right which continues to back trump.
Why are front line doctors saying it is?
So the patients are fake? Lol
Have you seen evidence they're real?
Have you?
No. And by your avoidance of the question, I'll take it you haven't either.
Same as you
That's a lie.
It's crazy just how uninformed those who follow the Fake News MSM are ....
The actual studies continue to contradict breightbart's desire to have the orange turd be correct for once.
why do you feel your link somehow trump's the OP link? 6000 vs 504. not even fking close. go eat some bat shit.
You realize the "doctor" in the OP also claims many illnesses are caused by demons, right?
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