Doctors Do Care

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
[ This piece was written on 5/21/2005. In my opinion, it still holds true today.]

Doctors Do Care -


The medical care we receive is not always the best that modern medicine has to offer. From first hand experience, I know that doctors treat patients according to the patients’ ability to pay, their social status, amount and type of medical insurance they have, and weather by treating certain patients, they can make a name for themselves, and/or greatly enhance their practice. The amount of medical care varies from excellent care for the rich and famous to the bare minimum for the poor and those on Medicaid or Medicare. Doctors don’t treat patients according to their ability, experience and knowledge they have, but treat them based on the amount of money they’ll make for their services.

I’m sure exceptions to this can be found and that some will say this is simply not true, but I’ve had three doctors tell me this within the past 7 years concerning a family member. I understand that doctors have to make a living just like all the rest of us, and that it would be unrealistic and unjust to ask them to do it for free. On the other hand, I’m sure it would all balance out if doctors treated every patient with the same care and expertise regardless of the factors mentioned above. After all, it’s common knowledge that a large percentage of doctors make a six-figure income and are considered upper class by most standards. When looking at the humane aspects, how can a doctor, given the ability to do so, not give every patient the best medical attention at his or her disposal.

It’s a shame that 21st century technology, advanced medicines and proper medical care are still out of reach for a large percentage of Americans. Money and prestige has become the goal instead of the by-product for most in the medical profession. Poor, lower class and lower middle class Americans are left out of the mix when it comes to the luxuries of life, but no American should be left out of the mix when it comes to first class medical treatment.
Do you do your job for people that don't pay? Do you do your absolute best work for them? Why should doctors be any different.
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Do you do your job for people that don't pay? Do you do your absolute best work for them? Why should doctors be any different.
Yes, I do. I do my very best regardless of what I do, or for whom I'm doing for. I have done a lot that I haven't been paid for, nor did I ask for money. I do my best regardless. I have also done my very best at a greatly reduced price for those that couldn't afford to pay the full value of my work. Money isn't everything. Sometimes helping others is way more rewarding than building a huge bank account.
Do you do your job for people that don't pay? Do you do your absolute best work for them? Why should doctors be any different.
Yes, I do. I do my very best regardless of what I do, or for whom I'm doing for. I have done a lot that I haven't been paid for, nor did I ask for money. I do my best regardless. I have also done my very best at a greatly reduced price for those that couldn't afford to pay the full value of my work. Money isn't everything. Sometimes helping others is way more rewarding than building a huge bank account.

I highly doubt what you just said, but perhaps you are the one person on the planet that does 100% for free.


Fact is, the rest of us do not. Just a fact dude. 99.9% of the population of this planet, is not going to work for free. "Well they ought, and they should, and blaw blaw blaw social good...." I don't care.

Do you live your life based on how everyone 'should' act? or how they actually do act? Fact is, doctors are not there for your personal benefit, from the pure generosity of their hearts. They are there to earn money. IF you don't pay, they don't work. Welcome to reality. Have a nice day.
Do you do your job for people that don't pay? Do you do your absolute best work for them? Why should doctors be any different.
Yes, I do. I do my very best regardless of what I do, or for whom I'm doing for. I have done a lot that I haven't been paid for, nor did I ask for money. I do my best regardless. I have also done my very best at a greatly reduced price for those that couldn't afford to pay the full value of my work. Money isn't everything. Sometimes helping others is way more rewarding than building a huge bank account.
Holy fuck the Pope has a USMB account. Who knew?

And everything you typed is bullshit.
Even if you do get a doctor that will work for free, never require any money, and do his absolute 100% best for absolutely everyone...... the fact is, without paying customers, that doctor will have no money for the best medications, or best medical equipment.

Yeah, that doctor might work for free, but the guy building that MRI, will not. Again, eventually the idealist will have to come to terms with reality as it is, and not their fictional utopian world.
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Years ago, I had a Bangladeshi doctor as my GP. On one visit, he asked me "so, what brought you here today"?

My reply: "A 1990 Mazda".

Shit went right over his head.

I had to explain it to him. He was a good sport. :thup:
But why do your best work for government when you know you will be inadequately paid, payment will be late and nobody in charge of making the payments gives a shit?

Remember, in Socialized Medicine the customer is NOT the patient. It's the bureaucrat.
But why do your best work for government when you know you will be inadequately paid, payment will be late and nobody in charge of making the payments gives a shit?

Remember, in Socialized Medicine the customer is NOT the patient. It's the bureaucrat.

Well they don't. When you get paid per patient you see, you'll shuffle through them 1 every 10 minutes. When you get paid less, you'll reduce the number of gov-patients you see.

That's exactly what happens.

Just like government paid for ER, has massive long waiting ques.
No one has ever said doctors don't care. They only said they are clueless and don't work for free.
Do you do your job for people that don't pay? Do you do your absolute best work for them? Why should doctors be any different.
Yes, I do. I do my very best regardless of what I do, or for whom I'm doing for. I have done a lot that I haven't been paid for, nor did I ask for money. I do my best regardless. I have also done my very best at a greatly reduced price for those that couldn't afford to pay the full value of my work. Money isn't everything. Sometimes helping others is way more rewarding than building a huge bank account.

I highly doubt what you just said, but perhaps you are the one person on the planet that does 100% for free.


Fact is, the rest of us do not. Just a fact dude. 99.9% of the population of this planet, is not going to work for free. "Well they ought, and they should, and blaw blaw blaw social good...." I don't care.

Do you live your life based on how everyone 'should' act? or how they actually do act? Fact is, doctors are not there for your personal benefit, from the pure generosity of their hearts. They are there to earn money. IF you don't pay, they don't work. Welcome to reality. Have a nice day.
I do NOT expect anyone to work for free, and never ever said nor implied otherwise. And, I have never ever said nor implied that I work or worked for FREE 100% of the time. You're twisting what I said to mean something entirely different. You have totally misunderstood the post and totally misunderstood what I have said. Please go back and re-read the post, and likewise what I said in my comment to you. Thanks.
Do you do your job for people that don't pay? Do you do your absolute best work for them? Why should doctors be any different.
Yes, I do. I do my very best regardless of what I do, or for whom I'm doing for. I have done a lot that I haven't been paid for, nor did I ask for money. I do my best regardless. I have also done my very best at a greatly reduced price for those that couldn't afford to pay the full value of my work. Money isn't everything. Sometimes helping others is way more rewarding than building a huge bank account.
Holy fuck the Pope has a USMB account. Who knew?

And everything you typed is bullshit.
Bullshit? Please explain. FYI - I'm NOT the Pope.
Do you do your job for people that don't pay? Do you do your absolute best work for them? Why should doctors be any different.
Yes, I do. I do my very best regardless of what I do, or for whom I'm doing for. I have done a lot that I haven't been paid for, nor did I ask for money. I do my best regardless. I have also done my very best at a greatly reduced price for those that couldn't afford to pay the full value of my work. Money isn't everything. Sometimes helping others is way more rewarding than building a huge bank account.

I highly doubt what you just said, but perhaps you are the one person on the planet that does 100% for free.


Fact is, the rest of us do not. Just a fact dude. 99.9% of the population of this planet, is not going to work for free. "Well they ought, and they should, and blaw blaw blaw social good...." I don't care.

Do you live your life based on how everyone 'should' act? or how they actually do act? Fact is, doctors are not there for your personal benefit, from the pure generosity of their hearts. They are there to earn money. IF you don't pay, they don't work. Welcome to reality. Have a nice day.
I do NOT expect anyone to work for free, and never ever said nor implied otherwise. And, I have never ever said nor implied that I work or worked for FREE 100% of the time. You're twisting what I said to mean something entirely different. You have totally misunderstood the post and totally misunderstood what I have said. Please go back and re-read the post, and likewise what I said in my comment to you. Thanks.

Yes, I realized you didn't mean 'zero income'. The doctor would starve. Yeah I get that.
Even so...... Doctors are human beings. They have the same motivations that all people do. Respect, prestige, standard of living.

For every one single doctor, that is going to give 100% for a middle income wage, there are 20 doctors that are not.

That's reality.

And again... the guys working on the medical technology, also are not going to work without getting a fair wage. That costs a ton of money. Even if you found that 1 in 20 doctor willing to work for $40K a year, unless he can charge a high enough price, to make a large enough profit to pay for the equipment, and the upkeep on existing equipment.... then you are not going to have the top level medical equipment.

This is normal. If I only want to spend $3,000, I'm not going to end up with a Cadillac Escalade, no matter how unfair I think it is that rich people do.

Now I will say this..... regulations have made the cost of high end medical vastly more expensive than it should be. But every time people try and remove the regulations that drive up those costs, morons start screaming that Republicans want to ruin health care.

For example, I worked for a company that I had to quit, because I found out they were violating law.

What were they doing? They were selling medical equipment without property certification. The law requires that every who sells any medical equipment, must have a license. The license is extremely expensive, and the value of the equipment we had was just a few thousand.

The licenses doesn't do anything. It doesn't verify the quality of the machine. It doesn't make sure it's in proper working order, which we didn't sell it as such anyway.

What the license does do is prevent people from selling medical equipment..... which naturally..... drives up the price of medical equipment.

But if we said "let's eliminate the need for licensing to sell medical equipment", people would be freaking out.

So instead, you complain people can't afford health care. Leftists created the problem. Now leftists complain they need a fix for the problem they created.

There's a reason why medical tourism, typically goes to places with free-market pay-for-service hospitals. No one flies to India to go to government hospitals. Because they suck.
Do you do your job for people that don't pay? Do you do your absolute best work for them? Why should doctors be any different.
Yes, I do. I do my very best regardless of what I do, or for whom I'm doing for. I have done a lot that I haven't been paid for, nor did I ask for money. I do my best regardless. I have also done my very best at a greatly reduced price for those that couldn't afford to pay the full value of my work. Money isn't everything. Sometimes helping others is way more rewarding than building a huge bank account.

I highly doubt what you just said, but perhaps you are the one person on the planet that does 100% for free.


Fact is, the rest of us do not. Just a fact dude. 99.9% of the population of this planet, is not going to work for free. "Well they ought, and they should, and blaw blaw blaw social good...." I don't care.

Do you live your life based on how everyone 'should' act? or how they actually do act? Fact is, doctors are not there for your personal benefit, from the pure generosity of their hearts. They are there to earn money. IF you don't pay, they don't work. Welcome to reality. Have a nice day.
I do NOT expect anyone to work for free, and never ever said nor implied otherwise. And, I have never ever said nor implied that I work or worked for FREE 100% of the time. You're twisting what I said to mean something entirely different. You have totally misunderstood the post and totally misunderstood what I have said. Please go back and re-read the post, and likewise what I said in my comment to you. Thanks.

Yes, I realized you didn't mean 'zero income'. The doctor would starve. Yeah I get that.
Even so...... Doctors are human beings. They have the same motivations that all people do. Respect, prestige, standard of living.

For every one single doctor, that is going to give 100% for a middle income wage, there are 20 doctors that are not.

That's reality.

And again... the guys working on the medical technology, also are not going to work without getting a fair wage. That costs a ton of money. Even if you found that 1 in 20 doctor willing to work for $40K a year, unless he can charge a high enough price, to make a large enough profit to pay for the equipment, and the upkeep on existing equipment.... then you are not going to have the top level medical equipment.

This is normal. If I only want to spend $3,000, I'm not going to end up with a Cadillac Escalade, no matter how unfair I think it is that rich people do.

Now I will say this..... regulations have made the cost of high end medical vastly more expensive than it should be. But every time people try and remove the regulations that drive up those costs, morons start screaming that Republicans want to ruin health care.

For example, I worked for a company that I had to quit, because I found out they were violating law.

What were they doing? They were selling medical equipment without property certification. The law requires that every who sells any medical equipment, must have a license. The license is extremely expensive, and the value of the equipment we had was just a few thousand.

The licenses doesn't do anything. It doesn't verify the quality of the machine. It doesn't make sure it's in proper working order, which we didn't sell it as such anyway.

What the license does do is prevent people from selling medical equipment..... which naturally..... drives up the price of medical equipment.

But if we said "let's eliminate the need for licensing to sell medical equipment", people would be freaking out.

So instead, you complain people can't afford health care. Leftists created the problem. Now leftists complain they need a fix for the problem they created.

There's a reason why medical tourism, typically goes to places with free-market pay-for-service hospitals. No one flies to India to go to government hospitals. Because they suck.
In other words, does all of that mean that you support the idea of less professional care for the poor as opposed to the rich? What I mean is, do you condone partial care for the poor and uninsured?
Do you do your job for people that don't pay? Do you do your absolute best work for them? Why should doctors be any different.
Yes, I do. I do my very best regardless of what I do, or for whom I'm doing for. I have done a lot that I haven't been paid for, nor did I ask for money. I do my best regardless. I have also done my very best at a greatly reduced price for those that couldn't afford to pay the full value of my work. Money isn't everything. Sometimes helping others is way more rewarding than building a huge bank account.

I highly doubt what you just said, but perhaps you are the one person on the planet that does 100% for free.


Fact is, the rest of us do not. Just a fact dude. 99.9% of the population of this planet, is not going to work for free. "Well they ought, and they should, and blaw blaw blaw social good...." I don't care.

Do you live your life based on how everyone 'should' act? or how they actually do act? Fact is, doctors are not there for your personal benefit, from the pure generosity of their hearts. They are there to earn money. IF you don't pay, they don't work. Welcome to reality. Have a nice day.
I do NOT expect anyone to work for free, and never ever said nor implied otherwise. And, I have never ever said nor implied that I work or worked for FREE 100% of the time. You're twisting what I said to mean something entirely different. You have totally misunderstood the post and totally misunderstood what I have said. Please go back and re-read the post, and likewise what I said in my comment to you. Thanks.

Yes, I realized you didn't mean 'zero income'. The doctor would starve. Yeah I get that.
Even so...... Doctors are human beings. They have the same motivations that all people do. Respect, prestige, standard of living.

For every one single doctor, that is going to give 100% for a middle income wage, there are 20 doctors that are not.

That's reality.

And again... the guys working on the medical technology, also are not going to work without getting a fair wage. That costs a ton of money. Even if you found that 1 in 20 doctor willing to work for $40K a year, unless he can charge a high enough price, to make a large enough profit to pay for the equipment, and the upkeep on existing equipment.... then you are not going to have the top level medical equipment.

This is normal. If I only want to spend $3,000, I'm not going to end up with a Cadillac Escalade, no matter how unfair I think it is that rich people do.

Now I will say this..... regulations have made the cost of high end medical vastly more expensive than it should be. But every time people try and remove the regulations that drive up those costs, morons start screaming that Republicans want to ruin health care.

For example, I worked for a company that I had to quit, because I found out they were violating law.

What were they doing? They were selling medical equipment without property certification. The law requires that every who sells any medical equipment, must have a license. The license is extremely expensive, and the value of the equipment we had was just a few thousand.

The licenses doesn't do anything. It doesn't verify the quality of the machine. It doesn't make sure it's in proper working order, which we didn't sell it as such anyway.

What the license does do is prevent people from selling medical equipment..... which naturally..... drives up the price of medical equipment.

But if we said "let's eliminate the need for licensing to sell medical equipment", people would be freaking out.

So instead, you complain people can't afford health care. Leftists created the problem. Now leftists complain they need a fix for the problem they created.

There's a reason why medical tourism, typically goes to places with free-market pay-for-service hospitals. No one flies to India to go to government hospitals. Because they suck.
In other words, does all of that mean that you support the idea of less professional care for the poor as opposed to the rich? What I mean is, do you condone partial care for the poor and uninsured?

Doesn't matter.

We can sit her an moralize on how things ought to be. That doesn't change how things are.

This is like arguing over an abused woman who wishes to return to her abusive boy friend.

"Well he should stop hitting me because I love him and care for him!"

Yeah........ And that would be great, and wonderful, and Ideal, and all kinds of good.

Reality is.... if you go back, he'll abuse you again.

Similarly, you can moralize until the end of time about how doctors should provide billion dollar quality care to everyone.

Doesn't matter. That's not going to happen.

A better solution would be to allow a more free market system, that would provide the most possible care, to the most possible people. It won't be perfect, and it won't be equal, but it will be better than the alternatives from a false Utopian view.
Do you do your job for people that don't pay? Do you do your absolute best work for them? Why should doctors be any different.
Yes, I do. I do my very best regardless of what I do, or for whom I'm doing for. I have done a lot that I haven't been paid for, nor did I ask for money. I do my best regardless. I have also done my very best at a greatly reduced price for those that couldn't afford to pay the full value of my work. Money isn't everything. Sometimes helping others is way more rewarding than building a huge bank account.

Plenty of doctors out there do pro bono work.
And if you can afford the best care should you be denied it based on others ability to pay?
Thats a big Fuck No!!!
But why do your best work for government when you know you will be inadequately paid, payment will be late and nobody in charge of making the payments gives a shit?

Remember, in Socialized Medicine the customer is NOT the patient. It's the bureaucrat.
Negro, please. :slap:

Dude I hate to break it to you but thats humane nature.
And you cant change it.
Do you do your job for people that don't pay? Do you do your absolute best work for them? Why should doctors be any different.
Yes, I do. I do my very best regardless of what I do, or for whom I'm doing for. I have done a lot that I haven't been paid for, nor did I ask for money. I do my best regardless. I have also done my very best at a greatly reduced price for those that couldn't afford to pay the full value of my work. Money isn't everything. Sometimes helping others is way more rewarding than building a huge bank account.

Plenty of doctors out there do pro bono work.
And if you can afford the best care should you be denied it based on others ability to pay?
Thats a big Fuck No!!!
No doctor does pro bono work unless they are angling to make some coin later.
Do you do your job for people that don't pay? Do you do your absolute best work for them? Why should doctors be any different.
Yes, I do. I do my very best regardless of what I do, or for whom I'm doing for. I have done a lot that I haven't been paid for, nor did I ask for money. I do my best regardless. I have also done my very best at a greatly reduced price for those that couldn't afford to pay the full value of my work. Money isn't everything. Sometimes helping others is way more rewarding than building a huge bank account.

Plenty of doctors out there do pro bono work.
And if you can afford the best care should you be denied it based on others ability to pay?
Thats a big Fuck No!!!
No doctor does pro bono work unless they are angling to make some coin later.

Well of course they're going to make money later,you expect em to work for free 100% of the time?
What about lawyers? They do pro bono work as well,do you expect them to work for free all the time?
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