Doctors Inject HIV Into Dying Girl, Cure Her Leukemia


A Rooincarnation
Nov 7, 2012
Emma Whitehead, 6, was near death from leukemia after relapsing twice following chemotherapy, leaving doctors fresh out of options. Except one. The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia used a disabled form of the virus that causes AIDS to reprogram her immune system genetically to kill cancer cells. Who would dare to pit one fatal disease against another inside the body of an six-year-old patient? These doctors did, and exceeded all expectations

Doctors Inject HIV Into Dying Girl, Cure Her Leukemia - The Hollywood Gossip

Another source.....

Scientists unveil genetically-modified HIV strain they claim can cure cancer

Scientists unveil genetically-modified HIV strain they claim can cure cancer

I am not sure what to think.
Clash of the Titans. In a weird way this might make sense. Use one disease to kill another.
Nano-particle technology....small enough to cruise through regular blood vessles without leaking out and poisoning surrounding areas....the "red death" of chemo....when the tiny bombs get into the cancer-ridden blood vessles that are shredded and raggedy, they exit and strike directly at the cancer tumors, kicking the shit outta them. Didn't know you could disable the AIDS virus though....if you could, wouldn't you have cured AIDS?
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With the advances in HIV treatment, this may have been a good option.
If the little girl did not go from one sickness to another in such a thing being done to her, praise the Lord! :) :) :)

God bless you and her always!!! :) :) :)

Nano-particle technology....small enough to cruise through regular blood vessles without leaking out and poisoning surrounding areas....the "red death" of chemo....when the tiny bombs get into the cancer-ridden blood vessles that are shredded and raggedy, they exit and strike directly at the cancer tumors, kicking the shit outta them. Didn't know you could disable the AIDS virus though....if you could, wouldn't you have cured AIDS?

And wouldn't they've killed two birds with one stone?
My question is this, How do people even THINK of these things?

Very damn cool though.

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