Doctors kill 18 year-old during transition surgery

Choice is only valid if its an INFORMED choice.

If Transgender patients were given the opportunity just to take a chill-pill or lessons in dressing like a broad- instead of immediately going to hormones and Sex Change surgery, a good number would. Especially after they understand that Normative men aren't attracted to broads who were born males. And a lot of Homo men aren't interested in guys without penises.
Informed choice will by default include psychological vetting and vetting of the genome for risks. The gender-change operation always already fails in being a true signifier-signified situation and should be documented by the State. The operation itself then succeeds in making the bathroom/locker-room a political space.

It happened in 2016 in Holland I think.

"In 2016, a medical article revealed that one of the study participants in the Dutch linchpin transgender experiment had died. A 16-year-old transgender teenager, who had vaginoplasty surgery to create a vagina, later died from an infection."

^^^The left: non-American lives don't matter.

^^^The left: non-American lives don't matter.

So, no experimental vaginal surgeries here that resulted in a deadly post op infection in the last decade? That ya'll have to feed the poutrage machine with 7 year old foreign stories is not surprising. I bet ya'll thought it happened here and recently.
So, no experimental vaginal surgeries here that resulted in a deadly post op infection in the last decade? That ya'll have to feed the poutrage machine with 7 year old foreign stories is not surprising. I bet ya'll thought it happened here and recently.

What difference does it make? A doctor killed a kid while sexually mutilating him, because people like you want it.
Another kid sacrificed on the bloody altar of leftism.

The case is that of an 18-year-old trans-identified male whose puberty was blocked by the Dutch researchers at a very early stage, meaning there wasn’t enough penile tissue for surgeons to use to create a “neo-vagina.” Therefore, a more risky procedure using a section of the patient’s bowel was necessary, which resulted in fatal necrotizing fasciitis.

/——/ Groomers shrug it off as collateral damage in a holy mission.
Still no answer as why you hate beer, and those crazy 80's costume parties.

But keep on pouting.

Can you get off my thread? I don't want to be associated in any way with KKK members or sympathizers (not sure which one you are).
Can you get off my thread? I don't want to be associated in any way with KKK members or sympathizers (not sure which one you are).
Only if you pout properly for me. Come on, you can do it. Beside the way you float that picture, you are associated with promoting and sympathizing the KKK. Why you would do that and hate beer and hate 80's costume parties is beyond me.
How many deaths do you idiots find acceptable?

This is one death in a hospital in the Netherlands in 2018. Every surgery every undertaken carry some element of risk so the fact that you can only find one death is quite remarkable really. It’s always an informed risk.

There have been 158 school shootings in the USA since 2018 and you haven’t done anything to stop them. Hundreds have died.

How many deaths do you idiots find acceptable?

Another kid sacrificed on the bloody altar of leftism.

The case is that of an 18-year-old trans-identified male whose puberty was blocked by the Dutch researchers at a very early stage, meaning there wasn’t enough penile tissue for surgeons to use to create a “neo-vagina.” Therefore, a more risky procedure using a section of the patient’s bowel was necessary, which resulted in fatal necrotizing fasciitis.

Oh,no there is a 1 in an 8.5 billion chance my child will elect to undergo sex change surgery and die from it. Quick draft legislation to prevent it. I can't sleep till ya do. I also wanna make it my political parties main subject. Hilarious. Talk about worrying about shit extremely unlikely to effect me. What else ya wanna legislate with a 1 in 8.5 billion chance in happening?
This is one death in a hospital in the Netherlands in 2018. Every surgery every undertaken carry some element of risk so the fact that you can only find one death is quite remarkable really. It’s always an informed risk.

There have been 158 school shootings in the USA since 2018 and you haven’t done anything to stop them. Hundreds have died.

How many deaths do you idiots find acceptable?

Actually, a lot has been done to stop school shootings. New laws have been passed in many jurisdictions, many schools have installed metal detectors, signs prohibiting guns in schools, etc.

But, in any case, this is about mutilations of young people as well as getting them loaded on massive doses of hormones. Even when "successful", such a plan of action is a failure, if its intent is to make little girls out of little boys or vice versa.

That's just not possible.
Another kid sacrificed on the bloody altar of leftism.

The case is that of an 18-year-old trans-identified male whose puberty was blocked by the Dutch researchers at a very early stage, meaning there wasn’t enough penile tissue for surgeons to use to create a “neo-vagina.” Therefore, a more risky procedure using a section of the patient’s bowel was necessary, which resulted in fatal necrotizing fasciitis.

thanks for this much needed info.

It won't stop the crazed dimmers, though... Nothing stops them but God Himself

and that is likely coming soon.

It happened in 2016 in Holland I think.

"In 2016, a medical article revealed that one of the study participants in the Dutch linchpin transgender experiment had died. A 16-year-old transgender teenager, who had vaginoplasty surgery to create a vagina, later died from an infection."
It is definitely not as simple, safe, risk free and light hearted a choice as Peter Paul singing 'Sometimes you feel like a nut, Sometimes you don't. Opting for the mounds without the nuts can be risky.
This is one death in a hospital in the Netherlands in 2018. Every surgery every undertaken carry some element of risk so the fact that you can only find one death is quite remarkable really. It’s always an informed risk.

There have been 158 school shootings in the USA since 2018 and you haven’t done anything to stop them. Hundreds have died.

How many deaths do you idiots find acceptable?

WTF, in your screwed up head you feel more gender altering surgeries would reduce the number of school shootings?
Another kid sacrificed on the bloody altar of leftism.

The case is that of an 18-year-old trans-identified male whose puberty was blocked by the Dutch researchers at a very early stage, meaning there wasn’t enough penile tissue for surgeons to use to create a “neo-vagina.” Therefore, a more risky procedure using a section of the patient’s bowel was necessary, which resulted in fatal necrotizing fasciitis.

Who did the surgery?
Dr. Josef Mengele's grandson??
So deaths are okay as long as it's fewer than gun deaths? How fricken stupid can ya get. Gun deaths are fewer than car deaths...dumbass.
Lol, ya gunna legislate your self out of death there retard? People die retard that's life and death. So right now there is 1 in 8.5 billion chance your kid grows up and dies from gender affirming surgery. So you wanna write a law against it. People choke law against eating. People slip in the bath tub uh oh no taking a bath. People fall off ladders no ladders. Where do ya wanna go with this nanny state? What a bunch of retards.
So, no experimental vaginal surgeries here that resulted in a deadly post op infection in the last decade? That ya'll have to feed the poutrage machine with 7 year old foreign stories is not surprising. I bet ya'll thought it happened here and recently.
European psychoanalysts have known about American ahistoricism since Jacques Lacan. Biden's nazi-controlled post-Tucker media is relying on it.

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