Doctors kill 18 year-old during transition surgery

If you're willing to be an experimental guinea pig, so be it. All the Dr. Frankensteins care about is seeing if their ideas work.
Another kid sacrificed on the bloody altar of leftism.

The case is that of an 18-year-old trans-identified male whose puberty was blocked by the Dutch researchers at a very early stage, meaning there wasn’t enough penile tissue for surgeons to use to create a “neo-vagina.” Therefore, a more risky procedure using a section of the patient’s bowel was necessary, which resulted in fatal necrotizing fasciitis.

Late term abortion of the mentally defective
If you're willing to be an experimental guinea pig, so be it. All the Dr. Frankensteins care about is seeing if their ideas work.

That's a good point. But these Frankensteins are being paid by insurance companies and medicaid programs financed by the government.

And since the weak minded guinea pigs are fed all this propaganda claiming that they can be transferred from dudedom into a desirable chick, that's a problem.

Put this procedure at least into the "adult only" and "Cash on the barrel head" category , so that only adults who have the money to waste will get it.
A lot of these post transitioners say that they were manipulated by the 'experts'. They realize aFTER THE fACT, that what they have allowed to be done to their bodies as a solution to their mental problems was not the solution after all. So the question is.... What should be the penalty for The doctor and psychologists who have mislead underage transitioner who realize too late that they were a political/social/medical experiment.
The left care as much about this poor, misled child

as they do all the other children they have mutilated and thrown in the trash at abortion "clinics"

Choice is only valid if its an INFORMED choice.

If Transgender patients were given the opportunity just to take a chill-pill or lessons in dressing like a broad- instead of immediately going to hormones and Sex Change surgery, a good number would. Especially after they understand that Normative men aren't attracted to broads who were born males. And a lot of Homo men aren't interested in guys without penises.

There is no such thing as “broads who were born males”. By definition, a “broad” is female, and it is biologically impossible for a human that was born one sex to become the other sex.

But otherwise, you do have a valid point. I do not believe that most of those who get “gender affirming” surgeries would do so, if they truly understood the truth, which is that no such surgery, nor any other quasi-medical Frankensteinery, can turn them into the other sex than what they were born as; that such surgery will only leave them sexually dysfunctional, and that it will cause numerous adverse effects and no tangible benefit.

The very belief that one is the “wrong sex” and can, in anyway, become the other sex that one wants to be, is an insane falsehood, and prima facie proof of a severely defective mind, that is not capable of making the judgement necessary to rationally consent to such procedures.

If the patient is allowed to believe that such treatments will genuinely make that patient into the opposite sex, then these procedures are being sold fraudulently. In any event, this amounts to taking advantage of someone who mentally deficient, in order to impose harmful procedures to which the patient would never consent if he was of sound mind.
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There have been 158 school shootings in the USA since 2018 and you haven’t done anything to stop them. Hundreds have died.
How many deaths do you idiots find acceptable?

And in that same time frame, several million innocent children have been murdered via abortion, with your full support and blessing.

As long as you support that murderous practice, you have no standing, and no credibility, to claim any concern for any human life.
hmmm. i wonder. Do these kids and their parents going through trans surgery have to have the covid clot shot??
Only if you pout properly for me. Come on, you can do it. Beside the way you float that picture, you are associated with promoting and sympathizing the KKK. Why you would do that and hate beer and hate 80's costume parties is beyond me.

Can you get off my thread? I don't want you KKK members here, it's embarrassing and distasteful.
WTF, in your screwed up head you feel more gender altering surgeries would reduce the number of school shootings?

No, I’m saying you’re going bat shit crazy over one death of a consenting adult, four years ago, in another country. If it’s a true story. YouTube is hardly a reliable source.

At the same time, you never post a single word of outrage or anger over the hundreds of school shootings in the USA in the same time frame.

Or the thousands of children killed by gun violence in the United States, own country, in the same time frame.

The school shootings you can actually do something about. You can ban AR15’s. They did that for 10 years and there wasn’t a single school shooting during that time frame.

Trans people are screwed up mentally, not because they’re “delusional”, but because they’re not. The entire condition is a mind fuck, but it’s their bodies and their lives.

The kids are not alright. NONE of them. Social media, highly sexualized messages on TV, in magazines, movies, Covid, Instagram filters, student debt, rape drugs, virginity pledges, revenge porn, are really fucking all of them up.

Your answer is to ban all reading materials that might help them ask the right questions, or get some information on socialization to help them through a difficult time.

My parents didn’t control what I was reading when I was 13, 14, and 15 and thank God for that or I would never have learned anything about sex, birth control or reproduction. There were no sex Ed classes in those states.
European psychoanalysts have known about American ahistoricism since Jacques Lacan. Biden's nazi-controlled post-Tucker media is relying on it.

The authoritarian Nazis here are not members of the Democratic Party. Fox News is being exposed as propaganda arm of the Republican Party. Republicans are the people who are banning books, prosecuting librarians, and teachers for teaching American history or gender issues.

The authoritarian Nazis are banning life-saving healthcare for pregnant women.

The Nazis are trying to keep students from voting.
hmmm. i wonder. Do these kids and their parents going through trans surgery have to have the covid clot shot??

It’s just impossible for you to make a post without including a completely debunked conspiracy theory in your post.

Have you ever fact checked anything in your entire life?

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