Doctors kill 18 year-old during transition surgery

why is it there are only objections to mutilation when its surgery on the genitalia...does anyone thing breast enlargements or butt implants are mutilation? i object to anyone kid having unnecessary surgery of any type and yet no one objects to 15 and 16 yr old girls have breast enlargements or nose jobs...seems all kinds of body modifications are allowed but touch the genitalia and everyone goes nutso over you object to grown ass women who have surgery on their vulva lips? or have the so called tighten just trans people...are objected to...

i feel that as an adult you can do whatever you want to your body...your body is merely a vehicle for the brain...if you wish to modify it ..go for it....leave the kids alone till they are adults who can make their own choices
why is it there are only objections to mutilation when its surgery on the genitalia...does anyone thing breast enlargements or butt implants are mutilation? i object to anyone kid having unnecessary surgery of any type and yet no one objects to 15 and 16 yr old girls have breast enlargements or nose jobs...seems all kinds of body modifications are allowed but touch the genitalia and everyone goes nutso over you object to grown ass women who have surgery on their vulva lips? or have the so called tighten just trans people...are objected to...

i feel that as an adult you can do whatever you want to your body...your body is merely a vehicle for the brain...if you wish to modify it ..go for it....leave the kids alone till they are adults who can make their own choices

I've only had two surgeries in my life of any significance (three, of you count having my wisdom teeth removed, but to me, that didn't seem like a big enough deal to count).

Both, almost a year apart, were on my left leg. First was the day after I broke my leg, and the surgeon put a titanium rod in it. Second, almost a year later, my leg was failing to heal properly, so he removed the old rod, put in a new rod, adjusted differently so that my leg could finish healing.

The issues with my leg were serious enough to justify the surgeries. But this experience has left me very much aware that surgery itself is a rather destructive process. Short of serious disfigurement, I simply cannot imagine anyone being so vain as to go through surgery for merely cosmetic purposes.

I see no rational reason why a minor should undergo cosmetic surgery, unless that minor has some sort of serious disfigurement; and I'd be completely fine with banning such surgery on minors altogether.

You can put me down as someone who puts the lie to your statement that “no one objects to 15 and 16 yr old girls have breast enlargements or nose jobs”.
you see any threads on teenage girls having breast implants? or objecting to you dont [sic]

I'm not seeing any big, loud movement, trying to push breast implants on young girls; the way we're seeing fucked up pedophiles pushing trannyism, faggotry, and related perversions on children.

If there was such a movement, as big and loud as the pedophiles are being, I think we'd be seeing some big pushback against it as well.
The 18yr old was perfectly healthy before surgery. So there was no need to be operated on.
Too many Doctor Frankensteins.

No one said he wasn't healthy.

It's called "elective surgery." What that means is, he CHOSE to have the surgery. It was what he wanted. He was legally an adult. The discussion should end there.
No one said he wasn't healthy.

It's called "elective surgery." What that means is, he CHOSE to have the surgery. It was what he wanted. He was legally an adult. The discussion should end there.

The reasons for the "elective" was due to mental issues. Not physical ones. So the "for profit" surgeons should refuse this kind of BS.
If I decided I wanted to have my arms and legs switched, no surgeon would perform that operation.
FFS, the doctor should've noticed there was enough skin to make a vagina. But all he was looking at was the money that was going to be made.
At the very least, this is a homicide.
No one said he wasn't healthy.

It's called "elective surgery." What that means is, he CHOSE to have the surgery. It was what he wanted. He was legally an adult. The discussion should end there.

Bullshit. Mentally ill psychos don't need to have 'rights' to extreme self-mutilations, no matter how old they are. That's just an insane claim in itself.

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