Doctors say president shows no coronavirus symptoms, Pence 'does not need to quarantine'

They forgot the Kryptonite..........................................
It’s actually excellent news as he is older and overweight. So the therapeutics work. Let’s document the details and make them readily available so that we may resume our lives.
The drugs did nothing, covid is a hoax
I have had it. Not a hoax. Not as serious as people
claim but it’s for real.
The pandemic is 100 percent fake. Remember in a pandemic the world population drops, it does not keep rising like normal

Just in case nobody has told you yet today, you're an idiot.
Who owns google apple netflix and 800 other stocks

You own a car loan perhaps
View attachment 398360
Yes kid the american government never lies. Is that your claim

Dude, you have opened my eyes. Tin Foil Hats for all.
Again the only foil hat wearers are those who believe the government who is proven to have either lied or been ignorant in every situation
Who do you mean by Gov't? Trump? Congress? Supreme Court?

They forgot the Kryptonite..........................................
It’s actually excellent news as he is older and overweight. So the therapeutics work. Let’s document the details and make them readily available so that we may resume our lives.
The drugs did nothing, covid is a hoax
I have had it. Not a hoax. Not as serious as people
claim but it’s for real.
The pandemic is 100 percent fake. Remember in a pandemic the world population drops, it does not keep rising like normal

Just in case nobody has told you yet today, you're an idiot.
Who owns google apple netflix and 800 other stocks

You own a car loan perhaps

Haven't had a car loan for a long time. You think a car loan is some sort of status symbol?
Nah car loans are for poor people

Enjoy yours

They forgot the Kryptonite..........................................
It’s actually excellent news as he is older and overweight. So the therapeutics work. Let’s document the details and make them readily available so that we may resume our lives.
The drugs did nothing, covid is a hoax
I have had it. Not a hoax. Not as serious as people
claim but it’s for real.
The pandemic is 100 percent fake. Remember in a pandemic the world population drops, it does not keep rising like normal

Just in case nobody has told you yet today, you're an idiot.
Who owns google apple netflix and 800 other stocks

You own a car loan perhaps
View attachment 398360
Yes kid the american government never lies. Is that your claim

Dude, you have opened my eyes. Tin Foil Hats for all.
Again the only foil hat wearers are those who believe the government who is proven to have either lied or been ignorant in every situation
Who do you mean by Gov't? Trump? Congress? Supreme Court?
The government never tells the truth to america. Never has, when you prove it the fbi arrest you

They forgot the Kryptonite..........................................
It’s actually excellent news as he is older and overweight. So the therapeutics work. Let’s document the details and make them readily available so that we may resume our lives.
The drugs did nothing, covid is a hoax
I have had it. Not a hoax. Not as serious as people
claim but it’s for real.
The pandemic is 100 percent fake. Remember in a pandemic the world population drops, it does not keep rising like normal

Just in case nobody has told you yet today, you're an idiot.
Who owns google apple netflix and 800 other stocks

You own a car loan perhaps
View attachment 398360
Yes kid the american government never lies. Is that your claim

Dude, you have opened my eyes. Tin Foil Hats for all.
Again the only foil hat wearers are those who believe the government who is proven to have either lied or been ignorant in every situation
Who do you mean by Gov't? Trump? Congress? Supreme Court?
The government never tells the truth to america. Never has, when you prove it the fbi arrest you
Truth on what? And what Govt branch?

They forgot the Kryptonite..........................................
It’s actually excellent news as he is older and overweight. So the therapeutics work. Let’s document the details and make them readily available so that we may resume our lives.
The drugs did nothing, covid is a hoax
I have had it. Not a hoax. Not as serious as people
claim but it’s for real.
The pandemic is 100 percent fake. Remember in a pandemic the world population drops, it does not keep rising like normal

Just in case nobody has told you yet today, you're an idiot.
Who owns google apple netflix and 800 other stocks

You own a car loan perhaps
View attachment 398360
Yes kid the american government never lies. Is that your claim

Dude, you have opened my eyes. Tin Foil Hats for all.
Again the only foil hat wearers are those who believe the government who is proven to have either lied or been ignorant in every situation
Who do you mean by Gov't? Trump? Congress? Supreme Court?
The government never tells the truth to america. Never has, when you prove it the fbi arrest you
Truth on what? And what Govt branch?
Are you aware that Facebook was created by the NSA making Facebook an unofficial branch of the government, or that Microsoft relented and gave the NSA windows codes making every windows system vulnerable to government hacking?

The Muller report is a lie
The Warren report is a lie
Everything the media reports by and of the government is a lie

No need to wear a mask was a lie
You need to wear a mask is a lie
Covid 19 is a lie, as it traces back to 2012 in a chinese mine
The supreme court claiming autonomy while on the government payroll is a lie

They forgot the Kryptonite..........................................
It’s actually excellent news as he is older and overweight. So the therapeutics work. Let’s document the details and make them readily available so that we may resume our lives.
The drugs did nothing, covid is a hoax
I have had it. Not a hoax. Not as serious as people
claim but it’s for real.
The pandemic is 100 percent fake. Remember in a pandemic the world population drops, it does not keep rising like normal

Just in case nobody has told you yet today, you're an idiot.
Who owns google apple netflix and 800 other stocks

You own a car loan perhaps
View attachment 398360
Yes kid the american government never lies. Is that your claim

Dude, you have opened my eyes. Tin Foil Hats for all.
Again the only foil hat wearers are those who believe the government who is proven to have either lied or been ignorant in every situation
Who do you mean by Gov't? Trump? Congress? Supreme Court?
The government never tells the truth to america. Never has, when you prove it the fbi arrest you
Truth on what? And what Govt branch?
Are you aware that Facebook was created by the NSA making Facebook an unofficial branch of the government, or that Microsoft relented and gave the NSA windows codes making every windows system vulnerable to government hacking?

The Muller report is a lie
The Warren report is a lie
Everything the media reports by and of the government is a lie

No need to wear a mask was a lie
You need to wear a mask is a lie
Covid 19 is a lie, as it traces back to 2012 in a chinese mine
The supreme court claiming autonomy while on the government payroll is a lie
So again, I ask. Who is in on this conspiracy? Every single congressperson? President? Every single supreme court justice?

They forgot the Kryptonite..........................................
It’s actually excellent news as he is older and overweight. So the therapeutics work. Let’s document the details and make them readily available so that we may resume our lives.
The drugs did nothing, covid is a hoax
I have had it. Not a hoax. Not as serious as people
claim but it’s for real.
The pandemic is 100 percent fake. Remember in a pandemic the world population drops, it does not keep rising like normal

Just in case nobody has told you yet today, you're an idiot.
Who owns google apple netflix and 800 other stocks

You own a car loan perhaps
View attachment 398360
Yes kid the american government never lies. Is that your claim

Dude, you have opened my eyes. Tin Foil Hats for all.
Again the only foil hat wearers are those who believe the government who is proven to have either lied or been ignorant in every situation
Who do you mean by Gov't? Trump? Congress? Supreme Court?
The government never tells the truth to america. Never has, when you prove it the fbi arrest you
Truth on what? And what Govt branch?
Are you aware that Facebook was created by the NSA making Facebook an unofficial branch of the government, or that Microsoft relented and gave the NSA windows codes making every windows system vulnerable to government hacking?

The Muller report is a lie
The Warren report is a lie
Everything the media reports by and of the government is a lie

No need to wear a mask was a lie
You need to wear a mask is a lie
Covid 19 is a lie, as it traces back to 2012 in a chinese mine
The supreme court claiming autonomy while on the government payroll is a lie
So again, I ask. Who is in on this conspiracy? Every single congressperson? President? Every single supreme court justice?
Name one whole truth that came from the government........................................


They forgot the Kryptonite..........................................
It’s actually excellent news as he is older and overweight. So the therapeutics work. Let’s document the details and make them readily available so that we may resume our lives.
The drugs did nothing, covid is a hoax
I have had it. Not a hoax. Not as serious as people
claim but it’s for real.

I don't want to speak for anyone else, but people aren't saying the virus itself is fake. He said (in post #38) the "pandemic" (the portrayal of this thing as a big scary "sky is falling, everyone should live in fear!") is fake.

They forgot the Kryptonite..........................................
It’s actually excellent news as he is older and overweight. So the therapeutics work. Let’s document the details and make them readily available so that we may resume our lives.
The drugs did nothing, covid is a hoax
I have had it. Not a hoax. Not as serious as people
claim but it’s for real.

I don't want to speak for anyone else, but people aren't saying the virus itself is fake. He said (in post #38) the "pandemic" (the portrayal of this thing as a big scary "sky is falling, everyone should live in fear!") is fake.
Thank you

They forgot the Kryptonite..........................................
It’s actually excellent news as he is older and overweight. So the therapeutics work. Let’s document the details and make them readily available so that we may resume our lives.
The drugs did nothing, covid is a hoax
I have had it. Not a hoax. Not as serious as people
claim but it’s for real.
The pandemic is 100 percent fake. Remember in a pandemic the world population drops, it does not keep rising like normal

Just in case nobody has told you yet today, you're an idiot.
Who owns google apple netflix and 800 other stocks

You own a car loan perhaps
View attachment 398360
Yes kid the american government never lies. Is that your claim

Dude, you have opened my eyes. Tin Foil Hats for all.
Again the only foil hat wearers are those who believe the government who is proven to have either lied or been ignorant in every situation
Who do you mean by Gov't? Trump? Congress? Supreme Court?
The government never tells the truth to america. Never has, when you prove it the fbi arrest you
Truth on what? And what Govt branch?
Are you aware that Facebook was created by the NSA making Facebook an unofficial branch of the government, or that Microsoft relented and gave the NSA windows codes making every windows system vulnerable to government hacking?

The Muller report is a lie
The Warren report is a lie
Everything the media reports by and of the government is a lie

No need to wear a mask was a lie
You need to wear a mask is a lie
Covid 19 is a lie, as it traces back to 2012 in a chinese mine
The supreme court claiming autonomy while on the government payroll is a lie
So again, I ask. Who is in on this conspiracy? Every single congressperson? President? Every single supreme court justice?
Name one whole truth that came from the government........................................

9/11 was a terror attack
Looks like they're gonna start get their pr campaign rolling hard...

So, expect a sudden and constant flow of anti-freedom of choice drivel around here soon.

''Coronavirus czar Anthony Fauci hinted back in June that he was already on the task, revealing the government had a PR blitz planned in which “people [vaccine-hesitant Americans] can relate to in the community – sports figures, community heroes, people that they look up to” – will spread the pro-vaccine gospel.''

Yeah, if we think the mask thing is bad, just wait until it's the vaccine.

And gee, I wonder why Gates wants everyone in the world to take the vaccine? One of the reasons is that he's going to make another massive fortune. Maybe that's why he's always so giddy every time he talks about the scamdemic in any interview. He literally can't hold back the smile on his face.

He even openly admitted being excited about his 'investment,' as you can see in this tweet from last year.

Hey stupid. Bill Gates is BUYING VACCINES, not selling them. He has donated his entire fortune to BUYING vaccines and and distributing them in 3rd world countries.

You idiots have a conspiracy theory for anyone trying to do good in the world. Paranoid, greedy and stupid is the perfect description of today's Republican voter.

I'm not a Republican, you bootlicking fool. And he has openly talked about it being a profitable investment in interviews, ignoramus. And if you actually think he cares about "doing good" and the lives of regular people or 3rd world people, then you are even more brainwashed than I thought. What's amazing to me is that you're supposed to be a leftist, yet you seem to love these billionaire oligarchs.

Nasty, bitter, stupid and wrong. You snots are even dumber than the Trump cult.

Did you look past the comment for context, or did you just jump to conclusions because Gates name, or a leftist name was attached to it. I've run into a few of you fools, and you attack the left for the current state of the world, with no knowledge of how it got that way, or what it was like BEFORE you came along.

One of condescending twits tried to tell me about the travesty of the leftist bombing Libya, but had no idea of who Khadaffi was, what he had done, why he had come to power, or anything that had happened in the Middle East, prior to the bombing of Libya.

You falsely conclude that my respect for Gates comes for a love of a billionaire oligarch, which shows me that you know nothing of Bill Gates, or his history. Bill Gates didn't inherit money from his Daddy, and steal from people he could prey upon because of his inherited wealth. Bill Gates changed the world, and you're using his inventions to slag him.

There are few inventors with the creativity or impact on the world like Bill Gates. Thomas Edison and the light bulb, or Alexander Graham Bell's Telephone come closest. Edison had $12 million when he died. About $170 million today. Bell struggled financially to exploit his great invention but was the founder of AT&T in the US and Bell Telephone in Canada, and was financially successful as well.

When Gates started Microsoft, he was working in his parents' garage. As he grew and started hiring people, he had no money to pay them, so he gave them stock in the company. Bill Gates is personally responsible for creating more American millionaires than anyone in history. 12,000 Microsoft Employees became millionaires. Thousands of the Microsoft Millionaires left Microsoft and fanned out across the country, investing that money in start up businesses of their own in their new communities, creating more jobs and new products.

When Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy, Bill Gates invested 150 million dollars and saved the company. Bill and Belinda Gates have taken the Warren Buffett pledge, to donate at least 80% of their wealth, to charity, and created the Bill and Belinda Gates Foundation, to get life saving vaccines to the 3rd world. Had Hillary Clinton been elected President, the Gates Foundation would have taken over the work of getting AIDS drugs to children in 3rd World Countries. The only AIDS drugs going to children in Third World Countries, are being distributed by the Clinton Foundation. They're also providing drugs to 50% of the adults getting treatment as well. Basically Bill and Belinda promised to do all of the Clinton Foundation work, including the girls schools, while she was in office.

You seem to have made up you mind about the whole world and who's right and who's wrong. You've got it all figured out. Without knowing history, or facts, you look around you and you label everyone. And you know nothing.

I have no issue with "billionaire oligarchs". I have an issue with the system which allows them to exist at all. But I'm going to support the work that people like the Gates, the Clintons, the Buffets and others who made the Buffet pledge are doing. I have nothing but contempt for billionaires like Robert Mercer (Breitbart, Cambridge Analytica), Sheldon Adelson (union hating casino owner) or the Koch Brothers who use their wealth and power to expoit the people who work for them, and to bring in illegal workers en masse in their meat packing plants, and provide low wages, no health care, and dangerous working conditions.

There's are whole long other discussions about the morality of allowing these billionaires to fund their pet projects in third world countries, when so much is needed in the USA.

Get back to me when you've read up on history little buttercup. You've got a lot to learn.

Wow. It was bad enough that you have such a misguided upside-down perception of Bill Gates, but apparently you also think the Clintons are wonderful people. I would laugh, but that is so, so very sad. There are no words strong enough to express how deeply wrong you are, all I can say is that you are blinded to the truth, and you completely lack discernment. And I know why that is, but I'm not going to say it. I'll leave it at that.
Don’t be afraid is very frightening advice to emotetard libs because they don’t know how to nor want to

They forgot the Kryptonite..........................................
It’s actually excellent news as he is older and overweight. So the therapeutics work. Let’s document the details and make them readily available so that we may resume our lives.
The drugs did nothing, covid is a hoax
I have had it. Not a hoax. Not as serious as people
claim but it’s for real.
The pandemic is 100 percent fake. Remember in a pandemic the world population drops, it does not keep rising like normal

Just in case nobody has told you yet today, you're an idiot.
Who owns google apple netflix and 800 other stocks

You own a car loan perhaps
View attachment 398360
Yes kid the american government never lies. Is that your claim

Dude, you have opened my eyes. Tin Foil Hats for all.
Again the only foil hat wearers are those who believe the government who is proven to have either lied or been ignorant in every situation
Who do you mean by Gov't? Trump? Congress? Supreme Court?
The government never tells the truth to america. Never has, when you prove it the fbi arrest you
Truth on what? And what Govt branch?
Are you aware that Facebook was created by the NSA making Facebook an unofficial branch of the government, or that Microsoft relented and gave the NSA windows codes making every windows system vulnerable to government hacking?

The Muller report is a lie
The Warren report is a lie
Everything the media reports by and of the government is a lie

No need to wear a mask was a lie
You need to wear a mask is a lie
Covid 19 is a lie, as it traces back to 2012 in a chinese mine
The supreme court claiming autonomy while on the government payroll is a lie
So again, I ask. Who is in on this conspiracy? Every single congressperson? President? Every single supreme court justice?
Evidently Esalla and all of those different voices in his head are in on it, anyway.

They forgot the Kryptonite..........................................
It’s actually excellent news as he is older and overweight. So the therapeutics work. Let’s document the details and make them readily available so that we may resume our lives.
The drugs did nothing, covid is a hoax
I have had it. Not a hoax. Not as serious as people
claim but it’s for real.
The pandemic is 100 percent fake. Remember in a pandemic the world population drops, it does not keep rising like normal

Just in case nobody has told you yet today, you're an idiot.
Who owns google apple netflix and 800 other stocks

You own a car loan perhaps
View attachment 398360
Yes kid the american government never lies. Is that your claim

Dude, you have opened my eyes. Tin Foil Hats for all.
Again the only foil hat wearers are those who believe the government who is proven to have either lied or been ignorant in every situation
Who do you mean by Gov't? Trump? Congress? Supreme Court?
The government never tells the truth to america. Never has, when you prove it the fbi arrest you
Truth on what? And what Govt branch?
Are you aware that Facebook was created by the NSA making Facebook an unofficial branch of the government, or that Microsoft relented and gave the NSA windows codes making every windows system vulnerable to government hacking?

The Muller report is a lie
The Warren report is a lie
Everything the media reports by and of the government is a lie

No need to wear a mask was a lie
You need to wear a mask is a lie
Covid 19 is a lie, as it traces back to 2012 in a chinese mine
The supreme court claiming autonomy while on the government payroll is a lie
So again, I ask. Who is in on this conspiracy? Every single congressperson? President? Every single supreme court justice?
Name one whole truth that came from the government........................................

9/11 was a terror attack
And buildings that were not hit fell down.........................


They forgot the Kryptonite..........................................
It’s actually excellent news as he is older and overweight. So the therapeutics work. Let’s document the details and make them readily available so that we may resume our lives.
The drugs did nothing, covid is a hoax
I have had it. Not a hoax. Not as serious as people
claim but it’s for real.
The pandemic is 100 percent fake. Remember in a pandemic the world population drops, it does not keep rising like normal

Just in case nobody has told you yet today, you're an idiot.
Who owns google apple netflix and 800 other stocks

You own a car loan perhaps
View attachment 398360
Yes kid the american government never lies. Is that your claim

Dude, you have opened my eyes. Tin Foil Hats for all.
Again the only foil hat wearers are those who believe the government who is proven to have either lied or been ignorant in every situation
Who do you mean by Gov't? Trump? Congress? Supreme Court?
The government never tells the truth to america. Never has, when you prove it the fbi arrest you
Truth on what? And what Govt branch?
Are you aware that Facebook was created by the NSA making Facebook an unofficial branch of the government, or that Microsoft relented and gave the NSA windows codes making every windows system vulnerable to government hacking?

The Muller report is a lie
The Warren report is a lie
Everything the media reports by and of the government is a lie

No need to wear a mask was a lie
You need to wear a mask is a lie
Covid 19 is a lie, as it traces back to 2012 in a chinese mine
The supreme court claiming autonomy while on the government payroll is a lie
So again, I ask. Who is in on this conspiracy? Every single congressperson? President? Every single supreme court justice?
Evidently Esalla and all of those different voices in his head are in on it, anyway.
LOL my voice told me to buy Apple and Google

Yawn, you did that right

Slap on some more vaseline

They forgot the Kryptonite..........................................
It’s actually excellent news as he is older and overweight. So the therapeutics work. Let’s document the details and make them readily available so that we may resume our lives.
The drugs did nothing, covid is a hoax
I have had it. Not a hoax. Not as serious as people
claim but it’s for real.
The pandemic is 100 percent fake. Remember in a pandemic the world population drops, it does not keep rising like normal

Just in case nobody has told you yet today, you're an idiot.
Who owns google apple netflix and 800 other stocks

You own a car loan perhaps
View attachment 398360
Yes kid the american government never lies. Is that your claim

Dude, you have opened my eyes. Tin Foil Hats for all.
Again the only foil hat wearers are those who believe the government who is proven to have either lied or been ignorant in every situation
Who do you mean by Gov't? Trump? Congress? Supreme Court?
The government never tells the truth to america. Never has, when you prove it the fbi arrest you
Truth on what? And what Govt branch?
Are you aware that Facebook was created by the NSA making Facebook an unofficial branch of the government, or that Microsoft relented and gave the NSA windows codes making every windows system vulnerable to government hacking?

The Muller report is a lie
The Warren report is a lie
Everything the media reports by and of the government is a lie

No need to wear a mask was a lie
You need to wear a mask is a lie
Covid 19 is a lie, as it traces back to 2012 in a chinese mine
The supreme court claiming autonomy while on the government payroll is a lie

You're absolutely right. The Cub Scouts was created by the CIA to help ease the entry of a highly trained team of midget uniformed assassins into society.

They forgot the Kryptonite..........................................
It’s actually excellent news as he is older and overweight. So the therapeutics work. Let’s document the details and make them readily available so that we may resume our lives.
The drugs did nothing, covid is a hoax
I have had it. Not a hoax. Not as serious as people
claim but it’s for real.
The pandemic is 100 percent fake. Remember in a pandemic the world population drops, it does not keep rising like normal

Just in case nobody has told you yet today, you're an idiot.
Who owns google apple netflix and 800 other stocks

You own a car loan perhaps
View attachment 398360
Yes kid the american government never lies. Is that your claim

Dude, you have opened my eyes. Tin Foil Hats for all.
Again the only foil hat wearers are those who believe the government who is proven to have either lied or been ignorant in every situation
Who do you mean by Gov't? Trump? Congress? Supreme Court?
The government never tells the truth to america. Never has, when you prove it the fbi arrest you
Truth on what? And what Govt branch?
Are you aware that Facebook was created by the NSA making Facebook an unofficial branch of the government, or that Microsoft relented and gave the NSA windows codes making every windows system vulnerable to government hacking?

The Muller report is a lie
The Warren report is a lie
Everything the media reports by and of the government is a lie

No need to wear a mask was a lie
You need to wear a mask is a lie
Covid 19 is a lie, as it traces back to 2012 in a chinese mine
The supreme court claiming autonomy while on the government payroll is a lie

You're absolutely right. The Cub Scouts was created by the CIA to help ease the entry of a highly trained team of midget uniformed assassins into society.
And Edward Snowden did not really prove that the NSA was recording every Americans phone calls. This is why the NSA said that they would stop doing this

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