Doctors say Texas leaders have failed with COVID


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Over 50,000 COVID cases in the last few weeks. Abbott is busy killing the children of Texas.
Doctors have already refuted that lie. Abbott and little trump is Florida are busy killing their children.
No they haven’t dumbfuck. It’s the fault of unvaccinated illegals that Xiden is flooding the country with. Proven and undeniable. Another swing and miss.....

Over 50,000 COVID cases in the last few weeks. Abbott is busy killing the children of Texas.
Who cares? Doctors are not elected officials, but then again, either is Biden.

Over 50,000 COVID cases in the last few weeks. Abbott is busy killing the children of Texas.
So open more hospitals and send more hospital ships.

Oh wait, so many hospitals in Texas and the Southwest went bankrupt thanks to illegals.
And just HOW do your precious doctors refute that thousands of infected illegals entering Texas every week are NOT spreading Covid? That is IMPOSSIBLE to prove. You are incredibly gullible.
Says the one that sends money to the King of Liars.....trump

I am a humble human being. I make mistakes. But I am not a complete fool, either. The CDC pretends to be the last word, and has been wrong enough times that they lost my trust. I would be a complete fool to trust them. Vaccinations? Great if worked. Its doesn't. The 3 current vaccines are so ineffective, they need boosters? Um, isn't a vaccine supposed to destroy the virus its targeting? So it doesn't...So covid19 is like 99.99% survivable anyway. And?
7th u
Over 50,000 COVID cases in the last few weeks. Abbott is busy killing the children of Texas.
Your little blamegame criticism about the resurgence of Covid in Texas is ever so wrong to pin it on Texas leaders. Reports from border sources are showing likely an 18% positive immigrant statistic of border crossers of all ages are positive for covid. This year the stats are showing more immigrants are coming than can be handled by the border states and a reasonable view that more sick people are likely heading for unmonitored entrance point that pushes the American Latino population at risk from contact with the more virulent strains coming in from the South American version that targets children as well as adults. My sister in law deals with special children and immigrant schoolchildren and less than 4 weeks into the school year she gets covid. She will be out for a month if she is lucky and has no complications. My brother is exposed and will not be going into work as such.

It is a sorry thing to criticize people you act like you hate because of politics. This marginalization of yours belongs in the sewer of no return.
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