Doctors Sue FDA, Say Crusade Against Ivermectin ‘Unlawfully Interfered’ With Doctor-Patient Relationship

They didn't work.
Yet the data shows they did work, when properly designed and implemented by competent governments and people. I can understand your disillusion arising from the US failing in both categories, leading you to deny reality and data.

Every. Single. day..more info comes out on how we were played and how many people are paying for falling for the scamdemic and the poison clot shots.

The crazy part is, republicans seem to have been right about every single COVID related issue. Masks, lockdowns, vaccines, ivermectin, vaxxing kids, etc.
The crazy part is, republicans seem to have been right about every single COVID related issue. Masks, lockdowns, vaccines, ivermectin, vaxxing kids, etc.
You start with the fact that Astra is based on an adenovirus from a Gambian chimpanzee.
Shut up bigots it been's for horses!'s extremely dangerous! Follow the science stupid
Here, Stupid.

'Horse Drugs. As Merck stood poised to release its new horse drug molnupiravir into the market, the other US behemoth, Pfizer, was racing Merck neck and neck with its own antiviral pill, PF-07321332, an ivermectin knockoff that is so similar to IVM (except, of course, in price point) that its critics call it "Pfizermectin."
Tyler Durden, "Pfizer Launches Final Study for COVID Drug That's Suspiciously Similar to 'Horse Paste," Zero Hedge (September 28, 2021).'
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, p. 59)

Post #56
More chickens coming home to roost.

The FDA generally cannot ban particular uses of human drugs once they are otherwise approved and admitted to the market, even if such use differs from the labeling — commonly referred to as ‘off-label’ use.

The FDA generally cannot ban particular uses of human drugs once they are otherwise approved and admitted to the market, even if such use differs from the labeling — commonly referred to as ‘off-label’ use....

In their complaint, they site an FDA publication, “Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19,” and tweets from the FDA — including one implying that ivermectin is intended only for animals — among examples of the FDA discouraging the use of ivermectin.

Ok. The FDA will respond with this.

No benefit to Ivermectin use.

As opposed to the vaccine.

The good news is that many if not most of the Vaccine refusers aren’t around to spread more misinformation.


I remember the outrage from those on the don’t get the vaccine side over this.
Ok. The FDA will respond with this.

No benefit to Ivermectin use.

As opposed to the vaccine.

The good news is that many if not most of the Vaccine refusers aren’t around to spread more misinformation.

View attachment 686906

I remember the outrage from those on the don’t get the vaccine side over this.
The Together Trial:

So for the stupid, we'll include Alex Jones so that, like Biden's student loan forgiveness, information-compromised prisoners will take the bait: orang man bad, alex jones bad.

'India State of 241 Million People Declared COVID-free After Government Promotes Ivermectin 18, 2021)
(Kennedy, The Real Anthony Fauci, p.107 ref. #49)

Post #115

Oops! Even the Author Admitted It
One can always count on the usual suspects for the usual butt hurt delusions as they advocate for quacks' licence to sell snake oil.

The FDA warns against this and says large doses can be dangerous. This double-blind study began in June 2021 and enrolled more than 1,500 participants with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 symptoms across the United States. They took 400 mcg/kg per day of ivermectin or a placebo for three days. Over eight months, there was no difference in symptom ...
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


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