Doctors Sue FDA, Say Crusade Against Ivermectin ‘Unlawfully Interfered’ With Doctor-Patient Relationship

People Hospitalized After Taking Animal Drug Ivermectin for …

Ivermectin will land you in the hospital - Search
I know that ivermectin was approved for human consumption for treatment in other areas. So taking one for animals is not a good idea however if a doctor told me o use it for another purpose, then after a series of questions a person should be able to use it if they choose.
One can always count on the usual suspects for the usual butt hurt delusions as they advocate for quacks' licence to sell snake oil.

The FDA warns against this and says large doses can be dangerous. This double-blind study began in June 2021 and enrolled more than 1,500 participants with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 symptoms across the United States. They took 400 mcg/kg per day of ivermectin or a placebo for three days. Over eight months, there was no difference in symptom ...
The "snake oil" you refer to has been proven safe and effective over DECADES of use. Non-thinking minions like you aided the smear campaign that contributed to countless UNNECESSARY DEATHS all in the name of Big Pharma profit.
Science says otherwise.
Another mindless minion chirping the mantra: We must believe the SCIENCE!!! How about the SCIENCE that proved over decades of use that Ivermectin and HCQ are safe and effective? Where was the SCIENCE that proved these experimental vaccines that reprogram your cells sprout spike proteins are safe and effective? Oh there wasn't any, you just participated in the largest vaccine test study in world history. Hope it works out for you.
Another mindless minion chirping the mantra: We must believe the SCIENCE!!! How about the SCIENCE that proved over decades of use that Ivermectin and HCQ are safe and effective? Where was the SCIENCE that proved these experimental vaccines that reprogram your cells sprout spike proteins are safe and effective? Oh there wasn't any, you just participated in the largest vaccine test study in world history. Hope it works out for you.
This is a bunch of gibberish.
The controlled blind trial showed no benefit to COVID sufferers from ingesting Ivermectin. I understand deplorables don't get science. No worries, they wouldn't be deplorable if they did.
Other studies say it does help.

Seven studies showed a lower mortality rate in the ivermectin group than in the control group, six studies found that the ivermectin group had a significantly fewer length of hospitalization than the control group, and eight studies showed better negative RT-PCR responses in the IVM group than in the control group.
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There are even more important matters within the so-called pandemic to consider, specifically how extensively damaged the immune systems are of the poor fools who submitted to the jabs, because people in the know, true medical experts, not Fauci and Bill Gates, believe many of you are now a ticking time bomb,

The "snake oil" you refer to has been proven safe and effective over DECADES of use. Non-thinking minions like you aided the smear campaign that contributed to countless UNNECESSARY DEATHS all in the name of Big Pharma profit.

Ivermectin has one of the best safety records on the planet, even according to NIH, with 40 years of safety data to back it up. Contrast this to the disastrous poison death shots which skipped normal 3 to 6 years of animal safety trials and then got shot iot half the world's population.

"The primary safety endpoint was mydriasis, accurately quantitated by pupillometry. Ivermectin was generally well tolerated, with no indication of associated CNS toxicity for doses up to 10 times the highest FDA-approved dose of 200 microg/kg. All dose regimens had a mydriatic effect similar to placebo. Adverse experiences were similar between ivermectin and placebo and did not increase with dose. ..... This study demonstrated that ivermectin is generally well tolerated at these higher doses and more frequent regimens."
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There are even more important matters within the so-called pandemic to consider, specifically how extensively damaged the immune systems are of the poor fools who submitted to the jabs, because people in the know, true medical experts, not Fauci and Bill Gates, believe many of you are now a ticking time bomb,

Can you imagine these people trusting someone like Fauci. He has made a career out of suppressing cheap and effective treatments so Big Pharma can make a killing. He is on-record as funding gain-of-function research at Wuhan.
Other studies say it does help.

Seven studies showed a lower mortality rate in the ivermectin group than in the control group, six studies found that the ivermectin group had a significantly fewer length of hospitalization than the control group, and eight studies showed better negative RT-PCR responses in the IVM group than in the control group.
A study of observational studies, not a controlled blind trial.
Apparently cnm would rather believe the same people that now have recanted their own draconian Covid rules.
I believe the people whose rules are shown to have worked, not deplorable mouthpieces who politicised an epidemic to enable re-election.

Can you imagine these people trusting someone like Fauci.
Considering that trusting the LOTUS when he said COVID would disappear was so much more productive.
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More chickens coming home to roost.

The FDA generally cannot ban particular uses of human drugs once they are otherwise approved and admitted to the market, even if such use differs from the labeling — commonly referred to as ‘off-label’ use.

The FDA generally cannot ban particular uses of human drugs once they are otherwise approved and admitted to the market, even if such use differs from the labeling — commonly referred to as ‘off-label’ use....

In their complaint, they site an FDA publication, “Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19,” and tweets from the FDA — including one implying that ivermectin is intended only for animals — among examples of the FDA discouraging the use of ivermectin.
Shut up bigots it been's for horses!'s extremely dangerous! Follow the science stupid!

Considering that trusting the LOTUS when he said COVID would disappear was so much more productive.
Covid is no longer considered a threat. If you consider a virus with an at worst, 95% SURVIVAL rate.
Their rules caused more pain than Covid.
The ones whose rules were shown to have worked when they were properly designed and implemented?
excess-deaths-cumulative-per-100k-economist nz taiwan.png

Only to those who consider money more important than lives. Trumpists, in other words...

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