Document confirms World Zionist Organization allocates land to settlers in Jordan val

People have o history of hating Jews? Ha ha ha ha.

Review the history of the last 2000 years, you will find religious based hatred as the number killer of human beings.

Can't read to well, can you asshole?

Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Indians, Native Americans.

they have no history of hating Jews.

and yet many of them hate the shit out of Israel and Israelis, due to how they behave.

You reap what you sow, ZioNazi.
Yes. So there were more Jews that fled their homes than did the 300,000 Palestinians that fled what is now Israel. Now, you add a portion of that and their descendants in Israel, which are a majority now in Israel, plus the others and their descendants in diaspora, and you probably get to a number closer to 4.5 million. But who's counting. Ethnic cleansing, anyone?

more than 800,000 Arabs fled Israel in 1948.

stop with the Nakba-Denial.
Says who? Records show about 250,000 to 300,000 in what is today Israel, West Bank, and Gaza. And most of the Gazans are Egyptians. Are you including Jordan aka Arab Palestine?
People have o history of hating Jews? Ha ha ha ha.

Review the history of the last 2000 years, you will find religious based hatred as the number killer of human beings.

Can't read to well, can you asshole?

Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Indians, Native Americans.

they have no history of hating Jews.

and yet many of them hate the shit out of Israel and Israelis, due to how they behave.

You reap what you sow, ZioNazi.

Yeah yeah yeah. Wrong again.
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Palistanian settlers should stop thinking they have an exclusive right to what is Judea and Samaria and not some goddamn -stan. Basically, the international community should do itself a favor and dispense with being an example to the einsteinian definition of insanity with its peace-state-palistan drivel and undertake an international program of humanitarian resettlement of palistanians and integration of their brethren residing in other states. That'll be cool, of course.

Is it a wonder that Israel is less liked in World Polls than N. Korea and Iran...steal their land and kick them out...Just what the Nazis did.

Its hard to believe that some Jews think this way.
Which polls is "Israel less liked than N. Korea or Iran"? Pakistan? LOL

BBC News - BBC poll: Germany most popular country in the world

Israel, North Korea, Pakistan and Iran came out worst in terms of how they are viewed globally. Only 15% of respondents said they saw Iran as having a mainly positive influence.
Says who? Records show about 250,000 to 300,000 in what is today Israel, West Bank, and Gaza. And most of the Gazans are Egyptians. Are you including Jordan aka Arab Palestine?

Estimates of the Palestinian Refugee flight of 1948 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

numbers range from 700,000 to 900,000.

going down to 300,000 is like assholes who say only 300,000 Jews died in the Holocaust.

Israeli sources say that there were about 300,000 Palestinian refugees by January 1948. (months before the 1948 war) That may be the source.
People have o history of hating Jews? Ha ha ha ha.
Review the history of the last 2000 years, you will find religious based hatred as the number killer of human beings.
Can't read to well, can you asshole?

Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Indians, Native Americans.
they have no history of hating Jews.
and yet many of them hate the shit out of Israel and Israelis, due to how they behave.

You reap what you sow, ZioNazi.
1. Zionazi is a Proxy antisemitic term.
Most/The Great majority of Jews are Zionists in that they support Israel's existence if Not all it policies.
Even Jews wanting a retreat to the 1967 Borders are "zionists".

2. Koreans, ie, Revere the Jews.
Someone tell your compadre Holston that Far many more/Multiples more Koreans have read and studied the Talmud than Jews.

The Korean-Talmud Love Affair

Reports of the Talmud being a national classic in S. Korea have been floating around for years, but it’s now official: Students must study Talmud.
By Hillel Fendel -- 3/28/2011 said:

Reports of the Talmud being a national classic in South Korea have been floating around for several years, but it’s now Official: The country’s ambassador to Israel, Ma Young-Sam, told the “Culture Today” TV show that Talmud study is now a mandatory part of the country’s school curriculum.

In addition, it is said, almost every home in South Korea boasts a Korean version of the Talmud
, and mothers commonly teach it to their children, who call it the "Light of Knowledge."

Why? "We were very curious about the high academic achievements of the Jews," Young-Sam explained,
according to a Ynet report. "Jews have a high percentage of Nobel laureates in all fields - literature, science and economics. This is a remarkable achievement. We tried to understand: What is the secret of the Jewish people? How are they, more than other people, able to reach those impressive accomplishments? Why are Jews so intelligent? The conclusion we arrived at is that one of your secrets is that you study the Talmud…
We believe that if we teach our children Talmud, they will also become Geniuses. This is what stands behind the rationale of introducing Talmud study to our school curriculum."

"I, for example, have two sets of the Talmud,” the ambassador said.
“The one my wife bought me, and the second was a gift from my mother."
He also praised the Talmud and the Jewish tradition it represents for its family values, respect for adults, and respect for education in general.

Korean Times, Ten Years Ago
Nearly ten years ago, the Korea Times reported: “Interestingly, there are at least two different books currently sitting on Korean best-seller shelves that purport to explain the Jewish Talmud. The popularity of these books initially came as a surprise. But Koreans aren’t converting to Judaism. They read those books because Jews have gained a reputation for hard work and success, two things Koreans relate to well.”

Reports of Korean schoolchildren reading the Talmud – or at least stories thereof – have also been known for several years. One American teacher in South Korea related that in 2005, his elementary school students told him that as children, they had ALL read the Talmud, which they called the "Light of Knowledge." When asked if they had also read the Koran, they Burst into Laughter, saying, "Of course Not, that’s the Muslim book.”
I Love this debate stuff.

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Hoffstra, et al,

I'm afraid it is you that does not understand.

This exact argument has been represented by Rocco, who calls this a "security" situation...even though he knows full well that farmers have no relation to security.

My implication (based on the story) was:

  • Israeli farmers are relatively trustworthy enough to farm the land, make it productive, without aiding and abetting infiltrators.
  • The Palestinian farmer actively demonstrated that they would help infiltrators.

That is a direct relationship to a security issue. Don't be foolish.

Most Respectfully,
Hoffstra, et al,

I'm afraid it is you that does not understand.

This exact argument has been represented by Rocco, who calls this a "security" situation...even though he knows full well that farmers have no relation to security.

My implication (based on the story) was:

  • Israeli farmers are relatively trustworthy enough to farm the land, make it productive, without aiding and abetting infiltrators.
  • The Palestinian farmer actively demonstrated that they would help infiltrators.

That is a direct relationship to a security issue. Don't be foolish.

Most Respectfully,

Which propaganda term does Israel use most?
Hoffstra, et al,

I'm afraid it is you that does not understand.

This exact argument has been represented by Rocco, who calls this a "security" situation...even though he knows full well that farmers have no relation to security.

My implication (based on the story) was:

  • Israeli farmers are relatively trustworthy enough to farm the land, make it productive, without aiding and abetting infiltrators.
  • The Palestinian farmer actively demonstrated that they would help infiltrators.

That is a direct relationship to a security issue. Don't be foolish.

Most Respectfully,

Israel has been confiscating Arab private property for "security reasons" and ending up handing it to Jewish settlers, for decades.

This is how they do things.

There is no reason to think this is case isn't just another example of Israeli land grabs for feigned security reasons, in order to put the land under Jewish control.

Its disgusting that you are defending this.

THIS is why people hate Israel, and you think its kosher.
Which propaganda term does Israel use most?

Dude, many Uber-Zionists, probably including the ones in this forum, believe that rock throwers are terrorists.

They believe that militant attacks on Israeli soldiers, is terrorism.

They are the Kings of Spin & Deceit.
Hoffstra, et al,

I'm afraid it is you that does not understand.

This exact argument has been represented by Rocco, who calls this a "security" situation...even though he knows full well that farmers have no relation to security.

My implication (based on the story) was:

  • Israeli farmers are relatively trustworthy enough to farm the land, make it productive, without aiding and abetting infiltrators.
  • The Palestinian farmer actively demonstrated that they would help infiltrators.

That is a direct relationship to a security issue. Don't be foolish.

Most Respectfully,

Which propaganda term does Israel use most?

You're absolutely right Tinnie !

Israel does not need security and they have never been attacked by terrorists. Also, there are no terrorist who are currently seeking to hurt Israel.
It's all just made up .

Why do you hate Israel so much ?
Hoffstra, et al,

We are talking about an anti-Israeli story.

Israel has been confiscating Arab private property for "security reasons" and ending up handing it to Jewish settlers, for decades.

This is how they do things.

There is no reason to think this is case isn't just another example of Israeli land grabs for feigned security reasons, in order to put the land under Jewish control.

Its disgusting that you are defending this.

THIS is why people hate Israel, and you think its kosher.

The story itself, cites the farmer-infiltrator connection. That is a "security issue."

Any country would have taken action; even the US.

You are reading all kinds of accusations into it. You are convinced that Israel did something wrong. That some poor Palestinian was deprived of his property. You don't even pretend to give an objective view.

According to the story, and that is all the information we have, "Palestinian farmers in this area helped infiltrators to cross the border into Israeli-controlled territory."

Document confirms World Zionist Organization allocates land to settlers in Jordan valley said:
But following a number of incidents in which Palestinian farmers in this area helped infiltrators to cross the border into Israeli-controlled territory, the entire area was declared a military zone.

SOURCE: Document confirms World Zionist Organization allocates land to settlers in Jordan valley

The story itself does not challenge the accusation that "a number of incidents in which Palestinian farmers in this area helped infiltrators." That was injected into that argument.

There were a number of ways the Israeli's could have approached it. One was "eminent domain" and the other was "confiscation." In either case, the property will be eventually returned.

Now, of course, the pro-Palestinian will take the view that the farmer(s) should not face a consequence for their action. And I understand that. They support infiltration operations against Israeli Occupation --- I get it. But I'm at a disadvantage. I only go on what the story says. I don't have this insider knowledge that suggests the farmer(s) were "falsely accused," that they were denied "due process" (whatever due process is in the Middle East), "feigned security reasons," or that other conditions were not taken into considerations --- that this is some sort of organized theft. I did not get that from the article (did the article say that). What did the Article say? What did the Article argue was wrong?

Most Respectfully,
Hoffstra, et al,

We are talking about an anti-Israeli story.

Israel has been confiscating Arab private property for "security reasons" and ending up handing it to Jewish settlers, for decades.

This is how they do things.

There is no reason to think this is case isn't just another example of Israeli land grabs for feigned security reasons, in order to put the land under Jewish control.

Its disgusting that you are defending this.

THIS is why people hate Israel, and you think its kosher.

The story itself, cites the farmer-infiltrator connection. That is a "security issue."

Any country would have taken action; even the US.

You are reading all kinds of accusations into it. You are convinced that Israel did something wrong. That some poor Palestinian was deprived of his property. You don't even pretend to give an objective view.

According to the story, and that is all the information we have, "Palestinian farmers in this area helped infiltrators to cross the border into Israeli-controlled territory."

Document confirms World Zionist Organization allocates land to settlers in Jordan valley said:
But following a number of incidents in which Palestinian farmers in this area helped infiltrators to cross the border into Israeli-controlled territory, the entire area was declared a military zone.

SOURCE: Document confirms World Zionist Organization allocates land to settlers in Jordan valley

The story itself does not challenge the accusation that "a number of incidents in which Palestinian farmers in this area helped infiltrators." That was injected into that argument.

There were a number of ways the Israeli's could have approached it. One was "eminent domain" and the other was "confiscation." In either case, the property will be eventually returned.

Now, of course, the pro-Palestinian will take the view that the farmer(s) should not face a consequence for their action. And I understand that. They support infiltration operations against Israeli Occupation --- I get it. But I'm at a disadvantage. I only go on what the story says. I don't have this insider knowledge that suggests the farmer(s) were "falsely accused," that they were denied "due process" (whatever due process is in the Middle East), "feigned security reasons," or that other conditions were not taken into considerations --- that this is some sort of organized theft. I did not get that from the article (did the article say that). What did the Article say? What did the Article argue was wrong?

Most Respectfully,

Isn't the Jordan Valley a long way from Israel?

Just curious.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Jordan Valley a long way from Israel? The Center of the Valley is 45 miles from Tel Aviv.

Hoffstra, et al,

We are talking about an anti-Israeli story.

Israel has been confiscating Arab private property for "security reasons" and ending up handing it to Jewish settlers, for decades.

This is how they do things.

There is no reason to think this is case isn't just another example of Israeli land grabs for feigned security reasons, in order to put the land under Jewish control.

Its disgusting that you are defending this.

THIS is why people hate Israel, and you think its kosher.

The story itself, cites the farmer-infiltrator connection. That is a "security issue."

Any country would have taken action; even the US.

You are reading all kinds of accusations into it. You are convinced that Israel did something wrong. That some poor Palestinian was deprived of his property. You don't even pretend to give an objective view.

According to the story, and that is all the information we have, "Palestinian farmers in this area helped infiltrators to cross the border into Israeli-controlled territory."

Document confirms World Zionist Organization allocates land to settlers in Jordan valley said:
But following a number of incidents in which Palestinian farmers in this area helped infiltrators to cross the border into Israeli-controlled territory, the entire area was declared a military zone.

SOURCE: Document confirms World Zionist Organization allocates land to settlers in Jordan valley

The story itself does not challenge the accusation that "a number of incidents in which Palestinian farmers in this area helped infiltrators." That was injected into that argument.

There were a number of ways the Israeli's could have approached it. One was "eminent domain" and the other was "confiscation." In either case, the property will be eventually returned.

Now, of course, the pro-Palestinian will take the view that the farmer(s) should not face a consequence for their action. And I understand that. They support infiltration operations against Israeli Occupation --- I get it. But I'm at a disadvantage. I only go on what the story says. I don't have this insider knowledge that suggests the farmer(s) were "falsely accused," that they were denied "due process" (whatever due process is in the Middle East), "feigned security reasons," or that other conditions were not taken into considerations --- that this is some sort of organized theft. I did not get that from the article (did the article say that). What did the Article say? What did the Article argue was wrong?

Most Respectfully,

Isn't the Jordan Valley a long way from Israel?

Just curious.

But it is not about the distance from the OPT border to Israel. Once an insurgent, saboteur, terrorist, or other operative successfully infiltrates inside the Occupied Territories, the ability to get with striking distances greatly improves.
  • An Infiltrator can easily get within a quarter mile of Jerusalem.
  • An Infiltrator can get within 12.5 miles of Nevatim and 10.5 miles within Beer Sheva.
  • An Infiltrator can take high ground within 5.9 miles of Ben Gurion Airport.
  • An Infiltrator can get within 10.5 miles of Ramat David.
So no, it is not a "long way" to Israel for an infiltrator. Once inside, it is all threat ranges from high ground.

Most Respectfully,
Is it a wonder that Israel is less liked in World Polls than N. Korea and Iran...steal their land and kick them out...Just what the Nazis did.

Its hard to believe that some Jews think this way.
Which polls is "Israel less liked than N. Korea or Iran"? Pakistan? LOL

BBC News - BBC poll: Germany most popular country in the world

Israel, North Korea, Pakistan and Iran came out worst in terms of how they are viewed globally. Only 15% of respondents said they saw Iran as having a mainly positive influence.
So then it was another lie, as usual. Israel wasn't liked less than Iran. Wy didn't you post the rest of what your article said:

"Germany came out top, with 59% rating it positively. Iran was once again the most negatively viewed."

Besides, last I checked we lived in the US. Nobody cares about bogus "international polls".
Why do you hate Israel so much ?

Israel steals private Arab private property and gives it to Jews.

that's why people hate Israel.

what are you, blind & deaf?
Now tell us why Palestinians are hated? Here's a clue. This is why they're hated:

[ame=]***MUST SEE Muslims "Palestinians" Celebrating 9/11 (CNN - Fox) September 11 ARABS twin towers 911 - YouTube[/ame]
People have o history of hating Jews? Ha ha ha ha.

Review the history of the last 2000 years, you will find religious based hatred as the number killer of human beings.

Can't read to well, can you asshole?

Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Indians, Native Americans.

they have no history of hating Jews.

and yet many of them hate the shit out of Israel and Israelis, due to how they behave.

You reap what you sow, ZioNazi.
OMG! And what do Americans think? LOL

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