Document confirms World Zionist Organization allocates land to settlers in Jordan val

Coyote; et al,

On of the first casualties of a very extended conflict is "fairness" and "justice."

I see you point Rocco, but I'm not sure that I agree. The fact that they don't even want to initiate anything and that they've allowed settlers to farm it (and they reasons they are letting them farm it) don't really support your points.

In a half century, the people of both sides of the conflict lose their objectivity and sympathy towards what is fair. Each side begins to lose sight of the other as anything more than a hostile enemy, attempting to suppress their freedoms. They don't really see them as people any more.

It is a punitive judgment. No question. Maybe, someday, it will be set right. But until then, it is important for both sides to remember that their are consequence to face for every action. Some of them are more harsh than others; with some unexpectedly more harsh then one might have thought.

Most Respectfully,

Not to mention the truth. There is very little of that in this conflict.

Each side begins to lose sight of the other as anything more than a hostile enemy, attempting to suppress their freedoms. They don't really see them as people any more.

That is why Hamas calls for an extended period of truce. It would be easier to formulate a peace agreement at a later date if they no longer view each other as a threat.

Isn't the arab version of a truce called a hudna? Where they shake with one hand with the other behind their back with their fingers crossed?
Is it a wonder that Israel is less liked in World Polls than N. Korea and Iran...steal their land and kick them out...Just what the Nazis did. Its hard to believe that some Jews think this way.
This emotionally-disturbed leftist drivel is a typical distraction from a fact that the UNRWA hasn't fulfilled its task of resettling and reintegrating palistanians in other lands and that "local" palistanians are being made to get a fully disfunctional basket-case of a state foisted on them, of course.
"Local" Palestinians have no desire to be forced out of their homeland any more than the "Local" Jews do.
homeland is used to hide the major immigrant nature of palistanians, of course.
Ethnic cleansing is never a supportable option.
This emotionally-disturbed leftist drivel is a typical distraction from a fact that the UNRWA hasn't fulfilled its task of resettling and reintegrating palistanians in other lands and that "local" palistanians are being made to get a fully disfunctional basket-case of a state foisted on them, of course. Worth repeating.
In a half century, the people of both sides of the conflict lose their objectivity and sympathy towards what is fair. Each side begins to lose sight of the other as anything more than a hostile enemy, attempting to suppress their freedoms. They don't really see them as people any more.
Ahh, that's why the PLO was formed full three years before the war of 1967.
In a half century, the people of both sides of the conflict lose their objectivity and sympathy towards what is fair. Each side begins to lose sight of the other as anything more than a hostile enemy, attempting to suppress their freedoms. They don't really see them as people any more.
Ahh, that's why the PLO was formed full three years before the war of 1967.

Indeed, to fight the 1948 occupation of Palestine.
In a half century, the people of both sides of the conflict lose their objectivity and sympathy towards what is fair. Each side begins to lose sight of the other as anything more than a hostile enemy, attempting to suppress their freedoms. They don't really see them as people any more.
Ahh, that's why the PLO was formed full three years before the war of 1967.
Indeed, to fight the 1948 occupation of Palestine.
The PLO's full of excuses like shitt, of course, but we need to establish facts, so, who was that sheikh, sultan, shakh, effendi, emir, president, prime-minister of that "state of" palestine to cry occupation?
Sunni Man, et al,

This is a security issue.

The jews have always been known throughout history for double dealing and cheating people.

So their stealing the farmers land should come as no surprise to anyone. .. :cool:

Those Arab Palestinians would still have their land to farm if they had not proven to be a danger to the border security.

They will get their land back (in all probability) when peace between the Palestinian and Israel is negotiated.

There is no theft involved. This was a case of "eminent domain" (the power to take private property for security and safety purposes).

Both sides (Israeli and Palestinian) are at each others throats. They each claim the worst of the other. At some point, each will have to grow-up and look at each incident and event through unbiased and evidentiary eyes.

Most Respectfully,

No R it is not,...........It is the usual modus-operandi of the Israeli State to gain land ILLEGALY BY STEALTH and TRICKERY,Security Issue My Ass.......,you Zionists on here believe anything......A lie is not REALITY.....apart from in Israel where a lie is corrupted truth.......No one ever believes what Israel say because they have a history of blatant lying.......the World understand this but poor old America spend too much time with their Head Up Israels ASS.......but... the American Taxpayer seems happy to waste billions of their hard earn't money supporting a country,who would turn on them if it suited,well they have ignored America for years,as it is.

I can never understand why the world bother too much with what Israel have to say,actually most of the world don't.

Only the American/Jewish press:eusa_hand:
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Israel steals Arab land, lets Jews farm it, and doesn't compensate the Arabs in any way.

And Israelis wonder why they are hated.

Arabs help terrorists to enter Israel to kill Jews.
Then they whine that they are removed from the area so they can no longer help terrorists enter Israel.
And Arabs wonder why they receive so little sympathy.
They've never had complete sovereignty - little to no control over borders, water, resources, or the ability to make treaties or free trade and subject to blockades and demolation of infrastructure. The state may be run insanely but it's also never really been an independent state - it's hard to see how it could be truly self-sustaining under those conditions nor do I think it is really fair to compare it to truly self-governing states.

Indeed, Palestine went from Ottoman rule to British occupation. Then to occupation by Israel, Jordan and Egypt. Then to complete Israeli occupation.

This does not negate the Palestinian's rights. It merely denies the exercise of their rights.

Of course this is a violation of inter national law.
RoccoR said:
There is a State of Palestine (SoP), but it remains a question as to whether or not there is a true Government of Palestine (GoP).

I don't see a question. The unity government of March 2007 is the last constitutionally legal government of Palestine.

In June of 2007 the US had a coup to take out that government. The coup failed in Gaza leaving the legal government in place. At least the part of the government that is in Gaza.

There was, however, an illegal government installed in the West Bank that is called the "PA."

The liars say that this is the legitimate government.
RoccoR said:
There is a State of Palestine (SoP), but it remains a question as to whether or not there is a true Government of Palestine (GoP).

I don't see a question. The unity government of March 2007 is the last constitutionally legal government of Palestine.

In June of 2007 the US had a coup to take out that government. The coup failed in Gaza leaving the legal government in place. At least the part of the government that is in Gaza.

There was, however, an illegal government installed in the West Bank that is called the "PA."

The liars say that this is the legitimate government.

Not ONCE have I read anything that suggested that the PA is illegal.....Weird..
They've never had complete sovereignty - little to no control over borders, water, resources, or the ability to make treaties or free trade and subject to blockades and demolation of infrastructure. The state may be run insanely but it's also never really been an independent state - it's hard to see how it could be truly self-sustaining under those conditions nor do I think it is really fair to compare it to truly self-governing states.

Indeed, Palestine went from Ottoman rule to British occupation. Then to occupation by Israel, Jordan and Egypt. Then to complete Israeli occupation.

This does not negate the Palestinian's rights. It merely denies the exercise of their rights.

Of course this is a violation of inter national law.

British rule, not occupation
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RoccoR said:
There is a State of Palestine (SoP), but it remains a question as to whether or not there is a true Government of Palestine (GoP).

I don't see a question. The unity government of March 2007 is the last constitutionally legal government of Palestine.

In June of 2007 the US had a coup to take out that government. The coup failed in Gaza leaving the legal government in place. At least the part of the government that is in Gaza.

There was, however, an illegal government installed in the West Bank that is called the "PA."

The liars say that this is the legitimate government.

Not ONCE have I read anything that suggested that the PA is illegal.....Weird..

And that proves a point. The is no lie too big for Israel to pull off.

Actually, it was in the news. Sorry you missed it.

[ame=]On The Map with Avi Lewis: Gaza Coup d'Etat? - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]U.S. Funding Fatah in Gaza Hard Coup - YouTube[/ame]
and nothing in those videos suggest that the PA in the West Bank is illegal.

The first video did.

This appointment has been challenged as illegal, because while the Palestinian Basic Law permits the president to dismiss a sitting prime minister, the appointment of a replacement requires the approval of the Legislative Council. The law provides that after removal of the prime minister (in this case, Ismail Haniyeh), the outgoing prime minister heads a caretaker government. The current Legislative Council, in which Hamas holds a majority of seats, has not approved the appointments of Fayyad or the balance of his new government. Fayyad's appointment was never placed before, or approved by it.[12] Haniyeh continues to operate as prime minister in Gaza, and is recognized by a large number of Palestinians as the legitimate acting prime minister. Anis al-Qasem, a constitutional lawyer who drafted the Basic Law, is among those who publicly declared the appointment of Fayyad to be illegal.[13]

Salam Fayyad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Neither Salam Fayyad nor any of his cabinet have been approved by the PLC as required in their constitution. The government in the West Bank is illegal.

Note: Fayyad has recently been replaced by Rami Hamdallah also not approved by the PLC.

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