DOCUMENT Shows FBI Agreed to Cover Up Hillary Crimes

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Well, given the gravity of the story, and the fact that this is a SMOKING GUN SHOCKING revelation, you have my permission to rub it in my face when the indictments are handed down and the appropriate parties are punished.

If they are not, I'm sure this will be another case of the commie Hitler Deep State Marxists destroying America, that we can throw on the pile.
Some people are insulated by their position of importance. Hillary is certainly one of those people.
And I think going after Hillary would necessarily include dragging King Obama into this who had to okay this arrangement with the FBI and as her chief political sponsor in 2016 (the finest presidential candidate America has ever had, to paraphrase).

We'll see where things lead but the claim that if she isn't indicted the central premise of the thread is false is, in itself, false.

In other words, heads you win and tails you win. You are so much bullshit.
In other words, heads you win and tails you win. You are so much bullshit.
Let the evidence speak for itself. If Clinton isn't indicted, because to indict her means necessarily that Barry Obama will be pulled into this case, doesn't mean there is nothing to the cover job Comey's (and Obama's) FBI gave to Madame Hillary.

Actually it's vermin like you that want heads I win..tails I win because a lack of an indictment may be mostly a political judgement and not a comment at all on the merit of grounds for the prosecution, just so you know.

At least one person (with many to follow undoubtedly) is already presuming lack of an indictment means the case is groundless and that is where the real bullshit is.
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At least one person (with many to follow undoubtedly) is already presuming lack of an indictment means the case is groundless and that is where the real bullshit is.
Exactly. Just because there isn't an indictment yet doesn't mean there will never be one.
The Gateway Pundit is not...

... aw, fuck it.
Look at Mac! The pretend non partisan using a partisan tactic. Just ignore the message and shoot the messenger.

Good job Mac!

He pretends to be partisan?
Not here
Reading comprehension.

Find some

Any 3rd grade classroom will do

That the level you're currently at?
I like how Democrats run around saying nobody is above the law while obviously Democrats are.

I like how Hillary Clinton has been investigated more than 17 times, and the combined forces of the FBI, the CIA, the Republican Congresses of three Administrations, have failed to even find a crime which Hillary committed, much less evidence to convict her.

Just from a common sense standpoint, if I were Bill or Hillary Clinton, I would make sure I kept my nose super clean and didn't do ANYTHING remotedly illegal, because somebody somewhere (Judidical Watch, this means YOU), will force an investigation. That nobody has found a shred of evidence against them tells me that they probably figured out that if they so much as jaywalked, a Republican would try to jail them for it, so I don''t think the Clintons are the big-time criminals that Donald Trump says they are, and well, other than that loon from JW, nobody else is saying it.

Imagine if all of the money Republicans spent on investigating the Clintons were put into buying computers for kids in poor neighbourhoods!!
I like how Democrats run around saying nobody is above the law while obviously Democrats are.

I like how Hillary Clinton has been investigated more than 17 times, and the combined forces of the FBI, the CIA, the Republican Congresses of three Administrations, have failed to even find a crime which Hillary committed, much less evidence to convict her.

Just from a common sense standpoint, if I were Bill or Hillary Clinton, I would make sure I kept my nose super clean and didn't do ANYTHING remotedly illegal, because somebody somewhere (Judidical Watch, this means YOU), will force an investigation. That nobody has found a shred of evidence against them tells me that they probably figured out that if they so much as jaywalked, a Republican would try to jail them for it, so I don''t think the Clintons are the big-time criminals that Donald Trump says they are, and well, other than that loon from JW, nobody else is saying it.

Imagine if all of the money Republicans spent on investigating the Clintons were put into buying computers for kids in poor neighbourhoods!!
That is because they are dirty. And protected.
Look at Mac! The pretend non partisan using a partisan tactic. Just ignore the message and shoot the messenger.

Good job Mac!

He pretends to be partisan?
Not here
Reading comprehension.

Find some

Any 3rd grade classroom will do

That the level you're currently at?
Dude you MISREAD the post. Admit it and move the fuck on like a well adjusted adult.
In other words, heads you win and tails you win. You are so much bullshit.
Let the evidence speak for itself. If Clinton isn't indicted, because to indict her means necessarily that Barry Obama will be pulled into this case, doesn't mean there is nothing to the cover job Comey's (and Obama's) FBI gave to Madame Hillary.

Actually it's vermin like you that want heads I win..tails I win because a lack of an indictment may be mostly a political judgement and not a comment at all on the merit of grounds for the prosecution, just so you know.

At least one person (with many to follow undoubtedly) is already presuming lack of an indictment means the case is groundless and that is where the real bullshit is.

If Clinton is indicted, she is guilty. If she is not indicted she is guilty. The fact is that the IG took no issue with the decision and Comey made a reasonable decision. You are the vermin as you are more interested in jailing your political enemies and no evidence required. The DOJ has been controlled by Republicans for 3 years and Sessions said you need evidence. You are the bullshit artist.
If Clinton is indicted, she is guilty. If she is not indicted she is guilty. The fact is that the IG took no issue with the decision and Comey made a reasonable decision. You are the vermin as you are more interested in jailing your political enemies and no evidence required.
Says the gutless liar who wanted Trump in prison over the whole democrat Russia hoax. Give yourself a big H for hypocrite.

The DOJ has been controlled by Republicans for 3 years and Sessions said you need evidence. You are the bullshit artist.
Whether the republicans have the guts to actually go after Clinton, and by extension Obama, or not, Hillary has unquestionably broken the law multiple times and James Comey has admitted it.
They clearly are not on Barr's side as the DOJ declined a prosecution of Comey.
Because he "didn't mean" to break the law. The same b.s. used to let Hillary slither away.
What a great standard of law Comey and Barr have established. Tell that to a cop the next time he pulls you over to the side of the road.
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