Documents Reveal White Supremacists Discuss Using Virus As Bioweapon


I'm dyin' here. :21::auiqs.jpg::laugh::lmao::lol:

View attachment 314101

When you guys cheer that an authoritarian who killed Communists and then you claim everyone who does not think like you is a Communist you might want to be careful of the message you're sending.

Nobody expects you to be or take responsibility for your own words but just the same it should be pointed out.

What's wrong with laughing about dead communists? That's what most everyone over the age of 40 who served in the military was either trained to do or engaged in.

Are you saying that our government wasted a shit-ton of money on coming up with cool ways to kill commies?

We need an Operation Condor v2 but this for the entire Western world, Leftism has one aim and that is to destroy Western Civilisation, Leftism is the most destructive virus and disease on the planet, it is worse than even cancer. We have no problem with Independents and Liberals, it's Leftism that needs to be eradicated.

Uh-huh, big talk, pussy.
You mean Russia, with 9th largest population, 7th highest normal death rate, average male life expectancy 66 .3 yrs, 158th lowest life expectancy overall on the planet, that Russia? Not exactly an open society. Doubt you would want to be the one reporting anything that reflects poorly on that government. Could be bad for personal life expectancy.

Yet you believe those numbers? LOL

So you choose which numbers to believe and which not to believe? how do you explain that? And how do you explain your lie?

You also lied. It is 66 for males and 77 for females.

According to the latest WHO data published in 2018 life expectancy in Russia is: Male 66.4, female 77.2 and total life expectancy is 71.9 which gives Russia a World Life Expectancy ranking of 105. You can see the leading causes of death data and rankings for Russia by clicking on the links below or select the full country health profile at the bottom of the page.

Note Russians also smoke the they die!

WHO: Russians Smoke the Most
Did not list females as significantly less likely to succumb to Covid-19, though have not seen a reason why that statistical anomaly might be true. Numbers I was usingin general were mostly 2016. By your numbers, missed the male life expectancy .1%. No lies, idiot. Not every time someone puts something down on the board that disagrees with some else are they actually lying. Don't be paranoid. Am I a distruster of the Russian bear? Absolutely. Make no apology for it. When you said you were of the Jewish faith, was it Russian Orthodox? With their normal healthcare, longevity, rate of other deseases such as Hiv aids, I lack any confidence that they have escaped the pandemic on the Asian continent to the degree reported to the outside world.

What did you call me you old loser? You lied? The average age is 72 and those numbers come from the WHO. So you believe the WHO when it comes to life expectancy but not when it comes to COVID-19 reporting? You're a jackass. Also Russians smoke the most. We know smoking leads to early deaths. There you have it. Learn to spell disease, you prancing Nancy boy.

Does that mean these states have the most to worry about?

  1. West Virginia
  2. Kentucky
  3. Arkansas
  4. Ohio
  5. Mississippi
  6. Missouri
  7. Tennessee
  8. Indiana (no surprise there)
  9. Louisiana
  10. Alaska

In terms of what?

They smoke the most. Should have been obvious.
Yet you believe those numbers? LOL

So you choose which numbers to believe and which not to believe? how do you explain that? And how do you explain your lie?

You also lied. It is 66 for males and 77 for females.

According to the latest WHO data published in 2018 life expectancy in Russia is: Male 66.4, female 77.2 and total life expectancy is 71.9 which gives Russia a World Life Expectancy ranking of 105. You can see the leading causes of death data and rankings for Russia by clicking on the links below or select the full country health profile at the bottom of the page.

Note Russians also smoke the they die!

WHO: Russians Smoke the Most
Did not list females as significantly less likely to succumb to Covid-19, though have not seen a reason why that statistical anomaly might be true. Numbers I was usingin general were mostly 2016. By your numbers, missed the male life expectancy .1%. No lies, idiot. Not every time someone puts something down on the board that disagrees with some else are they actually lying. Don't be paranoid. Am I a distruster of the Russian bear? Absolutely. Make no apology for it. When you said you were of the Jewish faith, was it Russian Orthodox? With their normal healthcare, longevity, rate of other deseases such as Hiv aids, I lack any confidence that they have escaped the pandemic on the Asian continent to the degree reported to the outside world.

What did you call me you old loser? You lied? The average age is 72 and those numbers come from the WHO. So you believe the WHO when it comes to life expectancy but not when it comes to COVID-19 reporting? You're a jackass. Also Russians smoke the most. We know smoking leads to early deaths. There you have it. Learn to spell disease, you prancing Nancy boy.

Does that mean these states have the most to worry about?

  1. West Virginia
  2. Kentucky
  3. Arkansas
  4. Ohio
  5. Mississippi
  6. Missouri
  7. Tennessee
  8. Indiana (no surprise there)
  9. Louisiana
  10. Alaska

In terms of what?

They smoke the most. Should have been obvious.

Yes and eat a terrible diet, down South. But smoking here is not as prevalent as it is in Russia our crutch is bad eating habits. We are the fattest country in the world. You're probably case in point, porky.

When you guys cheer that an authoritarian who killed Communists and then you claim everyone who does not think like you is a Communist you might want to be careful of the message you're sending.

Nobody expects you to be or take responsibility for your own words but just the same it should be pointed out.

General Augusto Pinochet was a Hero and one of the greatest men who ever lived. He saved Chile from becoming a Communist shithole like Cuba, I add that Jorge Videla was also a Hero and one of the greatest men who ever lived. He saved Argentina from becoming a Communist shithole like Cuba.

I'm referring to you as it appears you think everyone you disagree with is a Communist and you think all Communists should be killed.

No I know the difference between a Communist and a Non-Communist, no I don't think everyone I disagree with is a Communist. China is Communist and so anyone who is siding with China I do refer to as a Communist Troll, now if that person is a full-on Communist who knows, I would have to know about other things apart from them siding with China.
Did not list females as significantly less likely to succumb to Covid-19, though have not seen a reason why that statistical anomaly might be true. Numbers I was usingin general were mostly 2016. By your numbers, missed the male life expectancy .1%. No lies, idiot. Not every time someone puts something down on the board that disagrees with some else are they actually lying. Don't be paranoid. Am I a distruster of the Russian bear? Absolutely. Make no apology for it. When you said you were of the Jewish faith, was it Russian Orthodox? With their normal healthcare, longevity, rate of other deseases such as Hiv aids, I lack any confidence that they have escaped the pandemic on the Asian continent to the degree reported to the outside world.

What did you call me you old loser? You lied? The average age is 72 and those numbers come from the WHO. So you believe the WHO when it comes to life expectancy but not when it comes to COVID-19 reporting? You're a jackass. Also Russians smoke the most. We know smoking leads to early deaths. There you have it. Learn to spell disease, you prancing Nancy boy.

Does that mean these states have the most to worry about?

  1. West Virginia
  2. Kentucky
  3. Arkansas
  4. Ohio
  5. Mississippi
  6. Missouri
  7. Tennessee
  8. Indiana (no surprise there)
  9. Louisiana
  10. Alaska

In terms of what?

They smoke the most. Should have been obvious.

Yes and eat a terrible diet, down South. But smoking here is not as prevalent as it is in Russia our crutch is bad eating habits. We are the fattest country in the world. You're probably case in point, porky.

Diabetes, Obesity, Hearth disease, High blood pressure. All illnesses that contribute to the susceptibility to COVID19 and Americans are famous for.

On top of that the states listed smoke more than other Americans.

When you guys cheer that an authoritarian who killed Communists and then you claim everyone who does not think like you is a Communist you might want to be careful of the message you're sending.

Nobody expects you to be or take responsibility for your own words but just the same it should be pointed out.

What's wrong with laughing about dead communists? That's what most everyone over the age of 40 who served in the military was either trained to do or engaged in.

Are you saying that our government wasted a shit-ton of money on coming up with cool ways to kill commies?

We need an Operation Condor v2 but this for the entire Western world, Leftism has one aim and that is to destroy Western Civilisation, Leftism is the most destructive virus and disease on the planet, it is worse than even cancer. We have no problem with Independents and Liberals, it's Leftism that needs to be eradicated.

Uh-huh, big talk, pussy.

No because actually this is what it is going to come to, it's becoming impossible to reason with that crowd and they are becoming more unhinged by the day and so there is only one option left to deal with this situation and that is history must repeat itself and it will within probably the next 10 years.

When you guys cheer that an authoritarian who killed Communists and then you claim everyone who does not think like you is a Communist you might want to be careful of the message you're sending.

Nobody expects you to be or take responsibility for your own words but just the same it should be pointed out.

General Augusto Pinochet was a Hero and one of the greatest men who ever lived. He saved Chile from becoming a Communist shithole like Cuba, I add that Jorge Videla was also a Hero and one of the greatest men who ever lived. He saved Argentina from becoming a Communist shithole like Cuba.

I'm referring to you as it appears you think everyone you disagree with is a Communist and you think all Communists should be killed.

No I know the difference between a Communist and a Non-Communist, no I don't think everyone I disagree with is a Communist. China is Communist and so anyone who is siding with China I do refer to as a Communist Troll, now if that person is a full-on Communist who knows, I would have to know about other things apart from them siding with China.

Who is siding with China? Not buying into your unproven idiotic conspiracies does not equal supporting China. This is what I mean, you fucking idiots see Communists everywhere.

When you guys cheer that an authoritarian who killed Communists and then you claim everyone who does not think like you is a Communist you might want to be careful of the message you're sending.

Nobody expects you to be or take responsibility for your own words but just the same it should be pointed out.

General Augusto Pinochet was a Hero and one of the greatest men who ever lived. He saved Chile from becoming a Communist shithole like Cuba, I add that Jorge Videla was also a Hero and one of the greatest men who ever lived. He saved Argentina from becoming a Communist shithole like Cuba.

I'm referring to you as it appears you think everyone you disagree with is a Communist and you think all Communists should be killed.

Apparently you doubt that we know the difference between a commie and a non-commie?
Even when he looks in the mirror he cant tell.

When you guys cheer that an authoritarian who killed Communists and then you claim everyone who does not think like you is a Communist you might want to be careful of the message you're sending.

Nobody expects you to be or take responsibility for your own words but just the same it should be pointed out.

General Augusto Pinochet was a Hero and one of the greatest men who ever lived. He saved Chile from becoming a Communist shithole like Cuba, I add that Jorge Videla was also a Hero and one of the greatest men who ever lived. He saved Argentina from becoming a Communist shithole like Cuba.

I'm referring to you as it appears you think everyone you disagree with is a Communist and you think all Communists should be killed.

Apparently you doubt that we know the difference between a commie and a non-commie?

I pretty much doubt everything about your mental abilities.

"I pretty much doubt everything about your mental abilities" he said as he nervously peered through the shades and intently listened for the sound of approaching helicopters..."

What did you call me you old loser? You lied? The average age is 72 and those numbers come from the WHO. So you believe the WHO when it comes to life expectancy but not when it comes to COVID-19 reporting? You're a jackass. Also Russians smoke the most. We know smoking leads to early deaths. There you have it. Learn to spell disease, you prancing Nancy boy.

Does that mean these states have the most to worry about?

  1. West Virginia
  2. Kentucky
  3. Arkansas
  4. Ohio
  5. Mississippi
  6. Missouri
  7. Tennessee
  8. Indiana (no surprise there)
  9. Louisiana
  10. Alaska

In terms of what?

They smoke the most. Should have been obvious.

Yes and eat a terrible diet, down South. But smoking here is not as prevalent as it is in Russia our crutch is bad eating habits. We are the fattest country in the world. You're probably case in point, porky.

Diabetes, Obesity, Hearth disease, High blood pressure. All illnesses that contribute to the susceptibility to COVID19 and Americans are famous for.

On top of that the states listed smoke more than other Americans.

Yep. Those persons would be at the highest risk categories yet CA, NY and MA --- Leftists states are taking the brunt of the damage.
When you guys cheer that an authoritarian who killed Communists and then you claim everyone who does not think like you is a Communist you might want to be careful of the message you're sending.

Nobody expects you to be or take responsibility for your own words but just the same it should be pointed out.

General Augusto Pinochet was a Hero and one of the greatest men who ever lived. He saved Chile from becoming a Communist shithole like Cuba, I add that Jorge Videla was also a Hero and one of the greatest men who ever lived. He saved Argentina from becoming a Communist shithole like Cuba.

I'm referring to you as it appears you think everyone you disagree with is a Communist and you think all Communists should be killed.

Apparently you doubt that we know the difference between a commie and a non-commie?

I pretty much doubt everything about your mental abilities.

"I pretty much doubt everything about your mental abilities" he said as he nervously peered through the shades and intently listened for the sound of approaching helicopters..."


Helicopters? You guys can't even afford a Walmart drone.
Does that mean these states have the most to worry about?

  1. West Virginia
  2. Kentucky
  3. Arkansas
  4. Ohio
  5. Mississippi
  6. Missouri
  7. Tennessee
  8. Indiana (no surprise there)
  9. Louisiana
  10. Alaska

In terms of what?

They smoke the most. Should have been obvious.

Yes and eat a terrible diet, down South. But smoking here is not as prevalent as it is in Russia our crutch is bad eating habits. We are the fattest country in the world. You're probably case in point, porky.

Diabetes, Obesity, Hearth disease, High blood pressure. All illnesses that contribute to the susceptibility to COVID19 and Americans are famous for.

On top of that the states listed smoke more than other Americans.

Yep. Those persons would be at the highest risk categories yet CA, NY and MA --- Leftists states are taking the brunt of the damage.

...and yet, they still manage to vote from beyond the grave.

That's one of life's most puzzling mysteries.
Does that mean these states have the most to worry about?

  1. West Virginia
  2. Kentucky
  3. Arkansas
  4. Ohio
  5. Mississippi
  6. Missouri
  7. Tennessee
  8. Indiana (no surprise there)
  9. Louisiana
  10. Alaska

In terms of what?

They smoke the most. Should have been obvious.

Yes and eat a terrible diet, down South. But smoking here is not as prevalent as it is in Russia our crutch is bad eating habits. We are the fattest country in the world. You're probably case in point, porky.

Diabetes, Obesity, Hearth disease, High blood pressure. All illnesses that contribute to the susceptibility to COVID19 and Americans are famous for.

On top of that the states listed smoke more than other Americans.

Yep. Those persons would be at the highest risk categories yet CA, NY and MA --- Leftists states are taking the brunt of the damage.

Population centers, but thanks for demonstrating that brain power.

It's also not over so I wouldn't jinx Mississippi if I were you.
General Augusto Pinochet was a Hero and one of the greatest men who ever lived. He saved Chile from becoming a Communist shithole like Cuba, I add that Jorge Videla was also a Hero and one of the greatest men who ever lived. He saved Argentina from becoming a Communist shithole like Cuba.

I'm referring to you as it appears you think everyone you disagree with is a Communist and you think all Communists should be killed.

Apparently you doubt that we know the difference between a commie and a non-commie?

I pretty much doubt everything about your mental abilities.

"I pretty much doubt everything about your mental abilities" he said as he nervously peered through the shades and intently listened for the sound of approaching helicopters..."


Helicopters? You guys can't even afford a Walmart drone.

I'll have you know that I bought five of those a couple years ago for $25 apiece, when Walmart closed them out after Christmas. Nothing fancy, they just had wifi capability so I could watch the view from my smart phone.

One took off to God knows where, the other four ended up in trees. I tried to shoot one of them down with a shotgun but after 30 rounds, my shoulder hurt.

And I assure you, no communists died. :laugh:
In terms of what?

They smoke the most. Should have been obvious.

Yes and eat a terrible diet, down South. But smoking here is not as prevalent as it is in Russia our crutch is bad eating habits. We are the fattest country in the world. You're probably case in point, porky.

Diabetes, Obesity, Hearth disease, High blood pressure. All illnesses that contribute to the susceptibility to COVID19 and Americans are famous for.

On top of that the states listed smoke more than other Americans.

Yep. Those persons would be at the highest risk categories yet CA, NY and MA --- Leftists states are taking the brunt of the damage.

Population centers, but thanks for demonstrating that brain power.

It's also not over so I wouldn't jinx Mississippi if I were you.

I live in MA. We are a population center as compared to what? Do tell. Maybe Boston is somewhat but not the entire state. In general we are a fairly small state.
This isn't good. The last thing we need is for stupid people to go around infecting our law enforcement officials and minorities.

They discussed infecting the FBI and minorities.

What kind of people do such things? I just can't wrap my brain around this.

Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon

Considering the fact that there are an estimated 200 white supremacists in the United States and at least half are law enforcement keeping an eye on them, I don't think there is a serious concern here. For all either of us know, this "idea" may have been planted by federal or state employees seeking to keep their sweet gig going.

The myth of the "evil white supremacist" is also being spoon fed to the paranoid left by their media masters. As long as those people can be kept in a constant state of fear, their Democrat politicians have complete control over them.

Any so-called "white supremacist" I see on TV, if they look neat and clean, I assume they are undercover police officers or G Men . I hope that President Trump is in office when Dave Duke reaches mandatory retirement age with the FBI, and gives Mr. Duke a gold watch at his retirement dinner in honor of his 40 year career with the bureau working to keep an eye on the Triple K.
This isn't good. The last thing we need is for stupid people to go around infecting our law enforcement officials and minorities.

They discussed infecting the FBI and minorities.

What kind of people do such things? I just can't wrap my brain around this.

Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon
Me and four of my friends discussed Tom Brady leaving the Pats. There are more of us than white supremacists. You’re just looking to stir up trouble, Leftist Dana.
Dana didn't publish the article. It's news. It's how people are alerted to trouble. Thank you Dana for bringing it to our attention.
Dana always finds obscure articles that are anti Trump or anti Leftism and posts them. One way Dana. But then again being foreign troll you knew that. I bet Dana doesn’t respond to my post because she fears me as I consistently expose her as a biased Leftist that she is.
How is this an "obscure article", when it is backed up by law enforcement?
Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon
In terms of what?

They smoke the most. Should have been obvious.

Yes and eat a terrible diet, down South. But smoking here is not as prevalent as it is in Russia our crutch is bad eating habits. We are the fattest country in the world. You're probably case in point, porky.

Diabetes, Obesity, Hearth disease, High blood pressure. All illnesses that contribute to the susceptibility to COVID19 and Americans are famous for.

On top of that the states listed smoke more than other Americans.

Yep. Those persons would be at the highest risk categories yet CA, NY and MA --- Leftists states are taking the brunt of the damage.

...and yet, they still manage to vote from beyond the grave.

That's one of life's most puzzling mysteries.

“When I die, bury me in Chicago because I want to remain politically active”
Political humorist Mort Sahl

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