Documents Reveal White Supremacists Discuss Using Virus As Bioweapon

This isn't good. The last thing we need is for stupid people to go around infecting out law enforcement officials and minorities.

They discussed infecting the FBI and minorities.

What kind of people do such things? I just can't wrap my brain around this.

Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon

You're about to die from the yellow man's death virus and you're worried about a handful of redneck peckerwood hillbillies?

Been checked for a fever yet? You're starting to sound confused and disoriented.

One positive thing to come out of this COVID-19 Pandemic is that more nations are going to see that it is of paramount importance NOT to have open borders. I think when the Western world emerges from the COVID-19 Pandemic nearly all of the border restrictions we have now in place will be put permanently into place and so Muh Economic Migrants had better already start thinking of you know going to Saudi Arabia or other Middle Eastern nations or staying in Sub-Saharan Africa, that crowd has worse diseases and viruses than COVID-19, that crowd they are literally walking Biological Weapons.
No open borders and disengagement from china
And rob Ivanka of her income stream? Who is going to pay Jared's loans, then?!?!
We’ll take the risk
The 21st century McCarthyites...There's a "white supremacist" behind every bush!
And spitting on every door handle. Ugh

Look! A GD Chinaman!

Looks more like a Chinafag. WTF is he doing to that poor doorknob?
You mean you believe the scientists who have to correct every fucking thing Trump tells us?


Actually, CDC chief Dr. Fauci spent an hour last Friday refuting the MEDIA and all the lies by MSNBCNN, NY Times intended to induce hysteria and panic.

Link Twink?


Produce a link that is not from two weeks ago that shows Trump is not taking this virus seriously. Thanks.

Why would I bother? - No matter what I come up with, you'll claim it's a biased source. And if I produce a video of Trump saying some of this stupid shit, you'll claim that he was joking or that's not what he meant.

We've all seen your routine Lizard Boy.

Explain this

Teva donates potential coronavirus treatment to hospitals across the US

Keep hope alive and continue watching Dotard's Daily Disinformation Dumps -

Intelligent folks will pass because this shit is years away. ;)

Actually, CDC chief Dr. Fauci spent an hour last Friday refuting the MEDIA and all the lies by MSNBCNN, NY Times intended to induce hysteria and panic.

Link Twink?


Produce a link that is not from two weeks ago that shows Trump is not taking this virus seriously. Thanks.

Why would I bother? - No matter what I come up with, you'll claim it's a biased source. And if I produce a video of Trump saying some of this stupid shit, you'll claim that he was joking or that's not what he meant.

We've all seen your routine Lizard Boy.

Explain this

Teva donates potential coronavirus treatment to hospitals across the US

Keep hope alive and continue watching Dotard's Daily Disinformation Dumps -

Intelligent folks will pass because this shit is years away. ;)

Teva donates potential coronavirus treatment to hospitals across the US

Doesn't fit your narrative. But the CURE is here and Trump was right. My links are current and relevant. You're sick with TDS. Maybe you should be quarantined?

Why would I believe anything China says?

Because you're a drone who blindly obeys China....

They are in a competition with Trump to see who can lie the most.

More like in competition with the DNC controlled media.

No, I wouldn't take China's word for anything, it's not a reason to invent or believe in unfounded conspiracies though. Same with Trump.
Link Twink?


Produce a link that is not from two weeks ago that shows Trump is not taking this virus seriously. Thanks.

Why would I bother? - No matter what I come up with, you'll claim it's a biased source. And if I produce a video of Trump saying some of this stupid shit, you'll claim that he was joking or that's not what he meant.

We've all seen your routine Lizard Boy.

Explain this

Teva donates potential coronavirus treatment to hospitals across the US

Keep hope alive and continue watching Dotard's Daily Disinformation Dumps -

Intelligent folks will pass because this shit is years away. ;)

Teva donates potential coronavirus treatment to hospitals across the US

Doesn't fit your narrative. But the CURE is here and Trump was right. My links are current and relevant. You're sick with TDS. Maybe you should be quarantined?

Too early to call it a cure, but it is promising.

Much to the disappointment of the democrats.

He's the thing, the moment the Wuhan virus is defeated, the democrats will be working feverishly to create a new virus.

Why would I believe anything China says?

Because you're a drone who blindly obeys China....

They are in a competition with Trump to see who can lie the most.

More like in competition with the DNC controlled media.

No, I wouldn't take China's word for anything, it's not a reason to invent or believe in unfounded conspiracies though. Same with Trump.

So you don't believe the virus started in China?
This isn't good. The last thing we need is for stupid people to go around infecting out law enforcement officials and minorities.

They discussed infecting the FBI and minorities.

What kind of people do such things? I just can't wrap my brain around this.

Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon

You're about to die from the yellow man's death virus and you're worried about a handful of redneck peckerwood hillbillies?

Been checked for a fever yet? You're starting to sound confused and disoriented.

The trail for COVID-19 begins in China in Wuhan where they happen to have a level 4 Biolab, because of what the Chinese have unleashed on the Western world they need SEVERELY punishing and I mean SEVERELY to the ultimate extreme. Fuck China, take them down.
Chinese Supremacists?

Dare I say "Yellow Supremacists"?

Flame suit on. :21:
Hell, them Beatles wuz in a yellow submarine!

yellow sub.jpg
In less than a week we will have more cases than any other country. Already far more per capita than Canada or Mexico.
Maybe they listened to libs braying they were going to every Trump rally they could if they got infected hoping to kill them
I'm sure they understand the difference between right wing fantasy and actual threats.
Colorado Politician Says if She had Coronavirus, She Would Attend Trump Rally to Infect Others
View attachment 314086

^^^^ This:

View attachment 314092

Maybe they listened to libs braying they were going to every Trump rally they could if they got infected hoping to kill them
I'm sure they understand the difference between right wing fantasy and actual threats.
Colorado Politician Says if She had Coronavirus, She Would Attend Trump Rally to Infect Others
View attachment 314086

^^^^ This:

View attachment 314092


Produce a link that is not from two weeks ago that shows Trump is not taking this virus seriously. Thanks.

Why would I bother? - No matter what I come up with, you'll claim it's a biased source. And if I produce a video of Trump saying some of this stupid shit, you'll claim that he was joking or that's not what he meant.

We've all seen your routine Lizard Boy.

Explain this

Teva donates potential coronavirus treatment to hospitals across the US

Keep hope alive and continue watching Dotard's Daily Disinformation Dumps -

Intelligent folks will pass because this shit is years away. ;)

Teva donates potential coronavirus treatment to hospitals across the US

Doesn't fit your narrative. But the CURE is here and Trump was right. My links are current and relevant. You're sick with TDS. Maybe you should be quarantined?

Too early to call it a cure, but it is promising.

Much to the disappointment of the democrats.

He's the thing, the moment the Wuhan virus is defeated, the democrats will be working feverishly to create a new virus.

I am an optimist. Stats show it works.
Maybe they listened to libs braying they were going to every Trump rally they could if they got infected hoping to kill them
I'm sure they understand the difference between right wing fantasy and actual threats.
Colorado Politician Says if She had Coronavirus, She Would Attend Trump Rally to Infect Others
View attachment 314086

^^^^ This:

View attachment 314092


2 Weeks ago we were at about 500 cases. We are now at 35k.
As the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 coronavirus continues to climb, here’s something to keep in mind: The number can only climb. It can’t go down.

Which can produce a misleading sense that the virus is more pervasive than it really is.

Here’s why.

Health authorities issue several kinds of numbers when discussing COVID-19. Confirmed cases. Deaths. Numbers of countries and regions where cases have been recorded.

Deaths are straightforward: this is the number of people who have died from the disease: 2,871 globally as of late Friday afternoon. But only a small percentage of people infected with COVID-19 die from it.

Confirmed cases by country/region is simple, too: the number of cases in a country or region (such as Hong Kong). Sixty-two countries and regions had recorded at least one case as of late Friday afternoon.

Total confirmed cases is the number of people anywhere who have tested positive for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the specific coronavirus that causes COVID-19 — whether they have died, recovered, or are still infected or sick. This number was 84,119 as of late Friday afternoon.

Although there is a chance that further investigation could slightly affect this number at some point — a false positive test, for example — the overall trend will be a continued climb. In other words, the number of confirmed cases can never go down, only up.

Meanwhile, total recovered cases is a number not often reported. It describes people who have tested positive (and may have experienced symptoms) but who are now well. As of late Friday afternoon, 36,688 people are listed as recovered – and most people do recover. But a person listed as recovered would still be included in the Confirmed Cases count.
Emphasis added. Article is from 28 Feb.

Why would I believe anything China says?

Because you're a drone who blindly obeys China....

They are in a competition with Trump to see who can lie the most.

More like in competition with the DNC controlled media.

No, I wouldn't take China's word for anything, it's not a reason to invent or believe in unfounded conspiracies though. Same with Trump.

So you don't believe the virus started in China?

Well, consider the amount of reporting and the Chinese doctor who confirmed the news and was reprimanded by his government it's really not in doubt. The numbers being reported over there may not be trustworthy however.

Why do you believe China?

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