Documents Reveal White Supremacists Discuss Using Virus As Bioweapon

The U.S. is bigger than Italy too. Did we get a heads up?

You two debating each other should be fun to watch, you're both incredibly vulnrable to conspiracy theories and I'm looking forward to see which wingnut con wins.

Conspiracy Theories? Last week China was saying that COVID-19 was developed by the American Military and was taken secretly by the American Military and planted in China and the MSM was running with that in a crazed attempt to blame The Donald.

The media is claiming Donald Trump started the virus and sent it to China? Really? :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

So who is doing Conspiracy Theories again? Not to mention that the MSM and Leftists have obsessed about the Russian Conspiracy Theory since mid-2016 despite there being zero evidence.

"Who is doing Conspiracy Theories again?" You, obviously :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

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China official says U.S. military may have brought COVID-19 to Wuhan | The Japan Times

Why would I believe anything China says?

Because you're a Leftist who hates Trump and you know China does too. Enemy or your enemy is your friend.

"Enemy or your enemy is your friend"? I don't think that's how it goes but you strung a sentence together. So, good for you?
Yes China where COVID-19 originated told Russia first and how many times bigger is Russia than for eg. Italy and look how few COVID-19 cases Russia has and look at Italy where it's going off the chart.

The U.S. is bigger than Italy too. Did we get a heads up?

You two debating each other should be fun to watch, you're both incredibly vulnrable to conspiracy theories and I'm looking forward to see which wingnut con wins.

Conspiracy Theories? Last week China was saying that COVID-19 was developed by the American Military and was taken secretly by the American Military and planted in China and the MSM was running with that in a crazed attempt to blame The Donald.

The media is claiming Donald Trump started the virus and sent it to China? Really? :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

So who is doing Conspiracy Theories again? Not to mention that the MSM and Leftists have obsessed about the Russian Conspiracy Theory since mid-2016 despite there being zero evidence.

"Who is doing Conspiracy Theories again?" You, obviously :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

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China official says U.S. military may have brought COVID-19 to Wuhan | The Japan Times

Why would I believe anything China says? They are in a competition with Trump to see who can lie the most.

Did or did not COVID-19 originate in Wuhan, China?
Know what would be just as bad as believing the Chinese Government?

Believing anything Dr Trump or "Science Mike" Pence tell us in their daily Disinformation Dumps!

I believe the scientists who stand with Trump and speak. You don't believe Tony and Debbie, thats on you. I do.

You mean you believe the scientists who have to correct every fucking thing Trump tells us?


Actually, CDC chief Dr. Fauci spent an hour last Friday refuting the MEDIA and all the lies by MSNBCNN, NY Times intended to induce hysteria and panic.

Link Twink?


Produce a link that is not from two weeks ago that shows Trump is not taking this virus seriously. Thanks.

Why would I bother? - No matter what I come up with, you'll claim it's a biased source. And if I produce a video of Trump saying some of this stupid shit, you'll claim that he was joking or that's not what he meant.

We've all seen your routine Lizard Boy.

The U.S. is bigger than Italy too. Did we get a heads up?

You two debating each other should be fun to watch, you're both incredibly vulnrable to conspiracy theories and I'm looking forward to see which wingnut con wins.

Conspiracy Theories? Last week China was saying that COVID-19 was developed by the American Military and was taken secretly by the American Military and planted in China and the MSM was running with that in a crazed attempt to blame The Donald.

The media is claiming Donald Trump started the virus and sent it to China? Really? :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

So who is doing Conspiracy Theories again? Not to mention that the MSM and Leftists have obsessed about the Russian Conspiracy Theory since mid-2016 despite there being zero evidence.

"Who is doing Conspiracy Theories again?" You, obviously :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

View attachment 314079

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China official says U.S. military may have brought COVID-19 to Wuhan | The Japan Times

Why would I believe anything China says? They are in a competition with Trump to see who can lie the most.

Did or did not COVID-19 originate in Wuhan, China?

That appears to be the case.
I am telling you that is irrelevant. It started in China and the only country they told early was Russia. Notice how the virus has not spread there. Russia closed borders immediately and practiced social distancing immediately.

Yes China where COVID-19 originated told Russia first and how many times bigger is Russia than for eg. Italy and look how few COVID-19 cases Russia has and look at Italy where it's going off the chart.

The U.S. is bigger than Italy too. Did we get a heads up?

You two debating each other should be fun to watch, you're both incredibly vulnrable to conspiracy theories and I'm looking forward to see which wingnut con wins.

Conspiracy Theories? Last week China was saying that COVID-19 was developed by the American Military and was taken secretly by the American Military and planted in China and the MSM was running with that in a crazed attempt to blame The Donald.

The media is claiming Donald Trump started the virus and sent it to China? Really? :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

So who is doing Conspiracy Theories again? Not to mention that the MSM and Leftists have obsessed about the Russian Conspiracy Theory since mid-2016 despite there being zero evidence.

"Who is doing Conspiracy Theories again?" You, obviously :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

View attachment 314079

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View attachment 314081

China official says U.S. military may have brought COVID-19 to Wuhan | The Japan Times

That's called "projection." It's a common tool among the left: Always accuse others of what you're guilty of, right?

We see it on here a hundred times a day.
Conspiracy Theories? Last week China was saying that COVID-19 was developed by the American Military and was taken secretly by the American Military and planted in China and the MSM was running with that in a crazed attempt to blame The Donald.

The media is claiming Donald Trump started the virus and sent it to China? Really? :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

So who is doing Conspiracy Theories again? Not to mention that the MSM and Leftists have obsessed about the Russian Conspiracy Theory since mid-2016 despite there being zero evidence.

"Who is doing Conspiracy Theories again?" You, obviously :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

View attachment 314079

View attachment 314080

View attachment 314081

China official says U.S. military may have brought COVID-19 to Wuhan | The Japan Times

Why would I believe anything China says?

Because you're a Leftist who hates Trump and you know China does too. Enemy or your enemy is your friend.

"Enemy or your enemy is your friend"? I don't think that's how it goes but you strung a sentence together. So, good for you?
That is exactly how it goes.
I believe the scientists who stand with Trump and speak. You don't believe Tony and Debbie, thats on you. I do.

You mean you believe the scientists who have to correct every fucking thing Trump tells us?


Actually, CDC chief Dr. Fauci spent an hour last Friday refuting the MEDIA and all the lies by MSNBCNN, NY Times intended to induce hysteria and panic.

Link Twink?


Produce a link that is not from two weeks ago that shows Trump is not taking this virus seriously. Thanks.

Why would I bother? - No matter what I come up with, you'll claim it's a biased source. And if I produce a video of Trump saying some of this stupid shit, you'll claim that he was joking or that's not what he meant.

We've all seen your routine Lizard Boy.

Man, I would bang all three of those chicks.
I believe the scientists who stand with Trump and speak. You don't believe Tony and Debbie, thats on you. I do.

You mean you believe the scientists who have to correct every fucking thing Trump tells us?


Actually, CDC chief Dr. Fauci spent an hour last Friday refuting the MEDIA and all the lies by MSNBCNN, NY Times intended to induce hysteria and panic.

Link Twink?


Produce a link that is not from two weeks ago that shows Trump is not taking this virus seriously. Thanks.

Why would I bother? - No matter what I come up with, you'll claim it's a biased source. And if I produce a video of Trump saying some of this stupid shit, you'll claim that he was joking or that's not what he meant.

We've all seen your routine Lizard Boy.

Explain this

Teva donates potential coronavirus treatment to hospitals across the US
And in Western nations we do not eat bats and we all got COVID-19 via Globalist travel from Chinese getting into Western nations and via borders being open. IF we permanently had restrictions on travel from certain nations and if we permanently closed our borders we would not be getting things like COVID-19.

So, is this you back pedaling on the whole bio weapon lab origination story now? So, now you're moving onto the next cause of wingnuts everywhere, border crossing, legal or otherwise?

If borders were restricted as you fantasize about the stock market would be even lower than it is now, what would Trump have been bragging about the last 3 years?

I maintain my position that to me and others China deliberately developing COVID-19 cannot be ruled out and this should be fully investigated because if not the next virus might be 1000 times more horrific than COVID-19.

Just WoW ^ :icon_rolleyes:


^^^^ Communist Troll.

^^^^ Tinfoil Trumptard :)

^^^^ My reaction to the above is this:

The 21st century McCarthyites...There's a "white supremacist" behind every bush!
There are. It's called the Republican party.
View attachment 314077

You dolts aren't calling everyone to the left of you Communists?

Hell, in this thread you're now a Communist if you don't buy into ignorant conspiracy theories.
I get it....You're being obtuse on purpose....Funny stuff.
I believe the scientists who stand with Trump and speak. You don't believe Tony and Debbie, thats on you. I do.

You mean you believe the scientists who have to correct every fucking thing Trump tells us?

Stanford Professor: Data Indicates We’re Severely Overreacting To Coronavirus
That headline is a shameless lie. That's what you get for reading the Daily Liar

That's what winger sites like DailyLiar, DailySmeller, PJMafia, DailyStinker and their ilk do. Make up headlines that aren't true.

They know they're fanboys will propagate the headline without actually reading the story.
last I looked Stanford is pretty blue

Why are you arguing with morons?
The Washington Post...
False. The Federal Protective Service. You really should read articles before commenting on them. And I really shouldn't have to tell you that.
Clues, hotshot-

Federal investigators appeared to be monitoring
The February document appears to show that at least some white nationalists were already taking the threat of the coronavirus seriously at a time when some in government were downplaying the threat.

Nowhere does it state how they supposedly got hold of it. They just state it is from-
according to a weekly intelligence brief distributed by a federal law enforcement division on Feb. 17. The document states it is Feb 17-21, which is Mon thru Fri. They don’t report any weekend notes?

They also stated this, which was clearly not what he said, as they implied.-
On Feb. 26, President Trump said that he expected the cases to go down to zero in the United States in “a couple of days.”

What he was talking about were the 15 cases we had repatriated from Japan and most were recovering, only one had to be hospitalized. -
Of the 15 people, the original 15 as I call them, eight of them have returned to their homes to stay in their homes until fully recovered, one is in the hospital, and five have fully recovered, and one is, we think, in pretty good shape and is between hospital and going home. But we have a total of 15 people and they’re in a process of recovering with some already having fully recovered...
...What it’s going to do is keep people home, and they’re going to travel to places that we have. It’s the greatest tourism country in the world, so instead of leaving our country, leaving our shores, they’ll stay here, and again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.

I call bullshit as anyone with a lick of sense should after reading the article, particularly when it’s so vague.
Appeared twice?
Now, let’s look at the authors Hunter Walker-
Before joining the Observer, Walker was employed by The Daily where he helped launch the gossip section with former Page Six editor Richard Johnson.[4]

Jana Winter works for The Intercept.
Now let’s look at the differences in page one to page two. Page one is where they claim this. Look at the difference in clarity, Look at differences where page numbers are listed at the bottom of each page.


Something does not add up. Think what you will. I have enough to convince myself.
Last edited:
The 21st century McCarthyites...There's a "white supremacist" behind every bush!
There are. It's called the Republican party.
View attachment 314077

You dolts aren't calling everyone to the left of you Communists?

Hell, in this thread you're now a Communist if you don't buy into ignorant conspiracy theories.
I get it....You're being obtuse on purpose....Funny stuff.
He still won't admit the virus started in China. Doesn't fit his leftist narrative.
So, is this you back pedaling on the whole bio weapon lab origination story now? So, now you're moving onto the next cause of wingnuts everywhere, border crossing, legal or otherwise?

If borders were restricted as you fantasize about the stock market would be even lower than it is now, what would Trump have been bragging about the last 3 years?

I maintain my position that to me and others China deliberately developing COVID-19 cannot be ruled out and this should be fully investigated because if not the next virus might be 1000 times more horrific than COVID-19.

Just WoW ^ :icon_rolleyes:


^^^^ Communist Troll.

^^^^ Tinfoil Trumptard :)

^^^^ My reaction to the above is this:

View attachment 314084

Honk Honk indeed! :D

Go back to huffing.
You disagree it started in China? You’re kidding right?

No, I'm debating people who said it started in a lab and at least one of them think it was launched purposefully. I have no idea what you're doing.
I am telling you that is irrelevant. It started in China and the only country they told early was Russia. Notice how the virus has not spread there. Russia closed borders immediately and practiced social distancing immediately.
Highly unlikely the numbers reported by Russia, bare any resemblance to reality.

So now we don't trust the WHO? OK....Do we trust anyone?
You mean Russia, with 9th largest population, 7th highest normal death rate, average male life expectancy 66 .3 yrs, 158th lowest life expectancy overall on the planet, that Russia? Not exactly an open society. Doubt you would want to be the one reporting anything that reflects poorly on that government. Could be bad for personal life expectancy.
I maintain my position that to me and others China deliberately developing COVID-19 cannot be ruled out and this should be fully investigated because if not the next virus might be 1000 times more horrific than COVID-19.

Just WoW ^ :icon_rolleyes:


^^^^ Communist Troll.

^^^^ Tinfoil Trumptard :)

^^^^ My reaction to the above is this:

View attachment 314084

Honk Honk indeed! :D


Why are you dodging, Doc?

Teva donates potential coronavirus treatment to hospitals across the US

Let's discuss this...coward.
You disagree it started in China? You’re kidding right?

No, I'm debating people who said it started in a lab and at least one of them think it was launched purposefully. I have no idea what you're doing.
I am telling you that is irrelevant. It started in China and the only country they told early was Russia. Notice how the virus has not spread there. Russia closed borders immediately and practiced social distancing immediately.
Highly unlikely the numbers reported by Russia, bare any resemblance to reality.

So now we don't trust the WHO? OK....Do we trust anyone?
You mean Russia, with 9th largest population, 7th highest normal death rate, average male life expectancy 66 .3 yrs, 158th lowest life expectancy overall on the planet, that Russia? Not exactly an open society. Doubt you would want to be the one reporting anything that reflects poorly on that government. Could be bad for personal life expectancy.

Yet you believe those numbers? LOL

So you choose which numbers to believe and which not to believe? how do you explain that? And how do you explain your lie?

You also lied. It is 66 for males and 77 for females.

According to the latest WHO data published in 2018 life expectancy in Russia is: Male 66.4, female 77.2 and total life expectancy is 71.9 which gives Russia a World Life Expectancy ranking of 105. You can see the leading causes of death data and rankings for Russia by clicking on the links below or select the full country health profile at the bottom of the page.

Note Russians also smoke the they die!

WHO: Russians Smoke the Most

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