Documents Reveal White Supremacists Discuss Using Virus As Bioweapon

I know what you believe, anything and everything Beijing tells you.

No, I'm listening to our scientists, not the Chinese government.

Know what would be just as bad as believing the Chinese Government?

Believing anything Dr Trump or "Science Mike" Pence tell us in their daily Disinformation Dumps!

I believe the scientists who stand with Trump and speak. You don't believe Tony and Debbie, thats on you. I do.

You mean you believe the scientists who have to correct every fucking thing Trump tells us?

Stanford Professor: Data Indicates We’re Severely Overreacting To Coronavirus
That headline is a shameless lie. That's what you get for reading the Daily Liar
The 21st century McCarthyites...There's a "white supremacist" behind every bush!
There are. It's called the Republican party.
No, I'm listening to our scientists, not the Chinese government.

Know what would be just as bad as believing the Chinese Government?

Believing anything Dr Trump or "Science Mike" Pence tell us in their daily Disinformation Dumps!

I believe the scientists who stand with Trump and speak. You don't believe Tony and Debbie, thats on you. I do.

You mean you believe the scientists who have to correct every fucking thing Trump tells us?


What have they corrected recently? Link it...

Dr. Liar.

You are not paying a bit of attention. Low information clowns such as yourself should not be able to vote.

Trump’s coronavirus musings put scientists on edge
Fauci throws cold water on Trump's declaration that malaria drug chloroquine is a 'game changer'
Nigeria Reports Chloroquine Poisonings as Trump Keeps Pushing Drug Against Coronavirus

First is from March 5th and is biased. ABC is accurate that we need more testing but the combo of zpack and lupus meds seem to work as studies showed it. Look that up, Leftist. Drugs do work and better on those who took them vs. control group. Trump never said to mass produce a cure, he is pushing the scientific community to expedite one if available.
No, I'm listening to our scientists, not the Chinese government.

Know what would be just as bad as believing the Chinese Government?

Believing anything Dr Trump or "Science Mike" Pence tell us in their daily Disinformation Dumps!

I believe the scientists who stand with Trump and speak. You don't believe Tony and Debbie, thats on you. I do.

You mean you believe the scientists who have to correct every fucking thing Trump tells us?


Actually, CDC chief Dr. Fauci spent an hour last Friday refuting the MEDIA and all the lies by MSNBCNN, NY Times intended to induce hysteria and panic.

Link Twink?


Produce a link that is not from two weeks ago that shows Trump is not taking this virus seriously. Thanks.
No, I'm listening to our scientists, not the Chinese government.

Know what would be just as bad as believing the Chinese Government?

Believing anything Dr Trump or "Science Mike" Pence tell us in their daily Disinformation Dumps!

I believe the scientists who stand with Trump and speak. You don't believe Tony and Debbie, thats on you. I do.

You mean you believe the scientists who have to correct every fucking thing Trump tells us?

Stanford Professor: Data Indicates We’re Severely Overreacting To Coronavirus
That headline is a shameless lie. That's what you get for reading the Daily Liar

Daily Liar? They lie as much as Vox, Politico and the huffington post...they give a right leaning opinion vs. a left by the three sources I cited.
No, I'm listening to our scientists, not the Chinese government.

Know what would be just as bad as believing the Chinese Government?

Believing anything Dr Trump or "Science Mike" Pence tell us in their daily Disinformation Dumps!

I believe the scientists who stand with Trump and speak. You don't believe Tony and Debbie, thats on you. I do.

You mean you believe the scientists who have to correct every fucking thing Trump tells us?


What have they corrected recently? Link it...

Dr. Liar.

You are not paying a bit of attention. Low information clowns such as yourself should not be able to vote.

Trump’s coronavirus musings put scientists on edge
Fauci throws cold water on Trump's declaration that malaria drug chloroquine is a 'game changer'
Nigeria Reports Chloroquine Poisonings as Trump Keeps Pushing Drug Against Coronavirus

Low-information clowns blindly parrot stories from Politico, ABC news, and slate, without questioning their validity.

I"m just sayin'.
I'm not sure he even knows what he believes.

I know what you believe, anything and everything Beijing tells you.

No, I'm listening to our scientists, not the Chinese government.

Know what would be just as bad as believing the Chinese Government?

Believing anything Dr Trump or "Science Mike" Pence tell us in their daily Disinformation Dumps!

I believe the scientists who stand with Trump and speak. You don't believe Tony and Debbie, thats on you. I do.

You mean you believe the scientists who have to correct every fucking thing Trump tells us?


How do you explain this?

Teva donates potential coronavirus treatment to hospitals across the US
No, I'm debating people who said it started in a lab and at least one of them think it was launched purposefully. I have no idea what you're doing.
I am telling you that is irrelevant. It started in China and the only country they told early was Russia. Notice how the virus has not spread there. Russia closed borders immediately and practiced social distancing immediately.

Yes China where COVID-19 originated told Russia first and how many times bigger is Russia than for eg. Italy and look how few COVID-19 cases Russia has and look at Italy where it's going off the chart.

The U.S. is bigger than Italy too. Did we get a heads up?

You two debating each other should be fun to watch, you're both incredibly vulnrable to conspiracy theories and I'm looking forward to see which wingnut con wins.

Conspiracy Theories? Last week China was saying that COVID-19 was developed by the American Military and was taken secretly by the American Military and planted in China and the MSM was running with that in a crazed attempt to blame The Donald.

The media is claiming Donald Trump started the virus and sent it to China? Really? :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

So who is doing Conspiracy Theories again? Not to mention that the MSM and Leftists have obsessed about the Russian Conspiracy Theory since mid-2016 despite there being zero evidence.

"Who is doing Conspiracy Theories again?" You, obviously :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:




China official says U.S. military may have brought COVID-19 to Wuhan | The Japan Times
The 21st century McCarthyites...There's a "white supremacist" behind every bush!
There are. It's called the Republican party.
View attachment 314077

You dolts aren't calling everyone to the left of you Communists?

Hell, in this thread you're now a Communist if you don't buy into ignorant conspiracy theories.

Why are you dodging? Did the virus begin in China? Yes or No?
I am telling you that is irrelevant. It started in China and the only country they told early was Russia. Notice how the virus has not spread there. Russia closed borders immediately and practiced social distancing immediately.

Yes China where COVID-19 originated told Russia first and how many times bigger is Russia than for eg. Italy and look how few COVID-19 cases Russia has and look at Italy where it's going off the chart.

The U.S. is bigger than Italy too. Did we get a heads up?

You two debating each other should be fun to watch, you're both incredibly vulnrable to conspiracy theories and I'm looking forward to see which wingnut con wins.

Conspiracy Theories? Last week China was saying that COVID-19 was developed by the American Military and was taken secretly by the American Military and planted in China and the MSM was running with that in a crazed attempt to blame The Donald.

The media is claiming Donald Trump started the virus and sent it to China? Really? :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

So who is doing Conspiracy Theories again? Not to mention that the MSM and Leftists have obsessed about the Russian Conspiracy Theory since mid-2016 despite there being zero evidence.

"Who is doing Conspiracy Theories again?" You, obviously :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

View attachment 314079

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China official says U.S. military may have brought COVID-19 to Wuhan | The Japan Times

Why would I believe anything China says? They are in a competition with Trump to see who can lie the most.
No, I'm listening to our scientists, not the Chinese government.

Know what would be just as bad as believing the Chinese Government?

Believing anything Dr Trump or "Science Mike" Pence tell us in their daily Disinformation Dumps!

I believe the scientists who stand with Trump and speak. You don't believe Tony and Debbie, thats on you. I do.

You mean you believe the scientists who have to correct every fucking thing Trump tells us?

Stanford Professor: Data Indicates We’re Severely Overreacting To Coronavirus
That headline is a shameless lie. That's what you get for reading the Daily Liar

That's what winger sites like DailyLiar, DailySmeller, PJMafia, DailyStinker and their ilk do. Make up headlines that aren't true.

They know they're fanboys will propagate the headline without actually reading the story.
This isn't good. The last thing we need is for stupid people to go around infecting our law enforcement officials and minorities.

They discussed infecting the FBI and minorities.

What kind of people do such things? I just can't wrap my brain around this.

Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon

Considering the fact that there are an estimated 200 white supremacists in the United States and at least half are law enforcement keeping an eye on them, I don't think there is a serious concern here. For all either of us know, this "idea" may have been planted by federal or state employees seeking to keep their sweet gig going.

The myth of the "evil white supremacist" is also being spoon fed to the paranoid left by their media masters. As long as those people can be kept in a constant state of fear, their Democrat politicians have complete control over them.
Yes China where COVID-19 originated told Russia first and how many times bigger is Russia than for eg. Italy and look how few COVID-19 cases Russia has and look at Italy where it's going off the chart.

The U.S. is bigger than Italy too. Did we get a heads up?

You two debating each other should be fun to watch, you're both incredibly vulnrable to conspiracy theories and I'm looking forward to see which wingnut con wins.

Conspiracy Theories? Last week China was saying that COVID-19 was developed by the American Military and was taken secretly by the American Military and planted in China and the MSM was running with that in a crazed attempt to blame The Donald.

The media is claiming Donald Trump started the virus and sent it to China? Really? :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

So who is doing Conspiracy Theories again? Not to mention that the MSM and Leftists have obsessed about the Russian Conspiracy Theory since mid-2016 despite there being zero evidence.

"Who is doing Conspiracy Theories again?" You, obviously :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

View attachment 314079

View attachment 314080

View attachment 314081

China official says U.S. military may have brought COVID-19 to Wuhan | The Japan Times

Why would I believe anything China says?

Because you're a Leftist who hates Trump and you know China does too. Enemy or your enemy is your friend.
white sup. lmfao


I doubt tramp ever went near a motorcycle much less driven one.
This isn't good. The last thing we need is for stupid people to go around infecting out law enforcement officials and minorities.

They discussed infecting the FBI and minorities.

What kind of people do such things? I just can't wrap my brain around this.

Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon

You're about to die from the yellow man's death virus and you're worried about a handful of redneck peckerwood hillbillies?

Been checked for a fever yet? You're starting to sound confused and disoriented.

The trail for COVID-19 begins in China in Wuhan where they happen to have a level 4 Biolab, because of what the Chinese have unleashed on the Western world they need SEVERELY punishing and I mean SEVERELY to the ultimate extreme. Fuck China, take them down.

Your asking the US to take them down. What is wrong with your country, most of realize its not a biolab hoax.

How did you come to this "realization" that it wasn't a product of the Chinese biological weapons lab? I'm assuming you have some proof to back up your assertion?

China claims that the virus was "planted" by some US soldiers in Wuhan. Is that a more logical explanation to you?
Researchers say there is no evidence it was produced as a bioweapon. Every indicator is that it came from wildlife.
The Scripps Research Institute released a study that rejects the notion that the virus was man-made. Researchers concluded that if the virus were engineered, its genome sequence would more closely resemble earlier and more serious versions of the coronavirus.

“If someone were seeking to engineer a new coronavirus as a pathogen, they would have constructed it from the backbone of a virus known to cause illness,” the report said. “But the scientists found that the SARS-CoV-2 backbone differed substantially from those of already known coronaviruses and mostly resembled related viruses found in bats and pangolins.”

A statement in the Lancet, a medical journal, written by public health officials who have been following the progression of the virus also asserted that animals are the likely source: “Scientists from multiple countries have published and analysed genomes of the causative agent, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), and they overwhelmingly conclude that this coronavirus originated in wildlife.”
Fact check: Did coronavirus originate in a Chinese laboratory?

I gave you a thank you for being the FIRST LEFTIST on this board to be accurate.

No one has "proven this is a naturally occurring virus" as the Chinese trolls here keep claiming. You are correct that there is no evidence this is bioengineered. It is not genetically spliced, so those fingerprints are not their. This could be bioengineered, or not. The evidence pointing EITHER direction is circumstantial.
Know what would be just as bad as believing the Chinese Government?

Believing anything Dr Trump or "Science Mike" Pence tell us in their daily Disinformation Dumps!

I believe the scientists who stand with Trump and speak. You don't believe Tony and Debbie, thats on you. I do.

You mean you believe the scientists who have to correct every fucking thing Trump tells us?

Stanford Professor: Data Indicates We’re Severely Overreacting To Coronavirus
That headline is a shameless lie. That's what you get for reading the Daily Liar

That's what winger sites like DailyLiar, DailySmeller, PJMafia, DailyStinker and their ilk do. Make up headlines that aren't true.

They know they're fanboys will propagate the headline without actually reading the story.

How do you explain this?

Teva donates potential coronavirus treatment to hospitals across the US
Know what would be just as bad as believing the Chinese Government?

Believing anything Dr Trump or "Science Mike" Pence tell us in their daily Disinformation Dumps!

I believe the scientists who stand with Trump and speak. You don't believe Tony and Debbie, thats on you. I do.

You mean you believe the scientists who have to correct every fucking thing Trump tells us?

Stanford Professor: Data Indicates We’re Severely Overreacting To Coronavirus
That headline is a shameless lie. That's what you get for reading the Daily Liar

That's what winger sites like DailyLiar, DailySmeller, PJMafia, DailyStinker and their ilk do. Make up headlines that aren't true.

They know they're fanboys will propagate the headline without actually reading the story.
last I looked Stanford is pretty blue
I have Had people call me all sorts of anti Jew rhetoric
All were Muslim? So, I now ask:

Do you REALLY think your personal anecdote is representative of reality when anti semitism is a cornerstone of white supremacism?

Furthermore, do you really think that is evidence of a larger threat, or maybe evidence that white supremacists have been shamed into hiding? I'm trying to count the Muslims shouting "Jews will not replace us!" In pictures from Charlottesville. I am still at zero.
Anti-Semitism is a cornerstone of Islam.

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