Documents Reveal White Supremacists Discuss Using Virus As Bioweapon


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Why would I believe anything China says?

Because you're a drone who blindly obeys China....

They are in a competition with Trump to see who can lie the most.

More like in competition with the DNC controlled media.

No, I wouldn't take China's word for anything, it's not a reason to invent or believe in unfounded conspiracies though. Same with Trump.

So you don't believe the virus started in China?

Well, consider the amount of reporting and the Chinese doctor who confirmed the news and was reprimanded by his government it's really not in doubt. The numbers being reported over there may not be trustworthy however.

Why do you believe China?

I believe the virus started in China. That is not the same as believing China.
They're still not sure where we got SARS or ebola, either, although every indicator says wildlife, and it is the same for Covid19. A lot of times there is never proof positive, and no one can ever prove a negative. Real convenient for the conspiracy theorists/slathering China haters/generally stupid among us so they can continue to hold on to this fiction that it was bioengineered, just like some people are sure the government blew up the Twin Towers.
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No, I'm debating people who said it started in a lab and at least one of them think it was launched purposefully. I have no idea what you're doing.
I am telling you that is irrelevant. It started in China and the only country they told early was Russia. Notice how the virus has not spread there. Russia closed borders immediately and practiced social distancing immediately.
Highly unlikely the numbers reported by Russia, bare any resemblance to reality.

So now we don't trust the WHO? OK....Do we trust anyone?
You mean Russia, with 9th largest population, 7th highest normal death rate, average male life expectancy 66 .3 yrs, 158th lowest life expectancy overall on the planet, that Russia? Not exactly an open society. Doubt you would want to be the one reporting anything that reflects poorly on that government. Could be bad for personal life expectancy.

Yet you believe those numbers? LOL

So you choose which numbers to believe and which not to believe? how do you explain that? And how do you explain your lie?

You also lied. It is 66 for males and 77 for females.

According to the latest WHO data published in 2018 life expectancy in Russia is: Male 66.4, female 77.2 and total life expectancy is 71.9 which gives Russia a World Life Expectancy ranking of 105. You can see the leading causes of death data and rankings for Russia by clicking on the links below or select the full country health profile at the bottom of the page.

Note Russians also smoke the they die!

WHO: Russians Smoke the Most
Did not list females as significantly less likely to succumb to Covid-19, though have not seen a reason why that statistical anomaly might be true. Numbers I was usingin general were mostly 2016. By your numbers, missed the male life expectancy .1%. No lies, idiot. Not every time someone puts something down on the board that disagrees with some else are they actually lying. Don't be paranoid. Am I a distruster of the Russian bear? Absolutely. Make no apology for it. When you said you were of the Jewish faith, was it Russian Orthodox? With their normal healthcare, longevity, rate of other deseases such as Hiv aids, I lack any confidence that they have escaped the pandemic on the Asian continent to the degree reported to the outside world.
2 Weeks ago we were at about 500 cases. We are now at 35k.
As the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 coronavirus continues to climb, here’s something to keep in mind: The number can only climb. It can’t go down.

Which can produce a misleading sense that the virus is more pervasive than it really is.

Here’s why.

Health authorities issue several kinds of numbers when discussing COVID-19. Confirmed cases. Deaths. Numbers of countries and regions where cases have been recorded.

Deaths are straightforward: this is the number of people who have died from the disease: 2,871 globally as of late Friday afternoon. But only a small percentage of people infected with COVID-19 die from it.

Confirmed cases by country/region is simple, too: the number of cases in a country or region (such as Hong Kong). Sixty-two countries and regions had recorded at least one case as of late Friday afternoon.

Total confirmed cases is the number of people anywhere who have tested positive for the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the specific coronavirus that causes COVID-19 — whether they have died, recovered, or are still infected or sick. This number was 84,119 as of late Friday afternoon.

Although there is a chance that further investigation could slightly affect this number at some point — a false positive test, for example — the overall trend will be a continued climb. In other words, the number of confirmed cases can never go down, only up.

Meanwhile, total recovered cases is a number not often reported. It describes people who have tested positive (and may have experienced symptoms) but who are now well. As of late Friday afternoon, 36,688 people are listed as recovered – and most people do recover. But a person listed as recovered would still be included in the Confirmed Cases count.
Emphasis added. Article is from 28 Feb.


Since I posted last we now have 37,591 active cases. Meaning those that are still alive and have not recovered or died.

Happy now?

Why would I believe anything China says?

Because you're a drone who blindly obeys China....

They are in a competition with Trump to see who can lie the most.

More like in competition with the DNC controlled media.

No, I wouldn't take China's word for anything, it's not a reason to invent or believe in unfounded conspiracies though. Same with Trump.

So you don't believe the virus started in China?

Well, consider the amount of reporting and the Chinese doctor who confirmed the news and was reprimanded by his government it's really not in doubt. The numbers being reported over there may not be trustworthy however.

Why do you believe China?

"Reprimanded by his government" ??


I am telling you that is irrelevant. It started in China and the only country they told early was Russia. Notice how the virus has not spread there. Russia closed borders immediately and practiced social distancing immediately.
Highly unlikely the numbers reported by Russia, bare any resemblance to reality.

So now we don't trust the WHO? OK....Do we trust anyone?
You mean Russia, with 9th largest population, 7th highest normal death rate, average male life expectancy 66 .3 yrs, 158th lowest life expectancy overall on the planet, that Russia? Not exactly an open society. Doubt you would want to be the one reporting anything that reflects poorly on that government. Could be bad for personal life expectancy.

Yet you believe those numbers? LOL

So you choose which numbers to believe and which not to believe? how do you explain that? And how do you explain your lie?

You also lied. It is 66 for males and 77 for females.

According to the latest WHO data published in 2018 life expectancy in Russia is: Male 66.4, female 77.2 and total life expectancy is 71.9 which gives Russia a World Life Expectancy ranking of 105. You can see the leading causes of death data and rankings for Russia by clicking on the links below or select the full country health profile at the bottom of the page.

Note Russians also smoke the they die!

WHO: Russians Smoke the Most
Did not list females as significantly less likely to succumb to Covid-19, though have not seen a reason why that statistical anomaly might be true. Numbers I was usingin general were mostly 2016. By your numbers, missed the male life expectancy .1%. No lies, idiot. Not every time someone puts something down on the board that disagrees with some else are they actually lying. Don't be paranoid. Am I a distruster of the Russian bear? Absolutely. Make no apology for it. When you said you were of the Jewish faith, was it Russian Orthodox? With their normal healthcare, longevity, rate of other deseases such as Hiv aids, I lack any confidence that they have escaped the pandemic on the Asian continent to the degree reported to the outside world.

What did you call me you old loser? You lied? The average age is 72 and those numbers come from the WHO. So you believe the WHO when it comes to life expectancy but not when it comes to COVID-19 reporting? You're a jackass. Also Russians smoke the most. We know smoking leads to early deaths. There you have it. Learn to spell disease, you prancing Nancy boy.

When you guys cheer that an authoritarian who killed Communists and then you claim everyone who does not think like you is a Communist you might want to be careful of the message you're sending.

Nobody expects you to be or take responsibility for your own words but just the same it should be pointed out.
Actually, CDC chief Dr. Fauci spent an hour last Friday refuting the MEDIA and all the lies by MSNBCNN, NY Times intended to induce hysteria and panic.

Link Twink?


Produce a link that is not from two weeks ago that shows Trump is not taking this virus seriously. Thanks.

Why would I bother? - No matter what I come up with, you'll claim it's a biased source. And if I produce a video of Trump saying some of this stupid shit, you'll claim that he was joking or that's not what he meant.

We've all seen your routine Lizard Boy.

Explain this

Teva donates potential coronavirus treatment to hospitals across the US

Keep hope alive and continue watching Dotard's Daily Disinformation Dumps -

Intelligent folks will pass because this shit is years away. ;)

^^^^ CNN? This:


When you guys cheer that an authoritarian who killed Communists and then you claim everyone who does not think like you is a Communist you might want to be careful of the message you're sending.

Nobody expects you to be or take responsibility for your own words but just the same it should be pointed out.

General Augusto Pinochet was a Hero and one of the greatest men who ever lived. He saved Chile from becoming a Communist shithole like Cuba, I add that Jorge Videla was also a Hero and one of the greatest men who ever lived. He saved Argentina from becoming a Communist shithole like Cuba.

When you guys cheer that an authoritarian who killed Communists and then you claim everyone who does not think like you is a Communist you might want to be careful of the message you're sending.

Nobody expects you to be or take responsibility for your own words but just the same it should be pointed out.

What's wrong with laughing about dead communists? That's what most everyone over the age of 40 who served in the military was either trained to do or engaged in.

Are you saying that our government wasted a shit-ton of money on coming up with cool ways to kill commies?

Che Guevara says lighten up, bro.

Highly unlikely the numbers reported by Russia, bare any resemblance to reality.

So now we don't trust the WHO? OK....Do we trust anyone?
You mean Russia, with 9th largest population, 7th highest normal death rate, average male life expectancy 66 .3 yrs, 158th lowest life expectancy overall on the planet, that Russia? Not exactly an open society. Doubt you would want to be the one reporting anything that reflects poorly on that government. Could be bad for personal life expectancy.

Yet you believe those numbers? LOL

So you choose which numbers to believe and which not to believe? how do you explain that? And how do you explain your lie?

You also lied. It is 66 for males and 77 for females.

According to the latest WHO data published in 2018 life expectancy in Russia is: Male 66.4, female 77.2 and total life expectancy is 71.9 which gives Russia a World Life Expectancy ranking of 105. You can see the leading causes of death data and rankings for Russia by clicking on the links below or select the full country health profile at the bottom of the page.

Note Russians also smoke the they die!

WHO: Russians Smoke the Most
Did not list females as significantly less likely to succumb to Covid-19, though have not seen a reason why that statistical anomaly might be true. Numbers I was usingin general were mostly 2016. By your numbers, missed the male life expectancy .1%. No lies, idiot. Not every time someone puts something down on the board that disagrees with some else are they actually lying. Don't be paranoid. Am I a distruster of the Russian bear? Absolutely. Make no apology for it. When you said you were of the Jewish faith, was it Russian Orthodox? With their normal healthcare, longevity, rate of other deseases such as Hiv aids, I lack any confidence that they have escaped the pandemic on the Asian continent to the degree reported to the outside world.

What did you call me you old loser? You lied? The average age is 72 and those numbers come from the WHO. So you believe the WHO when it comes to life expectancy but not when it comes to COVID-19 reporting? You're a jackass. Also Russians smoke the most. We know smoking leads to early deaths. There you have it. Learn to spell disease, you prancing Nancy boy.

Does that mean these states have the most to worry about?

  1. West Virginia
  2. Kentucky
  3. Arkansas
  4. Ohio
  5. Mississippi
  6. Missouri
  7. Tennessee
  8. Indiana (no surprise there)
  9. Louisiana
  10. Alaska

When you guys cheer that an authoritarian who killed Communists and then you claim everyone who does not think like you is a Communist you might want to be careful of the message you're sending.

Nobody expects you to be or take responsibility for your own words but just the same it should be pointed out.

General Augusto Pinochet was a Hero and one of the greatest men who ever lived. He saved Chile from becoming a Communist shithole like Cuba, I add that Jorge Videla was also a Hero and one of the greatest men who ever lived. He saved Argentina from becoming a Communist shithole like Cuba.

I'm referring to you as it appears you think everyone you disagree with is a Communist and you think all Communists should be killed.

When you guys cheer that an authoritarian who killed Communists and then you claim everyone who does not think like you is a Communist you might want to be careful of the message you're sending.

Nobody expects you to be or take responsibility for your own words but just the same it should be pointed out.

General Augusto Pinochet was a Hero and one of the greatest men who ever lived. He saved Chile from becoming a Communist shithole like Cuba, I add that Jorge Videla was also a Hero and one of the greatest men who ever lived. He saved Argentina from becoming a Communist shithole like Cuba.

I'm referring to you as it appears you think everyone you disagree with is a Communist and you think all Communists should be killed.

Apparently you doubt that we know the difference between a commie and a non-commie?

When you guys cheer that an authoritarian who killed Communists and then you claim everyone who does not think like you is a Communist you might want to be careful of the message you're sending.

Nobody expects you to be or take responsibility for your own words but just the same it should be pointed out.

What's wrong with laughing about dead communists? That's what most everyone over the age of 40 who served in the military was either trained to do or engaged in.

Are you saying that our government wasted a shit-ton of money on coming up with cool ways to kill commies?

We need an Operation Condor v2 but this for the entire Western world, Leftism has one aim and that is to destroy Western Civilisation, Leftism is the most destructive virus and disease on the planet, it is worse than even cancer. We have no problem with Independents and Liberals, it's Leftism that needs to be eradicated.

When you guys cheer that an authoritarian who killed Communists and then you claim everyone who does not think like you is a Communist you might want to be careful of the message you're sending.

Nobody expects you to be or take responsibility for your own words but just the same it should be pointed out.

General Augusto Pinochet was a Hero and one of the greatest men who ever lived. He saved Chile from becoming a Communist shithole like Cuba, I add that Jorge Videla was also a Hero and one of the greatest men who ever lived. He saved Argentina from becoming a Communist shithole like Cuba.

I'm referring to you as it appears you think everyone you disagree with is a Communist and you think all Communists should be killed.

Apparently you doubt that we know the difference between a commie and a non-commie?

I pretty much doubt everything about your mental abilities.
So now we don't trust the WHO? OK....Do we trust anyone?
You mean Russia, with 9th largest population, 7th highest normal death rate, average male life expectancy 66 .3 yrs, 158th lowest life expectancy overall on the planet, that Russia? Not exactly an open society. Doubt you would want to be the one reporting anything that reflects poorly on that government. Could be bad for personal life expectancy.

Yet you believe those numbers? LOL

So you choose which numbers to believe and which not to believe? how do you explain that? And how do you explain your lie?

You also lied. It is 66 for males and 77 for females.

According to the latest WHO data published in 2018 life expectancy in Russia is: Male 66.4, female 77.2 and total life expectancy is 71.9 which gives Russia a World Life Expectancy ranking of 105. You can see the leading causes of death data and rankings for Russia by clicking on the links below or select the full country health profile at the bottom of the page.

Note Russians also smoke the they die!

WHO: Russians Smoke the Most
Did not list females as significantly less likely to succumb to Covid-19, though have not seen a reason why that statistical anomaly might be true. Numbers I was usingin general were mostly 2016. By your numbers, missed the male life expectancy .1%. No lies, idiot. Not every time someone puts something down on the board that disagrees with some else are they actually lying. Don't be paranoid. Am I a distruster of the Russian bear? Absolutely. Make no apology for it. When you said you were of the Jewish faith, was it Russian Orthodox? With their normal healthcare, longevity, rate of other deseases such as Hiv aids, I lack any confidence that they have escaped the pandemic on the Asian continent to the degree reported to the outside world.

What did you call me you old loser? You lied? The average age is 72 and those numbers come from the WHO. So you believe the WHO when it comes to life expectancy but not when it comes to COVID-19 reporting? You're a jackass. Also Russians smoke the most. We know smoking leads to early deaths. There you have it. Learn to spell disease, you prancing Nancy boy.

Does that mean these states have the most to worry about?

  1. West Virginia
  2. Kentucky
  3. Arkansas
  4. Ohio
  5. Mississippi
  6. Missouri
  7. Tennessee
  8. Indiana (no surprise there)
  9. Louisiana
  10. Alaska

In terms of what?

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