Documents Reveal White Supremacists Discuss Using Virus As Bioweapon

This isn't good. The last thing we need is for stupid people to go around infecting our law enforcement officials and minorities.

They discussed infecting the FBI and minorities.

What kind of people do such things? I just can't wrap my brain around this.

Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon
Me and four of my friends discussed Tom Brady leaving the Pats. There are more of us than white supremacists. You’re just looking to stir up trouble, Leftist Dana.
Dana didn't publish the article. It's news. It's how people are alerted to trouble. Thank you Dana for bringing it to our attention.
Dana always finds obscure articles that are anti Trump or anti Leftism and posts them. One way Dana. But then again being foreign troll you knew that. I bet Dana doesn’t respond to my post because she fears me as I consistently expose her as a biased Leftist that she is.
How is this an "obscure article", when it is backed up by law enforcement?
Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon

Two drunk dudes. The implication is that it is a massive conspiracy. But you knew that, didn't you, foreign troll.
There are more of us than white supremacists
No doubt. But let's remember how it got that way. It's easy to take such things for granted, when really, a lot of effort went into changing our society to get where we are.

Point being, it is still good to recognize the threat, even when it is diminished, and to make sure these pukes know that we are always watching.
I am a Jew. I see more hate from the likes of Omar and Tlaib with their open BDS crap than I do from white supremacists. I am 39 and have never met or run into a white supremacist. I have run into several Jew haters who are basically Leftist Democrats. Everyone has their own journey and experience.
You need to spend less time in your closet, if you haven't seen white supremacists; A history of recent attacks linked to white supremacy
This isn't good. The last thing we need is for stupid people to go around infecting our law enforcement officials and minorities.

They discussed infecting the FBI and minorities.

What kind of people do such things? I just can't wrap my brain around this.

Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon

Considering the fact that there are an estimated 200 white supremacists in the United States and at least half are law enforcement keeping an eye on them, I don't think there is a serious concern here. For all either of us know, this "idea" may have been planted by federal or state employees seeking to keep their sweet gig going.

The myth of the "evil white supremacist" is also being spoon fed to the paranoid left by their media masters. As long as those people can be kept in a constant state of fear, their Democrat politicians have complete control over them.

Any so-called "white supremacist" I see on TV, if they look neat and clean, I assume they are undercover police officers or G Men . I hope that President Trump is in office when Dave Duke reaches mandatory retirement age with the FBI, and gives Mr. Duke a gold watch at his retirement dinner in honor of his 40 year career with the bureau working to keep an eye on the Triple K.

That right there. The only reason I never posted much on those Militia and prepper boards I used to be a member on, was because 8 out of 10 members were government agents posing as "members."
Yep. Those persons would be at the highest risk categories yet CA, NY and MA --- Leftists states are taking the brunt of the damage.
Which is to be expected in the beginning, as the west coast and large cities trend liberal. Because, as we know, more educated people trend liberal and tend to flock to the coasts and cities.
This isn't good. The last thing we need is for stupid people to go around infecting our law enforcement officials and minorities.

They discussed infecting the FBI and minorities.

What kind of people do such things? I just can't wrap my brain around this.

Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon
Me and four of my friends discussed Tom Brady leaving the Pats. There are more of us than white supremacists. You’re just looking to stir up trouble, Leftist Dana.
Dana didn't publish the article. It's news. It's how people are alerted to trouble. Thank you Dana for bringing it to our attention.
Dana always finds obscure articles that are anti Trump or anti Leftism and posts them. One way Dana. But then again being foreign troll you knew that. I bet Dana doesn’t respond to my post because she fears me as I consistently expose her as a biased Leftist that she is.
How is this an "obscure article", when it is backed up by law enforcement?
Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon

Two drunk dudes. The implication is that it is a massive conspiracy. But you knew that, didn't you, foreign troll.
So, you couldn't answer the question, making you a liar. Lol! Who knew right. Carry on with your lies and bs. You never had anything else anyway.
This isn't good. The last thing we need is for stupid people to go around infecting our law enforcement officials and minorities.

They discussed infecting the FBI and minorities.

What kind of people do such things? I just can't wrap my brain around this.

Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon
Me and four of my friends discussed Tom Brady leaving the Pats. There are more of us than white supremacists. You’re just looking to stir up trouble, Leftist Dana.
Dana didn't publish the article. It's news. It's how people are alerted to trouble. Thank you Dana for bringing it to our attention.

You're welcome.
You’re a troll. And you still won’t respond to me directly.
Lol! And you got caught lying about what is not an obscure article.
Link Twink?


Produce a link that is not from two weeks ago that shows Trump is not taking this virus seriously. Thanks.

Why would I bother? - No matter what I come up with, you'll claim it's a biased source. And if I produce a video of Trump saying some of this stupid shit, you'll claim that he was joking or that's not what he meant.

We've all seen your routine Lizard Boy.

Explain this

Teva donates potential coronavirus treatment to hospitals across the US

Keep hope alive and continue watching Dotard's Daily Disinformation Dumps -

Intelligent folks will pass because this shit is years away. ;)

^^^^ CNN? This:

View attachment 314102

The creator of Pepe the Frog is not pleased with you Nazis ;)

Pepe the Frog's Creator: He Was Never About Hate.
The Creator of Pepe Is Winning His War on the Alt-Right
Pepe the Frog’s creator wins a $15,000 copyright settlement against InfoWars

When you guys cheer that an authoritarian who killed Communists and then you claim everyone who does not think like you is a Communist you might want to be careful of the message you're sending.

Nobody expects you to be or take responsibility for your own words but just the same it should be pointed out.

What's wrong with laughing about dead communists? That's what most everyone over the age of 40 who served in the military was either trained to do or engaged in.

Are you saying that our government wasted a shit-ton of money on coming up with cool ways to kill commies?

We need an Operation Condor v2 but this for the entire Western world, Leftism has one aim and that is to destroy Western Civilisation, Leftism is the most destructive virus and disease on the planet, it is worse than even cancer. We have no problem with Independents and Liberals, it's Leftism that needs to be eradicated.

There is something very wrong with you. Suggest therapy.
Produce a link that is not from two weeks ago that shows Trump is not taking this virus seriously. Thanks.

Why would I bother? - No matter what I come up with, you'll claim it's a biased source. And if I produce a video of Trump saying some of this stupid shit, you'll claim that he was joking or that's not what he meant.

We've all seen your routine Lizard Boy.

Explain this

Teva donates potential coronavirus treatment to hospitals across the US

Keep hope alive and continue watching Dotard's Daily Disinformation Dumps -

Intelligent folks will pass because this shit is years away. ;)

^^^^ CNN? This:

View attachment 314102

The creator of Pepe the Frog is not pleased with you Nazis ;)

Pepe the Frog's Creator: He Was Never About Hate.
The Creator of Pepe Is Winning His War on the Alt-Right
Pepe the Frog’s creator wins a $15,000 copyright settlement against InfoWars

Who ever said Pepe the Frog was anything about hate, except for you guys and girls?

Actually, using cuddly animals to promote the murder of defenseless little babies seems a hell of a lot more horrible to me. A cartoon frog never murdered 50 million unborn children in this country.

Last edited:
This isn't good. The last thing we need is for stupid people to go around infecting our law enforcement officials and minorities.

They discussed infecting the FBI and minorities.

What kind of people do such things? I just can't wrap my brain around this.

Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon
Me and four of my friends discussed Tom Brady leaving the Pats. There are more of us than white supremacists. You’re just looking to stir up trouble, Leftist Dana.
Dana didn't publish the article. It's news. It's how people are alerted to trouble. Thank you Dana for bringing it to our attention.
Dana always finds obscure articles that are anti Trump or anti Leftism and posts them. One way Dana. But then again being foreign troll you knew that. I bet Dana doesn’t respond to my post because she fears me as I consistently expose her as a biased Leftist that she is.
How is this an "obscure article", when it is backed up by law enforcement?
Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon

Because when onne is NOT an idiot one knows they could take that BOLD headline type fonts and " SEARCH" it because it's saying hmmm where is this being said. WOW the magic.
You disagree it started in China? You’re kidding right?

No, I'm debating people who said it started in a lab and at least one of them think it was launched purposefully. I have no idea what you're doing.
I am telling you that is irrelevant. It started in China and the only country they told early was Russia. Notice how the virus has not spread there. Russia closed borders immediately and practiced social distancing immediately.

Yes China where COVID-19 originated told Russia first and how many times bigger is Russia than for eg. Italy and look how few COVID-19 cases Russia has and look at Italy where it's going off the chart.

The U.S. is bigger than Italy too. Did we get a heads up?

You two debating each other should be fun to watch, you're both incredibly vulnrable to conspiracy theories and I'm looking forward to see which wingnut con wins.

China is bigger than Italy and has had fewer deaths. Size doesn't heard that many a time I am sure. LOL. At least we can spell "vulnerable".
Fortunately for China, and their strict communist government, forcing them into extremely strict measures, it's neutralized the virus for the time being. It's ironic, since the virus started there, they moved quickly to contain it, but it was their communist form of government that is saving them. Now, I would be the last person in the world to advocate for communism and strict order, but in this case, I'm 100% with them. And if we are going to get through this, it's going to take strict government guidelines. And as we speak, we are actually moving in that same direction. Slowly, but we are moving towards a communist government takeover of the people in this time of crisis. If it gets out of hand, that's exactly what is going to happen here.
This isn't good. The last thing we need is for stupid people to go around infecting our law enforcement officials and minorities.

They discussed infecting the FBI and minorities.

What kind of people do such things? I just can't wrap my brain around this.

Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon
Me and four of my friends discussed Tom Brady leaving the Pats. There are more of us than white supremacists. You’re just looking to stir up trouble, Leftist Dana.
Dana didn't publish the article. It's news. It's how people are alerted to trouble. Thank you Dana for bringing it to our attention.
Dana always finds obscure articles that are anti Trump or anti Leftism and posts them. One way Dana. But then again being foreign troll you knew that. I bet Dana doesn’t respond to my post because she fears me as I consistently expose her as a biased Leftist that she is.
How is this an "obscure article", when it is backed up by law enforcement?
Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon

Because when onne is NOT an idiot one knows they could take that BOLD headline type fonts and " SEARCH" it because it's saying hmmm where is this being said. WOW the magic.
So, you didn't take the article and debunk its content. But, what you did do, was show just what an idiot you are by posting a counter argument that tells us nothing. :auiqs.jpg:Damn son! That was fucked up.
I believe the WHO.
Another dodge. The WHO reports the numbers they are given. You know this.

If Russia had a pandemic outbreak we would know. They do have leaks and such as they are not as closed off as China. You knew that right?
:auiqs.jpg:You folks are still denying Russia helped Trump, and we had multiple intelligence agencies that confirmed that, but Trump toads, said it wasn't so. Which begs the question, what the hell does a Trump toad know?
I believe the WHO.
Another dodge. The WHO reports the numbers they are given. You know this.

If Russia had a pandemic outbreak we would know. They do have leaks and such as they are not as closed off as China. You knew that right?
:auiqs.jpg:You folks are still denying Russia helped Trump, and we had multiple intelligence agencies that confirmed that, but Trump toads, said it wasn't so. Which begs the question, what the hell does a Trump toad know?

Multiple intelligence agencies under the control of partisan subversives like Comey, Brennan, Clapper and Mueller. Trump's victory really upset their racket, what would you want them to say?
Me and four of my friends discussed Tom Brady leaving the Pats. There are more of us than white supremacists. You’re just looking to stir up trouble, Leftist Dana.
Dana didn't publish the article. It's news. It's how people are alerted to trouble. Thank you Dana for bringing it to our attention.
Dana always finds obscure articles that are anti Trump or anti Leftism and posts them. One way Dana. But then again being foreign troll you knew that. I bet Dana doesn’t respond to my post because she fears me as I consistently expose her as a biased Leftist that she is.
How is this an "obscure article", when it is backed up by law enforcement?
Federal law enforcement document reveals white supremacists discussed using coronavirus as a bioweapon

Because when onne is NOT an idiot one knows they could take that BOLD headline type fonts and " SEARCH" it because it's saying hmmm where is this being said. WOW the magic.
So, you didn't take the article and debunk its content. But, what you did do, was show just what an idiot you are by posting a counter argument that tells us nothing. :auiqs.jpg:Damn son! That was fucked up.

I did debunk the argument. You're just too stupid to see that, foreign troll.
I believe the WHO.
Another dodge. The WHO reports the numbers they are given. You know this.

If Russia had a pandemic outbreak we would know. They do have leaks and such as they are not as closed off as China. You knew that right?
:auiqs.jpg:You folks are still denying Russia helped Trump, and we had multiple intelligence agencies that confirmed that, but Trump toads, said it wasn't so. Which begs the question, what the hell does a Trump toad know?

Helped him how? Did they cast votes for him? Be specific.
I believe the WHO.
Another dodge. The WHO reports the numbers they are given. You know this.

If Russia had a pandemic outbreak we would know. They do have leaks and such as they are not as closed off as China. You knew that right?
:auiqs.jpg:You folks are still denying Russia helped Trump, and we had multiple intelligence agencies that confirmed that, but Trump toads, said it wasn't so. Which begs the question, what the hell does a Trump toad know?

Despite the conclusions of every major intelligence agency and volumes of incontrovertible evidence, they still think that Putin wanted Hillary to win and didn't do a THING to help his Useful Orange Idiot.


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