DOE...Needs to End...Let the States Fund Education 100%.

Let's see,
Student loan program ballooned the cost of education and created "worthless" educations.
Now you are proposing something similar with elementary educations?
Let's see,
Student loan program ballooned the cost of education and created "worthless" educations.
Now you are proposing something similar with elementary educations?
Education should be funded by consumption taxes. That is the only equitable way that ALL recipients of the educational system pay their fair share. It is ridiculous that it should fall solely on the shoulders of property owners.
Who doesn't own or rent property? Other than military bases, I wonder who you are not taxing either directly or indirectly already?
This thread shows the incredible ignorance of school funding possessed by the average American. That is a tragedy in its own right.
Where didn't it work out? Lottery sales fund a lot of educations in numerous states.

Your play hard at work

Thanks to our players and retailer partners, last year alone Washington’s Lottery was able to generate more than $217 million for programs that benefit communities throughout the state. With those funds the Lottery was able to pay college tuition for more than 29,572 Washington residents, provide $40 million to the state's Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program, contribute to Washington’s Economic Development Account, combat problem gambling in the state, and so much more. Nearly 40 years since its creation, Washington’s Lottery continues to make a difference in Washington State.


Washington's Lottery

Wasn't the Lottery supposed to pay for schools?

Many Washington State Residents believe Washington’s Lottery was approved by the Legislature with the intent that Lottery revenues be dedicated to schools or education programs solely. While this perception is understandable given the history of lottery legislation introduced in the 1970s and early 1980s, the reality is quite different.
Lottery dollars are a small but important portion of the total funding for education. To learn more about Lottery dollars for education, and how education is funded in our state, visit the Beneficiaries section of our website.

Nothing for k-12

Your play hard at work

Thanks to our players and retailer partners, last year alone Washington’s Lottery was able to generate more than $217 million for programs that benefit communities throughout the state. With those funds the Lottery was able to pay college tuition for more than 29,572 Washington residents, provide $40 million to the state's Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program, contribute to Washington’s Economic Development Account, combat problem gambling in the state, and so much more. Nearly 40 years since its creation, Washington’s Lottery continues to make a difference in Washington State.


Washington's Lottery

Wasn't the Lottery supposed to pay for schools?

Many Washington State Residents believe Washington’s Lottery was approved by the Legislature with the intent that Lottery revenues be dedicated to schools or education programs solely. While this perception is understandable given the history of lottery legislation introduced in the 1970s and early 1980s, the reality is quite different.
Lottery dollars are a small but important portion of the total funding for education. To learn more about Lottery dollars for education, and how education is funded in our state, visit the Beneficiaries section of our website.

Nothing for k-12
Washington is a blue state. What do you expect?

My daughter got money for college from the KY Lottery.
Washington is a blue state. What do you expect?

My daughter got money for college from the KY Lottery.

Congratulations to your daughter!

As in my post, even WA pays toward SOME higher educations and to preschools, but nothing for K-12. Does Kentucky's lottery pay anything for k-12??
Congratulations to your daughter!

As in my post, even WA pays toward SOME higher educations and to preschools, but nothing for K-12. Does Kentucky's lottery pay anything for k-12??
I don't believe so. I believe it was originally targeted for post-secondary education. My daughter got a full ride from the US Army and the state paid her room and board at college.
I believe the majority of funding should be local and states should only step in where funding is needed for poor school districts to keep up with state standards.

I recall when the DOE was created and cries against it. When it still existed after Reagan's administration, I concluded all those cries were just meaningless political rhetoric. It's too bad that it still exists.
I believe the majority of funding should be local and states should only step in where funding is needed for poor school districts to keep up with state standards.

I recall when the DOE was created and cries against it. When it still existed after Reagan's administration, I concluded all those cries were just meaningless political rhetoric. It's too bad that it still exists.
The majority of funding IS local.

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