Does anti Semitism exist? nah

I think that stating another person 'always assumes' is expressing an absolute. And I think that people who express and think in absolutes are indeed pretty zealous and stupid.

i was specific about what you always assume, and it is based upon, basically, your always assuming something. you yourself have even stated as much.
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MikeK, MHunterB, et al,

I'm not sure that "Semitism is innate hostility toward Jews."

There are several different ways to consider this, but religion seems to be the thought here. Oddly enough, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all "Semitic religions." Semitic refers to the customs, traditions, and practices of Semitic People [(speakers of Semitic languages)(Arabic, Amharic, Hebrew, and Tigrinya)]. Semitic People are in the heritage linage of Assyrians, Chaldeans, Aramaeans, Sabaeans, Canaanites, Amorites and (of course) Hebrews.

Oddly enough (and I don't understand how it came to be) in modern times, the term "anti-Semetic" has come to mean a prejudiced or discriminating against Jewish people; unless specified differently.

OK, so how many such American Jews do you allege there are? And in percentage, how do you allege that compares to other groups within the American citizenry? How are you arriving at those estimates: what are your sources?
History has taught you nothing.

You are not born either "anti-Semitic" or "Semitic;" there is nothing in it that is innate. Both are learned through training and experience.

To be anti-Israeli is not the same as being anti-Semitic. The first is a geo-political issue and the latter is in a religious context.

Most people (not from the Middle East) are open minded and judge the policies and practices of Israel on a case-by-case basis. Because they might favor Israel in one aspect, does not make them pro-Israeli. Because they might oppose Israel in another aspect, does not make them anti-Israeli.

Most Respectfully,
This is the man who is credited with the term "anti-Semitism."
Wilhelm Marr - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I believe that the majority of hate crimes in the U.S. are against the Jews, the Blacks and the Gays according to several sources.

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