Does any real discussion happen on USMB? Or just insults, namecalling, and lies?

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You are a moron....pure and simple.

Republicans have the same distribution of attitudes and extremism that democrats do.

Every thread you start is poisoned from the start.

It essentially says "Prove you don't belong the KKK".

That fact that people like you exist in the world is reason to leave open the door to the idea that some people (braindead assholes like you) should not be allowed to have children.

Well then, explain how these aren't Republican positions. Perhaps add a few links? If those aren't Republican positions, then how did I get it wrong? Otherwise, it's not me who is the moron.

See what I mean? All they have to do is express a few GOP positions counter to the ones I listed above. They can't. We know why.

You are so extreme, it is useless to respond.
You've been outed as an offender of insults. A person identified as a Tea Party Advocate is not a racist in the least as you post tried to insinuate.

I have never denied what I am.

You have very poor taste in food. You can't deny that!

lol...typical canadian. The only reason you guys stomach that nasty monstrosity is to TRY to have your own culture!

see what i mean? All they have to do is express a few gop positions counter to the ones i listed above. They can't. We know why.

you are so extreme, it is useless to respond.

i prefer the term, dickhead, jerk, assface, loser, mental midget, rtard, derp, socially challenged, waste basket, basement dweller, jackass, shithead, nut licker, rderp, troll, cumstain, village idiot, wannabee, sociopath, or any other term of the sort.

You know, I have never paid attention to rdean's posts. Hopefully, we can eliminate the racist teapers and I can focus my attention on the liberals.
I'm having a 12oz medium blackened New York strip with roasted red potatoes & greens for dinner.

Discussions welcome I suppose

The libs will say that you don't deserve that and will try to pass a law that says you have to share 1/2 with some moocher....and Moochelle will say that unless the red potatoes meet some spec....they should be outlawed.

How's that ?


Obama would say "you didn't earn that steak" and the owner of the restaurant "didn't build that business"

You know, I have never paid attention to rdean's posts. Hopefully, we can eliminate the racist teapers and I can focus my attention on the liberals.

I eagerly await this....

I'll get my popcorn. And I don't buy 39 dollar popcorn for just any movie.
Moderation Message..

Well this thread left the Politics Station
about 10 pages ago.. Sorry I missed the fun..
Maybe someone will replicate the brawl in General
or the Flame Zone.. :D

Could also be in the Cooking forum -- I reckon..

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