Does anybody know why Trump

Oh go troll someone else you flamer....or I'll point out your legendary whopper "you're a high powered attorney from New York" guess is the only time you were ever in a court room was for a fraud trial...your own. You're certainly no attorney and never have been one

I know for a fact she is an attorney. A very successful one. I doubt she has ever called herself a high-powered attorney. Feeling intimidated are we? Why wouldn't you be? Like Comical Ali/Baghdad Bob, you're all over the place. Then again, most white trailer trash on meth are....
Yeah, that's why he opened his club Mar A Lago to Blacks & Jews which none of the other clubs on Palm Beach would do at the time. He was shunned for it.
Remembering When Trump Forced Palm Beach to Accept Blacks and Jews

Of all the silly attacks on Donald trump is the accusations that he is a racist, whereas the democrats love minorities. Almost everyone is aware that Donald Trump opened a resort in Palm Beach by the name of Mar-a-Lago. But what most people don’t remember is that the liberals in Palm Beach wouldn’t allow Blacks and Jews to join the golf clubs there. Palm Beach fought against allowing Trump to open his golf club that welcomed both Blacks and Jews.

Donald Trump sent the city council a copy of “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner”, a movie that starred Sidney Portier who was in love with a white woman and rejected their daughter’s fiance because he was black. He then sued the city for 100 million dollars in order to get his course approved. He finally won and the other golf courses in Miami were forced to desegregate...

...At the time there was an article written for the WSJ that included input from Abe Foxman, the longtime head of the Anti-Defamation League:

Mr. Trump also has resorted to the courts to secure his foothold here, and many residents wince at the attention his legal battles with the town have drawn — to the town in general, and to the admission practices at some of Palm Beach’s older clubs in particular.

…The culture clash began to approach a climax last fall, when Mr. Trump’s lawyer sent members of the town council a copy of the film “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner,” a film that deals with upper-class racism. Mr. Trump then approached the town council about lifting the restrictions that had been placed on the club. He also asked some council members not to vote on the request because their membership in other clubs created a conflict of interest.

Last December, after the council refused to lift the restrictions, Mr. Trump filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Palm Beach, alleging that the town was discriminating against Mar-a-Lago, in part because it is open to Jews and African-Americans. The suit seeks $100 million in damages.

If you listen tot he tape, Trump was clearly referring to his groupies, who will do anything to get close to a star, but Clinton with the help of a biased media took that comment out of context and fooled people like you into believing he was talking about all women.

There is good reason to believe that many people of Hispanic heritage were biased against Trump because of this policies about illegal immigrants and since Trump believed the judge's decisions were justified by the facts of the case, there were grounds to suspect the judge might have been biased for the same reasons. There is no record of Trump being racist toward Hispanics so it is a stretch to think this remark was based on racism.

Clinton's top staff refused to talk to the FBI until they were granted immunity from prosecution, so they clearly thought there were grounds for criminal proceedings.

I heard the tape. He was not talking about his groupies. He was talking about how his celebrity allowed him to grab women's pussies.

There is a record of him being racist towards blacks. I reiterate, when you base your decisions on the ethnicity of somebody that is racism. Especially when that person has no history of showing bias. It is Trump reacting to something based on his on prejudices.

And they got immunity and they still didn't go after her.
Everything you have heard previously was all a lie, more than likely. He was in college when his fathers apartment manager discriminated back in the 60's, which a suit followed in the early 70's because of it. Unfortunately, back then it WAs the norm. And had nothing to do with Donald Trump at all.
People really need to research crap rather than believe any biased media source.
Yeah, that's why he opened his club Mar A Lago to Blacks & Jews which none of the other clubs on Palm Beach would do at the time. He was shunned for it.
Remembering When Trump Forced Palm Beach to Accept Blacks and Jews

Maybe a leopard can change its spots!
Everything you have heard previously was all a lie, more than likely. He was in college when his fathers apartment manager discriminated back in the 60's, which a suit followed in the early 70's because of it. Unfortunately, back then it WAs the norm. And had nothing to do with Donald Trump at all.
People really need to research crap rather than believe any biased media source.
Yeah, that's why he opened his club Mar A Lago to Blacks & Jews which none of the other clubs on Palm Beach would do at the time. He was shunned for it.
Remembering When Trump Forced Palm Beach to Accept Blacks and Jews

Maybe a leopard can change its spots!
Actually I did research it. And Trump refused to give in. Not his dad. Not his building manager. Trump. It took an age to settle the case because he thought it was BS. You really do need to research this shit...
If you listen tot he tape, Trump was clearly referring to his groupies, who will do anything to get close to a star, but Clinton with the help of a biased media took that comment out of context and fooled people like you into believing he was talking about all women.

There is good reason to believe that many people of Hispanic heritage were biased against Trump because of this policies about illegal immigrants and since Trump believed the judge's decisions were justified by the facts of the case, there were grounds to suspect the judge might have been biased for the same reasons. There is no record of Trump being racist toward Hispanics so it is a stretch to think this remark was based on racism.

Clinton's top staff refused to talk to the FBI until they were granted immunity from prosecution, so they clearly thought there were grounds for criminal proceedings.

I heard the tape. He was not talking about his groupies. He was talking about how his celebrity allowed him to grab women's pussies.

There is a record of him being racist towards blacks. I reiterate, when you base your decisions on the ethnicity of somebody that is racism. Especially when that person has no history of showing bias. It is Trump reacting to something based on his on prejudices.

And they got immunity and they still didn't go after her.
Of course he is talking about his groupies and it is clear from the tape. If as you claim he did this to all women there would be legions of complaints and lawsuites against him for this behavior, perhaps even rivaling Bill and Hillary's assaults on women, but there aren't.

You have no idea whether the judge had shown bias in the past or had made statements to indicate bias or if there were any other explanation for his decisions.

There is clear evidence of racism against African Americans from the Clintons - it was what cost her the nomination in 2008 - and even from Joe Biden, but none from President Trump. Clearly your brain has been rotted from listening to Clinton too much.
Of course he is talking about his groupies and it is clear from the tape. If as you claim he did this to all women there would be legions of complaints and lawsuites against him for this behavior, perhaps even rivaling Bill and Hillary's assaults on women, but there aren't.

You have no idea whether the judge had shown bias in the past or had made statements to indicate bias or if there were any other explanation for his decisions.

There is clear evidence of racism against African Americans from the Clintons - it was what cost her the nomination in 2008 - and even from Joe Biden, but none from President Trump. Clearly your brain has been rotted from listening to Clinton too much.

1) Let's say for shits and giggles he was talking about his 'groupies" (whatever that means - and by the way they weren't). That makes it okay?
2) And neither did Trump, which is what makes his comments racist.
3) Yeah, list that evidence of racism...take your time..
Of course he is talking about his groupies and it is clear from the tape. If as you claim he did this to all women there would be legions of complaints and lawsuites against him for this behavior, perhaps even rivaling Bill and Hillary's assaults on women, but there aren't.

You have no idea whether the judge had shown bias in the past or had made statements to indicate bias or if there were any other explanation for his decisions.

There is clear evidence of racism against African Americans from the Clintons - it was what cost her the nomination in 2008 - and even from Joe Biden, but none from President Trump. Clearly your brain has been rotted from listening to Clinton too much.

1) Let's say for shits and giggles he was talking about his 'groupies" (whatever that means - and by the way they weren't). That makes it okay?
2) And neither did Trump, which is what makes his comments racist.
Social Justice Warlords Require Whites to Become Piñatas

Yes, it is OK, because it is consensual. It's like an athlete bragging about cheerleaders coming on to him.

The Chicano judge identifies himself as a Mexican; why is it only wrong for Trump to do so? Pushy irrational multiculties always ignore that, calling it "pride" instead of trying to start something that their laws say we can't react to. Also, that judicial traitor belongs to an organization that abets and rewards illegal immigration.
has chosen Baghdad Bob as his press secretary? Bit like the inauguration I guess. Any credible person up for the job didn't want it....

Sean Spicer Baghdad Bob.

Why do you give a shit, you're just a foreigner
Social Justice Warlords Require Whites to Become Piñatas

Yes, it is OK, because it is consensual. It's like an athlete bragging about cheerleaders coming on to him.

The Chicano judge identifies himself as a Mexican; why is it only wrong for Trump to do so? Pushy irrational multiculties always ignore that, calling it "pride" instead of trying to start something that their laws say we can't react to. Also, that judicial traitor belongs to an organization that abets and rewards illegal immigration.

Really? Those women gave their consent? Got links?

how did the judge identify himself in that way? I'll help you. Here's a link. Gonzalo P. Curiel - Wikipedia

How does this support your drivel? ...
Social Justice Warlords Require Whites to Become Piñatas

Yes, it is OK, because it is consensual. It's like an athlete bragging about cheerleaders coming on to him.

The Chicano judge identifies himself as a Mexican; why is it only wrong for Trump to do so? Pushy irrational multiculties always ignore that, calling it "pride" instead of trying to start something that their laws say we can't react to. Also, that judicial traitor belongs to an organization that abets and rewards illegal immigration.

Really? Those women gave their consent? Got links?

how did the judge identify himself in that way? I'll help you. Here's a link. Gonzalo P. Curiel - Wikipedia

How does this support your drivel? ...
Links Are Part of a Chain Gang's Mind Slavery

Go mess up some other message board, conformist copycat.

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