Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

And I'm not saying you can't be successful in America anymore I'm just saying for the masses it got a lot harder over the last 10 years or so. The rich got richer and we got poorer. We were all saving in the nineties and look at how many Americans are not saving now. It's a new America and the middle class to teach you to step back and the rich got richer and you defend it
And for 7 of those 10 years we've had Obama overspending at an average of a trillion a year as the rich still get richer and the poor still get poorer and you defend that.
I meant 14 years. 8 horrible years of bush and 4 years getting out of his great recession. Obama did a great job. You said Clinton sucked too but you voted for bush twice and his dad 2 times if you are old enough.
I love it when consters start claiming psychic abilities. What makes you think that I voted for Obama?

Trump companies have filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy 4 times, each time screwing their investors and creditors out of millions of dollars. Do you really think that's a good model fro running country?
This may sound crass, but that may be the smartest moves he made, and can use that intellect in dealing with foreign countries. It's better than giving aid to countries that hate us.

Of course, the fabled "Go fuck yourself, I've got mine - who cares about you" school of foreign policy.

Can't see anyway that wouldn't work out...

So, you are all for giving countries "humanitarian aid" that the people never see while they are burning our flag. There's nothing wrong with that? We have different ideas.

If there's a goal that can be accomplished using "humanitarian aid" that otherwise would require war, then yes - I support it.

Less than a tenth of a percent of the federal budget goes to "humanitarian aid". Compare that to how much is spent on war.
The present relationship with Russia is worrisome. I would put the foreign aid money toward defense a refurbishing out cbyer security system. We need an effective and strong army, navy, air force and Marines. If we don't have security, much less is important.
How you gonna pay down the debt and spend so much on defense? We need to become Australia or Canada. They don't spend so much on military.
This may sound crass, but that may be the smartest moves he made, and can use that intellect in dealing with foreign countries. It's better than giving aid to countries that hate us.

Of course, the fabled "Go fuck yourself, I've got mine - who cares about you" school of foreign policy.

Can't see anyway that wouldn't work out...

So, you are all for giving countries "humanitarian aid" that the people never see while they are burning our flag. There's nothing wrong with that? We have different ideas.

If there's a goal that can be accomplished using "humanitarian aid" that otherwise would require war, then yes - I support it.

Less than a tenth of a percent of the federal budget goes to "humanitarian aid". Compare that to how much is spent on war.
The present relationship with Russia is worrisome. I would put the foreign aid money toward defense a refurbishing out cbyer security system. We need an effective and strong army, navy, air force and Marines. If we don't have security, much less is important.
How you gonna pay down the debt and spend so much on defense? We need to become Australia or Canada. They don't spend so much on military.
Some of Trump's ideas:
Tax imports 25%; fine China for manipulating the currency; bring back manufacturing to the US bringing more jobs and ultimately a higher tax on income.
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

Compared to Bucky he would be a great CIC. At the very least, he knows how to run a financial empire and proved it by pulling it out of crushing debt and made it thrive. Compare this to the "community organizer" you voted for who has never even run a lemonade stand.

There's three key things I like about Trump that I would like to see in our next president:

1. He knows the toll that illegal immigration takes on America in both financial and personal costs

2. He knows the threat China imposes with its manipulation of world currencies.

3. He knows that ISIS is a dire threat and that we're losing the war to them.

Those items along propel him leagues above Hussein.

I love it when consters start claiming psychic abilities. What makes you think that I voted for Obama?

Didn't you?


Now I understand. He wasn't far enough to the Left for you....

How is Barak Obama far left US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

BTW, compliments on this site. I see a lot of members today that were posting way back then as well. Most discussion sites have very few veterans because their nutty policies tend to drive people away. Their long time status is a credit to your administration of the site.
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

Compared to Bucky he would be a great CIC. At the very least, he knows how to run a financial empire and proved it by pulling it out of crushing debt and made it thrive. Compare this to the "community organizer" you voted for who has never even run a lemonade stand.

There's three key things I like about Trump that I would like to see in our next president:

1. He knows the toll that illegal immigration takes on America in both financial and personal costs

2. He knows the threat China imposes with its manipulation of world currencies.

3. He knows that ISIS is a dire threat and that we're losing the war to them.

Those items along propel him leagues above Hussein.

I love it when consters start claiming psychic abilities. What makes you think that I voted for Obama?

Didn't you?


Now I understand. He wasn't far enough to the Left for you....

How is Barak Obama far left US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

BTW, compliments on this site. I see a lot of members today that were posting way back then as well. Most discussion sites have very few veterans because their nutty policies tend to drive people away. Their long time status is a credit to your administration of the site.

That's part of it. There's no doubt that Obama is to the right of me, but that's not the only reason for why I didn't vote for him.

Thank you for your kind words, as well. We do try our best, and I think we've got a great site, but I can't take all the credit for it, either. I am only part of the team.
And I'm not saying you can't be successful in America anymore I'm just saying for the masses it got a lot harder over the last 10 years or so. The rich got richer and we got poorer. We were all saving in the nineties and look at how many Americans are not saving now. It's a new America and the middle class to teach you to step back and the rich got richer and you defend it
And for 7 of those 10 years we've had Obama overspending at an average of a trillion a year as the rich still get richer and the poor still get poorer and you defend that.
I meant 14 years. 8 horrible years of bush and 4 years getting out of his great recession. Obama did a great job. You said Clinton sucked too but you voted for bush twice and his dad 2 times if you are old enough.
Yeah, sure you did. :lol: And I'm sorry to disappoint you but I didn't vote for Bush. You don't know shit, and you have to change your statement when you lose an argument. What you are saying in this post is completely different from what you said in the last one. You really suck at this.
Supporting a guy like Trump -- which, in a way, is a misnomer, since I really can't think of anyone else quite like him -- out of sheer frustration and exasperation is understandable, I guess. But basing support on those emotions doesn't seem very rational.

I can't imagine him dealing with Congress or (especially) relating to leaders on the world stage He gives the notion of "loose cannon" an all new depth, and we need more reasonable people in power right now. More humility, much less bombast.

Trump's problem is he can't fire congressman that opposed him, bully foreign heads of state, and end media harassment by telling them it's none of their bossiness.

On the first point, you are right. I think Trump would find it frustrating having to deal with a recalcitrant congress, probably even members of his own party. On the other two points, I don't see why he couldn't "bully foreign leaders" or tell the media to fuck off.

That said, I think he would surprise folks on how well he handled foreign leaders. Trump did not get where he is by not being able to get along with people. He has had to cut deals with people he didn't like or didn't politically agree with. It's not personal with him, it's business.

I also think this attribute would translate well to dealing with Congress. Yes, he probably would have some problems, but I can see him getting on the phone and persuading stubborn congresmen to go along with his ideas... he has that gift. As my Dad used to say, he could sell ice to an Eskimo. He's a wheeler-dealer who can find ways to make things happen that he wants to happen.
A president's success is most often achieved not by pummeling opponents into submission but by schmoozing instead. This is particular the case with heads of state. If you insult and belittle someone like Putin, you make it impossible to work with him. Heads of state can't be seen as being week and bullied or they loose support at home and possibly their job.

The media is a president's best ally or worst enemy. He needs media support to push bills through congress to support his programs. A president that thinks he can tell the media to fuck off is doomed to failure because most of the public's perception of the president and his programs comes not from words of the president but the interpretation and spin created by the media.
Does it even matter what trump has done? What about the 99% of us who aren't trump? What piece of the pie should we get? Let's say it was 25% now it's 10% and its moving 9,8,7%. What percent would you say unregulated free market capitalism isn't working?

What in God's name are you yammering about? You are someone who shouldn't be allowed to use percentages... it should be a criminal offense for people as stupid as you.

I am so SICK of this 99% BULLSHIT that I could blow chunks! You realize, this is a MAOIST talking point, right? Do you even fucking know who Chairman Mao was? How about go pick up a damn history book and study it a while, you may learn something... doubtful, but we can hope!

You see, moron... It simply doesn't matter what you do or what type of economic system you have... capitalism, socialism, communism. Marxism or Maoism... doesn't matter... there is ALWAYS a Top 1% and Bottom 99%. ALWAYS! FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER! No matter what policies you have, no matter how much wealth you redistribute, no matter how much social justice you enact, no matter how much you raise taxes or try to punish the wealthy. From now until time ends, there will ALWAYS be a Top 1%. The question is, do you want that Top 1% to be free individuals operating in a free market and with free enterprise... or do you want them to be the ruling class who control all the wealth and political power? YOU don't want freedom... YOU want to be ruled over by Government because you somehow think that would be better than having freedom.
Supporting a guy like Trump -- which, in a way, is a misnomer, since I really can't think of anyone else quite like him -- out of sheer frustration and exasperation is understandable, I guess. But basing support on those emotions doesn't seem very rational.

I can't imagine him dealing with Congress or (especially) relating to leaders on the world stage He gives the notion of "loose cannon" an all new depth, and we need more reasonable people in power right now. More humility, much less bombast.

Trump's problem is he can't fire congressman that opposed him, bully foreign heads of state, and end media harassment by telling them it's none of their bossiness.

On the first point, you are right. I think Trump would find it frustrating having to deal with a recalcitrant congress, probably even members of his own party. On the other two points, I don't see why he couldn't "bully foreign leaders" or tell the media to fuck off.

That said, I think he would surprise folks on how well he handled foreign leaders. Trump did not get where he is by not being able to get along with people. He has had to cut deals with people he didn't like or didn't politically agree with. It's not personal with him, it's business.

I also think this attribute would translate well to dealing with Congress. Yes, he probably would have some problems, but I can see him getting on the phone and persuading stubborn congresmen to go along with his ideas... he has that gift. As my Dad used to say, he could sell ice to an Eskimo. He's a wheeler-dealer who can find ways to make things happen that he wants to happen.
A president's success is most often achieved not by pummeling opponents into submission but by schmoozing instead. This is particular the case with heads of state. If you insult and belittle someone like Putin, you make it impossible to work with him. Heads of state can't be seen as being week and bullied or they loose support at home and possibly their job.

The media is a president's best ally or worst enemy. He needs media support to push bills through congress to support his programs. A president that thinks he can tell the media to fuck off is doomed to failure because most of the public's perception of the president and his programs comes not from words of the president but the interpretation and spin created by the media.

One of the biggest problems we have right now is that Obama and Putin don't like each other. It has created a dynamic where Putin is now working with China... something people have said for years is exactly what we don't want to happen... well, it is happening because Obama doesn't like Putin. I think Trump and Putin would get along fine... Trump thinks so as well, he said as much in Phoenix the other day.

Trump isn't some idiotic hothead who doesn't know how to get along with people... he deals with people he doesn't like every day. And he'll tell you that he doesn't like them, they aren't nice people. Unlike Obama, he can separate his personal feelings from business.

As for the media... Trump (in case you haven't noticed) LOVES media attention! He is as comfortable as a cat in catnip talking to members of the media... LOVES IT... LIVES FOR IT! Basks in the spotlight of it! ...What he doesn't do is put up with stupid bonehead questions. Like the other day when a reporter asked him if he owned a gun. Yes, he answered. Then they asked if he had a conceal-carry permit... Yes, I do, he said. Then they asked if he carried a weapon...That's none of your business, he said. And he was right... it's not anybody's business.

That's what I really do like about Trump... he is a no-bullshit kinda guy... he's just going to tell you what he thinks whether it's what you want to hear or not. He told Conservatives the other day in Phoenix-- "We need to repeal and replace Obamacare, and we need to replace it with something that works and that covers everybody.... sorry Conservatives, I love you guys, but we have to cover everybody... get used to it." Now that may not sit well with some Conservatives but Trump isn't concerned with that. He's not going to march to someone else's drum.
You're overthinking it. This isn't about quality or even policy. Its about feeling. He's the emotional choice.

Agreed. Just like Obama was and we've seen the aftermath of that.

O'bama didn't get elected on "emotion". The economy had just collapsed. You could be a doorknob and get elected when the opposition's identified with economic disaster.
Does it even matter what trump has done? What about the 99% of us who aren't trump? What piece of the pie should we get? Let's say it was 25% now it's 10% and its moving 9,8,7%. What percent would you say unregulated free market capitalism isn't working?

What in God's name are you yammering about? You are someone who shouldn't be allowed to use percentages... it should be a criminal offense for people as stupid as you.

I am so SICK of this 99% BULLSHIT that I could blow chunks! You realize, this is a MAOIST talking point, right? Do you even fucking know who Chairman Mao was? How about go pick up a damn history book and study it a while, you may learn something... doubtful, but we can hope!

You see, moron... It simply doesn't matter what you do or what type of economic system you have... capitalism, socialism, communism. Marxism or Maoism... doesn't matter... there is ALWAYS a Top 1% and Bottom 99%. ALWAYS! FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER! No matter what policies you have, no matter how much wealth you redistribute, no matter how much social justice you enact, no matter how much you raise taxes or try to punish the wealthy. From now until time ends, there will ALWAYS be a Top 1%. The question is, do you want that Top 1% to be free individuals operating in a free market and with free enterprise... or do you want them to be the ruling class who control all the wealth and political power? YOU don't want freedom... YOU want to be ruled over by Government because you somehow think that would be better than having freedom.
You are an idiot. In our great nation we became a great nation because of the rule of fairness. The Rich or top 1% controlled 75% of the wealth. Your way they control 90% of the wealth. Unregulated free market capitalism doesn't work you have to have rules and the government needs to be a fair referee.
Does it even matter what trump has done? What about the 99% of us who aren't trump? What piece of the pie should we get? Let's say it was 25% now it's 10% and its moving 9,8,7%. What percent would you say unregulated free market capitalism isn't working?

What in God's name are you yammering about? You are someone who shouldn't be allowed to use percentages... it should be a criminal offense for people as stupid as you.

I am so SICK of this 99% BULLSHIT that I could blow chunks! You realize, this is a MAOIST talking point, right? Do you even fucking know who Chairman Mao was? How about go pick up a damn history book and study it a while, you may learn something... doubtful, but we can hope!

You see, moron... It simply doesn't matter what you do or what type of economic system you have... capitalism, socialism, communism. Marxism or Maoism... doesn't matter... there is ALWAYS a Top 1% and Bottom 99%. ALWAYS! FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER! No matter what policies you have, no matter how much wealth you redistribute, no matter how much social justice you enact, no matter how much you raise taxes or try to punish the wealthy. From now until time ends, there will ALWAYS be a Top 1%. The question is, do you want that Top 1% to be free individuals operating in a free market and with free enterprise... or do you want them to be the ruling class who control all the wealth and political power? YOU don't want freedom... YOU want to be ruled over by Government because you somehow think that would be better than having freedom.
Why when we suggest raising taxes on the rich is it punishing them but not when they raise taxes on you dummy. They say we don't have the money we don't have any other choice when they raise your taxes stupid. And stop crying about what's fair start thinking about what works that's more important. And you should know the Rich will always be rich no matter if u raise their taxes or not so stop worrying about them you're not one of them and never will be
You are an idiot. In our great nation we became a great nation because of the rule of fairness. The Rich or top 1% controlled 75% of the wealth. Your way they control 90% of the wealth. Unregulated free market capitalism doesn't work you have to have rules and the government needs to be a fair referee.

Again... it should be illegal for you to use percentages.

We do have rules, and life is not fair. It's impossible to make life fair for all.

In YOUR system, the Top 1% control ALL the wealth, ALL the political power and ALL the speech.

The 99% have no hope, no opportunity and no recourse.

If you will go read the speeches of Mao during the "people's revolution" you will see that the exact same 99% vs. 1% argument was made... that's where it comes from! Mao's 'solution' was to kill the capitalists and confiscate their wealth. 70 million people died under his insane plan and it plunged China into economic obscurity for 40 years.
Why when we suggest raising taxes on the rich is it punishing them but not when they raise taxes on you dummy. They say we don't have the money we don't have any other choice when they raise your taxes stupid. And stop crying about what's fair start thinking about what works that's more important. And you should know the Rich will always be rich no matter if u raise their taxes or not so stop worrying about them you're not one of them and never will be

Again, you are just talking in semi-coherent platitudes and not making a lick of sense.

You cannot "raise taxes on the rich" because we do not tax wealth! We tax incomes! You ignorantly ASSUME that a high income earner is "rich" and you don't seem to comprehend that, by US tax law, every small business in America files taxes as an individual.

I don't know what you mean by me not minding when they raise my taxes... I raise tee-total hell about it! I don't want my taxes raised any more! I want spending cuts to be made and for us to live within our means with a balanced budget.

And I am not the one crying about what's fair... that was YOU! "we became a great nation because of the rule of fairness" was YOUR quote. There is not one goddamn word in the Constitution about "fairness" because life is NOT FAIR! It cannot be MADE FAIR! Is it "fair" that some people are born without arms or legs? What can we do to make life "fair" for them? NOTHING! Is it "fair" that some people contract cancer and die? NOPE... Nothing we can do to make it "fair" ...that's just life and how things go... sometimes it's NOT fair.
Again, boobs... YOU want to be ruled over by Government as opposed to being free. Because when people are free they can use their talents and skills to become wealthy and you don't like people becoming wealthy, you'd rather everyone not have jack shit so it will all be "fair."
You are an idiot. In our great nation we became a great nation because of the rule of fairness. The Rich or top 1% controlled 75% of the wealth. Your way they control 90% of the wealth. Unregulated free market capitalism doesn't work you have to have rules and the government needs to be a fair referee.

Again... it should be illegal for you to use percentages.

We do have rules, and life is not fair. It's impossible to make life fair for all.

In YOUR system, the Top 1% control ALL the wealth, ALL the political power and ALL the speech.

The 99% have no hope, no opportunity and no recourse.

If you will go read the speeches of Mao during the "people's revolution" you will see that the exact same 99% vs. 1% argument was made... that's where it comes from! Mao's 'solution' was to kill the capitalists and confiscate their wealth. 70 million people died under his insane plan and it plunged China into economic obscurity for 40 years.
Dude, where do you get your propaganda and rhetoric from, ancient history?

A Seattle entrepreneur on Monday delivered a startling message to his employees — he is raising the minimum pay for all of his employees to $70,000, while reducing his own pay to the same amount from about $1 million. Source: Seattle Business Owner Raises His Workers Minimum Pay to 70 000 - NBC News
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

He's an arrogant idiot.
Should we start asking the Capitalist of the Right, how he is going to "earn" multi-billion dollar bonuses for the People, with a Commerce Clause and an official Mint at his disposal.

Is this finally the chance of the left, to deny and disparage the Right for not being able to find Good Capitalists for their Cause.

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