Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

You're overthinking it. This isn't about quality or even policy. Its about feeling. He's the emotional choice.

Agreed. Just like Obama was and we've seen the aftermath of that.

O'bama didn't get elected on "emotion". The economy had just collapsed. You could be a doorknob and get elected when the opposition's identified with economic disaster.

Obama was a better candidate than McCain. And yes....the economic meltdown was pinned on the GOP by the media....(that's what they do). But the easy lending policies went back to Clinton. Their are an equal number of fingers in that pie....on both sides of the political spectrum.
Trump can't be ANY worse than what's in there now

Please vote this party out come 2016. I don't care who it is as long as it's NOT another progressive/commie like Obama. and that goes for the THREE stooges running as Democrats
Trump can't be ANY worse than what's in there now

Please vote this party out come 2016. I don't care who it is as long as it's NOT another progressive/commie like Obama. and that goes for the THREE stooges running as Democrats
Can you get a definitive answer from the Capitalist of the Right, how he is going to "earn" multi-billion dollar bonuses for the People in order to run massive budget surpluses and lower our Tax burden with a Commerce Clause and an official Mint at his disposal.
You're overthinking it. This isn't about quality or even policy. Its about feeling. He's the emotional choice.

Agreed. Just like Obama was and we've seen the aftermath of that.

O'bama didn't get elected on "emotion". The economy had just collapsed. You could be a doorknob and get elected when the opposition's identified with economic disaster.

Obama was a better candidate than McCain. And yes....the economic meltdown was pinned on the GOP by the media....(that's what they do). But the easy lending policies went back to Clinton. Their are an equal number of fingers in that pie....on both sides of the political spectrum.

It didn't need to be "pinned on" anybody --- the public simply says, this is a disaster, who's in charge? And the answer is "Bush", and then they see this:


-- a self-immolating prophecy.
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?
I think he would better than Hillary and the stiff currently in office.....but no. He wouldn't be that great.
Why when we suggest raising taxes on the rich is it punishing them but not when they raise taxes on you dummy. They say we don't have the money we don't have any other choice when they raise your taxes stupid. And stop crying about what's fair start thinking about what works that's more important. And you should know the Rich will always be rich no matter if u raise their taxes or not so stop worrying about them you're not one of them and never will be

Again, you are just talking in semi-coherent platitudes and not making a lick of sense.

You cannot "raise taxes on the rich" because we do not tax wealth! We tax incomes! You ignorantly ASSUME that a high income earner is "rich" and you don't seem to comprehend that, by US tax law, every small business in America files taxes as an individual.

I don't know what you mean by me not minding when they raise my taxes... I raise tee-total hell about it! I don't want my taxes raised any more! I want spending cuts to be made and for us to live within our means with a balanced budget.

And I am not the one crying about what's fair... that was YOU! "we became a great nation because of the rule of fairness" was YOUR quote. There is not one goddamn word in the Constitution about "fairness" because life is NOT FAIR! It cannot be MADE FAIR! Is it "fair" that some people are born without arms or legs? What can we do to make life "fair" for them? NOTHING! Is it "fair" that some people contract cancer and die? NOPE... Nothing we can do to make it "fair" ...that's just life and how things go... sometimes it's NOT fair.

small businesses are given options on how to file for taxes,LLPs, LLCs, corporations, sole proprietorship,
and and I believe individuals as an option under one of the above.
I'm beginning to wonder if, in the long run, Trump's "candidacy" might be a good thing for the GOP.

Watching Nikki Haley being interviewed this morning, it may end up being that he could essentially be used to make the party look softer and more human by shunning him.

Distancing themselves from Trump would be the smartest thing they could do - not only because they should, but also because it could create a positive momentum.

Just guessing.
However, if his support is strong enough, his opposition will begin to mimic him. I think this it what the GOP fears, Trump becoming the face of the Republican Party.

Wrong, Trump is becoming the face of the american voters who are fed up with being lied to, having their tax money wasted, and watching senators and congressmen get obscenely rich at our expense. They are also tired of the divisiveness and race baiting by both sides.

I would like nothing better than to watch Trump demolish the hildebeast in a one on one debate.
You're overthinking it. This isn't about quality or even policy. Its about feeling. He's the emotional choice.

Agreed. Just like Obama was and we've seen the aftermath of that.

O'bama didn't get elected on "emotion". The economy had just collapsed. You could be a doorknob and get elected when the opposition's identified with economic disaster.

Obama was a better candidate than McCain. And yes....the economic meltdown was pinned on the GOP by the media....(that's what they do). But the easy lending policies went back to Clinton. Their are an equal number of fingers in that pie....on both sides of the political spectrum.

It didn't need to be "pinned on" anybody --- the public simply says, this is a disaster, who's in charge? And the answer is "Bush", and then they see this:


-- a self-immolating prophecy.

Fair enough. But since Obama has been in charge for the last seven years does the economic stagnation, increased poverty, and erosion of the middle class get pinned on he and Hillary?

By your logic that is only fair....right?

You're overthinking it. This isn't about quality or even policy. Its about feeling. He's the emotional choice.

Agreed. Just like Obama was and we've seen the aftermath of that.

O'bama didn't get elected on "emotion". The economy had just collapsed. You could be a doorknob and get elected when the opposition's identified with economic disaster.

Obama was a better candidate than McCain. And yes....the economic meltdown was pinned on the GOP by the media....(that's what they do). But the easy lending policies went back to Clinton. Their are an equal number of fingers in that pie....on both sides of the political spectrum.

Wrong, a head of cabbage would have been a better candidate than obama. if you are saying he was a better campaigner than McCain, I agree. But a better candidate------NO.
I'm beginning to wonder if, in the long run, Trump's "candidacy" might be a good thing for the GOP.

Watching Nikki Haley being interviewed this morning, it may end up being that he could essentially be used to make the party look softer and more human by shunning him.

Distancing themselves from Trump would be the smartest thing they could do - not only because they should, but also because it could create a positive momentum.

Just guessing.
However, if his support is strong enough, his opposition will begin to mimic him. I think this it what the GOP fears, Trump becoming the face of the Republican Party.

Wrong, Trump is becoming the face of the american voters who are fed up with being lied to, having their tax money wasted, and watching senators and congressmen get obscenely rich at our expense. They are also tired of the divisiveness and race baiting by both sides.

I would like nothing better than to watch Trump demolish the hildebeast in a one on one debate.
How about the Rich you also get rich at our expense? The ones who have our politicians in their pockets
Trump would be a better president than both Clintons, Obama and the last Bush combined.
You're overthinking it. This isn't about quality or even policy. Its about feeling. He's the emotional choice.

Agreed. Just like Obama was and we've seen the aftermath of that.

O'bama didn't get elected on "emotion". The economy had just collapsed. You could be a doorknob and get elected when the opposition's identified with economic disaster.

Obama was a better candidate than McCain. And yes....the economic meltdown was pinned on the GOP by the media....(that's what they do). But the easy lending policies went back to Clinton. Their are an equal number of fingers in that pie....on both sides of the political spectrum.

Wrong, a head of cabbage would have been a better candidate than obama. if you are saying he was a better campaigner than McCain, I agree. But a better candidate------NO.
Certainly he's a better president than mccain Romney or bush would ever be
You are an idiot. In our great nation we became a great nation because of the rule of fairness. The Rich or top 1% controlled 75% of the wealth. Your way they control 90% of the wealth. Unregulated free market capitalism doesn't work you have to have rules and the government needs to be a fair referee.

Again... it should be illegal for you to use percentages.

We do have rules, and life is not fair. It's impossible to make life fair for all.

In YOUR system, the Top 1% control ALL the wealth, ALL the political power and ALL the speech.

The 99% have no hope, no opportunity and no recourse.

If you will go read the speeches of Mao during the "people's revolution" you will see that the exact same 99% vs. 1% argument was made... that's where it comes from! Mao's 'solution' was to kill the capitalists and confiscate their wealth. 70 million people died under his insane plan and it plunged China into economic obscurity for 40 years.
The rich changed the rules on us. The climbed the ladder and then pulled it up on the rest of us.

If you want to keep losing the class war we are in vote GOP.
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

I don't know about "great" or for sure even "good" but-after obama-"acceptable" would be a tremendous improvement. If the election were tomorrow Trump would have my vote.
Well, I don't support him, but hey, with the election of Obama, the notion of qualifications pretty much went out the window.
You are an idiot. In our great nation we became a great nation because of the rule of fairness. The Rich or top 1% controlled 75% of the wealth. Your way they control 90% of the wealth. Unregulated free market capitalism doesn't work you have to have rules and the government needs to be a fair referee.

Again... it should be illegal for you to use percentages.

We do have rules, and life is not fair. It's impossible to make life fair for all.

In YOUR system, the Top 1% control ALL the wealth, ALL the political power and ALL the speech.

The 99% have no hope, no opportunity and no recourse.

If you will go read the speeches of Mao during the "people's revolution" you will see that the exact same 99% vs. 1% argument was made... that's where it comes from! Mao's 'solution' was to kill the capitalists and confiscate their wealth. 70 million people died under his insane plan and it plunged China into economic obscurity for 40 years.
The rich changed the rules on us. The climbed the ladder and then pulled it up on the rest of us.

If you want to keep losing the class war we are in vote GOP.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that...

You're overthinking it. This isn't about quality or even policy. Its about feeling. He's the emotional choice.

Agreed. Just like Obama was and we've seen the aftermath of that.

O'bama didn't get elected on "emotion". The economy had just collapsed. You could be a doorknob and get elected when the opposition's identified with economic disaster.

Obama was a better candidate than McCain. And yes....the economic meltdown was pinned on the GOP by the media....(that's what they do). But the easy lending policies went back to Clinton. Their are an equal number of fingers in that pie....on both sides of the political spectrum.

Wrong, a head of cabbage would have been a better candidate than obama. if you are saying he was a better campaigner than McCain, I agree. But a better candidate------NO.

So what is your evidence that Obama was either born in Kenya....or lied to his college.

If you can't back that claim, just say so.
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?
Any candidate on the Republican ticket would be better that Bitchillary! Trump is a successful, honest-to-a-fault, professional businessman. Hillary is a deceptive, multi-faced, lying, professional politician.

VOTE REPUBLICAN whether it's for Trump, Walker, Rubio, Bush or a write-in of your choice. Hillary is poison.
You are an idiot. In our great nation we became a great nation because of the rule of fairness. The Rich or top 1% controlled 75% of the wealth. Your way they control 90% of the wealth. Unregulated free market capitalism doesn't work you have to have rules and the government needs to be a fair referee.

Again... it should be illegal for you to use percentages.

We do have rules, and life is not fair. It's impossible to make life fair for all.

In YOUR system, the Top 1% control ALL the wealth, ALL the political power and ALL the speech.

The 99% have no hope, no opportunity and no recourse.

If you will go read the speeches of Mao during the "people's revolution" you will see that the exact same 99% vs. 1% argument was made... that's where it comes from! Mao's 'solution' was to kill the capitalists and confiscate their wealth. 70 million people died under his insane plan and it plunged China into economic obscurity for 40 years.
Dude, where do you get your propaganda and rhetoric from, ancient history?

A Seattle entrepreneur on Monday delivered a startling message to his employees — he is raising the minimum pay for all of his employees to $70,000, while reducing his own pay to the same amount from about $1 million. Source: Seattle Business Owner Raises His Workers Minimum Pay to 70 000 - NBC News

And he did it BY CHOICE not force by the Federal Gumberment, DIDN'T HE?
So dude, it's not our problem some of you can't Advance yourselves into better pay

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