Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

Economically it COULD be good to have Trump as president. On the other hand his big fucking ego could have disastrous results.

Just my opinion but I'm sure someone will pick it apart

Which of the current list of candidates does not have a big fucking ego? Name one.
None of them have an ego like his & most of them have the common sense to know how to express themselves in a more appropriate manner.
Just look at Trumps public battle with Rosie O'Donnell. She sucked him into a high school level pissing match and she's a dumbfuck. If she can drag him down to her level as stupid as she is what does that say about him? He thinks his money & the influence it buys insulates him. Problem is others will have that same influence when/if he gets to the world stage.
Having your ass kissed your entire life creates it's own problems
On foreign policy, immigration and social issues = yes!!! My big problem is fiscal and I hope he is just playing to the loserterian base to win. ;) He is smarter then cut, slash and burn!
small businesses are given options on how to file for taxes,LLPs, LLCs, corporations, sole proprietorship,
and and I believe individuals as an option under one of the above.

LLPs and LLCs are subject to the same individual income tax laws for the owners as everyone else. They can file Form 8832 and be considered a "corporation" but then they aren't any longer a "small business." The primary purpose of the LLP and LLC designations are for payroll taxes and general employer related expenses or liabilities. Unless they are designated a corporation, they still pay taxes based on the individual income tax rate.

There is a fairly significant cost involved in becoming an LLP or LLC, so most small businesses do not have this distinction unless they have more than a few employees. Again, most small businesses in America (LLPs and LLCs included) file their taxes under the owners individual tax return and they pay the individual income tax rates.
You are an idiot. In our great nation we became a great nation because of the rule of fairness. The Rich or top 1% controlled 75% of the wealth. Your way they control 90% of the wealth. Unregulated free market capitalism doesn't work you have to have rules and the government needs to be a fair referee.

Again... it should be illegal for you to use percentages.

We do have rules, and life is not fair. It's impossible to make life fair for all.

In YOUR system, the Top 1% control ALL the wealth, ALL the political power and ALL the speech.

The 99% have no hope, no opportunity and no recourse.

If you will go read the speeches of Mao during the "people's revolution" you will see that the exact same 99% vs. 1% argument was made... that's where it comes from! Mao's 'solution' was to kill the capitalists and confiscate their wealth. 70 million people died under his insane plan and it plunged China into economic obscurity for 40 years.
Dude, where do you get your propaganda and rhetoric from, ancient history?

A Seattle entrepreneur on Monday delivered a startling message to his employees — he is raising the minimum pay for all of his employees to $70,000, while reducing his own pay to the same amount from about $1 million. Source: Seattle Business Owner Raises His Workers Minimum Pay to 70 000 - NBC News

I don't post propaganda and Chairman Mao is hardly ancient history.

You know the greatest part of the story of the guy in Seattle? His business is in America, where he has the freedom to do what he did. He made a choice because we have FREE ENTERPRISE here. That means he is free to run his business how he pleases. He is also free to have a business, and that's called the FREE MARKET.
did you miss the point about that form of equality?

Well there is no point other than the fact the man was free to do what he did. It remains to be seen if running a business like a communist country will result in success for the business. My guess is, it will fail miserably.
You are an idiot. In our great nation we became a great nation because of the rule of fairness. The Rich or top 1% controlled 75% of the wealth. Your way they control 90% of the wealth. Unregulated free market capitalism doesn't work you have to have rules and the government needs to be a fair referee.

Again... it should be illegal for you to use percentages.

We do have rules, and life is not fair. It's impossible to make life fair for all.

In YOUR system, the Top 1% control ALL the wealth, ALL the political power and ALL the speech.

The 99% have no hope, no opportunity and no recourse.

If you will go read the speeches of Mao during the "people's revolution" you will see that the exact same 99% vs. 1% argument was made... that's where it comes from! Mao's 'solution' was to kill the capitalists and confiscate their wealth. 70 million people died under his insane plan and it plunged China into economic obscurity for 40 years.
Dude, where do you get your propaganda and rhetoric from, ancient history?

A Seattle entrepreneur on Monday delivered a startling message to his employees — he is raising the minimum pay for all of his employees to $70,000, while reducing his own pay to the same amount from about $1 million. Source: Seattle Business Owner Raises His Workers Minimum Pay to 70 000 - NBC News

I don't post propaganda and Chairman Mao is hardly ancient history.

You know the greatest part of the story of the guy in Seattle? His business is in America, where he has the freedom to do what he did. He made a choice because we have FREE ENTERPRISE here. That means he is free to run his business how he pleases. He is also free to have a business, and that's called the FREE MARKET.
did you miss the point about that form of equality?

Well there is no point other than the fact the man was free to do what he did. It remains to be seen if running a business like a communist country will result in success for the business. My guess is, it will fail miserably.

Paying employees 70k is going to do that?
small businesses are given options on how to file for taxes,LLPs, LLCs, corporations, sole proprietorship,
and and I believe individuals as an option under one of the above.

LLPs and LLCs are subject to the same individual income tax laws for the owners as everyone else. They can file Form 8832 and be considered a "corporation" but then they aren't any longer a "small business." The primary purpose of the LLP and LLC designations are for payroll taxes and general employer related expenses or liabilities. Unless they are designated a corporation, they still pay taxes based on the individual income tax rate.

There is a fairly significant cost involved in becoming an LLP or LLC, so most small businesses do not have this distinction unless they have more than a few employees. Again, most small businesses in America (LLPs and LLCs included) file their taxes under the owners individual tax return and they pay the individual income tax rates.

well maybe,.....just because they choose to be taxed as a corporation doesn't make them not a small business.

And I question that if they dont they are taxed like everyone else........there must be a reason the number of these has shot up in recent years....they get some benefit out of it, that most individuals do not get.

small business also seem to find ways to use "business" cars for personal use....etc etc.
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

There's been a lot of Hillary support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-conservative rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Hillary because she makes conservatives upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think she would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Hillary from the resident supporters.

What qualities does she have that would make her a good President?
LLPs and LLCs are subject to the same individual income tax laws for the owners as everyone else. They can file Form 8832 and be considered a "corporation" but then they aren't any longer a "small business." The primary purpose of the LLP and LLC designations are for payroll taxes and general employer related expenses or liabilities. Unless they are designated a corporation, they still pay taxes based on the individual income tax rate.

There is a fairly significant cost involved in becoming an LLP or LLC, so most small businesses do not have this distinction unless they have more than a few employees. Again, most small businesses in America (LLPs and LLCs included) file their taxes under the owners individual tax return and they pay the individual income tax rates.

Some states allow an LLC to bypass pass-through taxation, but not all. However, the primary reason to be an LLC rather than an S Corporation is to take advantage of pass-through and avoid the double taxation that accrues to corporations. Further, the point of an LLC is to limit liability. Many business with only a single person operate as an LLC. LLP is generally reserved for professional partnerships such as law or medical. The costs for establishing an LLC are very modest in most states. In California the fee is $800 per year. In Nevada it is $125 per year. Other states fall somewhere in between.
Trump could put the country into bankruptcy and then make it sound like it was part of his unmatched business savvy.
small businesses are given options on how to file for taxes,LLPs, LLCs, corporations, sole proprietorship,
and and I believe individuals as an option under one of the above.

LLPs and LLCs are subject to the same individual income tax laws for the owners as everyone else. They can file Form 8832 and be considered a "corporation" but then they aren't any longer a "small business." The primary purpose of the LLP and LLC designations are for payroll taxes and general employer related expenses or liabilities. Unless they are designated a corporation, they still pay taxes based on the individual income tax rate.

There is a fairly significant cost involved in becoming an LLP or LLC, so most small businesses do not have this distinction unless they have more than a few employees. Again, most small businesses in America (LLPs and LLCs included) file their taxes under the owners individual tax return and they pay the individual income tax rates.

well maybe,.....just because they choose to be taxed as a corporation doesn't make them not a small business.

And I question that if they dont they are taxed like everyone else........there must be a reason the number of these has shot up in recent years....they get some benefit out of it, that most individuals do not get.

small business also seem to find ways to use "business" cars for personal use....etc etc.

...just because they choose to be taxed as a corporation doesn't make them not a small business.

Yes, that is EXACTLY what it means.

And I question that if they dont they are taxed like everyone else........there must be a reason the number of these has shot up in recent years....they get some benefit out of it, that most individuals do not get.

Like I said, there are numerous reasons for obtaining an LLC or LLP designation. Most of these relate to general employment expenses, payroll taxes, unemployment taxes, insurance requirements, all kinds of things unrelated to their federal income tax burden. In order to change THAT, they have to file as an S-corporation or C-corporation, which technically takes them out of the "small business" category.

There is not some magic number which separates a small business from a corporation. It all depends on the business and how it is structured.
Supporting a guy like Trump -- which, in a way, is a misnomer, since I really can't think of anyone else quite like him -- out of sheer frustration and exasperation is understandable, I guess. But basing support on those emotions doesn't seem very rational.

I can't imagine him dealing with Congress or (especially) relating to leaders on the world stage He gives the notion of "loose cannon" an all new depth, and we need more reasonable people in power right now. More humility, much less bombast.

Trump's problem is he can't fire congressman that opposed him, bully foreign heads of state, and end media harassment by telling them it's none of their bossiness.

On the first point, you are right. I think Trump would find it frustrating having to deal with a recalcitrant congress, probably even members of his own party. On the other two points, I don't see why he couldn't "bully foreign leaders" or tell the media to fuck off.

That said, I think he would surprise folks on how well he handled foreign leaders. Trump did not get where he is by not being able to get along with people. He has had to cut deals with people he didn't like or didn't politically agree with. It's not personal with him, it's business.

I also think this attribute would translate well to dealing with Congress. Yes, he probably would have some problems, but I can see him getting on the phone and persuading stubborn congresmen to go along with his ideas... he has that gift. As my Dad used to say, he could sell ice to an Eskimo. He's a wheeler-dealer who can find ways to make things happen that he wants to happen.
A president's success is most often achieved not by pummeling opponents into submission but by schmoozing instead. This is particular the case with heads of state. If you insult and belittle someone like Putin, you make it impossible to work with him. Heads of state can't be seen as being week and bullied or they loose support at home and possibly their job.

The media is a president's best ally or worst enemy. He needs media support to push bills through congress to support his programs. A president that thinks he can tell the media to fuck off is doomed to failure because most of the public's perception of the president and his programs comes not from words of the president but the interpretation and spin created by the media.

One of the biggest problems we have right now is that Obama and Putin don't like each other. It has created a dynamic where Putin is now working with China... something people have said for years is exactly what we don't want to happen... well, it is happening because Obama doesn't like Putin. I think Trump and Putin would get along fine... Trump thinks so as well, he said as much in Phoenix the other day.

Trump isn't some idiotic hothead who doesn't know how to get along with people... he deals with people he doesn't like every day. And he'll tell you that he doesn't like them, they aren't nice people. Unlike Obama, he can separate his personal feelings from business.

As for the media... Trump (in case you haven't noticed) LOVES media attention! He is as comfortable as a cat in catnip talking to members of the media... LOVES IT... LIVES FOR IT! Basks in the spotlight of it! ...What he doesn't do is put up with stupid bonehead questions. Like the other day when a reporter asked him if he owned a gun. Yes, he answered. Then they asked if he had a conceal-carry permit... Yes, I do, he said. Then they asked if he carried a weapon...That's none of your business, he said. And he was right... it's not anybody's business.

That's what I really do like about Trump... he is a no-bullshit kinda guy... he's just going to tell you what he thinks whether it's what you want to hear or not. He told Conservatives the other day in Phoenix-- "We need to repeal and replace Obamacare, and we need to replace it with something that works and that covers everybody.... sorry Conservatives, I love you guys, but we have to cover everybody... get used to it." Now that may not sit well with some Conservatives but Trump isn't concerned with that. He's not going to march to someone else's drum.
A no nonsense guy who calls a spade a spade, and isn't concerned about stepping on toes may be a refreshing change but that's not how you get things done in the world of international politics. Rude remarks and insults that Trump is famous for when direct at foreign heads of state by a president make negotiations difficult if not impossible. An insult directed at a head of state by a president is seen as insult directed at that nation which always requires a response.

If Trump were president when he made his remarks about Mexico sending rapist and murders into the US, the Mexican government would have had to respond creating an international incident. When the president speaks on the International stage, he's speaking for the nation, not himself, something I doubt Trump could do.
Yeah we need a professional politician because history shows they do the best work...:rofl:

At least Trump does not have the blood of those murdered by illegals on his hands, unlike the dude in the WH.
small business also seem to find ways to use "business" cars for personal use....etc etc.

Well, yes... Small businesses filing their taxes on the owner's individual tax return DO have certain deductions and depreciation they can claim on their returns. Some people operate their small business from their homes, so a certain amount of the expenses for their home is deductible under US tax code.

Let's get the train back on the tracks here. This issue was raised because "tax the rich" idiots think a high reported income on your tax return means you're rich. It simply doesn't. MOST of those who are in the top marginal tax bracket are actual small businesses filing as individuals. Small business owners are NOT the opulently rich. For the MOST part, those opulent rich folks do not pay income taxes because they don't earn incomes... they are rich! They don't need to earn incomes anymore. Most of their wealth is in investments and securities and they receive a dividend. The amount of the dividends vary but they are not taxed as earned income.

So then, people say, well let's just raise the taxes on dividends to the same as the income tax rates... but there is a problem with that. Rich people also don't have to earn dividends... remember, they are already rich... they already have wealth. And there are people out there, some not in this country, who desperately need their wealth and are willing to pay them to use their wealth without a tax liability. Their returns are less but they avoid your taxation and all is good.
You are an idiot. In our great nation we became a great nation because of the rule of fairness. The Rich or top 1% controlled 75% of the wealth. Your way they control 90% of the wealth. Unregulated free market capitalism doesn't work you have to have rules and the government needs to be a fair referee.

Again... it should be illegal for you to use percentages.

We do have rules, and life is not fair. It's impossible to make life fair for all.

In YOUR system, the Top 1% control ALL the wealth, ALL the political power and ALL the speech.

The 99% have no hope, no opportunity and no recourse.

If you will go read the speeches of Mao during the "people's revolution" you will see that the exact same 99% vs. 1% argument was made... that's where it comes from! Mao's 'solution' was to kill the capitalists and confiscate their wealth. 70 million people died under his insane plan and it plunged China into economic obscurity for 40 years.
Dude, where do you get your propaganda and rhetoric from, ancient history?

A Seattle entrepreneur on Monday delivered a startling message to his employees — he is raising the minimum pay for all of his employees to $70,000, while reducing his own pay to the same amount from about $1 million. Source: Seattle Business Owner Raises His Workers Minimum Pay to 70 000 - NBC News

And he did it BY CHOICE not force by the Federal Gumberment, DIDN'T HE?
So dude, it's not our problem some of you can't Advance yourselves into better pay
The fact is you right wing republicans are just as broke as we are. 90% of America is being negatively affected by GOP policies. You idiots aren't rich enough to be in the top 10%. So you are voting against yourselves, and us, because you are stupid.
The far left is doing it's best to make sure that we have a 1%er vs a 1%er for the choices of president.

If anyone that is for the DNC votes for Hilary they show that they are the biggest hypocrites in the world. They see a letter of the alphabet as being more important than what the person truly is..
If we were voting stupidly and blindly based on how much the candidates make and not their positions you might be right.

If she was a republican you'd be showering her with praise for being smarter than you and I. She got rich, you're crying about it.

At least she doesn't climb the ladder of success and then want to pass policies that remove the ladder so the rest of us can't climb it.
Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

Does anyone who voted for Obama a second time think period?

Trump is to Obama what Plato is to Snooki on Jersey Shore.

Trump is unafraid to speak boldly, unlike the vast majority of congress and the lying administration. Trump will call out China, Russia, Mexico, et al. and make public proposals to congress to act. If they do not, the public will know. Trump can do more for creating jobs than any president in memory. The public is lulled into ambivalence because no one of any fortitude and courage is willing to run for office. Congress just pats each other on the back and will not rock the boat. At least not in introducing meaningful legislation. Nor will they seriously and forcefully pursue the criminals in all these scandals.

What has Trump got to lose? He has no friends in Washington, but he will have the public listening and caring.
Then vote for him. And don't cry when the GOP tells you he is not qualified to be president. Maybe you'll get so mad you'll sit out this one? I hope so. But I doubt it. You'll get in line and vote for whoever the GOP nominate.
Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

Does anyone who voted for Obama a second time think period?

Trump is to Obama what Plato is to Snooki on Jersey Shore.

Trump is unafraid to speak boldly, unlike the vast majority of congress and the lying administration. Trump will call out China, Russia, Mexico, et al. and make public proposals to congress to act. If they do not, the public will know. Trump can do more for creating jobs than any president in memory. The public is lulled into ambivalence because no one of any fortitude and courage is willing to run for office. Congress just pats each other on the back and will not rock the boat. At least not in introducing meaningful legislation. Nor will they seriously and forcefully pursue the criminals in all these scandals.

What has Trump got to lose? He has no friends in Washington, but he will have the public listening and caring.
Then vote for him. And don't cry when the GOP tells you he is not qualified to be president. Maybe you'll get so mad you'll sit out this one? I hope so. But I doubt it. You'll get in line and vote for whoever the GOP nominate.
Maybe you did not notice but my real lament is for our present state. A gaggle of donkeys --- 100 million strong --- really do not understand how detrimental this phony / coward / liar is in the White House and they vote him back in.

Seems to me the huge problem in this nation is not the candidates but the voters.
Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

Does anyone who voted for Obama a second time think period?

Trump is to Obama what Plato is to Snooki on Jersey Shore.

Trump is unafraid to speak boldly, unlike the vast majority of congress and the lying administration. Trump will call out China, Russia, Mexico, et al. and make public proposals to congress to act. If they do not, the public will know. Trump can do more for creating jobs than any president in memory. The public is lulled into ambivalence because no one of any fortitude and courage is willing to run for office. Congress just pats each other on the back and will not rock the boat. At least not in introducing meaningful legislation. Nor will they seriously and forcefully pursue the criminals in all these scandals.

What has Trump got to lose? He has no friends in Washington, but he will have the public listening and caring.
Then vote for him. And don't cry when the GOP tells you he is not qualified to be president. Maybe you'll get so mad you'll sit out this one? I hope so. But I doubt it. You'll get in line and vote for whoever the GOP nominate.
Maybe you did not notice but my real lament is for our present state. A gaggle of donkeys --- 100 million strong --- really do not understand how detrimental this phony / coward / liar is in the White House and they vote him back in.

Seems to me the huge problem in this nation is not the candidates but the voters.

“Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here... like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody: 'The Public Sucks. F*ck Hope.”

George Carlin
The far left is doing it's best to make sure that we have a 1%er vs a 1%er for the choices of president.

If anyone that is for the DNC votes for Hilary they show that they are the biggest hypocrites in the world. They see a letter of the alphabet as being more important than what the person truly is..
If we were voting stupidly and blindly based on how much the candidates make and not their positions you might be right.

If she was a republican you'd be showering her with praise for being smarter than you and I. She got rich, you're crying about it.

At least she doesn't climb the ladder of success and then want to pass policies that remove the ladder so the rest of us can't climb it.

As always the far left is incorrect!

Those that are to the right of the far left do not hesitate to question their own..

And yes if you want to pay more in taxes, you can without anyone raising your taxes, so why does the far left not pay more than minimum they have to pay?

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