Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

You're overthinking it. This isn't about quality or even policy. Its about feeling. He's the emotional choice.

Agreed. Just like Obama was and we've seen the aftermath of that.

O'bama didn't get elected on "emotion". The economy had just collapsed. You could be a doorknob and get elected when the opposition's identified with economic disaster.

Obama was a better candidate than McCain. And yes....the economic meltdown was pinned on the GOP by the media....(that's what they do). But the easy lending policies went back to Clinton. Their are an equal number of fingers in that pie....on both sides of the political spectrum.

It didn't need to be "pinned on" anybody --- the public simply says, this is a disaster, who's in charge? And the answer is "Bush", and then they see this:


-- a self-immolating prophecy.

Fair enough. But since Obama has been in charge for the last seven years does the economic stagnation, increased poverty, and erosion of the middle class get pinned on he and Hillary?

By your logic that is only fair....right?


Let's take it slow, stay with me here....
The 2008 election, which is what the above post was about, didn't take place over the past seven years.
It took place in 2008.

In a single day in fact.
I feel sorry for the people in 10 plus years retiring without pensions and all the cuts the GOP are going to make to Medicare and Social Security good luck. Instead of parents leaving their children with inheritance children are going to be taking care of their parents and their parents will go broke. This is the new reality for many many Americans and Republicans will blame Obama Clinton read loc unions anybody but the GOP who loved sending jobs overseas. Now I hear Republicans on this board arguing they don't like Nafta. Just bout time
Some on these boards have been arguing this position for nearly 20 years....................and in direct argument of those who normally agree with me..........

and there are more......................just not in the establishment lining their pockets and that of their corp sponsors..............but you can not say both parties are not in on this.......................That's just plain wrong.
Agreed. Just like Obama was and we've seen the aftermath of that.

O'bama didn't get elected on "emotion". The economy had just collapsed. You could be a doorknob and get elected when the opposition's identified with economic disaster.

Obama was a better candidate than McCain. And yes....the economic meltdown was pinned on the GOP by the media....(that's what they do). But the easy lending policies went back to Clinton. Their are an equal number of fingers in that pie....on both sides of the political spectrum.

Wrong, a head of cabbage would have been a better candidate than obama. if you are saying he was a better campaigner than McCain, I agree. But a better candidate------NO.

So what is your evidence that Obama was either born in Kenya....or lied to his college.

If you can't back that claim, just say so.

His publisher said
he was born in Kenya on the jacket to his book. So are you now saying that obama lied when he said he was born in Kenya? WTF ?

First sentence: "his publisher said"... next sentence: "Obama said"....
You're saying O'bama was his own publisher?
O'bama didn't get elected on "emotion". The economy had just collapsed. You could be a doorknob and get elected when the opposition's identified with economic disaster.

Obama was a better candidate than McCain. And yes....the economic meltdown was pinned on the GOP by the media....(that's what they do). But the easy lending policies went back to Clinton. Their are an equal number of fingers in that pie....on both sides of the political spectrum.

Wrong, a head of cabbage would have been a better candidate than obama. if you are saying he was a better campaigner than McCain, I agree. But a better candidate------NO.

So what is your evidence that Obama was either born in Kenya....or lied to his college.

If you can't back that claim, just say so.

His publisher said
he was born in Kenya on the jacket to his book. So are you now saying that obama lied when he said he was born in Kenya? WTF ?

First sentence: "his publisher said"... next sentence: "Obama said"....
You're saying O'bama was his own publisher?
Thank you Pogo! Well said. And his publisher said that Obama didn't tell them he was born in Kenya.

So I ask Redfish again, what is your evidence that Obama was either born in Kenya or lied to his college?

........we're waiting.
The fact is you right wing republicans are just as broke as we are. 90% of America is being negatively affected by GOP policies. You idiots aren't rich enough to be in the top 10%. So you are voting against yourselves, and us, because you are stupid.

GOP policies? Like Obamacare?

You're actually making a rather good argument for not wasting your time voting for a Democrat. If they can't save us from the terrible awful GOP policies with the white house and half of congress, as well as a sympathetic SCOTUS... shit... they're not very good. I mean, all that's left is mass execution of the right... maybe if you kill enough of us you can get some things done?

What is making US broke is the continued policies of the liberal left as they wage a senseless war on the rich and continue to heap burdens on the taxpayers to fund their socialist agenda. We're voting against YOU... the stupid ones... those of you too dumb to pick up a history book and realize the crap you repeatedly spew is Marxist and Maoist propaganda from 60 years ago. It's been spoon-fed to you by Socialists who want to take down American capitalism.
Listen schmuck. So far I haven't seen any usmb Republican say they like jeb and you all seem to like trump. Don't you think its odd that you'll all fall in love with trump but then he won't be your nominee. One at a time you'll tell us Democrats how great your candidates are but then you yourselves won't nominate them.

What could possibly de rail the trump train? Don't blame us. You tell us why he doesn't get the nod but jeb does.

What I think is you're trying to figure out who can win moderates. Scott Walker? Who?

You know its going to be jeb. He's your only shot. Long shot that is.
Did you actually use "lettuce" instead of "let us"?


This is an example of the kind of idiotic morons representing about 47% of the voting public. These are the people who are in charge right now. They want to bash Trump but hell... my dog has more common sense than they do. Anything is an improvement over absolute illiterate morons.
I'm doing talk to text because I'm a busy man who's got lots of things better to do than sit at a keyboard and spell check for morons like you
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?
Just like the GOP ruined the economy and Republicans blamed Democrats trump will not get the nomination and somehow we will get the blame.

Republicans need to start talking to each other. So far they all seem to love trump.

I can't see why he won't win.

And how is jeb leading in the polls? Seems like the GOP is already telling Republicans they're going with bush.

Where are all the bush supporters? I mean that is your choice already?
small business also seem to find ways to use "business" cars for personal use....etc etc.

Well, yes... Small businesses filing their taxes on the owner's individual tax return DO have certain deductions and depreciation they can claim on their returns. Some people operate their small business from their homes, so a certain amount of the expenses for their home is deductible under US tax code.

Let's get the train back on the tracks here. This issue was raised because "tax the rich" idiots think a high reported income on your tax return means you're rich. It simply doesn't. MOST of those who are in the top marginal tax bracket are actual small businesses filing as individuals. Small business owners are NOT the opulently rich. For the MOST part, those opulent rich folks do not pay income taxes because they don't earn incomes... they are rich! They don't need to earn incomes anymore. Most of their wealth is in investments and securities and they receive a dividend. The amount of the dividends vary but they are not taxed as earned income.

So then, people say, well let's just raise the taxes on dividends to the same as the income tax rates... but there is a problem with that. Rich people also don't have to earn dividends... remember, they are already rich... they already have wealth. And there are people out there, some not in this country, who desperately need their wealth and are willing to pay them to use their wealth without a tax liability. Their returns are less but they avoid your taxation and all is good.

these are things well written law could take care of...............and just because a person files taxes as a small business does not mean that the income shown is all that mis-representative compared to those that dont that show high income.

yes, income doesnt necessarily get at wealth, but if you make 100,000 on income tax returns I have no need to be taxed more.

Well, in your pea-brain it seems like $100k is a lot of money, but for a small business, it's really not. There is a lot of expense and overhead that has to come out of that. But the primary thing is, you aren't raising tax rates on "the rich" but rather, on those who are creating 90% of the jobs in America.

jobs arent charity you fucking idot,those jobs add to the owners bottom line. and $100k is a lot of money taken in as income,....... like I said no sympathy. Business get all sorts of handouts and subsides from government already, they can pay more in taxes.

Businesses don't pay taxes, consumers do. The business downsizes or raises prices to compensate for the higher taxes. So all you're effectively doing is killing jobs and increasing prices for consumers.
Did you actually use "lettuce" instead of "let us"?


This is an example of the kind of idiotic morons representing about 47% of the voting public. These are the people who are in charge right now. They want to bash Trump but hell... my dog has more common sense than they do. Anything is an improvement over absolute illiterate morons.
I'm doing talk to text because I'm a busy man who's got lots of things better to do than sit at a keyboard and spell check for morons like you

I have a full time job and a wife and 4 kids and still manage to spell correctly in my posts. You're not the only guy who's busy around here, but we still manage to check our posts before submitting them.
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?
Just like the GOP ruined the economy and Republicans blamed Democrats trump will not get the nomination and somehow we will get the blame.

Oh, betting on that outcome is like printing your own money. When Trump's candidacy fails, his supporters will blame the media, the left, democrats, they may even bring El Nino.

But they won't blame Trump. See, in the party of 'personal responsibility', its always someone else's fault.
The fact is you right wing republicans are just as broke as we are. 90% of America is being negatively affected by GOP policies. You idiots aren't rich enough to be in the top 10%. So you are voting against yourselves, and us, because you are stupid.

GOP policies? Like Obamacare?

You're actually making a rather good argument for not wasting your time voting for a Democrat. If they can't save us from the terrible awful GOP policies with the white house and half of congress, as well as a sympathetic SCOTUS... shit... they're not very good. I mean, all that's left is mass execution of the right... maybe if you kill enough of us you can get some things done?

What is making US broke is the continued policies of the liberal left as they wage a senseless war on the rich and continue to heap burdens on the taxpayers to fund their socialist agenda. We're voting against YOU... the stupid ones... those of you too dumb to pick up a history book and realize the crap you repeatedly spew is Marxist and Maoist propaganda from 60 years ago. It's been spoon-fed to you by Socialists who want to take down American capitalism.
Listen schmuck. So far I haven't seen any usmb Republican say they like jeb and you all seem to like trump. Don't you think its odd that you'll all fall in love with trump but then he won't be your nominee. One at a time you'll tell us Democrats how great your candidates are but then you yourselves won't nominate them.

What could possibly de rail the trump train? Don't blame us. You tell us why he doesn't get the nod but jeb does.

What I think is you're trying to figure out who can win moderates. Scott Walker? Who?

You know its going to be jeb. He's your only shot. Long shot that is.

All I can do is tell you unequivocally that I will not vote for Jeb Bush. IF it comes down to Bush vs. Hillary, I'll either stay home or vote third party in protest. And I am not the only one fed up with this mealy-mouth cabal of RINO Liberal-Lite Republicans... So... fair warning to the Establishment GOP... nominate the son of a bitch as your candidate and you'll elect Hillary!

That said, I am not "in love" with Trump. He's not MY personal pick, not even my second. I like Cruz and Walker more. I actually think Walker may be the dark horse. We're still a long way from the primaries and all kinds of things can happen.
small business also seem to find ways to use "business" cars for personal use....etc etc.

Well, yes... Small businesses filing their taxes on the owner's individual tax return DO have certain deductions and depreciation they can claim on their returns. Some people operate their small business from their homes, so a certain amount of the expenses for their home is deductible under US tax code.

Let's get the train back on the tracks here. This issue was raised because "tax the rich" idiots think a high reported income on your tax return means you're rich. It simply doesn't. MOST of those who are in the top marginal tax bracket are actual small businesses filing as individuals. Small business owners are NOT the opulently rich. For the MOST part, those opulent rich folks do not pay income taxes because they don't earn incomes... they are rich! They don't need to earn incomes anymore. Most of their wealth is in investments and securities and they receive a dividend. The amount of the dividends vary but they are not taxed as earned income.

So then, people say, well let's just raise the taxes on dividends to the same as the income tax rates... but there is a problem with that. Rich people also don't have to earn dividends... remember, they are already rich... they already have wealth. And there are people out there, some not in this country, who desperately need their wealth and are willing to pay them to use their wealth without a tax liability. Their returns are less but they avoid your taxation and all is good.

these are things well written law could take care of...............and just because a person files taxes as a small business does not mean that the income shown is all that mis-representative compared to those that dont that show high income.

yes, income doesnt necessarily get at wealth, but if you make 100,000 on income tax returns I have no need to be taxed more.

Well, in your pea-brain it seems like $100k is a lot of money, but for a small business, it's really not. There is a lot of expense and overhead that has to come out of that. But the primary thing is, you aren't raising tax rates on "the rich" but rather, on those who are creating 90% of the jobs in America.

jobs arent charity you fucking idot,those jobs add to the owners bottom line. and $100k is a lot of money taken in as income,....... like I said no sympathy. Business get all sorts of handouts and subsides from government already, they can pay more in taxes.

Businesses don't pay taxes, consumers do. The business downsizes or raises prices to compensate for the higher taxes. So all you're effectively doing is killing jobs and increasing prices for consumers.
They should pay taxes. They use heavy trucks to haul their shit around and tear up the roads and benefit from the police fire and schools. They benefit from the military.

Taxes are a part of doing business. Tax breaks don't equal more jobs demand does. A business owner hires another person to keep up. Not because they have extra money. If you raise your prices too much we won't buy. Want to pay no taxes? Move to a shitty red state. Go! Come on. Go from Detroit to Arkansas.
Well, yes... Small businesses filing their taxes on the owner's individual tax return DO have certain deductions and depreciation they can claim on their returns. Some people operate their small business from their homes, so a certain amount of the expenses for their home is deductible under US tax code.

Let's get the train back on the tracks here. This issue was raised because "tax the rich" idiots think a high reported income on your tax return means you're rich. It simply doesn't. MOST of those who are in the top marginal tax bracket are actual small businesses filing as individuals. Small business owners are NOT the opulently rich. For the MOST part, those opulent rich folks do not pay income taxes because they don't earn incomes... they are rich! They don't need to earn incomes anymore. Most of their wealth is in investments and securities and they receive a dividend. The amount of the dividends vary but they are not taxed as earned income.

So then, people say, well let's just raise the taxes on dividends to the same as the income tax rates... but there is a problem with that. Rich people also don't have to earn dividends... remember, they are already rich... they already have wealth. And there are people out there, some not in this country, who desperately need their wealth and are willing to pay them to use their wealth without a tax liability. Their returns are less but they avoid your taxation and all is good.

these are things well written law could take care of...............and just because a person files taxes as a small business does not mean that the income shown is all that mis-representative compared to those that dont that show high income.

yes, income doesnt necessarily get at wealth, but if you make 100,000 on income tax returns I have no need to be taxed more.

Well, in your pea-brain it seems like $100k is a lot of money, but for a small business, it's really not. There is a lot of expense and overhead that has to come out of that. But the primary thing is, you aren't raising tax rates on "the rich" but rather, on those who are creating 90% of the jobs in America.

jobs arent charity you fucking idot,those jobs add to the owners bottom line. and $100k is a lot of money taken in as income,....... like I said no sympathy. Business get all sorts of handouts and subsides from government already, they can pay more in taxes.

Businesses don't pay taxes, consumers do. The business downsizes or raises prices to compensate for the higher taxes. So all you're effectively doing is killing jobs and increasing prices for consumers.
They should pay taxes. They use heavy trucks to haul their shit around and tear up the roads and benefit from the police fire and schools. They benefit from the military.

Taxes are a part of doing business. Tax breaks don't equal more jobs demand does. A business owner hires another person to keep up. Not because they have extra money. If you raise your prices too much we won't buy. Want to pay no taxes? Move to a shitty red state. Go! Come on. Go from Detroit to Arkansas.

I don't see where I said businesses shouldn't pay taxes, can you point that out in my comments?
Trump may have caused an international event by running his mouth.

No, Trump won't make a good president.
So I ask Redfish again, what is your evidence that Obama was either born in Kenya or lied to his college?

........we're waiting.


A bar 1981.

Think it through. I'll give you a moment.

:dunno: Barcode was invented in 1949. Widely used commercially since the 1970s.
So Columbia was using them on their student IDs in 1981? Are you sure about that? Because Columbia University thinks they introduced them in 1996.

All-Purpose IDs to Offer One-Card Convenience

And more here:

CUID - WikiCU the Columbia University wiki encyclopedia

And I'm curious why you think you know more than Columbia does about its own identification.

And have you heard of Thomas Lugert? He's shocking relevant to this conversation.
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Oh, and as an aside, why does the picture match the bookcover for David Maraniss' book?


And the 'Student ID" photo of Obama would cut off right where the letters on the cover of Maraniss' book were placed?

Seem a little....coincidental, don't you think? And if the book pulled the student ID photo....that's shockingly high quality for student identification, dontcha think? Especially blow up to may 20 times it original size for the hard back? And of course, where did the tie and most of the shirt come from? Remember, the student ID photo cuts just above the word 'Barack'.

Oh, and again....your thoughts on Thomas Lugert?
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Well Sky... we wouldn't have this problem if Obama would release his records.

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