Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

Does anyone who voted for Obama a second time think period?

Trump is to Obama what Plato is to Snooki on Jersey Shore.

Trump is unafraid to speak boldly, unlike the vast majority of congress and the lying administration. Trump will call out China, Russia, Mexico, et al. and make public proposals to congress to act. If they do not, the public will know. Trump can do more for creating jobs than any president in memory. The public is lulled into ambivalence because no one of any fortitude and courage is willing to run for office. Congress just pats each other on the back and will not rock the boat. At least not in introducing meaningful legislation. Nor will they seriously and forcefully pursue the criminals in all these scandals.

What has Trump got to lose? He has no friends in Washington, but he will have the public listening and caring.
Then vote for him. And don't cry when the GOP tells you he is not qualified to be president. Maybe you'll get so mad you'll sit out this one? I hope so. But I doubt it. You'll get in line and vote for whoever the GOP nominate.

And yet the far left will vote far left as their rich white master tell them to vote fort.

It is funny to watch the far left believe they actually get choices in their nominations..
Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

Does anyone who voted for Obama a second time think period?

Trump is to Obama what Plato is to Snooki on Jersey Shore.

Trump is unafraid to speak boldly, unlike the vast majority of congress and the lying administration. Trump will call out China, Russia, Mexico, et al. and make public proposals to congress to act. If they do not, the public will know. Trump can do more for creating jobs than any president in memory. The public is lulled into ambivalence because no one of any fortitude and courage is willing to run for office. Congress just pats each other on the back and will not rock the boat. At least not in introducing meaningful legislation. Nor will they seriously and forcefully pursue the criminals in all these scandals.

What has Trump got to lose? He has no friends in Washington, but he will have the public listening and caring.
Then vote for him. And don't cry when the GOP tells you he is not qualified to be president. Maybe you'll get so mad you'll sit out this one? I hope so. But I doubt it. You'll get in line and vote for whoever the GOP nominate.
Maybe you did not notice but my real lament is for our present state. A gaggle of donkeys --- 100 million strong --- really do not understand how detrimental this phony / coward / liar is in the White House and they vote him back in.

Seems to me the huge problem in this nation is not the candidates but the voters.

“Now, there's one thing you might have noticed I don't complain about: politicians. Everybody complains about politicians. Everybody says they suck. Well, where do people think these politicians come from? They don't fall out of the sky. They don't pass through a membrane from another reality. They come from American parents and American families, American homes, American schools, American churches, American businesses and American universities, and they are elected by American citizens. This is the best we can do folks. This is what we have to offer. It's what our system produces: Garbage in, garbage out. If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Term limits ain't going to do any good; you're just going to end up with a brand new bunch of selfish, ignorant Americans. So, maybe, maybe, maybe, it's not the politicians who suck. Maybe something else sucks around here... like, the public. Yeah, the public sucks. There's a nice campaign slogan for somebody: 'The Public Sucks. F*ck Hope.”

George Carlin

Agreed, George was right on here. (not so much on God)

But I do think another part of the problem is that with cell phones and hyper-technology many potential worthwhile potential candidates would not dare run for office because some scandal in their distant past will be found out, brought up and they will be ridiculed and dismissed. And the media will see to that.

Term limits would help, I still believe that.
The far left is doing it's best to make sure that we have a 1%er vs a 1%er for the choices of president.

If anyone that is for the DNC votes for Hilary they show that they are the biggest hypocrites in the world. They see a letter of the alphabet as being more important than what the person truly is..
When have we had a Republican nominee that wasn't a 1%er?
small businesses are given options on how to file for taxes,LLPs, LLCs, corporations, sole proprietorship,
and and I believe individuals as an option under one of the above.

LLPs and LLCs are subject to the same individual income tax laws for the owners as everyone else. They can file Form 8832 and be considered a "corporation" but then they aren't any longer a "small business." The primary purpose of the LLP and LLC designations are for payroll taxes and general employer related expenses or liabilities. Unless they are designated a corporation, they still pay taxes based on the individual income tax rate.

There is a fairly significant cost involved in becoming an LLP or LLC, so most small businesses do not have this distinction unless they have more than a few employees. Again, most small businesses in America (LLPs and LLCs included) file their taxes under the owners individual tax return and they pay the individual income tax rates.

well maybe,.....just because they choose to be taxed as a corporation doesn't make them not a small business.

And I question that if they dont they are taxed like everyone else........there must be a reason the number of these has shot up in recent years....they get some benefit out of it, that most individuals do not get.

small business also seem to find ways to use "business" cars for personal use....etc etc.

...just because they choose to be taxed as a corporation doesn't make them not a small business.

Yes, that is EXACTLY what it means.

And I question that if they dont they are taxed like everyone else........there must be a reason the number of these has shot up in recent years....they get some benefit out of it, that most individuals do not get.

Like I said, there are numerous reasons for obtaining an LLC or LLP designation. Most of these relate to general employment expenses, payroll taxes, unemployment taxes, insurance requirements, all kinds of things unrelated to their federal income tax burden. In order to change THAT, they have to file as an S-corporation or C-corporation, which technically takes them out of the "small business" category.

There is not some magic number which separates a small business from a corporation. It all depends on the business and how it is structured.

you are contradicting yourself I think
small business also seem to find ways to use "business" cars for personal use....etc etc.

Well, yes... Small businesses filing their taxes on the owner's individual tax return DO have certain deductions and depreciation they can claim on their returns. Some people operate their small business from their homes, so a certain amount of the expenses for their home is deductible under US tax code.

Let's get the train back on the tracks here. This issue was raised because "tax the rich" idiots think a high reported income on your tax return means you're rich. It simply doesn't. MOST of those who are in the top marginal tax bracket are actual small businesses filing as individuals. Small business owners are NOT the opulently rich. For the MOST part, those opulent rich folks do not pay income taxes because they don't earn incomes... they are rich! They don't need to earn incomes anymore. Most of their wealth is in investments and securities and they receive a dividend. The amount of the dividends vary but they are not taxed as earned income.

So then, people say, well let's just raise the taxes on dividends to the same as the income tax rates... but there is a problem with that. Rich people also don't have to earn dividends... remember, they are already rich... they already have wealth. And there are people out there, some not in this country, who desperately need their wealth and are willing to pay them to use their wealth without a tax liability. Their returns are less but they avoid your taxation and all is good.

these are things well written law could take care of...............and just because a person files taxes as a small business does not mean that the income shown is all that mis-representative compared to those that dont that show high income.

yes, income doesnt necessarily get at wealth, but if you make 100,000 on income tax returns I have no need to be taxed more.
Certainly he's a better president than mccain Romney or bush would ever be

Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

Does anyone who voted for Obama a second time think period?

Trump is to Obama what Plato is to Snooki on Jersey Shore.

Trump is unafraid to speak boldly, unlike the vast majority of congress and the lying administration. Trump will call out China, Russia, Mexico, et al. and make public proposals to congress to act. If they do not, the public will know. Trump can do more for creating jobs than any president in memory. The public is lulled into ambivalence because no one of any fortitude and courage is willing to run for office. Congress just pats each other on the back and will not rock the boat. At least not in introducing meaningful legislation. Nor will they seriously and forcefully pursue the criminals in all these scandals.

What has Trump got to lose? He has no friends in Washington, but he will have the public listening and caring.
Then vote for him. And don't cry when the GOP tells you he is not qualified to be president. Maybe you'll get so mad you'll sit out this one? I hope so. But I doubt it. You'll get in line and vote for whoever the GOP nominate.

And yet the far left will vote far left as their rich white master tell them to vote fort.

It is funny to watch the far left believe they actually get choices in their nominations..
We've never gotten a far left nominee since Carter and look what they did to his career. Or Kennedy.

Hell look at how the GOP treated Clinton and he is about his corporate Democrat as you can get
Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

Does anyone who voted for Obama a second time think period?

Trump is to Obama what Plato is to Snooki on Jersey Shore.

Trump is unafraid to speak boldly, unlike the vast majority of congress and the lying administration. Trump will call out China, Russia, Mexico, et al. and make public proposals to congress to act. If they do not, the public will know. Trump can do more for creating jobs than any president in memory. The public is lulled into ambivalence because no one of any fortitude and courage is willing to run for office. Congress just pats each other on the back and will not rock the boat. At least not in introducing meaningful legislation. Nor will they seriously and forcefully pursue the criminals in all these scandals.

What has Trump got to lose? He has no friends in Washington, but he will have the public listening and caring.
Then vote for him. And don't cry when the GOP tells you he is not qualified to be president. Maybe you'll get so mad you'll sit out this one? I hope so. But I doubt it. You'll get in line and vote for whoever the GOP nominate.

And yet the far left will vote far left as their rich white master tell them to vote fort.

It is funny to watch the far left believe they actually get choices in their nominations..
Based on how the GOP let us to the Great Recession of 2007 and Obama has lettuce out I say we hand the reigns over to Hillary. Just like we should have went with Gore not Bush in 2000
Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

Does anyone who voted for Obama a second time think period?

Trump is to Obama what Plato is to Snooki on Jersey Shore.

Trump is unafraid to speak boldly, unlike the vast majority of congress and the lying administration. Trump will call out China, Russia, Mexico, et al. and make public proposals to congress to act. If they do not, the public will know. Trump can do more for creating jobs than any president in memory. The public is lulled into ambivalence because no one of any fortitude and courage is willing to run for office. Congress just pats each other on the back and will not rock the boat. At least not in introducing meaningful legislation. Nor will they seriously and forcefully pursue the criminals in all these scandals.

What has Trump got to lose? He has no friends in Washington, but he will have the public listening and caring.
Then vote for him. And don't cry when the GOP tells you he is not qualified to be president. Maybe you'll get so mad you'll sit out this one? I hope so. But I doubt it. You'll get in line and vote for whoever the GOP nominate.

And yet the far left will vote far left as their rich white master tell them to vote fort.

It is funny to watch the far left believe they actually get choices in their nominations..
We've never gotten a far left nominee since Carter and look what they did to his career. Or Kennedy.

Hell look at how the GOP treated Clinton and he is about his corporate Democrat as you can get

Oh my now the far left believes Carter was far left, now that is comedy!

It was the far left that brought down Carter and Kennedy would not fit in todays far left DNC..

See how the far left denies actual history and makes it up as they go along to fit their far left narrative..
Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

Does anyone who voted for Obama a second time think period?

Trump is to Obama what Plato is to Snooki on Jersey Shore.

Trump is unafraid to speak boldly, unlike the vast majority of congress and the lying administration. Trump will call out China, Russia, Mexico, et al. and make public proposals to congress to act. If they do not, the public will know. Trump can do more for creating jobs than any president in memory. The public is lulled into ambivalence because no one of any fortitude and courage is willing to run for office. Congress just pats each other on the back and will not rock the boat. At least not in introducing meaningful legislation. Nor will they seriously and forcefully pursue the criminals in all these scandals.

What has Trump got to lose? He has no friends in Washington, but he will have the public listening and caring.
Then vote for him. And don't cry when the GOP tells you he is not qualified to be president. Maybe you'll get so mad you'll sit out this one? I hope so. But I doubt it. You'll get in line and vote for whoever the GOP nominate.

And yet the far left will vote far left as their rich white master tell them to vote fort.

It is funny to watch the far left believe they actually get choices in their nominations..
Based on how the GOP let us to the Great Recession of 2007 and Obama has lettuce out I say we hand the reigns over to Hillary. Just like we should have went with Gore not Bush in 2000

Another far left propaganda post since it was Clinton era policies that led to it..
small business also seem to find ways to use "business" cars for personal use....etc etc.

Well, yes... Small businesses filing their taxes on the owner's individual tax return DO have certain deductions and depreciation they can claim on their returns. Some people operate their small business from their homes, so a certain amount of the expenses for their home is deductible under US tax code.

Let's get the train back on the tracks here. This issue was raised because "tax the rich" idiots think a high reported income on your tax return means you're rich. It simply doesn't. MOST of those who are in the top marginal tax bracket are actual small businesses filing as individuals. Small business owners are NOT the opulently rich. For the MOST part, those opulent rich folks do not pay income taxes because they don't earn incomes... they are rich! They don't need to earn incomes anymore. Most of their wealth is in investments and securities and they receive a dividend. The amount of the dividends vary but they are not taxed as earned income.

So then, people say, well let's just raise the taxes on dividends to the same as the income tax rates... but there is a problem with that. Rich people also don't have to earn dividends... remember, they are already rich... they already have wealth. And there are people out there, some not in this country, who desperately need their wealth and are willing to pay them to use their wealth without a tax liability. Their returns are less but they avoid your taxation and all is good.

these are things well written law could take care of...............and just because a person files taxes as a small business does not mean that the income shown is all that mis-representative compared to those that dont that show high income.

yes, income doesnt necessarily get at wealth, but if you make 100,000 on income tax returns I have no need to be taxed more.

Well, in your pea-brain it seems like $100k is a lot of money, but for a small business, it's really not. There is a lot of expense and overhead that has to come out of that. But the primary thing is, you aren't raising tax rates on "the rich" but rather, on those who are creating 90% of the jobs in America.
"Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?"

No one actually believes Trump will become president – including Trump, rendering the question as to whether he'd be a 'good' president moot.
"Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?"

No one actually believes Trump will become president – including Trump, rendering the question as to whether he'd be a 'good' president moot.

Says the far left drone that actually believes they have a choice in their nominations..
What a laugh. He is just out there for publicity. That said, he is saying things that need to be said.
I feel he is just saying the most outrageous things he can to get the most publicity he can but not get votes. But the outrageous things he is saying is resonating.
Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

Does anyone who voted for Obama a second time think period?

Trump is to Obama what Plato is to Snooki on Jersey Shore.

Trump is unafraid to speak boldly, unlike the vast majority of congress and the lying administration. Trump will call out China, Russia, Mexico, et al. and make public proposals to congress to act. If they do not, the public will know. Trump can do more for creating jobs than any president in memory. The public is lulled into ambivalence because no one of any fortitude and courage is willing to run for office. Congress just pats each other on the back and will not rock the boat. At least not in introducing meaningful legislation. Nor will they seriously and forcefully pursue the criminals in all these scandals.

What has Trump got to lose? He has no friends in Washington, but he will have the public listening and caring.
Then vote for him. And don't cry when the GOP tells you he is not qualified to be president. Maybe you'll get so mad you'll sit out this one? I hope so. But I doubt it. You'll get in line and vote for whoever the GOP nominate.

And yet the far left will vote far left as their rich white master tell them to vote fort.

It is funny to watch the far left believe they actually get choices in their nominations..
Based on how the GOP let us to the Great Recession of 2007 and Obama has lettuce out I say we hand the reigns over to Hillary. Just like we should have went with Gore not Bush in 2000

Did you actually use "lettuce" instead of "let us"?

The fact is you right wing republicans are just as broke as we are. 90% of America is being negatively affected by GOP policies. You idiots aren't rich enough to be in the top 10%. So you are voting against yourselves, and us, because you are stupid.

GOP policies? Like Obamacare?

You're actually making a rather good argument for not wasting your time voting for a Democrat. If they can't save us from the terrible awful GOP policies with the white house and half of congress, as well as a sympathetic SCOTUS... shit... they're not very good. I mean, all that's left is mass execution of the right... maybe if you kill enough of us you can get some things done?

What is making US broke is the continued policies of the liberal left as they wage a senseless war on the rich and continue to heap burdens on the taxpayers to fund their socialist agenda. We're voting against YOU... the stupid ones... those of you too dumb to pick up a history book and realize the crap you repeatedly spew is Marxist and Maoist propaganda from 60 years ago. It's been spoon-fed to you by Socialists who want to take down American capitalism.
Did you actually use "lettuce" instead of "let us"?


This is an example of the kind of idiotic morons representing about 47% of the voting public. These are the people who are in charge right now. They want to bash Trump but hell... my dog has more common sense than they do. Anything is an improvement over absolute illiterate morons.
small business also seem to find ways to use "business" cars for personal use....etc etc.

Well, yes... Small businesses filing their taxes on the owner's individual tax return DO have certain deductions and depreciation they can claim on their returns. Some people operate their small business from their homes, so a certain amount of the expenses for their home is deductible under US tax code.

Let's get the train back on the tracks here. This issue was raised because "tax the rich" idiots think a high reported income on your tax return means you're rich. It simply doesn't. MOST of those who are in the top marginal tax bracket are actual small businesses filing as individuals. Small business owners are NOT the opulently rich. For the MOST part, those opulent rich folks do not pay income taxes because they don't earn incomes... they are rich! They don't need to earn incomes anymore. Most of their wealth is in investments and securities and they receive a dividend. The amount of the dividends vary but they are not taxed as earned income.

So then, people say, well let's just raise the taxes on dividends to the same as the income tax rates... but there is a problem with that. Rich people also don't have to earn dividends... remember, they are already rich... they already have wealth. And there are people out there, some not in this country, who desperately need their wealth and are willing to pay them to use their wealth without a tax liability. Their returns are less but they avoid your taxation and all is good.

these are things well written law could take care of...............and just because a person files taxes as a small business does not mean that the income shown is all that mis-representative compared to those that dont that show high income.

yes, income doesnt necessarily get at wealth, but if you make 100,000 on income tax returns I have no need to be taxed more.

Well, in your pea-brain it seems like $100k is a lot of money, but for a small business, it's really not. There is a lot of expense and overhead that has to come out of that. But the primary thing is, you aren't raising tax rates on "the rich" but rather, on those who are creating 90% of the jobs in America.

jobs arent charity you fucking idot,those jobs add to the owners bottom line. and $100k is a lot of money taken in as income,....... like I said no sympathy. Business get all sorts of handouts and subsides from government already, they can pay more in taxes.

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