Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

The fact is you right wing republicans are just as broke as we are. 90% of America is being negatively affected by GOP policies. You idiots aren't rich enough to be in the top 10%. So you are voting against yourselves, and us, because you are stupid.

GOP policies? Like Obamacare?

You're actually making a rather good argument for not wasting your time voting for a Democrat. If they can't save us from the terrible awful GOP policies with the white house and half of congress, as well as a sympathetic SCOTUS... shit... they're not very good. I mean, all that's left is mass execution of the right... maybe if you kill enough of us you can get some things done?

What is making US broke is the continued policies of the liberal left as they wage a senseless war on the rich and continue to heap burdens on the taxpayers to fund their socialist agenda. We're voting against YOU... the stupid ones... those of you too dumb to pick up a history book and realize the crap you repeatedly spew is Marxist and Maoist propaganda from 60 years ago. It's been spoon-fed to you by Socialists who want to take down American capitalism.
Listen schmuck. So far I haven't seen any usmb Republican say they like jeb and you all seem to like trump. Don't you think its odd that you'll all fall in love with trump but then he won't be your nominee. One at a time you'll tell us Democrats how great your candidates are but then you yourselves won't nominate them.

What could possibly de rail the trump train? Don't blame us. You tell us why he doesn't get the nod but jeb does.

What I think is you're trying to figure out who can win moderates. Scott Walker? Who?

You know its going to be jeb. He's your only shot. Long shot that is.

All I can do is tell you unequivocally that I will not vote for Jeb Bush. IF it comes down to Bush vs. Hillary, I'll either stay home or vote third party in protest. And I am not the only one fed up with this mealy-mouth cabal of RINO Liberal-Lite Republicans... So... fair warning to the Establishment GOP... nominate the son of a bitch as your candidate and you'll elect Hillary!

That said, I am not "in love" with Trump. He's not MY personal pick, not even my second. I like Cruz and Walker more. I actually think Walker may be the dark horse. We're still a long way from the primaries and all kinds of things can happen.
You'll vote for Jeb over hillary don't be a liar boss.
Well Sky... we wouldn't have this problem if Obama would release his records.

Like how his releasing his COLB in 2008 just solved the whole issue?

Here's the problem: the 'student ID" you showed us is an obvious fraud. That type of ID wasn't introduced at Columbia University until 1996. Long after Obama had graduated. The number matches a student named Thomas Lugert, in 1998. And the picture was taken years from the cover of a book about him. Not his student ID.

Yet despite these huge red flag of an obvious swallowed it whole.

You're not taking into account two factors. 1) Birthers ignore anything they don't want to believe. 2) Birthers will believe any conspiracy, no matter how batshit or obviously fraudulent if it affirms what they want to believe.

Just as you did the Student ID.

So what would his transcripts resolve? Absolutely nothing. As the people demanding them.....ignore any document they don't like. And imagine anything they do.
Well Sky... we wouldn't have this problem if Obama would release his records.

Like how his releasing his COLB in 2008 just solved the whole issue?

Here's the problem: the 'student ID" you showed us is an obvious fraud. That type of ID wasn't introduced at Columbia University until 1996. Long after Obama had graduated. The number matches a student named Thomas Lugert, in 1998. And the picture was taken years from the cover of a book about him. Not his student ID.

Yet despite these huge red flag of an obvious swallowed it whole.

You're not taking into account two factors. 1) Birthers ignore anything they don't want to believe. 2) Birthers will believe any conspiracy, no matter how batshit or obviously fraudulent if it affirms what they want to believe.

Just as you did the Student ID.

So what would his transcripts resolve? Absolutely nothing. As the people demanding them.....ignore any document they don't like. And imagine anything they do.

Again... IF Obama would release his transcripts, as well as his birth certificate, none of this would ever come up. There has NEVER BEEN a US President elected that we knew so absolutely little about.

I know for a fact that he attended a Muslim school when he lived in Indonesia, and he had to tell them he was Muslim in order to attend. Now he says he isn't Muslim and never was a Muslim, even though his father was... so is he lying now or was he lying then?
Well Sky... we wouldn't have this problem if Obama would release his records.

Like how his releasing his COLB in 2008 just solved the whole issue?

Here's the problem: the 'student ID" you showed us is an obvious fraud. That type of ID wasn't introduced at Columbia University until 1996. Long after Obama had graduated. The number matches a student named Thomas Lugert, in 1998. And the picture was taken years from the cover of a book about him. Not his student ID.

Yet despite these huge red flag of an obvious swallowed it whole.

You're not taking into account two factors. 1) Birthers ignore anything they don't want to believe. 2) Birthers will believe any conspiracy, no matter how batshit or obviously fraudulent if it affirms what they want to believe.

Just as you did the Student ID.

So what would his transcripts resolve? Absolutely nothing. As the people demanding them.....ignore any document they don't like. And imagine anything they do.
And if boss is wrong about that imagine what else he's wrong about.
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?
His positions on immigration and trade, specifically his opposition to amnesty and TPP, which are against the interests of the American worker. I like his injection of good old fashioned populism is refreshing in a campaign where the presumptive front runners(Hilary and Jeb!) are corporate whores.

People are comparing him to Ross Perot, but he is more like a Huey Long in his manner and presentation. He has far more charisma than Perot who was a good man, but lacked the presence Trump has. With every attack from the media and corporate establishment, he gains more support.
Well Sky... we wouldn't have this problem if Obama would release his records.

Like how his releasing his COLB in 2008 just solved the whole issue?

Here's the problem: the 'student ID" you showed us is an obvious fraud. That type of ID wasn't introduced at Columbia University until 1996. Long after Obama had graduated. The number matches a student named Thomas Lugert, in 1998. And the picture was taken years from the cover of a book about him. Not his student ID.

Yet despite these huge red flag of an obvious swallowed it whole.

You're not taking into account two factors. 1) Birthers ignore anything they don't want to believe. 2) Birthers will believe any conspiracy, no matter how batshit or obviously fraudulent if it affirms what they want to believe.

Just as you did the Student ID.

So what would his transcripts resolve? Absolutely nothing. As the people demanding them.....ignore any document they don't like. And imagine anything they do.

Again... IF Obama would release his transcripts, as well as his birth certificate, none of this would ever come up. There has NEVER BEEN a US President elected that we knew so absolutely little about.

I know for a fact that he attended a Muslim school when he lived in Indonesia, and he had to tell them he was Muslim in order to attend. Now he says he isn't Muslim and never was a Muslim, even though his father was... so is he lying now or was he lying then?
I sometimes say I'm a Christian and I'm not. Boss you know you have to be a Christian to get elected President of the United States and there's no way every president was actually a believer of God. So Obama could very well be an athiest Clinton - probably too not Bush Reagan or Carter but Kennedy could have been.
Like how his releasing his COLB in 2008 just solved the whole issue?

Well the same nit-picking and forensics apply there too... The COLB was proven to be a document that couldn't have been created when he was born. Anyone can forge a COLB, it's not that hard. What we need is the actual Birth Certificate issued by the hospital in which he was born, signed by the doctor who delivered him. (He WAS delivered by a doctor, right? He didn't ascend from the heavens or something, right?)
Well Sky... we wouldn't have this problem if Obama would release his records.

Like how his releasing his COLB in 2008 just solved the whole issue?

Here's the problem: the 'student ID" you showed us is an obvious fraud. That type of ID wasn't introduced at Columbia University until 1996. Long after Obama had graduated. The number matches a student named Thomas Lugert, in 1998. And the picture was taken years from the cover of a book about him. Not his student ID.

Yet despite these huge red flag of an obvious swallowed it whole.

You're not taking into account two factors. 1) Birthers ignore anything they don't want to believe. 2) Birthers will believe any conspiracy, no matter how batshit or obviously fraudulent if it affirms what they want to believe.

Just as you did the Student ID.

So what would his transcripts resolve? Absolutely nothing. As the people demanding them.....ignore any document they don't like. And imagine anything they do.

Again... IF Obama would release his transcripts, as well as his birth certificate, none of this would ever come up. There has NEVER BEEN a US President elected that we knew so absolutely little about.

I know for a fact that he attended a Muslim school when he lived in Indonesia, and he had to tell them he was Muslim in order to attend. Now he says he isn't Muslim and never was a Muslim, even though his father was... so is he lying now or was he lying then?
I sometimes say I'm a Christian and I'm not. Boss you know you have to be a Christian to get elected President of the United States and there's no way every president was actually a believer of God. So Obama could very well be an athiest Clinton - probably too not Bush Reagan or Carter but Kennedy could have been.

Sounds like a lot of spinning and delusion to excuse an outright lie.
Well Sky... we wouldn't have this problem if Obama would release his records.

Like how his releasing his COLB in 2008 just solved the whole issue?

Here's the problem: the 'student ID" you showed us is an obvious fraud. That type of ID wasn't introduced at Columbia University until 1996. Long after Obama had graduated. The number matches a student named Thomas Lugert, in 1998. And the picture was taken years from the cover of a book about him. Not his student ID.

Yet despite these huge red flag of an obvious swallowed it whole.

You're not taking into account two factors. 1) Birthers ignore anything they don't want to believe. 2) Birthers will believe any conspiracy, no matter how batshit or obviously fraudulent if it affirms what they want to believe.

Just as you did the Student ID.

So what would his transcripts resolve? Absolutely nothing. As the people demanding them.....ignore any document they don't like. And imagine anything they do.

Again... IF Obama would release his transcripts, as well as his birth certificate, none of this would ever come up. There has NEVER BEEN a US President elected that we knew so absolutely little about.

I know for a fact that he attended a Muslim school when he lived in Indonesia, and he had to tell them he was Muslim in order to attend. Now he says he isn't Muslim and never was a Muslim, even though his father was... so is he lying now or was he lying then?
I sometimes say I'm a Christian and I'm not. Boss you know you have to be a Christian to get elected President of the United States and there's no way every president was actually a believer of God. So Obama could very well be an athiest Clinton - probably too not Bush Reagan or Carter but Kennedy could have been.

Sounds like a lot of spinning and delusion to excuse an outright lie.
Maybe we will go to hell. Let God judge.

Sometimes a lie is good remember? santa even God. Keeps people from doing bad things. How can a smart man believe what rev. Wright is saying? I hope he's an atheist. Or maybe he believes in generic God like you.

Name me one other person you know that converted from Islam to Christianity or vice a versa that you questioned their sincerity. So why are you questioning Obama's sincerity on being a Christian? It's a subtle way of playing the race card. And did you know for the longest time I thought you were black?
Well Sky... we wouldn't have this problem if Obama would release his records.

Like how his releasing his COLB in 2008 just solved the whole issue?

Here's the problem: the 'student ID" you showed us is an obvious fraud. That type of ID wasn't introduced at Columbia University until 1996. Long after Obama had graduated. The number matches a student named Thomas Lugert, in 1998. And the picture was taken years from the cover of a book about him. Not his student ID.

Yet despite these huge red flag of an obvious swallowed it whole.

You're not taking into account two factors. 1) Birthers ignore anything they don't want to believe. 2) Birthers will believe any conspiracy, no matter how batshit or obviously fraudulent if it affirms what they want to believe.

Just as you did the Student ID.

So what would his transcripts resolve? Absolutely nothing. As the people demanding them.....ignore any document they don't like. And imagine anything they do.

Again... IF Obama would release his transcripts, as well as his birth certificate, none of this would ever come up. There has NEVER BEEN a US President elected that we knew so absolutely little about.

I know for a fact that he attended a Muslim school when he lived in Indonesia, and he had to tell them he was Muslim in order to attend. Now he says he isn't Muslim and never was a Muslim, even though his father was... so is he lying now or was he lying then?
I sometimes say I'm a Christian and I'm not. Boss you know you have to be a Christian to get elected President of the United States and there's no way every president was actually a believer of God. So Obama could very well be an athiest Clinton - probably too not Bush Reagan or Carter but Kennedy could have been.

Sounds like a lot of spinning and delusion to excuse an outright lie.
Maybe we will go to hell. Let God judge.

Sometimes a lie is good remember? santa even God. Keeps people from doing bad things. How can a smart man believe what rev. Wright is saying? I hope he's an atheist. Or maybe he believes in generic God like you.

Name me one other person you know that converted from Islam to Christianity or vice a versa that you questioned their sincerity. So why are you questioning Obama's sincerity on being a Christian? It's a subtle way of playing the race card. And did you know for the longest time I thought you were black?
It's easy to doubt his sincerity when he sat in front of that racist pastor for 20 years and suckled on racial hatred. I am a Christian, and all real Christians know the difference. Anyone who preaches hate from the pulpit is a servant of the devil. Here, can I be any more clear?

"Beloved, let us love one another. For love is of God and anyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God for God is love."
1John 4:7,8

No Christian can tolerate the pitched hate and intolerance that Obama did for 2 decades. He is not and never was a Christian.


Like how his releasing his COLB in 2008 just solved the whole issue?

Here's the problem: the 'student ID" you showed us is an obvious fraud. That type of ID wasn't introduced at Columbia University until 1996. Long after Obama had graduated. The number matches a student named Thomas Lugert, in 1998. And the picture was taken years from the cover of a book about him. Not his student ID.

Yet despite these huge red flag of an obvious swallowed it whole.

You're not taking into account two factors. 1) Birthers ignore anything they don't want to believe. 2) Birthers will believe any conspiracy, no matter how batshit or obviously fraudulent if it affirms what they want to believe.

Just as you did the Student ID.

So what would his transcripts resolve? Absolutely nothing. As the people demanding them.....ignore any document they don't like. And imagine anything they do.

Again... IF Obama would release his transcripts, as well as his birth certificate, none of this would ever come up. There has NEVER BEEN a US President elected that we knew so absolutely little about.

I know for a fact that he attended a Muslim school when he lived in Indonesia, and he had to tell them he was Muslim in order to attend. Now he says he isn't Muslim and never was a Muslim, even though his father was... so is he lying now or was he lying then?
I sometimes say I'm a Christian and I'm not. Boss you know you have to be a Christian to get elected President of the United States and there's no way every president was actually a believer of God. So Obama could very well be an athiest Clinton - probably too not Bush Reagan or Carter but Kennedy could have been.

Sounds like a lot of spinning and delusion to excuse an outright lie.
Maybe we will go to hell. Let God judge.

Sometimes a lie is good remember? santa even God. Keeps people from doing bad things. How can a smart man believe what rev. Wright is saying? I hope he's an atheist. Or maybe he believes in generic God like you.

Name me one other person you know that converted from Islam to Christianity or vice a versa that you questioned their sincerity. So why are you questioning Obama's sincerity on being a Christian? It's a subtle way of playing the race card. And did you know for the longest time I thought you were black?
It's easy to doubt his sincerity when he sat in front of that racist pastor for 20 years and suckled on racial hatred. I am a Christian, and all real Christians know the difference. Anyone who preaches hate from the pulpit is a servant of the devil. Here, can I be any more clear?

"Beloved, let us love one another. For love is of God and anyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God for God is love."
1John 4:7,8

No Christian can tolerate the pitched hate and intolerance that Obama did for 2 decades. He is not and never was a Christian.


For one, all you Christians think your church has it right. 2. If you're a Christian and a fiscal conservative you're a hypocrite.

What denomination is that church? Is that why the white guy in sc felt OK killing those black church members? Omg maybe there is a connection to you guys bashing black churches and that shooting?

Last point. Thanks for telling boss Obama has been a church going Christian for 20 years. Probably more than trump goes to church.
"Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?"

No one actually believes Trump will become president – including Trump, rendering the question as to whether he'd be a 'good' president moot.
Trump is basically good for Democrats. He's driving the GOP nuts. If he makes it to the debates, other Republican candidates are going to try to one up him by showing they can be just as obnoxious and crude as Trump. All the work the GOP has done to get Latino support will be down drain. As a Democrat, I say Go Trump.
Again... IF Obama would release his transcripts, as well as his birth certificate, none of this would ever come up. There has NEVER BEEN a US President elected that we knew so absolutely little about.

I know for a fact that he attended a Muslim school when he lived in Indonesia, and he had to tell them he was Muslim in order to attend. Now he says he isn't Muslim and never was a Muslim, even though his father was... so is he lying now or was he lying then?
I sometimes say I'm a Christian and I'm not. Boss you know you have to be a Christian to get elected President of the United States and there's no way every president was actually a believer of God. So Obama could very well be an athiest Clinton - probably too not Bush Reagan or Carter but Kennedy could have been.

Sounds like a lot of spinning and delusion to excuse an outright lie.
Maybe we will go to hell. Let God judge.

Sometimes a lie is good remember? santa even God. Keeps people from doing bad things. How can a smart man believe what rev. Wright is saying? I hope he's an atheist. Or maybe he believes in generic God like you.

Name me one other person you know that converted from Islam to Christianity or vice a versa that you questioned their sincerity. So why are you questioning Obama's sincerity on being a Christian? It's a subtle way of playing the race card. And did you know for the longest time I thought you were black?
It's easy to doubt his sincerity when he sat in front of that racist pastor for 20 years and suckled on racial hatred. I am a Christian, and all real Christians know the difference. Anyone who preaches hate from the pulpit is a servant of the devil. Here, can I be any more clear?

"Beloved, let us love one another. For love is of God and anyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God for God is love."
1John 4:7,8

No Christian can tolerate the pitched hate and intolerance that Obama did for 2 decades. He is not and never was a Christian.


For one, all you Christians think your church has it right. 2. If you're a Christian and a fiscal conservative you're a hypocrite.

What denomination is that church? Is that why the white guy in sc felt OK killing those black church members? Omg maybe there is a connection to you guys bashing black churches and that shooting?

Last point. Thanks for telling boss Obama has been a church going Christian for 20 years. Probably more than trump goes to church.

Are you thick? I said he wasn't a Christian. And there is no Christian denomination that preaches hate, whether it be Wright's church or that kook Westboro Baptist church in Kansas. God is love, the author of love, and demonstrated that love by stretching out his arms on the cross for all mankind. Those who are of God love as God does. Or was that not made clear in the Bible passage I cited?
"Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?"

No one actually believes Trump will become president – including Trump, rendering the question as to whether he'd be a 'good' president moot.
Trump is basically good for Democrats. He's driving the GOP nuts. If he makes it to the debates, other Republican candidates are going to try to one up him by showing they can be just as obnoxious and crude as Trump. All the work the GOP has done to get Latino support will be down drain. As a Democrat, I say Go Trump.

Maybe you Leftists can launch your own version of Rush Limbaugh's "Operation Chaos" and vote for Trump in an attempt to queer the GOP primary process.
I sometimes say I'm a Christian and I'm not. Boss you know you have to be a Christian to get elected President of the United States and there's no way every president was actually a believer of God. So Obama could very well be an athiest Clinton - probably too not Bush Reagan or Carter but Kennedy could have been.

Sounds like a lot of spinning and delusion to excuse an outright lie.
Maybe we will go to hell. Let God judge.

Sometimes a lie is good remember? santa even God. Keeps people from doing bad things. How can a smart man believe what rev. Wright is saying? I hope he's an atheist. Or maybe he believes in generic God like you.

Name me one other person you know that converted from Islam to Christianity or vice a versa that you questioned their sincerity. So why are you questioning Obama's sincerity on being a Christian? It's a subtle way of playing the race card. And did you know for the longest time I thought you were black?
It's easy to doubt his sincerity when he sat in front of that racist pastor for 20 years and suckled on racial hatred. I am a Christian, and all real Christians know the difference. Anyone who preaches hate from the pulpit is a servant of the devil. Here, can I be any more clear?

"Beloved, let us love one another. For love is of God and anyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God for God is love."
1John 4:7,8

No Christian can tolerate the pitched hate and intolerance that Obama did for 2 decades. He is not and never was a Christian.


For one, all you Christians think your church has it right. 2. If you're a Christian and a fiscal conservative you're a hypocrite.

What denomination is that church? Is that why the white guy in sc felt OK killing those black church members? Omg maybe there is a connection to you guys bashing black churches and that shooting?

Last point. Thanks for telling boss Obama has been a church going Christian for 20 years. Probably more than trump goes to church.

Are you thick? I said he wasn't a Christian. And there is no Christian denomination that preaches hate, whether it be Wright's church or that kook Westboro Baptist church in Kansas. God is love, the author of love, and demonstrated that love by stretching out his arms on the cross for all mankind. Those who are of God love as God does. Or was that not made clear in the Bible passage I cited?

Probably why that white guy had no problem killing all those fake black Christians. I'm sure they have very fiery sermons that cater to the black experience and you'd probably not approve. Right? What denomination are you?
Sounds like a lot of spinning and delusion to excuse an outright lie.
Maybe we will go to hell. Let God judge.

Sometimes a lie is good remember? santa even God. Keeps people from doing bad things. How can a smart man believe what rev. Wright is saying? I hope he's an atheist. Or maybe he believes in generic God like you.

Name me one other person you know that converted from Islam to Christianity or vice a versa that you questioned their sincerity. So why are you questioning Obama's sincerity on being a Christian? It's a subtle way of playing the race card. And did you know for the longest time I thought you were black?
It's easy to doubt his sincerity when he sat in front of that racist pastor for 20 years and suckled on racial hatred. I am a Christian, and all real Christians know the difference. Anyone who preaches hate from the pulpit is a servant of the devil. Here, can I be any more clear?

"Beloved, let us love one another. For love is of God and anyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God for God is love."
1John 4:7,8

No Christian can tolerate the pitched hate and intolerance that Obama did for 2 decades. He is not and never was a Christian.


For one, all you Christians think your church has it right. 2. If you're a Christian and a fiscal conservative you're a hypocrite.

What denomination is that church? Is that why the white guy in sc felt OK killing those black church members? Omg maybe there is a connection to you guys bashing black churches and that shooting?

Last point. Thanks for telling boss Obama has been a church going Christian for 20 years. Probably more than trump goes to church.

Are you thick? I said he wasn't a Christian. And there is no Christian denomination that preaches hate, whether it be Wright's church or that kook Westboro Baptist church in Kansas. God is love, the author of love, and demonstrated that love by stretching out his arms on the cross for all mankind. Those who are of God love as God does. Or was that not made clear in the Bible passage I cited?

Probably why that white guy had no problem killing all those fake black Christians. I'm sure they have very fiery sermons that cater to the black experience and you'd probably not approve. Right? What denomination are you?


And you don't know crap about Christians black or white. Most black congregations preach love, reconciliation, and tolerance just like most white congregations.

It's a Christian thing, you wouldn't understand.
Maybe we will go to hell. Let God judge.

Sometimes a lie is good remember? santa even God. Keeps people from doing bad things. How can a smart man believe what rev. Wright is saying? I hope he's an atheist. Or maybe he believes in generic God like you.

Name me one other person you know that converted from Islam to Christianity or vice a versa that you questioned their sincerity. So why are you questioning Obama's sincerity on being a Christian? It's a subtle way of playing the race card. And did you know for the longest time I thought you were black?
It's easy to doubt his sincerity when he sat in front of that racist pastor for 20 years and suckled on racial hatred. I am a Christian, and all real Christians know the difference. Anyone who preaches hate from the pulpit is a servant of the devil. Here, can I be any more clear?

"Beloved, let us love one another. For love is of God and anyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God for God is love."
1John 4:7,8

No Christian can tolerate the pitched hate and intolerance that Obama did for 2 decades. He is not and never was a Christian.


For one, all you Christians think your church has it right. 2. If you're a Christian and a fiscal conservative you're a hypocrite.

What denomination is that church? Is that why the white guy in sc felt OK killing those black church members? Omg maybe there is a connection to you guys bashing black churches and that shooting?

Last point. Thanks for telling boss Obama has been a church going Christian for 20 years. Probably more than trump goes to church.

Are you thick? I said he wasn't a Christian. And there is no Christian denomination that preaches hate, whether it be Wright's church or that kook Westboro Baptist church in Kansas. God is love, the author of love, and demonstrated that love by stretching out his arms on the cross for all mankind. Those who are of God love as God does. Or was that not made clear in the Bible passage I cited?

Probably why that white guy had no problem killing all those fake black Christians. I'm sure they have very fiery sermons that cater to the black experience and you'd probably not approve. Right? What denomination are you?


And you don't know crap about Christians black or white. Most black congregations preach love, reconciliation, and tolerance just like most white congregations.

It's a Christian thing, you wouldn't understand.

So you know which black churches preach like wright and which ones don't? Maybe a lot of misguided white christistians don't. They think that's all black churches do is preach anti whitey propaganda. They believe blacks are raping our white Christian women and taking over the country.

On a ten scale Catholics are a 7. Mormons 8 Muslims 9 then Scientology 10.
Like how his releasing his COLB in 2008 just solved the whole issue?

Here's the problem: the 'student ID" you showed us is an obvious fraud. That type of ID wasn't introduced at Columbia University until 1996. Long after Obama had graduated. The number matches a student named Thomas Lugert, in 1998. And the picture was taken years from the cover of a book about him. Not his student ID.

Yet despite these huge red flag of an obvious swallowed it whole.

You're not taking into account two factors. 1) Birthers ignore anything they don't want to believe. 2) Birthers will believe any conspiracy, no matter how batshit or obviously fraudulent if it affirms what they want to believe.

Just as you did the Student ID.

So what would his transcripts resolve? Absolutely nothing. As the people demanding them.....ignore any document they don't like. And imagine anything they do.

Again... IF Obama would release his transcripts, as well as his birth certificate, none of this would ever come up. There has NEVER BEEN a US President elected that we knew so absolutely little about.

I know for a fact that he attended a Muslim school when he lived in Indonesia, and he had to tell them he was Muslim in order to attend. Now he says he isn't Muslim and never was a Muslim, even though his father was... so is he lying now or was he lying then?
I sometimes say I'm a Christian and I'm not. Boss you know you have to be a Christian to get elected President of the United States and there's no way every president was actually a believer of God. So Obama could very well be an athiest Clinton - probably too not Bush Reagan or Carter but Kennedy could have been.

Sounds like a lot of spinning and delusion to excuse an outright lie.
Maybe we will go to hell. Let God judge.

Sometimes a lie is good remember? santa even God. Keeps people from doing bad things. How can a smart man believe what rev. Wright is saying? I hope he's an atheist. Or maybe he believes in generic God like you.

Name me one other person you know that converted from Islam to Christianity or vice a versa that you questioned their sincerity. So why are you questioning Obama's sincerity on being a Christian? It's a subtle way of playing the race card. And did you know for the longest time I thought you were black?
It's easy to doubt his sincerity when he sat in front of that racist pastor for 20 years and suckled on racial hatred. I am a Christian, and all real Christians know the difference. Anyone who preaches hate from the pulpit is a servant of the devil. Here, can I be any more clear?

"Beloved, let us love one another. For love is of God and anyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God for God is love."
1John 4:7,8

No Christian can tolerate the pitched hate and intolerance that Obama did for 2 decades. He is not and never was a Christian.


You sat in front of a pedophile priest for 20 years and your last Pope was a nazi.

And most Catholics are such pricks now they don't even agree with their new Pope. Freaking hilarious.
It's easy to doubt his sincerity when he sat in front of that racist pastor for 20 years and suckled on racial hatred. I am a Christian, and all real Christians know the difference. Anyone who preaches hate from the pulpit is a servant of the devil. Here, can I be any more clear?

"Beloved, let us love one another. For love is of God and anyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God for God is love."
1John 4:7,8

No Christian can tolerate the pitched hate and intolerance that Obama did for 2 decades. He is not and never was a Christian.


For one, all you Christians think your church has it right. 2. If you're a Christian and a fiscal conservative you're a hypocrite.

What denomination is that church? Is that why the white guy in sc felt OK killing those black church members? Omg maybe there is a connection to you guys bashing black churches and that shooting?

Last point. Thanks for telling boss Obama has been a church going Christian for 20 years. Probably more than trump goes to church.

Are you thick? I said he wasn't a Christian. And there is no Christian denomination that preaches hate, whether it be Wright's church or that kook Westboro Baptist church in Kansas. God is love, the author of love, and demonstrated that love by stretching out his arms on the cross for all mankind. Those who are of God love as God does. Or was that not made clear in the Bible passage I cited?

Probably why that white guy had no problem killing all those fake black Christians. I'm sure they have very fiery sermons that cater to the black experience and you'd probably not approve. Right? What denomination are you?


And you don't know crap about Christians black or white. Most black congregations preach love, reconciliation, and tolerance just like most white congregations.

It's a Christian thing, you wouldn't understand.

So you know which black churches preach like wright and which ones don't? Maybe a lot of misguided white christistians don't. They think that's all black churches do is preach anti whitey propaganda. They believe blacks are raping our white Christian women and taking over the country.

On a ten scale Catholics are a 7. Mormons 8 Muslims 9 then Scientology 10.

I'm not white, so much for your ASSumptions.

And no it isn't assumed among White Christians that Black Christians preach hate. You're projecting your own bigotry and racism onto others. Sounds like a personal problem you should work on.

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