Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

Could you duplicate his efforts and make those billions too? Why not? What connections did he have that allowed him to even get in the game and not have to start over by selling hundred thousand dollar houses. He never had to do that he always sold expensive commercial real estate. Bottom line is both he and you lack empathy for people who arent as lucky. that isn't president material. that story does not sell me on Donald Trump being the next president of the United States. Just like Romney and jeb and every other GOP candidate.

Obama was a middle class community organizer. He was one of us and clearly looks out for us more than McCain or mitt would have. The middle class is doomed because they are dumb enough to either vote Republican or WORSE not vote at all. If you like trump vote in the primaries. I'm sure a very high percent of US M the members vote so I'm probably preaching to the choir. That last part is for stupid Americans who don't even care enough to vote or don't think that it matters

Boob, if I could duplicate his efforts and make billions, I certainly would... wouldn't you? Yes, I am sure his connections have been important but lots of people have connections and they aren't Trump. It's not true that he has always sold expensive real estate. He has bought bankrupt businesses and turned them into successful ones, then sold them for a big profit. He has taken property no one wanted and turned it into a gold mine.

I have a buddy from high school, I think I may have spoken of him before. He always has a deal working, he is always thinking of ways to make money. He has a knack for it and a passion for it that others don't have. His mind thinks of things that others don't consider. He is not pessimistic or negative, even when maybe he should be. He maintains a positive attitude and optimistic outlook and he has a confidence about it that can't be shook. Obviously, he is very successful and well off. It's not because he was born with a silvers spoon in his mouth, he comes from a typical middle class family. It's all about his attitude and confidence in himself.

I mentioned him because years ago I started calling him "Little Trump." He is very much cut from the same cloth. He brags a lot, has all kinds of stories about famous people he knows and hits on about every woman he meets. Incidentally, that is something I think will come up on Trump... watch and see... there will be women claiming "sexual harassment" before too long. Guys like that are often notorious for their dalliances. Whether he can weather those storms remains to be seen but I'm sure he knows this kind of stuff is headed his way.
Does it even matter what trump has done? What about the 99% of us who aren't trump? What piece of the pie should we get? Let's say it was 25% now it's 10% and its moving 9,8,7%. What percent would you say unregulated free market capitalism isn't working?
Why don't you bake your own pie?
And for the record I am baking my own pie. Not only am i a successful salesman at a corporation I'm also a caregiver. Michigan has medical marijuana and I am basically a pharmaceutical rep on the side. Do I pay my taxes? Hell no do you think Trump pays Texas on all the money he makes?
But you just said "it doesn't work that way, there's only one pie". Make up your mind.
Ditch diggers in America should still make a living wage.
And I'm not saying you can't be successful in America anymore I'm just saying for the masses it got a lot harder over the last 10 years or so. The rich got richer and we got poorer. We were all saving in the nineties and look at how many Americans are not saving now. It's a new America and the middle class to teach you to step back and the rich got richer and you defend it
I feel sorry for the people in 10 plus years retiring without pensions and all the cuts the GOP are going to make to Medicare and Social Security good luck. Instead of parents leaving their children with inheritance children are going to be taking care of their parents and their parents will go broke. This is the new reality for many many Americans and Republicans will blame Obama Clinton read loc unions anybody but the GOP who loved sending jobs overseas. Now I hear Republicans on this board arguing they don't like Nafta. Just bout time
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

Compared to Bucky he would be a great CIC. At the very least, he knows how to run a financial empire and proved it by pulling it out of crushing debt and made it thrive. Compare this to the "community organizer" you voted for who has never even run a lemonade stand.

There's three key things I like about Trump that I would like to see in our next president:

1. He knows the toll that illegal immigration takes on America in both financial and personal costs

2. He knows the threat China imposes with its manipulation of world currencies.

3. He knows that ISIS is a dire threat and that we're losing the war to them.

Those items along propel him leagues above Hussein.

I love it when consters start claiming psychic abilities. What makes you think that I voted for Obama?

Trump companies have filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy 4 times, each time screwing their investors and creditors out of millions of dollars. Do you really think that's a good model fro running country?
And I'm not saying you can't be successful in America anymore I'm just saying for the masses it got a lot harder over the last 10 years or so. The rich got richer and we got poorer. We were all saving in the nineties and look at how many Americans are not saving now. It's a new America and the middle class to teach you to step back and the rich got richer and you defend it
We did not get poorer over the last ten years as long as you had a job. In what country can ditch diggers make the money they make here. Not bad for little or no education.
Could you duplicate his efforts and make those billions too? Why not? What connections did he have that allowed him to even get in the game and not have to start over by selling hundred thousand dollar houses. He never had to do that he always sold expensive commercial real estate. Bottom line is both he and you lack empathy for people who arent as lucky. that isn't president material. that story does not sell me on Donald Trump being the next president of the United States. Just like Romney and jeb and every other GOP candidate.

Obama was a middle class community organizer. He was one of us and clearly looks out for us more than McCain or mitt would have. The middle class is doomed because they are dumb enough to either vote Republican or WORSE not vote at all. If you like trump vote in the primaries. I'm sure a very high percent of US M the members vote so I'm probably preaching to the choir. That last part is for stupid Americans who don't even care enough to vote or don't think that it matters

Boob, if I could duplicate his efforts and make billions, I certainly would... wouldn't you? Yes, I am sure his connections have been important but lots of people have connections and they aren't Trump. It's not true that he has always sold expensive real estate. He has bought bankrupt businesses and turned them into successful ones, then sold them for a big profit. He has taken property no one wanted and turned it into a gold mine.

I have a buddy from high school, I think I may have spoken of him before. He always has a deal working, he is always thinking of ways to make money. He has a knack for it and a passion for it that others don't have. His mind thinks of things that others don't consider. He is not pessimistic or negative, even when maybe he should be. He maintains a positive attitude and optimistic outlook and he has a confidence about it that can't be shook. Obviously, he is very successful and well off. It's not because he was born with a silvers spoon in his mouth, he comes from a typical middle class family. It's all about his attitude and confidence in himself.

I mentioned him because years ago I started calling him "Little Trump." He is very much cut from the same cloth. He brags a lot, has all kinds of stories about famous people he knows and hits on about every woman he meets. Incidentally, that is something I think will come up on Trump... watch and see... there will be women claiming "sexual harassment" before too long. Guys like that are often notorious for their dalliances. Whether he can weather those storms remains to be seen but I'm sure he knows this kind of stuff is headed his way.
Does it even matter what trump has done? What about the 99% of us who aren't trump? What piece of the pie should we get? Let's say it was 25% now it's 10% and its moving 9,8,7%. What percent would you say unregulated free market capitalism isn't working?
Why don't you bake your own pie?
And for the record I am baking my own pie. Not only am i a successful salesman at a corporation I'm also a caregiver. Michigan has medical marijuana and I am basically a pharmaceutical rep on the side. Do I pay my taxes? Hell no do you think Trump pays Texas on all the money he makes?
But you just said "it doesn't work that way, there's only one pie". Make up your mind.
I'm gobbling up suckers money. I use to pay $205 an oz now I smoke free and make $130 every oz. Give or take depending on a lot of things.

Do you think any of those people have savings? They'll need social security and free obamacare.
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

Compared to Bucky he would be a great CIC. At the very least, he knows how to run a financial empire and proved it by pulling it out of crushing debt and made it thrive. Compare this to the "community organizer" you voted for who has never even run a lemonade stand.

There's three key things I like about Trump that I would like to see in our next president:

1. He knows the toll that illegal immigration takes on America in both financial and personal costs

2. He knows the threat China imposes with its manipulation of world currencies.

3. He knows that ISIS is a dire threat and that we're losing the war to them.

Those items along propel him leagues above Hussein.

I love it when consters start claiming psychic abilities. What makes you think that I voted for Obama?

Trump companies have filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy 4 times, each time screwing their investors and creditors out of millions of dollars. Do you really think that's a good model fro running country?
This may sound crass, but that may be the smartest moves he made, and can use that intellect in dealing with foreign countries. It's better than giving aid to countries that hate us.
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

Compared to Bucky he would be a great CIC. At the very least, he knows how to run a financial empire and proved it by pulling it out of crushing debt and made it thrive. Compare this to the "community organizer" you voted for who has never even run a lemonade stand.

There's three key things I like about Trump that I would like to see in our next president:

1. He knows the toll that illegal immigration takes on America in both financial and personal costs

2. He knows the threat China imposes with its manipulation of world currencies.

3. He knows that ISIS is a dire threat and that we're losing the war to them.

Those items along propel him leagues above Hussein.

I love it when consters start claiming psychic abilities. What makes you think that I voted for Obama?

Didn't you?
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

Compared to Bucky he would be a great CIC. At the very least, he knows how to run a financial empire and proved it by pulling it out of crushing debt and made it thrive. Compare this to the "community organizer" you voted for who has never even run a lemonade stand.

There's three key things I like about Trump that I would like to see in our next president:

1. He knows the toll that illegal immigration takes on America in both financial and personal costs

2. He knows the threat China imposes with its manipulation of world currencies.

3. He knows that ISIS is a dire threat and that we're losing the war to them.

Those items along propel him leagues above Hussein.

I love it when consters start claiming psychic abilities. What makes you think that I voted for Obama?

Trump companies have filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy 4 times, each time screwing their investors and creditors out of millions of dollars. Do you really think that's a good model fro running country?
Yes they do because when they go bankrupt they will break every government union and renig on pensions not to mention cut every social program. You betcha!
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

Compared to Bucky he would be a great CIC. At the very least, he knows how to run a financial empire and proved it by pulling it out of crushing debt and made it thrive. Compare this to the "community organizer" you voted for who has never even run a lemonade stand.

There's three key things I like about Trump that I would like to see in our next president:

1. He knows the toll that illegal immigration takes on America in both financial and personal costs

2. He knows the threat China imposes with its manipulation of world currencies.

3. He knows that ISIS is a dire threat and that we're losing the war to them.

Those items along propel him leagues above Hussein.

I love it when consters start claiming psychic abilities. What makes you think that I voted for Obama?

Trump companies have filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy 4 times, each time screwing their investors and creditors out of millions of dollars. Do you really think that's a good model fro running country?
This may sound crass, but that may be the smartest moves he made, and can use that intellect in dealing with foreign countries. It's better than giving aid to countries that hate us.

Of course, the fabled "Go fuck yourself, I've got mine - who cares about you" school of foreign policy.

Can't see anyway that wouldn't work out...
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

Compared to Bucky he would be a great CIC. At the very least, he knows how to run a financial empire and proved it by pulling it out of crushing debt and made it thrive. Compare this to the "community organizer" you voted for who has never even run a lemonade stand.

There's three key things I like about Trump that I would like to see in our next president:

1. He knows the toll that illegal immigration takes on America in both financial and personal costs

2. He knows the threat China imposes with its manipulation of world currencies.

3. He knows that ISIS is a dire threat and that we're losing the war to them.

Those items along propel him leagues above Hussein.

I love it when consters start claiming psychic abilities. What makes you think that I voted for Obama?

Didn't you?

There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

Compared to Bucky he would be a great CIC. At the very least, he knows how to run a financial empire and proved it by pulling it out of crushing debt and made it thrive. Compare this to the "community organizer" you voted for who has never even run a lemonade stand.

There's three key things I like about Trump that I would like to see in our next president:

1. He knows the toll that illegal immigration takes on America in both financial and personal costs

2. He knows the threat China imposes with its manipulation of world currencies.

3. He knows that ISIS is a dire threat and that we're losing the war to them.

Those items along propel him leagues above Hussein.

I love it when consters start claiming psychic abilities. What makes you think that I voted for Obama?

Trump companies have filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy 4 times, each time screwing their investors and creditors out of millions of dollars. Do you really think that's a good model fro running country?
This may sound crass, but that may be the smartest moves he made, and can use that intellect in dealing with foreign countries. It's better than giving aid to countries that hate us.

Of course, the fabled "Go fuck yourself, I've got mine - who cares about you" school of foreign policy.

Can't see anyway that wouldn't work out...

So, you are all for giving countries "humanitarian aid" that the people never see while they are burning our flag. There's nothing wrong with that? We have different ideas.
Could you duplicate his efforts and make those billions too? Why not? What connections did he have that allowed him to even get in the game and not have to start over by selling hundred thousand dollar houses. He never had to do that he always sold expensive commercial real estate. Bottom line is both he and you lack empathy for people who arent as lucky. that isn't president material. that story does not sell me on Donald Trump being the next president of the United States. Just like Romney and jeb and every other GOP candidate.

Obama was a middle class community organizer. He was one of us and clearly looks out for us more than McCain or mitt would have. The middle class is doomed because they are dumb enough to either vote Republican or WORSE not vote at all. If you like trump vote in the primaries. I'm sure a very high percent of US M the members vote so I'm probably preaching to the choir. That last part is for stupid Americans who don't even care enough to vote or don't think that it matters

Boob, if I could duplicate his efforts and make billions, I certainly would... wouldn't you? Yes, I am sure his connections have been important but lots of people have connections and they aren't Trump. It's not true that he has always sold expensive real estate. He has bought bankrupt businesses and turned them into successful ones, then sold them for a big profit. He has taken property no one wanted and turned it into a gold mine.

I have a buddy from high school, I think I may have spoken of him before. He always has a deal working, he is always thinking of ways to make money. He has a knack for it and a passion for it that others don't have. His mind thinks of things that others don't consider. He is not pessimistic or negative, even when maybe he should be. He maintains a positive attitude and optimistic outlook and he has a confidence about it that can't be shook. Obviously, he is very successful and well off. It's not because he was born with a silvers spoon in his mouth, he comes from a typical middle class family. It's all about his attitude and confidence in himself.

I mentioned him because years ago I started calling him "Little Trump." He is very much cut from the same cloth. He brags a lot, has all kinds of stories about famous people he knows and hits on about every woman he meets. Incidentally, that is something I think will come up on Trump... watch and see... there will be women claiming "sexual harassment" before too long. Guys like that are often notorious for their dalliances. Whether he can weather those storms remains to be seen but I'm sure he knows this kind of stuff is headed his way.
History shows businessmen make bad presidents. For post-19th century presidents, the highest ranked are the Roosevelts, Truman, and Eisenhower. The lowest ranked are Hoover, Coolidge, George W. Bush and Harding, all businessmen. Historically, business success correlates more with presidential failure than success.

Possibly some of the characteristics of good presidents are less common in high powered business execs. Running the federal government requires skills far different than running a business.

History shows businessmen make bad presidents TheHill
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

Compared to Bucky he would be a great CIC. At the very least, he knows how to run a financial empire and proved it by pulling it out of crushing debt and made it thrive. Compare this to the "community organizer" you voted for who has never even run a lemonade stand.

There's three key things I like about Trump that I would like to see in our next president:

1. He knows the toll that illegal immigration takes on America in both financial and personal costs

2. He knows the threat China imposes with its manipulation of world currencies.

3. He knows that ISIS is a dire threat and that we're losing the war to them.

Those items along propel him leagues above Hussein.

I love it when consters start claiming psychic abilities. What makes you think that I voted for Obama?

Trump companies have filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy 4 times, each time screwing their investors and creditors out of millions of dollars. Do you really think that's a good model fro running country?
This may sound crass, but that may be the smartest moves he made, and can use that intellect in dealing with foreign countries. It's better than giving aid to countries that hate us.

Of course, the fabled "Go fuck yourself, I've got mine - who cares about you" school of foreign policy.

Can't see anyway that wouldn't work out...

So, you are all for giving countries "humanitarian aid" that the people never see while they are burning our flag. There's nothing wrong with that? We have different ideas.

If there's a goal that can be accomplished using "humanitarian aid" that otherwise would require war, then yes - I support it.

Less than a tenth of a percent of the federal budget goes to "humanitarian aid". Compare that to how much is spent on war.
Could you duplicate his efforts and make those billions too? Why not? What connections did he have that allowed him to even get in the game and not have to start over by selling hundred thousand dollar houses. He never had to do that he always sold expensive commercial real estate. Bottom line is both he and you lack empathy for people who arent as lucky. that isn't president material. that story does not sell me on Donald Trump being the next president of the United States. Just like Romney and jeb and every other GOP candidate.

Obama was a middle class community organizer. He was one of us and clearly looks out for us more than McCain or mitt would have. The middle class is doomed because they are dumb enough to either vote Republican or WORSE not vote at all. If you like trump vote in the primaries. I'm sure a very high percent of US M the members vote so I'm probably preaching to the choir. That last part is for stupid Americans who don't even care enough to vote or don't think that it matters

Boob, if I could duplicate his efforts and make billions, I certainly would... wouldn't you? Yes, I am sure his connections have been important but lots of people have connections and they aren't Trump. It's not true that he has always sold expensive real estate. He has bought bankrupt businesses and turned them into successful ones, then sold them for a big profit. He has taken property no one wanted and turned it into a gold mine.

I have a buddy from high school, I think I may have spoken of him before. He always has a deal working, he is always thinking of ways to make money. He has a knack for it and a passion for it that others don't have. His mind thinks of things that others don't consider. He is not pessimistic or negative, even when maybe he should be. He maintains a positive attitude and optimistic outlook and he has a confidence about it that can't be shook. Obviously, he is very successful and well off. It's not because he was born with a silvers spoon in his mouth, he comes from a typical middle class family. It's all about his attitude and confidence in himself.

I mentioned him because years ago I started calling him "Little Trump." He is very much cut from the same cloth. He brags a lot, has all kinds of stories about famous people he knows and hits on about every woman he meets. Incidentally, that is something I think will come up on Trump... watch and see... there will be women claiming "sexual harassment" before too long. Guys like that are often notorious for their dalliances. Whether he can weather those storms remains to be seen but I'm sure he knows this kind of stuff is headed his way.
History shows businessmen make bad presidents. For post-19th century presidents, the highest ranked are the Roosevelts, Truman, and Eisenhower. The lowest ranked are Hoover, Coolidge, George W. Bush and Harding, all businessmen. Historically, business success correlates more with presidential failure than success.

Possibly some of the characteristics of good presidents are less common in high powered business execs. Running the federal government requires skills far different than running a business.

History shows businessmen make bad presidents TheHill
One of our most popular and effective presidents was an actor, Who would have figured? I would put my money on an effective businessman before a community organizer, but that is just me.
Compared to Bucky he would be a great CIC. At the very least, he knows how to run a financial empire and proved it by pulling it out of crushing debt and made it thrive. Compare this to the "community organizer" you voted for who has never even run a lemonade stand.

There's three key things I like about Trump that I would like to see in our next president:

1. He knows the toll that illegal immigration takes on America in both financial and personal costs

2. He knows the threat China imposes with its manipulation of world currencies.

3. He knows that ISIS is a dire threat and that we're losing the war to them.

Those items along propel him leagues above Hussein.

I love it when consters start claiming psychic abilities. What makes you think that I voted for Obama?

Trump companies have filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy 4 times, each time screwing their investors and creditors out of millions of dollars. Do you really think that's a good model fro running country?
This may sound crass, but that may be the smartest moves he made, and can use that intellect in dealing with foreign countries. It's better than giving aid to countries that hate us.

Of course, the fabled "Go fuck yourself, I've got mine - who cares about you" school of foreign policy.

Can't see anyway that wouldn't work out...

So, you are all for giving countries "humanitarian aid" that the people never see while they are burning our flag. There's nothing wrong with that? We have different ideas.

If there's a goal that can be accomplished using "humanitarian aid" that otherwise would require war, then yes - I support it.

Less than a tenth of a percent of the federal budget goes to "humanitarian aid". Compare that to how much is spent on war.
The present relationship with Russia is worrisome. I would put the foreign aid money toward defense a refurbishing out cbyer security system. We need an effective and strong army, navy, air force and Marines. If we don't have security, much less is important.
Compared to Bucky he would be a great CIC. At the very least, he knows how to run a financial empire and proved it by pulling it out of crushing debt and made it thrive. Compare this to the "community organizer" you voted for who has never even run a lemonade stand.

There's three key things I like about Trump that I would like to see in our next president:

1. He knows the toll that illegal immigration takes on America in both financial and personal costs

2. He knows the threat China imposes with its manipulation of world currencies.

3. He knows that ISIS is a dire threat and that we're losing the war to them.

Those items along propel him leagues above Hussein.

I love it when consters start claiming psychic abilities. What makes you think that I voted for Obama?

Trump companies have filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy 4 times, each time screwing their investors and creditors out of millions of dollars. Do you really think that's a good model fro running country?
This may sound crass, but that may be the smartest moves he made, and can use that intellect in dealing with foreign countries. It's better than giving aid to countries that hate us.

Of course, the fabled "Go fuck yourself, I've got mine - who cares about you" school of foreign policy.

Can't see anyway that wouldn't work out...

So, you are all for giving countries "humanitarian aid" that the people never see while they are burning our flag. There's nothing wrong with that? We have different ideas.

If there's a goal that can be accomplished using "humanitarian aid" that otherwise would require war, then yes - I support it.

Less than a tenth of a percent of the federal budget goes to "humanitarian aid". Compare that to how much is spent on war.
That "goal" is making those foreign leaders very rich. That's like paying off the mob for security.
I love it when consters start claiming psychic abilities. What makes you think that I voted for Obama?

Trump companies have filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy 4 times, each time screwing their investors and creditors out of millions of dollars. Do you really think that's a good model fro running country?
This may sound crass, but that may be the smartest moves he made, and can use that intellect in dealing with foreign countries. It's better than giving aid to countries that hate us.

Of course, the fabled "Go fuck yourself, I've got mine - who cares about you" school of foreign policy.

Can't see anyway that wouldn't work out...

So, you are all for giving countries "humanitarian aid" that the people never see while they are burning our flag. There's nothing wrong with that? We have different ideas.

If there's a goal that can be accomplished using "humanitarian aid" that otherwise would require war, then yes - I support it.

Less than a tenth of a percent of the federal budget goes to "humanitarian aid". Compare that to how much is spent on war.
The present relationship with Russia is worrisome. I would put the foreign aid money toward defense a refurbishing out cbyer security system. We need an effective and strong army, navy, air force and Marines. If we don't have security, much less is important.

"Humanitarian aid" is a big piece of "national security".
I love it when consters start claiming psychic abilities. What makes you think that I voted for Obama?

Trump companies have filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy 4 times, each time screwing their investors and creditors out of millions of dollars. Do you really think that's a good model fro running country?
This may sound crass, but that may be the smartest moves he made, and can use that intellect in dealing with foreign countries. It's better than giving aid to countries that hate us.

Of course, the fabled "Go fuck yourself, I've got mine - who cares about you" school of foreign policy.

Can't see anyway that wouldn't work out...

So, you are all for giving countries "humanitarian aid" that the people never see while they are burning our flag. There's nothing wrong with that? We have different ideas.

If there's a goal that can be accomplished using "humanitarian aid" that otherwise would require war, then yes - I support it.

Less than a tenth of a percent of the federal budget goes to "humanitarian aid". Compare that to how much is spent on war.
That "goal" is making those foreign leaders very rich. That's like paying off the mob for security.

That's not far from the truth, but that's the point - the real world doesn't conform to what "should" be.

We've been paying people to do what we want and not to attack us for centuries, and it almost always works out to be a lot cheaper than fighting them.
And I'm not saying you can't be successful in America anymore I'm just saying for the masses it got a lot harder over the last 10 years or so. The rich got richer and we got poorer. We were all saving in the nineties and look at how many Americans are not saving now. It's a new America and the middle class to teach you to step back and the rich got richer and you defend it
And for 7 of those 10 years we've had Obama overspending at an average of a trillion a year as the rich still get richer and the poor still get poorer and you defend that.

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