Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

I just don't like him. He has no class, Trump is an uncouth, uncultured, rude, crude, troglodyte of a man. He's a salesman, not a statesman.
What planet you are on? There is not a statesman in the whole rotten bunch. Why is it some Americans want a slick talking liar for POTUS?
Let's not pretend as though Trump were actually a real candidate. He's agreed to be a distraction, a traffic accident, he gives people something to talk about, he has now established the floor, and other GOP candidates can use him to make themselves look reasonable.
I don't think Trump has agreed to anything of the sort. That would be degrading and he's not someone who would sign on to something like that. He sees himself as a credible candidate and he very well may turn out to be. I mean, nobody thought a community organizer with no experience at governing and a flaming racist preacher could get elected either.
No, he's douchebag salesman, a carnival barker, a TV personality.

And the White House is nothing more than his next reality show.
So why are you so afraid of him?
Trump will stir the pot up..................

But a Status quo will geed the nod as always.....................If he stays the course I'll vote for him in the primaries............but that is yet to be seen...........

My question will he go rouge, and become a independent candidate which would ensure a dem win like with Perot.
So you're telling me all of these Republicans are being played.? I would be upset if I were a Republican voter to know that what I care doesn't matter and this is all for show
The whole dang system from both sides of the isle has been a show unless you live under a rock.......
I'm very happy with how Obama took the nomination away from Hillary thank you. If you're not happy with the candidates the GOP chose for you Mitt Romney and John McCain then maybe you should not be in that party

I'll take that under advisement.....................

There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

Yes, Worth a try. Better than the pieces of shit Obama and Bush.
Could you duplicate his efforts and make those billions too? Why not? What connections did he have that allowed him to even get in the game and not have to start over by selling hundred thousand dollar houses. He never had to do that he always sold expensive commercial real estate. Bottom line is both he and you lack empathy for people who arent as lucky. that isn't president material. that story does not sell me on Donald Trump being the next president of the United States. Just like Romney and jeb and every other GOP candidate.

Obama was a middle class community organizer. He was one of us and clearly looks out for us more than McCain or mitt would have. The middle class is doomed because they are dumb enough to either vote Republican or WORSE not vote at all. If you like trump vote in the primaries. I'm sure a very high percent of US M the members vote so I'm probably preaching to the choir. That last part is for stupid Americans who don't even care enough to vote or don't think that it matters

Boob, if I could duplicate his efforts and make billions, I certainly would... wouldn't you? Yes, I am sure his connections have been important but lots of people have connections and they aren't Trump. It's not true that he has always sold expensive real estate. He has bought bankrupt businesses and turned them into successful ones, then sold them for a big profit. He has taken property no one wanted and turned it into a gold mine.

I have a buddy from high school, I think I may have spoken of him before. He always has a deal working, he is always thinking of ways to make money. He has a knack for it and a passion for it that others don't have. His mind thinks of things that others don't consider. He is not pessimistic or negative, even when maybe he should be. He maintains a positive attitude and optimistic outlook and he has a confidence about it that can't be shook. Obviously, he is very successful and well off. It's not because he was born with a silvers spoon in his mouth, he comes from a typical middle class family. It's all about his attitude and confidence in himself.

I mentioned him because years ago I started calling him "Little Trump." He is very much cut from the same cloth. He brags a lot, has all kinds of stories about famous people he knows and hits on about every woman he meets. Incidentally, that is something I think will come up on Trump... watch and see... there will be women claiming "sexual harassment" before too long. Guys like that are often notorious for their dalliances. Whether he can weather those storms remains to be seen but I'm sure he knows this kind of stuff is headed his way.
Does it even matter what trump has done? What about the 99% of us who aren't trump? What piece of the pie should we get? Let's say it was 25% now it's 10% and its moving 9,8,7%. What percent would you say unregulated free market capitalism isn't working?
Why don't you bake your own pie?
And for the record I am baking my own pie. Not only am i a successful salesman at a corporation I'm also a caregiver. Michigan has medical marijuana and I am basically a pharmaceutical rep on the side. Do I pay my taxes? Hell no do you think Trump pays Texas on all the money he makes?
The only thing people need to know about Trump is that he has proposed a solution and plan to defeat ISIS by massive bombing and inserting hundreds of thousands of combat troops into both Iraq and Syria. His proposal is to bomb the ISIS oil wells and surround them with a ring of US troops to protect the commercial interest that will be needed to repair the bombing damage and deny renewed access to the wells from ISIS.
Anyone want to argue that this stupid idea will not require hundreds of thousands of combat troops?

What is he going to do after he invades Iraq? The insurgents go away when we are strong and come back when we leave. Is trump going to get Iraqis to fight instead of run after we leave?

And where is trump going to bomb? We bomb them now when they are all together or when we know where they are.

I think trump and you haven't a clue what's going on.

Think you should read Trump on the Issues. He is against invading Iraq.
Trump will stir the pot up..................

But a Status quo will geed the nod as always.....................If he stays the course I'll vote for him in the primaries............but that is yet to be seen...........

My question will he go rouge, and become a independent candidate which would ensure a dem win like with Perot.

It was $illy $impering $arah who went rouge and Trump has already gone rogue.

He's not really "stirring the pot". He's just making a lot of loud and meaningless noises. Just as he has declared bankruptcy repeatedly, he would do the same to the US. So would the Repub party. Not a good mix.

The US cannot afford to lose the progress Obama has made. We cannot afford a Repub prez.

(Please vote for Drumpf. If necessary, write him in.)
Could you duplicate his efforts and make those billions too? Why not? What connections did he have that allowed him to even get in the game and not have to start over by selling hundred thousand dollar houses. He never had to do that he always sold expensive commercial real estate. Bottom line is both he and you lack empathy for people who arent as lucky. that isn't president material. that story does not sell me on Donald Trump being the next president of the United States. Just like Romney and jeb and every other GOP candidate.

Obama was a middle class community organizer. He was one of us and clearly looks out for us more than McCain or mitt would have. The middle class is doomed because they are dumb enough to either vote Republican or WORSE not vote at all. If you like trump vote in the primaries. I'm sure a very high percent of US M the members vote so I'm probably preaching to the choir. That last part is for stupid Americans who don't even care enough to vote or don't think that it matters

Boob, if I could duplicate his efforts and make billions, I certainly would... wouldn't you? Yes, I am sure his connections have been important but lots of people have connections and they aren't Trump. It's not true that he has always sold expensive real estate. He has bought bankrupt businesses and turned them into successful ones, then sold them for a big profit. He has taken property no one wanted and turned it into a gold mine.

I have a buddy from high school, I think I may have spoken of him before. He always has a deal working, he is always thinking of ways to make money. He has a knack for it and a passion for it that others don't have. His mind thinks of things that others don't consider. He is not pessimistic or negative, even when maybe he should be. He maintains a positive attitude and optimistic outlook and he has a confidence about it that can't be shook. Obviously, he is very successful and well off. It's not because he was born with a silvers spoon in his mouth, he comes from a typical middle class family. It's all about his attitude and confidence in himself.

I mentioned him because years ago I started calling him "Little Trump." He is very much cut from the same cloth. He brags a lot, has all kinds of stories about famous people he knows and hits on about every woman he meets. Incidentally, that is something I think will come up on Trump... watch and see... there will be women claiming "sexual harassment" before too long. Guys like that are often notorious for their dalliances. Whether he can weather those storms remains to be seen but I'm sure he knows this kind of stuff is headed his way.
Does it even matter what trump has done? What about the 99% of us who aren't trump? What piece of the pie should we get? Let's say it was 25% now it's 10% and its moving 9,8,7%. What percent would you say unregulated free market capitalism isn't working?
Why don't you bake your own pie?
It doesn't work that way. There's only one pie. Did you ever take economics?
That's the problem with you socialists, you don't understand economics, it's beyond your comprehension.
Trump will stir the pot up..................

But a Status quo will geed the nod as always.....................If he stays the course I'll vote for him in the primaries............but that is yet to be seen...........

My question will he go rouge, and become a independent candidate which would ensure a dem win like with Perot.

It was $illy $impering $arah who went rouge and Trump has already gone rogue.

He's not really "stirring the pot". He's just making a lot of loud and meaningless noises. Just as he has declared bankruptcy repeatedly, he would do the same to the US. So would the Repub party. Not a good mix.

The US cannot afford to lose the progress Obama has made. We cannot afford a Repub prez.

(Please vote for Drumpf. If necessary, write him in.)

I want some of the drugs you are on... the must be great!
Trump will stir the pot up..................

But a Status quo will geed the nod as always.....................If he stays the course I'll vote for him in the primaries............but that is yet to be seen...........

My question will he go rouge, and become a independent candidate which would ensure a dem win like with Perot.

It was $illy $impering $arah who went rouge and Trump has already gone rogue.

He's not really "stirring the pot". He's just making a lot of loud and meaningless noises. Just as he has declared bankruptcy repeatedly, he would do the same to the US. So would the Repub party. Not a good mix.

The US cannot afford to lose the progress Obama has made. We cannot afford a Repub prez.

(Please vote for Drumpf. If necessary, write him in.)
What, like adding $8 trillion to the debt? Yeah, that's real progress, isn't it? :lol:
Trump will stir the pot up..................

But a Status quo will geed the nod as always.....................If he stays the course I'll vote for him in the primaries............but that is yet to be seen...........

My question will he go rouge, and become a independent candidate which would ensure a dem win like with Perot.

It was $illy $impering $arah who went rouge and Trump has already gone rogue.

He's not really "stirring the pot". He's just making a lot of loud and meaningless noises. Just as he has declared bankruptcy repeatedly, he would do the same to the US. So would the Repub party. Not a good mix.

The US cannot afford to lose the progress Obama has made. We cannot afford a Repub prez.

(Please vote for Drumpf. If necessary, write him in.)
he he he ha ha ha

HE HAW HE HAW HE HAW..........
What planet you are on? There is not a statesman in the whole rotten bunch. Why is it some Americans want a slick talking liar for POTUS?
Let's not pretend as though Trump were actually a real candidate. He's agreed to be a distraction, a traffic accident, he gives people something to talk about, he has now established the floor, and other GOP candidates can use him to make themselves look reasonable.
I don't think Trump has agreed to anything of the sort. That would be degrading and he's not someone who would sign on to something like that. He sees himself as a credible candidate and he very well may turn out to be. I mean, nobody thought a community organizer with no experience at governing and a flaming racist preacher could get elected either.
No, he's douchebag salesman, a carnival barker, a TV personality.

And the White House is nothing more than his next reality show.
So why are you so afraid of him?

As I already said here.

While its true a Repub president would do us terrible harm if we let him, actually, I'm more afraid of the RWs who are so eager to take down the US. The willfully ignorant Pootarians who want to see the US become bankrupt third world country.
Could you duplicate his efforts and make those billions too? Why not? What connections did he have that allowed him to even get in the game and not have to start over by selling hundred thousand dollar houses. He never had to do that he always sold expensive commercial real estate. Bottom line is both he and you lack empathy for people who arent as lucky. that isn't president material. that story does not sell me on Donald Trump being the next president of the United States. Just like Romney and jeb and every other GOP candidate.

Obama was a middle class community organizer. He was one of us and clearly looks out for us more than McCain or mitt would have. The middle class is doomed because they are dumb enough to either vote Republican or WORSE not vote at all. If you like trump vote in the primaries. I'm sure a very high percent of US M the members vote so I'm probably preaching to the choir. That last part is for stupid Americans who don't even care enough to vote or don't think that it matters

Boob, if I could duplicate his efforts and make billions, I certainly would... wouldn't you? Yes, I am sure his connections have been important but lots of people have connections and they aren't Trump. It's not true that he has always sold expensive real estate. He has bought bankrupt businesses and turned them into successful ones, then sold them for a big profit. He has taken property no one wanted and turned it into a gold mine.

I have a buddy from high school, I think I may have spoken of him before. He always has a deal working, he is always thinking of ways to make money. He has a knack for it and a passion for it that others don't have. His mind thinks of things that others don't consider. He is not pessimistic or negative, even when maybe he should be. He maintains a positive attitude and optimistic outlook and he has a confidence about it that can't be shook. Obviously, he is very successful and well off. It's not because he was born with a silvers spoon in his mouth, he comes from a typical middle class family. It's all about his attitude and confidence in himself.

I mentioned him because years ago I started calling him "Little Trump." He is very much cut from the same cloth. He brags a lot, has all kinds of stories about famous people he knows and hits on about every woman he meets. Incidentally, that is something I think will come up on Trump... watch and see... there will be women claiming "sexual harassment" before too long. Guys like that are often notorious for their dalliances. Whether he can weather those storms remains to be seen but I'm sure he knows this kind of stuff is headed his way.
Does it even matter what trump has done? What about the 99% of us who aren't trump? What piece of the pie should we get? Let's say it was 25% now it's 10% and its moving 9,8,7%. What percent would you say unregulated free market capitalism isn't working?
Why don't you bake your own pie?
And for the record I am baking my own pie. Not only am i a successful salesman at a corporation I'm also a caregiver. Michigan has medical marijuana and I am basically a pharmaceutical rep on the side. Do I pay my taxes? Hell no do you think Trump pays Texas on all the money he makes?
But you just said "it doesn't work that way, there's only one pie". Make up your mind.
Let's not pretend as though Trump were actually a real candidate. He's agreed to be a distraction, a traffic accident, he gives people something to talk about, he has now established the floor, and other GOP candidates can use him to make themselves look reasonable.
I don't think Trump has agreed to anything of the sort. That would be degrading and he's not someone who would sign on to something like that. He sees himself as a credible candidate and he very well may turn out to be. I mean, nobody thought a community organizer with no experience at governing and a flaming racist preacher could get elected either.
No, he's douchebag salesman, a carnival barker, a TV personality.

And the White House is nothing more than his next reality show.
So why are you so afraid of him?

As I already said here.

While its true a Repub president would do us terrible harm if we let him, actually, I'm more afraid of the RWs who are so eager to take down the US. The willfully ignorant Pootarians who want to see the US become bankrupt third world country.
We couldn't be moving toward that any faster than we have been for the last 7 years.
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

The positives on Trump?

1. I feel that he has the best interests of America in mind. He will not be beholden to any one person or group. He's already made his fortune.

2. He is pro life but not a nut about it. He believes in a woman's right to choose except in partial birth abortions.I can go along with that.

3, Economically, Trump states that he'd bring back manufacturing to the US by taxing imports and install economic penalties on China for manipulating currencies.

4. Also in the economic realm, Trump is against farm subsidies that are costly to the US.

5. He wants out of Afghanistan and any country that doesn't affect the welfare of the US.

6. He realizes the real unemployment rate is approximately 3 times what Obama states. He says a job is what is needed instead of welfare. I can see him repeating the successes of Bill Clinton on welfare.

7. Stop the immigration of illegals that is costing Americans billions.


1. I worry about his ego. He has made the quote "I am God" when it comes to making deals.

2. A president has to be a diplomat. Can he do that?

3. He wants to tax the rich 14.25% one time on their wealth. I think it should continue for a minimum of 5 years to help pay down the debt.
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

The positives on Trump?

1. I feel that he has the best interests of America in mind. He will not be beholden to any one person or group. He's already made his fortune.

What does this mean? It sounds nice, but there's nothing concrete about it. The same could be said for many other people.

2. He is pro life but not a nut about it. He believes in a woman's right to choose except in partial birth abortions.I can go along with that.

3, Economically, Trump states that he'd bring back manufacturing to the US by taxing imports and install economic penalties on China for manipulating currencies.

How will that "bring back manufacturing"? Import taxes won't outweigh the savings inherent in paying children pennies an hour to sew our t-shirts together.

4. Also in the economic realm, Trump is against farm subsidies that are costly to the US.

Without farm subsidies, nearly every item of food produced in the US will double or triple in cost. The world is a lot more complicated than talking points.

5. He wants out of Afghanistan and any country that doesn't affect the welfare of the US.

6. He realizes the real unemployment rate is approximately 3 times what Obama states. He says a job is what is needed instead of welfare. I can see him repeating the successes of Bill Clinton on welfare.

What is the "real" unemployment? This is another meaningless talking point. Trump says "people should have jobs" - so does everyone else. How will he do it?

7. Stop the immigration of illegals that is costing Americans billions.

I don't know what kind of president Trump would be. But he has to be better than what we have right now. Can't get any lower than the low we are in. We also didn't know what Obama would be like either. Won't know until the POTUS gets the title to see what he does with the power once in office.
The only thing people need to know about Trump is that he has proposed a solution and plan to defeat ISIS by massive bombing and inserting hundreds of thousands of combat troops into both Iraq and Syria. His proposal is to bomb the ISIS oil wells and surround them with a ring of US troops to protect the commercial interest that will be needed to repair the bombing damage and deny renewed access to the wells from ISIS.
Anyone want to argue that this stupid idea will not require hundreds of thousands of combat troops?

What is he going to do after he invades Iraq? The insurgents go away when we are strong and come back when we leave. Is trump going to get Iraqis to fight instead of run after we leave?

And where is trump going to bomb? We bomb them now when they are all together or when we know where they are.

I think trump and you haven't a clue what's going on.

Think you should read Trump on the Issues. He is against invading Iraq.

How do you explain the video I post of an interview he gave last week? He simply calls it something different than invasion, but he is clearly saying he will surround the oil wells with rings of US troops. It would take huge numbers of troops to surround the oil wells with rings of defensive troops. You are being scammed. Either he has no real plan to deal with ISIS or he is going to put troops in a new war in Iraq.
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

The positives on Trump?

1. I feel that he has the best interests of America in mind. He will not be beholden to any one person or group. He's already made his fortune.

What does this mean? It sounds nice, but there's nothing concrete about it. The same could be said for many other people.
Not really. He has billions as opposed to other candidates who are in the million dollar income range.
2. He is pro life but not a nut about it. He believes in a woman's right to choose except in partial birth abortions.I can go along with that.

3, Economically, Trump states that he'd bring back manufacturing to the US by taxing imports and install economic penalties on China for manipulating currencies.

How will that "bring back manufacturing"? Import taxes won't outweigh the savings inherent in paying children pennies an hour to sew our t-shirts together.
And how much is that tax? He hasn't said.
4. Also in the economic realm, Trump is against farm subsidies that are costly to the US.

Without farm subsidies, nearly every item of food produced in the US will double or triple in cost. The world is a lot more complicated than talking points.
Hasn't the fact that farmers are paid NOT TO grow something bothered you?
5. He wants out of Afghanistan and any country that doesn't affect the welfare of the US.

6. He realizes the real unemployment rate is approximately 3 times what Obama states. He says a job is what is needed instead of welfare. I can see him repeating the successes of Bill Clinton on welfare.

What is the "real" unemployment? This is another meaningless talking point. Trump says "people should have jobs" - so does everyone else. How will he do it? Bringing back his "Issues" thread.

7. Stop the immigration of illegals that is costing Americans billions.

Other candidates can talk about issues and not told exactly how they can do it personally. Just reading about their stand on the issues I find he's different from liberals (definitely) and the GOP hopeful;s I have read.

1. I feel that he has the best interests of America in mind. He will not be beholden to any one person or group. He's already made his fortune.[/quote]

What does this mean? It sounds nice, but there's nothing concrete about it. The same could be said for many other people.

Not really. He has billions as opposed to other candidates who are in the million dollar income range.
2. He is pro life but not a nut about it. He believes in a woman's right to choose except in partial birth abortions.I can go along with that.

3, Economically, Trump states that he'd bring back manufacturing to the US by taxing imports and install economic penalties on China for manipulating currencies.

How will that "bring back manufacturing"? Import taxes won't outweigh the savings inherent in paying children pennies an hour to sew our t-shirts together.

And how much is that tax? He hasn't said.
4. Also in the economic realm, Trump is against farm subsidies that are costly to the US.

Without farm subsidies, nearly every item of food produced in the US will double or triple in cost. The world is a lot more complicated than talking points.
Hasn't the fact that farmers are paid NOT TO grow something bothered you?

5. He wants out of Afghanistan and any country that doesn't affect the welfare of the US.

6. He realizes the real unemployment rate is approximately 3 times what Obama states. He says a job is what is needed instead of welfare. I can see him repeating the successes of Bill Clinton on welfare.

What is the "real" unemployment? This is another meaningless talking point. Trump says "people should have jobs" - so does everyone else. How will he do it? Bringing back his "Issues" thread.

7. Stop the immigration of illegals that is costing Americans billions.
Last edited:
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

Compared to Bucky he would be a great CIC. At the very least, he knows how to run a financial empire and proved it by pulling it out of crushing debt and made it thrive. Compare this to the "community organizer" you voted for who has never even run a lemonade stand.

There's three key things I like about Trump that I would like to see in our next president:

1. He knows the toll that illegal immigration takes on America in both financial and personal costs

2. He knows the threat China imposes with its manipulation of world currencies.

3. He knows that ISIS is a dire threat and that we're losing the war to them.

Those items along propel him leagues above Hussein.

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