Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

If Trump got the nod and actually won, his head would explode because he isn't in it to win it he's in it for the 15 minutes, to stir the pot. We're too far out anyway, let him ramble. Although I must say, I do enjoy that he isn't the least bit pc, doesn't care that some get offended (oh boo hoo hoo), doesn't give a shit about it because he's getting just what he wants ... reactionary leftists (and some rightists) wailing about The Donald. :lol:

Redfish started a thread saying Dems would do anything to stop Donald Trump but when I asked what Dems had said or done to stop him, it was crickets.

You say "reactionary leftists (and some rightists) [are] wailing about The Donald" but, except for Lindsey Graham and Reince Preibus, I haven't seen that.

So, I'll ask again, who is actually threatened or afraid of Trump?
And what does it matter what us liberals think right now? Why are the Republicans using us to vet their candidates. Let me hear the Jeb Bush or any of the other candidates argue with Donald Trump. So it seems every member on this site that's a Republican is arguing against every other GOP candidate on this issue correct? Let's put them on record that they disagree with fill in the blank on this issue. And let's see them nominate Donald Trump please it would be very entertaining. But I think the Republicans haven't decided yet. Us liberals should just shut our mouths and let you guys decide
That's the best idea you've had yet! :thup:
Let's not pretend as though Trump were actually a real candidate. He's agreed to be a distraction, a traffic accident, he gives people something to talk about, he has now established the floor, and other GOP candidates can use him to make themselves look reasonable.

So... Let's pretend he is not leading in the polls for the GOP nomination? Got it! ;)
In a field of forty seven candidates, or whatever the number is now, you only need about ten percent to be in second place.
Supporting a guy like Trump -- which, in a way, is a misnomer, since I really can't think of anyone else quite like him -- out of sheer frustration and exasperation is understandable, I guess. But basing support on those emotions doesn't seem very rational.

I can't imagine him dealing with Congress or (especially) relating to leaders on the world stage He gives the notion of "loose cannon" an all new depth, and we need more reasonable people in power right now. More humility, much less bombast.

Trump's problem is he can't fire congressman that opposed him, bully foreign heads of state, and end media harassment by telling them it's none of their bossiness.

On the first point, you are right. I think Trump would find it frustrating having to deal with a recalcitrant congress, probably even members of his own party. On the other two points, I don't see why he couldn't "bully foreign leaders" or tell the media to fuck off.

That said, I think he would surprise folks on how well he handled foreign leaders. Trump did not get where he is by not being able to get along with people. He has had to cut deals with people he didn't like or didn't politically agree with. It's not personal with him, it's business.

I also think this attribute would translate well to dealing with Congress. Yes, he probably would have some problems, but I can see him getting on the phone and persuading stubborn congresmen to go along with his ideas... he has that gift. As my Dad used to say, he could sell ice to an Eskimo. He's a wheeler-dealer who can find ways to make things happen that he wants to happen.
Trump is not a self-made man. You folks underestimate what it's like to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth. My brother is rich and his sons are getting opportunities no Americans get unless you were born into a wealthy family. Trump has no clue of the real world. An amazing you guys are endorsing a jackass who's gone bankrupt twice. First you like Carly Fiorino who lost jobs at hewlett-packard and now trum who's a two time loser. By the way keep in mind the Rich when Bush was president change the bankruptcy laws so common folk wouldn't be able to do it is easy as they had in the past probably because they knew the collapse was coming. But they made it easier for rich people to be able to go bankrupt.
I just don't like him. He has no class, Trump is an uncouth, uncultured, rude, crude, troglodyte of a man. He's a salesman, not a statesman.
What planet you are on? There is not a statesman in the whole rotten bunch. Why is it some Americans want a slick talking liar for POTUS?
Let's not pretend as though Trump were actually a real candidate. He's agreed to be a distraction, a traffic accident, he gives people something to talk about, he has now established the floor, and other GOP candidates can use him to make themselves look reasonable.
I don't think Trump has agreed to anything of the sort. That would be degrading and he's not someone who would sign on to something like that. He sees himself as a credible candidate and he very well may turn out to be. I mean, nobody thought a community organizer with no experience at governing and a flaming racist preacher could get elected either.
No, he's douchebag salesman, a carnival barker, a TV personality.
That may be true but he has too big an ego to willingly be a distraction for the Republican Party. They may be glad he's doing what he's doing because it puts the Democrats on the defensive but he's not doing it to help the other candidates.
I just don't like him. He has no class, Trump is an uncouth, uncultured, rude, crude, troglodyte of a man. He's a salesman, not a statesman.
What planet you are on? There is not a statesman in the whole rotten bunch. Why is it some Americans want a slick talking liar for POTUS?
Let's not pretend as though Trump were actually a real candidate. He's agreed to be a distraction, a traffic accident, he gives people something to talk about, he has now established the floor, and other GOP candidates can use him to make themselves look reasonable.
I don't think Trump has agreed to anything of the sort. That would be degrading and he's not someone who would sign on to something like that. He sees himself as a credible candidate and he very well may turn out to be. I mean, nobody thought a community organizer with no experience at governing and a flaming racist preacher could get elected either.
No, he's douchebag salesman, a carnival barker, a TV personality.
That may be true but he has too big an ego to willingly be a distraction for the Republican Party. They may be glad he's doing what he's doing because it puts the Democrats on the defensive but he's not doing it to help the other candidates.
The Democrats should pray for Trump to be the Republican candidate.
Funny, I remember the same question being asked about Obama back in 2008. No one had an answer other than "he's black and you must be a racist to ask that question".

At least Trump has years of administration experience, the dear leader had none.
And Trump knows how to work for a living, the only real job Obama ever had was at Baskin Robbins. Trump can relate to the working class and knows what needs to be done to help them, Obama can only relate to the silver spoon liberal elite. Totally out of touch (never even been in touch).
Trump is not a self-made man. You folks underestimate what it's like to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth. My brother is rich and his sons are getting opportunities no Americans get unless you were born into a wealthy family. Trump has no clue of the real world. An amazing you guys are endorsing a jackass who's gone bankrupt twice. First you like Carly Fiorino who lost jobs at hewlett-packard and now trum who's a two time loser. By the way keep in mind the Rich when Bush was president change the bankruptcy laws so common folk wouldn't be able to do it is easy as they had in the past probably because they knew the collapse was coming. But they made it easier for rich people to be able to go bankrupt.
I just don't like him. He has no class, Trump is an uncouth, uncultured, rude, crude, troglodyte of a man. He's a salesman, not a statesman.
What planet you are on? There is not a statesman in the whole rotten bunch. Why is it some Americans want a slick talking liar for POTUS?

Why is it some people wanted an inexperienced dumb nig for offfice??
And Trump knows how to work for a living, the only real job Obama ever had was at Baskin Robbins. Trump can relate to the working class and knows what needs to be done to help them, Obama can only relate to the silver spoon liberal elite. Totally out of touch (never even been in touch).
Trump is not a self-made man. You folks underestimate what it's like to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth. My brother is rich and his sons are getting opportunities no Americans get unless you were born into a wealthy family. Trump has no clue of the real world. An amazing you guys are endorsing a jackass who's gone bankrupt twice. First you like Carly Fiorino who lost jobs at hewlett-packard and now trum who's a two time loser. By the way keep in mind the Rich when Bush was president change the bankruptcy laws so common folk wouldn't be able to do it is easy as they had in the past probably because they knew the collapse was coming. But they made it easier for rich people to be able to go bankrupt.
I just don't like him. He has no class, Trump is an uncouth, uncultured, rude, crude, troglodyte of a man. He's a salesman, not a statesman.
What planet you are on? There is not a statesman in the whole rotten bunch. Why is it some Americans want a slick talking liar for POTUS?
Let's not pretend as though Trump were actually a real candidate. He's agreed to be a distraction, a traffic accident, he gives people something to talk about, he has now established the floor, and other GOP candidates can use him to make themselves look reasonable.
I don't think Trump has agreed to anything of the sort. That would be degrading and he's not someone who would sign on to something like that. He sees himself as a credible candidate and he very well may turn out to be. I mean, nobody thought a community organizer with no experience at governing and a flaming racist preacher could get elected either.

Right on. they put some nobody community agitator in as President, because he supposedly gave them some leg tingling speech at the DNC convention and of course the guilt of never electing a black man. But If anyone thinks about it. the Republicans has run more BLACK people for President before anyone ever heard of the community Agitating thug, Obama.

Yet these Obot voters would never have thought of putting one of them in. Instead they attacked them with so much vile, calling them traitors to their race, oreos, crackers, black men in black face, etc

and they have the nerve to talk about Trump. and whine about how Obambam is so disrespected. we are so screwed with the Democrat base of voters.
Why is it some people wanted an inexperienced dumb nig for offfice??

the people are sick and tired of this kind of freaking dramatics of that man. you all can go bow at this feet. the rest of the country WOKE up to him and kicked his party and HIS control over US by putting in THE Republicans in control of congress. so start crawling
Why is it some people wanted an inexperienced dumb nig for offfice??

the people are sick and tired of this kind of freaking dramatics of that man. you all can go bow at this feet. the rest of the country WOKE up to him and kicked his party and HIS control over US by putting in THE Republicans in control of congress. so start crawling[/QUOTE]
Pubs ARE great at making the country sick to death of politics so no one votes in off years but brainwashed hater dupes like you, granted. Reality strikes in 2016. Trump/Limbaugh!
Could you duplicate his efforts and make those billions too? Why not? What connections did he have that allowed him to even get in the game and not have to start over by selling hundred thousand dollar houses. He never had to do that he always sold expensive commercial real estate. Bottom line is both he and you lack empathy for people who arent as lucky. that isn't president material. that story does not sell me on Donald Trump being the next president of the United States. Just like Romney and jeb and every other GOP candidate.

Obama was a middle class community organizer. He was one of us and clearly looks out for us more than McCain or mitt would have. The middle class is doomed because they are dumb enough to either vote Republican or WORSE not vote at all. If you like trump vote in the primaries. I'm sure a very high percent of US M the members vote so I'm probably preaching to the choir. That last part is for stupid Americans who don't even care enough to vote or don't think that it matters

Boob, if I could duplicate his efforts and make billions, I certainly would... wouldn't you? Yes, I am sure his connections have been important but lots of people have connections and they aren't Trump. It's not true that he has always sold expensive real estate. He has bought bankrupt businesses and turned them into successful ones, then sold them for a big profit. He has taken property no one wanted and turned it into a gold mine.

I have a buddy from high school, I think I may have spoken of him before. He always has a deal working, he is always thinking of ways to make money. He has a knack for it and a passion for it that others don't have. His mind thinks of things that others don't consider. He is not pessimistic or negative, even when maybe he should be. He maintains a positive attitude and optimistic outlook and he has a confidence about it that can't be shook. Obviously, he is very successful and well off. It's not because he was born with a silvers spoon in his mouth, he comes from a typical middle class family. It's all about his attitude and confidence in himself.

I mentioned him because years ago I started calling him "Little Trump." He is very much cut from the same cloth. He brags a lot, has all kinds of stories about famous people he knows and hits on about every woman he meets. Incidentally, that is something I think will come up on Trump... watch and see... there will be women claiming "sexual harassment" before too long. Guys like that are often notorious for their dalliances. Whether he can weather those storms remains to be seen but I'm sure he knows this kind of stuff is headed his way.
Does it even matter what trump has done? What about the 99% of us who aren't trump? What piece of the pie should we get? Let's say it was 25% now it's 10% and its moving 9,8,7%. What percent would you say unregulated free market capitalism isn't working?
I should have put this thread in the CDZ, but no one ever goes in there.

Please - all the liberals flaming this thread: I understand where you're coming from, but there are plenty of other threads about Trump that you can make fun of him in.

Do me a favor and let me keep this thread on topic? I'm genuinely interested in finding answers.

What's a matter doc, your post almost has a quality of pleading. ( Not trying to thrash you, just don't understand the urgency).
Your panic searching for why America has reacted so favorably would suggest that you have some repressed fears that he might actually win.
You keep searching for a reason when those of us who like Trump know, he offers an alternative to the Progressive / Liberal ? Democratic line that has been and is currently being pushed upon us. We are looking for the savior of the 49% ............... you know that part of America the other 51% is dragging around.

My wife states she would vote for Trump and if he can shoot Hellary out of the saddle I would vote for him also.
It is time for some one to fill a politicians shoes, doesn't necessarily need to be a politician to tell America it's time to start paying for some of this past partying.
It want be pretty and will be met with public outcry, but we all know in the end it is best for our country and democracy as we once knew it.

The libs and dems and rinos are scared shitless of Trump, and thats a good thing for the entire country.
Us Democrats have nothing to do with who the GOP nominates. Right now trump is in 2nd place. So Republicans are saying they want jeb. I am hearing a lot more support and talk about trump not a lot about jeb. I'd say trump is probably winning and will kill in the debates.

So you Republicans can only blame yourselves if trump doesn't get the nomination.
Trump will stir the pot up..................

But a Status quo will geed the nod as always.....................If he stays the course I'll vote for him in the primaries............but that is yet to be seen...........

My question will he go rouge, and become a independent candidate which would ensure a dem win like with Perot.
Why is it some people wanted an inexperienced dumb nig for offfice??

the people are sick and tired of this kind of freaking dramatics of that man. you all can go bow at this feet. the rest of the country WOKE up to him and kicked his party and HIS control over US by putting in THE Republicans in control of congress. so start crawling[/QUOTE]
Thanks to gerrymandering redistricting and voter suppression low voter turnout. But you didn't beat Obama either time in the general election win at least 50 percent of the voters show up. You only win midterms. Midterms are the rich secret weapon. Poor people are too stupid to vote every two years but rich people are not
Trump will stir the pot up..................

But a Status quo will geed the nod as always.....................If he stays the course I'll vote for him in the primaries............but that is yet to be seen...........

My question will he go rouge, and become a independent candidate which would ensure a dem win like with Perot.
So you're telling me all of these Republicans are being played.? I would be upset if I were a Republican voter to know that what I care doesn't matter and this is all for show
Could you duplicate his efforts and make those billions too? Why not? What connections did he have that allowed him to even get in the game and not have to start over by selling hundred thousand dollar houses. He never had to do that he always sold expensive commercial real estate. Bottom line is both he and you lack empathy for people who arent as lucky. that isn't president material. that story does not sell me on Donald Trump being the next president of the United States. Just like Romney and jeb and every other GOP candidate.

Obama was a middle class community organizer. He was one of us and clearly looks out for us more than McCain or mitt would have. The middle class is doomed because they are dumb enough to either vote Republican or WORSE not vote at all. If you like trump vote in the primaries. I'm sure a very high percent of US M the members vote so I'm probably preaching to the choir. That last part is for stupid Americans who don't even care enough to vote or don't think that it matters

Boob, if I could duplicate his efforts and make billions, I certainly would... wouldn't you? Yes, I am sure his connections have been important but lots of people have connections and they aren't Trump. It's not true that he has always sold expensive real estate. He has bought bankrupt businesses and turned them into successful ones, then sold them for a big profit. He has taken property no one wanted and turned it into a gold mine.

I have a buddy from high school, I think I may have spoken of him before. He always has a deal working, he is always thinking of ways to make money. He has a knack for it and a passion for it that others don't have. His mind thinks of things that others don't consider. He is not pessimistic or negative, even when maybe he should be. He maintains a positive attitude and optimistic outlook and he has a confidence about it that can't be shook. Obviously, he is very successful and well off. It's not because he was born with a silvers spoon in his mouth, he comes from a typical middle class family. It's all about his attitude and confidence in himself.

I mentioned him because years ago I started calling him "Little Trump." He is very much cut from the same cloth. He brags a lot, has all kinds of stories about famous people he knows and hits on about every woman he meets. Incidentally, that is something I think will come up on Trump... watch and see... there will be women claiming "sexual harassment" before too long. Guys like that are often notorious for their dalliances. Whether he can weather those storms remains to be seen but I'm sure he knows this kind of stuff is headed his way.
Does it even matter what trump has done? What about the 99% of us who aren't trump? What piece of the pie should we get? Let's say it was 25% now it's 10% and its moving 9,8,7%. What percent would you say unregulated free market capitalism isn't working?
Why don't you bake your own pie?
Trump will stir the pot up..................

But a Status quo will geed the nod as always.....................If he stays the course I'll vote for him in the primaries............but that is yet to be seen...........

My question will he go rouge, and become a independent candidate which would ensure a dem win like with Perot.
So you're telling me all of these Republicans are being played.? I would be upset if I were a Republican voter to know that what I care doesn't matter and this is all for show
The whole dang system from both sides of the isle has been a show unless you live under a rock.......
Trump will stir the pot up..................

But a Status quo will geed the nod as always.....................If he stays the course I'll vote for him in the primaries............but that is yet to be seen...........

My question will he go rouge, and become a independent candidate which would ensure a dem win like with Perot.
So you're telling me all of these Republicans are being played.? I would be upset if I were a Republican voter to know that what I care doesn't matter and this is all for show
The whole dang system from both sides of the isle has been a show unless you live under a rock.......
I'm very happy with how Obama took the nomination away from Hillary thank you. If you're not happy with the candidates the GOP chose for you Mitt Romney and John McCain then maybe you should not be in that party
Trump is not a self-made man. You folks underestimate what it's like to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth. My brother is rich and his sons are getting opportunities no Americans get unless you were born into a wealthy family. Trump has no clue of the real world. An amazing you guys are endorsing a jackass who's gone bankrupt twice. First you like Carly Fiorino who lost jobs at hewlett-packard and now trum who's a two time loser. By the way keep in mind the Rich when Bush was president change the bankruptcy laws so common folk wouldn't be able to do it is easy as they had in the past probably because they knew the collapse was coming. But they made it easier for rich people to be able to go bankrupt.
I just don't like him. He has no class, Trump is an uncouth, uncultured, rude, crude, troglodyte of a man. He's a salesman, not a statesman.
What planet you are on? There is not a statesman in the whole rotten bunch. Why is it some Americans want a slick talking liar for POTUS?
Let's not pretend as though Trump were actually a real candidate. He's agreed to be a distraction, a traffic accident, he gives people something to talk about, he has now established the floor, and other GOP candidates can use him to make themselves look reasonable.
I don't think Trump has agreed to anything of the sort. That would be degrading and he's not someone who would sign on to something like that. He sees himself as a credible candidate and he very well may turn out to be. I mean, nobody thought a community organizer with no experience at governing and a flaming racist preacher could get elected either.
No, he's douchebag salesman, a carnival barker, a TV personality.

And the White House is nothing more than his next reality show.
I haven't made up my mind on that yet. But I keep telling myself. Anyone not a Democrat will be better than that thug in there now and that nasty Clinton trying to get in as President

EXACTLY the willful stupidity and ignorance I just wrote.

Stephanie is easily the dumbest RW on this board. She is supported by liberal policies, knows Repubs would take away her Medicaid, Social Security, food stamps and govt cheese but, as long as its not a Dem, she will gleefully vote against her own best interests.
Yeah yeah yeah...............and we'd make her eat dog food too....................get a new line.............clown.


You're really THAT wealthy?

Fact is, its exactly what Repubs have said they would do.
Could you duplicate his efforts and make those billions too? Why not? What connections did he have that allowed him to even get in the game and not have to start over by selling hundred thousand dollar houses. He never had to do that he always sold expensive commercial real estate. Bottom line is both he and you lack empathy for people who arent as lucky. that isn't president material. that story does not sell me on Donald Trump being the next president of the United States. Just like Romney and jeb and every other GOP candidate.

Obama was a middle class community organizer. He was one of us and clearly looks out for us more than McCain or mitt would have. The middle class is doomed because they are dumb enough to either vote Republican or WORSE not vote at all. If you like trump vote in the primaries. I'm sure a very high percent of US M the members vote so I'm probably preaching to the choir. That last part is for stupid Americans who don't even care enough to vote or don't think that it matters

Boob, if I could duplicate his efforts and make billions, I certainly would... wouldn't you? Yes, I am sure his connections have been important but lots of people have connections and they aren't Trump. It's not true that he has always sold expensive real estate. He has bought bankrupt businesses and turned them into successful ones, then sold them for a big profit. He has taken property no one wanted and turned it into a gold mine.

I have a buddy from high school, I think I may have spoken of him before. He always has a deal working, he is always thinking of ways to make money. He has a knack for it and a passion for it that others don't have. His mind thinks of things that others don't consider. He is not pessimistic or negative, even when maybe he should be. He maintains a positive attitude and optimistic outlook and he has a confidence about it that can't be shook. Obviously, he is very successful and well off. It's not because he was born with a silvers spoon in his mouth, he comes from a typical middle class family. It's all about his attitude and confidence in himself.

I mentioned him because years ago I started calling him "Little Trump." He is very much cut from the same cloth. He brags a lot, has all kinds of stories about famous people he knows and hits on about every woman he meets. Incidentally, that is something I think will come up on Trump... watch and see... there will be women claiming "sexual harassment" before too long. Guys like that are often notorious for their dalliances. Whether he can weather those storms remains to be seen but I'm sure he knows this kind of stuff is headed his way.
Does it even matter what trump has done? What about the 99% of us who aren't trump? What piece of the pie should we get? Let's say it was 25% now it's 10% and its moving 9,8,7%. What percent would you say unregulated free market capitalism isn't working?
Why don't you bake your own pie?
It doesn't work that way. There's only one pie. Did you ever take economics?

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