Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

this is what the LEFT/progressives/commies like Obama (this site endorsed him for President) thinks of YOU just for going to hear ANOTHER opinion on things.
VOTE this nasty party out of OUR LIVES come 2016. Beware going to that site. I took this from somewhere else.


Trump Gathers in the Haters for Bizarre Speech in Las Vegas
Politicus USA - Real liberal politics ^ | July 11, 2015 | Hrafnkell Haraldsson

Posted on ‎7‎/‎11‎/‎2015‎ ‎9‎:‎43‎:‎39‎ ‎PM

In a move that is difficult to describe as an accomplishment, there were so many haters in Arizona that Donald Trump had to move his anti-immigrant hatefest from the Biltmore Resort and Spa to the Phoenix Convention Center.
By this morning, 9,000 haters had tickets in their hands. His campaign chairman, Corey Lewandowski, bragged, “We received 4,000 RSVPS in 2¹/₂ hours.” By this morning, Trump was claiming 15,000:
"TRUTH" Trump doing it RIGHT for all American's of principle and LAW!

Demand to see Donald Trump in Phoenix off the charts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^ | 7/10/2015 | staff

Donald Trump’s appearance Saturday in Phoenix have sold out.

...and he didn't even have Oprah with him!

Nope, she's busy blowing Tom Cruise, and having the Mooooch give her THE MOOOCH EYE over being so close to the Obamanation!

There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?
Of course he'd be a disaster. You cant take someone with no political experience and give him the head job. We saw what happened with Obama--total and complete failure at every level.
Trump is a flash in the pan. He said some outrageous stuff that others would like to say but wont and people glommed on to that. But it wont last. He will have to say increasingly outrageous stuff to maintain that posture, alienating people who might otherwise support him.
But he has no substance. There is no "there" there.
Sort of like Hillary Clinton.
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

Makes an excellent candidate. But htink if it looked like he may actually win, he'd drop out. Why give up all his power by becoming President? :)

I'm not a big fan of Trump or Sarah Palin but it is nice to see the press get treated like they treated Sarah Palin.

Trump could start to bait them and even dig up some dirt in their own personal lives to help discredit them

I'm not a big fan of Trump or Sarah Palin but it is nice to see the press get treated like they treated Sarah Palin.

Trump could start to bait them and even dig up some dirt in their own personal lives to help discredit them

Yeah, sounds just like something Richard Nixon would have done. That's all we need.....
Correct!! It is Obama and the Democrats who voted with the Republicans that are the turn coats, traitors to the middle class.

Ok, that was weird.

What a shame. And your avi is so friendly, too...

What is weird or unfriendly about posting the TRUTH? At least I did something in protest. You just post ad hominem and non-sequliars.

I will repeat it once again. Republicans have always supported free trade bills so their support is not surprising. Even though my local rep said he didn't support it I think it was only because the top brass of the RNC said it was OK coming from a manufacturing district, or used to be.

But the democrats made other promises and they acted contrary to those promises as they did when Clinton passed his "free" trade agreements.

Admit it, both parties have failed time to start a new party.
Keep in mind Bill Clinton signed the Republicans bill that was called NAFTA. HW Bush would have had he won a second term. And no sane rational American is saying we shouldn't have free trade because we should. What we need is well regulated trade so its fair and protects the American workers quality of life. Imagine all the changes that were made to NAFTA when Dennis Hastert George W Bush and Tom DeLay ran the government for 6 years
Every President alive came forward in support of NAFTA that was still you remember that...............


NAFTA 20 The Perils of Partisanship Americas Quarterly

Interesting, of the four presidents three were one term presidents.

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You know this is ON THE peoples minds if Trump can bring out so many people

so don't let the left and their lapdog medias put him down. get Angry, get OUT and VOTE this Progressive party out of our lives come 2016
3,500 out of 320,000,000 ist not very much. 100,000 showed up for Obama in Kansas City in 2008.

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I want to know what Trump would do about the US military invasion of Texas. Also, what is his plan to replace the 12 million gardeners and handymen that he is going to deport.

And, BTW, has anyone noticed that he has failed to release his birth certificate?
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?
Well, he has no experience in public office, apparently knows little or nothing about the law, and nothing about foreign policy. He was dismissed from school for behavior problems and sent to a military academy then studied real estate in college. He's been married 3 times, the subject of numerous sex scandals as well as accusations of defrauding investors. The party leadership seems to hate him, he's offended every minority at one time are another. With those qualifications, I think he will make a wonderful Republican candidate. Go Trump.

None of that means a thing. Your problem is that you think that when a conservative complains about Obama's qualifications or experience.....that he actually gives a shit about qualifications or experience. Its a proxy issue. As Trump has never held any office, has zero military experience, zero foreign policy experience, and no legislative or executive experience.

And they don't care. The only thing many of these conservatives care about is how Trump makes them feel. That's where you need to focus your energy on. As anything else just noise. His history, his record, his policies.....they genuinely don't give a fiddlker's fuck.

He's rich and he's white and he's bashing brown people. That's all you need to know.
Having watched him on TV once of twice, I can understand why he appeals to to some people. They think what Washington really needs is an egotistical bully.
Ok, that was weird.

What a shame. And your avi is so friendly, too...

What is weird or unfriendly about posting the TRUTH? At least I did something in protest. You just post ad hominem and non-sequliars.

I will repeat it once again. Republicans have always supported free trade bills so their support is not surprising. Even though my local rep said he didn't support it I think it was only because the top brass of the RNC said it was OK coming from a manufacturing district, or used to be.

But the democrats made other promises and they acted contrary to those promises as they did when Clinton passed his "free" trade agreements.

Admit it, both parties have failed time to start a new party.
Keep in mind Bill Clinton signed the Republicans bill that was called NAFTA. HW Bush would have had he won a second term. And no sane rational American is saying we shouldn't have free trade because we should. What we need is well regulated trade so its fair and protects the American workers quality of life. Imagine all the changes that were made to NAFTA when Dennis Hastert George W Bush and Tom DeLay ran the government for 6 years
Every President alive came forward in support of NAFTA that was still you remember that...............


NAFTA 20 The Perils of Partisanship Americas Quarterly

Interesting, of the four presidents three were one term presidents.

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i only see four in the photo. I think that is Ford on the left.
You know this is ON THE peoples minds if Trump can bring out so many people

so don't let the left and their lapdog medias put him down. get Angry, get OUT and VOTE this Progressive party out of our lives come 2016
3,500 out of 320,000,000 ist not very much. 100,000 showed up for Obama in Kansas City in 2008.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

he also pulled 200000 in Germany, circus curiosities do about as well.
I'm beginning to wonder if, in the long run, Trump's "candidacy" might be a good thing for the GOP.

Watching Nikki Haley being interviewed this morning, it may end up being that he could essentially be used to make the party look softer and more human by shunning him.

Distancing themselves from Trump would be the smartest thing they could do - not only because they should, but also because it could create a positive momentum.

Just guessing.
Yes, I keep hooping the right will eventually discover Good Capitalists who can lower our Tax burden with a Commerce Clause and an official Mint at their disposal.
Yes, he has gone bankrupt twice and rebounded both times... he's worth over $8 billion today. So he is a "self-made man" twice over in terms of personal finance.

Yes, if you worship greed, he's your guy.

Greed isn't a virtue.

Of course it is, even yours. Greed is what motivates virtually every human activity. You can try to paint it any way you want, but when it comes down to the brass tacks, everyone considers, "what's in it for me".
The GOP would be smart to the follow the lead of Nikki Haley in this interview from this morning:

Does anyone here think that Obama has made a good President?
How can Trump be any worse? At least Trump would put the US first!
I should have put this thread in the CDZ, but no one ever goes in there.

Please - all the liberals flaming this thread: I understand where you're coming from, but there are plenty of other threads about Trump that you can make fun of him in.

Do me a favor and let me keep this thread on topic? I'm genuinely interested in finding answers.

What's a matter doc, your post almost has a quality of pleading. ( Not trying to thrash you, just don't understand the urgency).
Your panic searching for why America has reacted so favorably would suggest that you have some repressed fears that he might actually win.
You keep searching for a reason when those of us who like Trump know, he offers an alternative to the Progressive / Liberal / Democratic line that has been and is currently being pushed upon us. We are looking for the savior of the 49% ............... you know that part of America the other 51% is dragging around.

My wife states she would vote for Trump and if he can shoot Hellary out of the saddle I would vote for him also.
It is time for some one to fill a politicians shoes, doesn't necessarily need to be a politician to tell America it's time to start paying for some of this past partying.
It want be pretty and will be met with public outcry, but we all know in the end it is best for our country and democracy as we once knew it.
I'm beginning to wonder if, in the long run, Trump's "candidacy" might be a good thing for the GOP.

Watching Nikki Haley being interviewed this morning, it may end up being that he could essentially be used to make the party look softer and more human by shunning him.

Distancing themselves from Trump would be the smartest thing they could do - not only because they should, but also because it could create a positive momentum.

Just guessing.

Sorry Mac, but you are wrong. Trump is exactly what the COUNTRY needs right now. Someone who is not afraid to shake up both parties by telling the truth about what is really going on.

The american people are desperately looking for someone who will tell them what they already know and be willing to do something about our real problems, not just on the border, but internationally, fiscally, and culturally.

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