Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

He could have chosen to blame everything on the Chinese, since all of our manufacturing is going over there, but Chinese are not as visible. The irony here is that he is blaming the Latinos for everything, and mostly, they are here just to pick grapes and lettuce..

I've not heard him blaming Latinos for everything. He has been vocal about the effects of illegal immigration. He's absolutely right, it's killing us. Literally!

The left has had this running disconnect where they can't seem to distinguish legal immigrants from illegal ones.... I guess you must assume that they are all the same? So you run out there screaming about Trump being "against immigrants" when that's not what the man said. Now whether you're stupid and don't comprehend the difference between an illegal immigrant and a legal immigrant, or you're just cocky because you've gotten away with conflating the two for so long... that shit's about to stop with Trump.

I think that there is something wrong with your computer. Here is what the man said:

Maybe if you turn on the sound......
You are out of your god damn mind. Were you born yesterday? Do you not realize that Obama got us out of the Great Recession not seen since the Great Depression? And have you seen the actual numbers and how the economy is coming back despite the Republicans obstruction? I'm doing better now why aren't you? Last year the first time in 16 years American saw 3 percent increase in their pay and the top 1% saw an 11 percent increase in their pay. If you didn't why are you such a loser? If Bush McCain or Romney for president right now you'd be putting their faces on Mount Rushmore you intellectually dishonest retard. Omg!

you are the fucking idiot who is out of their mind..., actually i believe you have none.., i do not even believe you were born.., you were hatched from a turd and slthered from the primordial slime, something you libertards believe is how humans evolved.

3 percent increase in their pay and a 5% increase in goods purchased, it very plain you have been indoctrinated into the the liberfool philosophy. :up:

:up_yours: ......... :asshole:
Where do you think we came from and what evidence do you have of this? So why would I argue with anyone who argues a position that doesn't even require scientific evidence? Of course you think the way you do. The sheep easily manipulated. And what about you guys? Back in 2007 wind 700,000 jobs a month we're leaving the country you said things were fine why would we take you seriously on anything ever?
I didn't..........................The FREE TRADE fights been going on longer than that.
All I know is that it was unions who warned everybody about free trade back in the eighties

LOL, thats funny coming from a dem. Union jobs are leaving this country in record numbers under obozo.
Why don't they just go down south to a southern state?
You are out of your god damn mind. Were you born yesterday? Do you not realize that Obama got us out of the Great Recession not seen since the Great Depression? And have you seen the actual numbers and how the economy is coming back despite the Republicans obstruction? I'm doing better now why aren't you? Last year the first time in 16 years American saw 3 percent increase in their pay and the top 1% saw an 11 percent increase in their pay. If you didn't why are you such a loser? If Bush McCain or Romney for president right now you'd be putting their faces on Mount Rushmore you intellectually dishonest retard. Omg!

you are the fucking idiot who is out of their mind..., actually i believe you have none.., i do not even believe you were born.., you were hatched from a turd and slthered from the primordial slime, something you libertards believe is how humans evolved.

3 percent increase in their pay and a 5% increase in goods purchased, it very plain you have been indoctrinated into the the liberfool philosophy. :up:

:up_yours: ......... :asshole:
Where do you think we came from and what evidence do you have of this? So why would I argue with anyone who argues a position that doesn't even require scientific evidence? Of course you think the way you do. The sheep easily manipulated. And what about you guys? Back in 2007 wind 700,000 jobs a month we're leaving the country you said things were fine why would we take you seriously on anything ever?
I didn't..........................The FREE TRADE fights been going on longer than that.
All I know is that it was unions who warned everybody about free trade back in the eighties

YES!! Absolutely!! My union told me that everyone who supported the "free" trade agreements would be punished. Turns out it was only the Republicans they punished, which they never supported in any way. They went back to their home just like the dixiecrats did many years ago. After how the Unions treated the Air Traffic controllers and how they lied about NAFTA they soured my view on them.

Both parties keep doing what they do without regard to their members, why? Because they can.
You know this is ON THE peoples minds if Trump can bring out so many people

so don't let the left and their lapdog medias put him down. get out, get angry and VOTE this Progressive party out of our lives come 2016
Honestly as long as everyone votes I don't care who they vote for that is their decision as long as a vote I'm happy
you are the fucking idiot who is out of their mind..., actually i believe you have none.., i do not even believe you were born.., you were hatched from a turd and slthered from the primordial slime, something you libertards believe is how humans evolved.

3 percent increase in their pay and a 5% increase in goods purchased, it very plain you have been indoctrinated into the the liberfool philosophy. :up:

:up_yours: ......... :asshole:
Where do you think we came from and what evidence do you have of this? So why would I argue with anyone who argues a position that doesn't even require scientific evidence? Of course you think the way you do. The sheep easily manipulated. And what about you guys? Back in 2007 wind 700,000 jobs a month we're leaving the country you said things were fine why would we take you seriously on anything ever?
I didn't..........................The FREE TRADE fights been going on longer than that.
All I know is that it was unions who warned everybody about free trade back in the eighties

LOL, thats funny coming from a dem. Union jobs are leaving this country in record numbers under obozo.
Why don't they just go down south to a southern state?

Now thats funny. Have noticed the non-union blue collar car company jobs in the south? Check it out. BMW, Mercedes, Honda, VW, Toyota, Subaru, Hyundai, Kia. Thousands of good paying, good benefit NON_UNION jobs in southern states. We can also talk about Boeing in SC if you want.

Then you can look at Detroit and the UAW. The once great city of Detroit has been turned into a cess pool of despair under liberals, democrats, and unions.
You know this is ON THE peoples minds if Trump can bring out so many people

so don't let the left and their lapdog medias put him down. get out, get angry and VOTE this Progressive party out of our lives come 2016
Honestly as long as everyone votes I don't care who they vote for that is their decision as long as a vote I'm happy

Truthfully I don't really care if people vote. What good is it if someone is just voting party or name recognition, or worse because they are white or black? I say if a person can't get off their ass and go down to a polling station then that is their vote. I really have no problem voting and making the choice for people who don't have the gumption to take the time.
He could have chosen to blame everything on the Chinese, since all of our manufacturing is going over there, but Chinese are not as visible. The irony here is that he is blaming the Latinos for everything, and mostly, they are here just to pick grapes and lettuce..

I've not heard him blaming Latinos for everything. He has been vocal about the effects of illegal immigration. He's absolutely right, it's killing us. Literally!

The left has had this running disconnect where they can't seem to distinguish legal immigrants from illegal ones.... I guess you must assume that they are all the same? So you run out there screaming about Trump being "against immigrants" when that's not what the man said. Now whether you're stupid and don't comprehend the difference between an illegal immigrant and a legal immigrant, or you're just cocky because you've gotten away with conflating the two for so long... that shit's about to stop with Trump.

I think that there is something wrong with your computer. Here is what the man said:

Maybe if you turn on the sound......

YOU need to listen to the words, he did not say that all mexicans are druggies and rapists. What he said is that mexico is not sending its doctors, teachers, and college grads across the border. It is sending its poor and criminal element----------------and that is 100% true.
You know this is ON THE peoples minds if Trump can bring out so many people

so don't let the left and their lapdog medias put him down. get out, get angry and VOTE this Progressive party out of our lives come 2016
Honestly as long as everyone votes I don't care who they vote for that is their decision as long as a vote I'm happy

Truthfully I don't really care if people vote. What good is it if someone is just voting party or name recognition, or worse because they are white or black? I say if a person can't get off their ass and go down to a polling station then that is their vote. I really have no problem voting and making the choice for people who don't have the gumption to take the time.

If you are a dem or a lib, don't bother voting. My vote will cancel yours so your vote is wasted.
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?
Funny, I remember the same question being asked about Obama back in 2008. No one had an answer other than "he's black and you must be a racist to ask that question".
Well, THAT's a bold-faced lie. :rofl:
Lol, Obama couldn't be asked a tough question with out the person called a racist. You couldn't even disagree with him without being called a racist. The day can't come to soon that his dumbass is out of the Whitehouse.

That was their plan all along. Why else would they run some Nobody except to USE the color of skin for their AGENDA. I think the people finally woke up that fact a long time ago. and is why they kicked his party out of control of congress. THANKFULLY
He could have chosen to blame everything on the Chinese, since all of our manufacturing is going over there, but Chinese are not as visible. The irony here is that he is blaming the Latinos for everything, and mostly, they are here just to pick grapes and lettuce..

I've not heard him blaming Latinos for everything. He has been vocal about the effects of illegal immigration. He's absolutely right, it's killing us. Literally!

The left has had this running disconnect where they can't seem to distinguish legal immigrants from illegal ones.... I guess you must assume that they are all the same? So you run out there screaming about Trump being "against immigrants" when that's not what the man said. Now whether you're stupid and don't comprehend the difference between an illegal immigrant and a legal immigrant, or you're just cocky because you've gotten away with conflating the two for so long... that shit's about to stop with Trump.

I think that there is something wrong with your computer. Here is what the man said:

Maybe if you turn on the sound......

What part did you disagree with? The part where he said "and some good people?"
You are out of your god damn mind. Were you born yesterday? Do you not realize that Obama got us out of the Great Recession not seen since the Great Depression? And have you seen the actual numbers and how the economy is coming back despite the Republicans obstruction? I'm doing better now why aren't you? Last year the first time in 16 years American saw 3 percent increase in their pay and the top 1% saw an 11 percent increase in their pay. If you didn't why are you such a loser? If Bush McCain or Romney for president right now you'd be putting their faces on Mount Rushmore you intellectually dishonest retard. Omg!

you are the fucking idiot who is out of their mind..., actually i believe you have none.., i do not even believe you were born.., you were hatched from a turd and slthered from the primordial slime, something you libertards believe is how humans evolved.

3 percent increase in their pay and a 5% increase in goods purchased, it very plain you have been indoctrinated into the the liberfool philosophy. :up:

:up_yours: ......... :asshole:
Where do you think we came from and what evidence do you have of this? So why would I argue with anyone who argues a position that doesn't even require scientific evidence? Of course you think the way you do. The sheep easily manipulated. And what about you guys? Back in 2007 wind 700,000 jobs a month we're leaving the country you said things were fine why would we take you seriously on anything ever?
I didn't..........................The FREE TRADE fights been going on longer than that.
All I know is that it was unions who warned everybody about free trade back in the eighties

YES!! Absolutely!! My union told me that everyone who supported the "free" trade agreements would be punished. Turns out it was only the Republicans they punished, which they never supported in any way. They went back to their home just like the dixiecrats did many years ago. After how the Unions treated the Air Traffic controllers and how they lied about NAFTA they soured my view on them.

Both parties keep doing what they do without regard to their members, why? Because they can.

So, in order to punish the republicans, the union makes them wear "REPUBLICAN" armbands, for identification?
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?
who would be any worse then the jiffy lube guy from Chicago?
Probably he would make an okay President, but not an exceptional one. He might be able to woo the crowds, and I won't deny he makes reasonable speeches, but on foreign policy and the economy it really is a gray area. Will have to wait till 2016, when his policies are more developed, as I won't be voting in the Republican primary.

I don't see any evidence he would make a better President than the other candidates, and I will vote against him on the policies as proposed so far. Don't hate/dislike him, but it would be against my self-interest to vote for him.
you are the fucking idiot who is out of their mind..., actually i believe you have none.., i do not even believe you were born.., you were hatched from a turd and slthered from the primordial slime, something you libertards believe is how humans evolved.

3 percent increase in their pay and a 5% increase in goods purchased, it very plain you have been indoctrinated into the the liberfool philosophy. :up:

:up_yours: ......... :asshole:
Where do you think we came from and what evidence do you have of this? So why would I argue with anyone who argues a position that doesn't even require scientific evidence? Of course you think the way you do. The sheep easily manipulated. And what about you guys? Back in 2007 wind 700,000 jobs a month we're leaving the country you said things were fine why would we take you seriously on anything ever?
I didn't..........................The FREE TRADE fights been going on longer than that.
All I know is that it was unions who warned everybody about free trade back in the eighties

LOL, thats funny coming from a dem. Union jobs are leaving this country in record numbers under obozo.
Why don't they just go down south to a southern state?
The North priced themselves companies like Nissan, Toyota, Voltswagon, and etc.............built plants in the South jumping over tariff barriers of the time to get into the markets here, and not abroad..............

Then with Free Trade they moved South of the Border as we went FREE with Trade there...................Stupid policy............and then our companies jumped ship as well.............What choice do they one could live on a $1 an hour back then. Or even a little more now..................and not to mention the next to nothing EPA standards and labor standards back then...............hell they didn't even have to provide health care back then.......not sure now................Of course they are gonna jump................

Our system gave them the INCENTIVE TO JUMP.............and those not jumping ship take it on the chin because they can't compete.
He could have chosen to blame everything on the Chinese, since all of our manufacturing is going over there, but Chinese are not as visible. The irony here is that he is blaming the Latinos for everything, and mostly, they are here just to pick grapes and lettuce..

I've not heard him blaming Latinos for everything. He has been vocal about the effects of illegal immigration. He's absolutely right, it's killing us. Literally!

The left has had this running disconnect where they can't seem to distinguish legal immigrants from illegal ones.... I guess you must assume that they are all the same? So you run out there screaming about Trump being "against immigrants" when that's not what the man said. Now whether you're stupid and don't comprehend the difference between an illegal immigrant and a legal immigrant, or you're just cocky because you've gotten away with conflating the two for so long... that shit's about to stop with Trump.

I think that there is something wrong with your computer. Here is what the man said:

Maybe if you turn on the sound......

YOU need to listen to the words, he did not say that all mexicans are druggies and rapists. What he said is that mexico is not sending its doctors, teachers, and college grads across the border. It is sending its poor and criminal element----------------and that is 100% true.

Yep! That's what he said, alright! He did not use the words, "Illegal immigrants" even once. Just Immigrants.
You know this is ON THE peoples minds if Trump can bring out so many people

so don't let the left and their lapdog medias put him down. get out, get angry and VOTE this Progressive party out of our lives come 2016
Honestly as long as everyone votes I don't care who they vote for that is their decision as long as a vote I'm happy

Truthfully I don't really care if people vote. What good is it if someone is just voting party or name recognition, or worse because they are white or black? I say if a person can't get off their ass and go down to a polling station then that is their vote. I really have no problem voting and making the choice for people who don't have the gumption to take the time.

If you are a dem or a lib, don't bother voting. My vote will cancel yours so your vote is wasted.
Free will is hardly a liberal to me..............but I agree with the sarcasm of your post....

Where do you think we came from and what evidence do you have of this? So why would I argue with anyone who argues a position that doesn't even require scientific evidence? Of course you think the way you do. The sheep easily manipulated. And what about you guys? Back in 2007 wind 700,000 jobs a month we're leaving the country you said things were fine why would we take you seriously on anything ever?
I didn't..........................The FREE TRADE fights been going on longer than that.
All I know is that it was unions who warned everybody about free trade back in the eighties

LOL, thats funny coming from a dem. Union jobs are leaving this country in record numbers under obozo.
Why don't they just go down south to a southern state?
The North priced themselves companies like Nissan, Toyota, Voltswagon, and etc.............built plants in the South jumping over tariff barriers of the time to get into the markets here, and not abroad..............

Then with Free Trade they moved South of the Border as we went FREE with Trade there...................Stupid policy............and then our companies jumped ship as well.............What choice do they one could live on a $1 an hour back then. Or even a little more now..................and not to mention the next to nothing EPA standards and labor standards back then...............hell they didn't even have to provide health care back then.......not sure now................Of course they are gonna jump................

Our system gave them the INCENTIVE TO JUMP.............and those not jumping ship take it on the chin because they can't compete.

Yep. make the corporate tax rate zero and allow foreign profits to return to this country tax free. the economy would boom and there would be more jobs than job seekers.
You are out of your god damn mind. Were you born yesterday? Do you not realize that Obama got us out of the Great Recession not seen since the Great Depression? And have you seen the actual numbers and how the economy is coming back despite the Republicans obstruction? I'm doing better now why aren't you? Last year the first time in 16 years American saw 3 percent increase in their pay and the top 1% saw an 11 percent increase in their pay. If you didn't why are you such a loser? If Bush McCain or Romney for president right now you'd be putting their faces on Mount Rushmore you intellectually dishonest retard. Omg!

you are the fucking idiot who is out of their mind..., actually i believe you have none.., i do not even believe you were born.., you were hatched from a turd and slthered from the primordial slime, something you libertards believe is how humans evolved.

3 percent increase in their pay and a 5% increase in goods purchased, it very plain you have been indoctrinated into the the liberfool philosophy. :up:

:up_yours: ......... :asshole:
Where do you think we came from and what evidence do you have of this? So why would I argue with anyone who argues a position that doesn't even require scientific evidence? Of course you think the way you do. The sheep easily manipulated. And what about you guys? Back in 2007 wind 700,000 jobs a month we're leaving the country you said things were fine why would we take you seriously on anything ever?

because i was educated in conservative schools, NOT indoctrinated as you have been.

the first part of your post makes about as much sense as the remainder of all your moronic postings. go back to your swamp. :lmao:

You know this is ON THE peoples minds if Trump can bring out so many people

so don't let the left and their lapdog medias put him down. get out, get angry and VOTE this Progressive party out of our lives come 2016
Honestly as long as everyone votes I don't care who they vote for that is their decision as long as a vote I'm happy

Truthfully I don't really care if people vote. What good is it if someone is just voting party or name recognition, or worse because they are white or black? I say if a person can't get off their ass and go down to a polling station then that is their vote. I really have no problem voting and making the choice for people who don't have the gumption to take the time.

If you are a dem or a lib, don't bother voting. My vote will cancel yours so your vote is wasted.
Free will is hardly a liberal to me..............but I agree with the sarcasm of your post....


aw, don't tell the libs it was sarcasm, many of them got it and were planning to stay home on election day :2up:
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?
Why didn't you ask that about the little kenyan community organizer with ZERO experience?

Trump has built a NINE BILLION DOLLAR EMPIRE, you tell me why he SHOULDN'T be president.

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