Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

Trump would make an excellent president

1. he is using his own money, he does not owe any favors to any special interest groups
2. he knows what it takes to succeed
3. he understands international trade and relations
4. he understands the US economy
5. he is not afraid to speak the truth
6. he is not a life time politician
7. his wife is hot
8. he knows how to create an environment that will creat US jobs
9. he will secure the border
10. he will keep our military strong
11. Two or Three SC court appointments will probably come up in the next 4 years.
12. He will get the hispanic vote
13. liberals and democrats are scared shitless of him
14.He will obliterate hillary in a debate
15, He will make this nation great again.

1. He knows the way to succeed? Do you? Well what is it? Tell all. Does he know what it is like to be poor
2. Like all Republicans they understand the economy from a rich person's standpoint. Correction a greedy persons perspective.

3. How many divorces?
4. What will he do about illegal employers who hire illegal immigrants? Because Mexicans can just come in on a visitor visa and stay if there are jobs here for them.
5. He is hated by the Hispanics how is he going to get their vote?

I am once again confused. I thought that the Republican party was the party of the poor white man too stupid to not vote against their best interests.

Hillary certainly knows what it is to be poor. Too poor to be able to buy more than two mansion.
Which ancestor of Bill Clinton or Hillary Clinton was filthy rich?

Don't know, don't care.

But she uttered these words, but I think they may have been said under sniper fire she was receiving because whe was named after Sir Edmund Hillary.

Hillary Clinton: We Were 'Dead Broke' Upon Leaving White House

Is that someone you really want running the country? She lied about that and just about everything else.
How has Jeb Bush made his money these last 20 years? Or since leaving the governor's office in Florida? The same way Hillary and Bill have

Soooooooooo, lets see here. If Bush did it, that makes it right? But I don't recall a Bush foundation getting millions from foreign interests while he was SecState----------oh, thats right Jeb was never SecState. So your analogy attempt fails once again.
Trump would be an improvement over the Obama train wreck. Here are some good points about Trump:

* He has vast experience in the business world and understands how business works.

* He does not sugar-coat his message. He tells you exactly where he stands and what he thinks.

* He has taken many failing businesses and turned them around.

* He has extensive experience in high-level, complex negotiations. Trump would have never been so stupid and wrong-headed as to trade five Taliban leaders for Bergdahl.

* He's not afraid to stand up for AMERICAN economic interests, unlike TPP-pushing Obama.

The Republicans in Congress overwhelmingly supported TPP.

Correct!! It is Obama and the Democrats who voted with the Republicans that are the turn coats, traitors to the middle class.
During the primaries is when you fall in love with a candidate. You support Bernie Sanders? Now is the time to do that. But once the general election begins that is the time for you to fall in line and vote for whoever the Democratic nominee is. Support that person. She is better than any of the Republican candidates right now.
No. The Clinton's are one of the most corrupt political dynasties in US history. Ever hear of the Clinton Foundation? Interesting list of foreign donors. It seems the Clintons have found a way to do even better than Citizens United allows.
Expect the Clinton's to use every loophole the GOP uses. Fight fire with fire. I just hope you hold the GOP to such high standards.

No doubt the Clinton's are corporate Democrats. I like Bernie or Elizabeth Warren better but for me I'd vote for any democrat over the GOP. I helped Obama beat hillary. But I will help hillary beat whoever the GOP run.

I hope she picks Elizabeth Warren as VP. Garuntee to win the women vote and the 99%ers love her. She faught wallstreet and the bankers.

yeah, Clinton/Warren ------------- please run that ticket dems. you could have the first lesbian president and VP on the same ticket.
Why do you think the TV is conditioning us to be comfortable with gays? Bruce Jenner Ellen DeGeneres that woman from Glee who has a game show Will and Grace. There conditioning America to be accepting of gays. No longer will Dennis Hastert or Larry Craig or mark Foley have to hide their desires

Yes, the gay agenda is not about equality, rights, or discrimination. its about using the power of govenment to mandate that homosexuality be considered a normal human condition. But its not, and laws will not make it so. Laws cannot change biology.
Why does only normal get to be legal in your world?
1. He knows the way to succeed? Do you? Well what is it? Tell all. Does he know what it is like to be poor
2. Like all Republicans they understand the economy from a rich person's standpoint. Correction a greedy persons perspective.

3. How many divorces?
4. What will he do about illegal employers who hire illegal immigrants? Because Mexicans can just come in on a visitor visa and stay if there are jobs here for them.
5. He is hated by the Hispanics how is he going to get their vote?

I am once again confused. I thought that the Republican party was the party of the poor white man too stupid to not vote against their best interests.

Hillary certainly knows what it is to be poor. Too poor to be able to buy more than two mansion.
Which ancestor of Bill Clinton or Hillary Clinton was filthy rich?

Don't know, don't care.

But she uttered these words, but I think they may have been said under sniper fire she was receiving because whe was named after Sir Edmund Hillary.

Hillary Clinton: We Were 'Dead Broke' Upon Leaving White House

Is that someone you really want running the country? She lied about that and just about everything else.
How has Jeb Bush made his money these last 20 years? Or since leaving the governor's office in Florida? The same way Hillary and Bill have

Soooooooooo, lets see here. If Bush did it, that makes it right? But I don't recall a Bush foundation getting millions from foreign interests while he was SecState----------oh, thats right Jeb was never SecState. So your analogy attempt fails once again.
Is this another issue you Republicans are finally coming around to agreeing with us liberals on? We hated Citizens United from the get go
1. He knows the way to succeed? Do you? Well what is it? Tell all. Does he know what it is like to be poor
2. Like all Republicans they understand the economy from a rich person's standpoint. Correction a greedy persons perspective.

3. How many divorces?
4. What will he do about illegal employers who hire illegal immigrants? Because Mexicans can just come in on a visitor visa and stay if there are jobs here for them.
5. He is hated by the Hispanics how is he going to get their vote?

I am once again confused. I thought that the Republican party was the party of the poor white man too stupid to not vote against their best interests.

Hillary certainly knows what it is to be poor. Too poor to be able to buy more than two mansion.
Which ancestor of Bill Clinton or Hillary Clinton was filthy rich?

Don't know, don't care.

But she uttered these words, but I think they may have been said under sniper fire she was receiving because whe was named after Sir Edmund Hillary.

Hillary Clinton: We Were 'Dead Broke' Upon Leaving White House

Is that someone you really want running the country? She lied about that and just about everything else.
How has Jeb Bush made his money these last 20 years? Or since leaving the governor's office in Florida? The same way Hillary and Bill have

Soooooooooo, lets see here. If Bush did it, that makes it right? But I don't recall a Bush foundation getting millions from foreign interests while he was SecState----------oh, thats right Jeb was never SecState. So your analogy attempt fails once again.
We warned you of this exact same scenario a foreign entity didn't win favor with a candidate by secretly donating to their pac. Bad idea. Glad you agree
There's been a lot of Trump support recently on the boards, but it's almost always been couched in anti-liberal rhetoric - along the lines of "I like Trump because he makes liberals upset". I have yet to see anyone put there cards on the table and publicly state that they think he would be a good President.

So here we go. Let's here some positive things about Donald Trump from the resident supporters.

What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President?

He's be better than Obama, but no, I don't think he'd be a good President
Trump would be an improvement over the Obama train wreck. Here are some good points about Trump:

* He has vast experience in the business world and understands how business works.

* He does not sugar-coat his message. He tells you exactly where he stands and what he thinks.

* He has taken many failing businesses and turned them around.

* He has extensive experience in high-level, complex negotiations. Trump would have never been so stupid and wrong-headed as to trade five Taliban leaders for Bergdahl.

* He's not afraid to stand up for AMERICAN economic interests, unlike TPP-pushing Obama.

The Republicans in Congress overwhelmingly supported TPP.

Correct!! It is Obama and the Democrats who voted with the Republicans that are the turn coats, traitors to the middle class.
Perfect example of ignorant mentality. Because the Democrats went along then it's not the Republicans fault for leading us in the wrong direction
You are out of your god damn mind. Were you born yesterday? Do you not realize that Obama got us out of the Great Recession not seen since the Great Depression? And have you seen the actual numbers and how the economy is coming back despite the Republicans obstruction? I'm doing better now why aren't you? Last year the first time in 16 years American saw 3 percent increase in their pay and the top 1% saw an 11 percent increase in their pay. If you didn't why are you such a loser? If Bush McCain or Romney for president right now you'd be putting their faces on Mount Rushmore you intellectually dishonest retard. Omg!

you are the fucking idiot who is out of their mind..., actually i believe you have none.., i do not even believe you were born.., you were hatched from a turd and slthered from the primordial slime, something you libertards believe is how humans evolved.

3 percent increase in their pay and a 5% increase in goods purchased, it very plain you have been indoctrinated into the the liberfool philosophy. :up:

:up_yours: ......... :asshole:
I know a lot of people think so, but I just dont see it. but he is making problems for other.
You are out of your god damn mind. Were you born yesterday? Do you not realize that Obama got us out of the Great Recession not seen since the Great Depression? And have you seen the actual numbers and how the economy is coming back despite the Republicans obstruction? I'm doing better now why aren't you? Last year the first time in 16 years American saw 3 percent increase in their pay and the top 1% saw an 11 percent increase in their pay. If you didn't why are you such a loser? If Bush McCain or Romney for president right now you'd be putting their faces on Mount Rushmore you intellectually dishonest retard. Omg!

you are the fucking idiot who is out of their mind..., actually i believe you have none.., i do not even believe you were born.., you were hatched from a turd and slthered from the primordial slime, something you libertards believe is how humans evolved.

3 percent increase in their pay and a 5% increase in goods purchased, it very plain you have been indoctrinated into the the liberfool philosophy. :up:

:up_yours: ......... :asshole:
Where do you think we came from and what evidence do you have of this? So why would I argue with anyone who argues a position that doesn't even require scientific evidence? Of course you think the way you do. The sheep easily manipulated. And what about you guys? Back in 2007 wind 700,000 jobs a month we're leaving the country you said things were fine why would we take you seriously on anything ever?
No. The Clinton's are one of the most corrupt political dynasties in US history. Ever hear of the Clinton Foundation? Interesting list of foreign donors. It seems the Clintons have found a way to do even better than Citizens United allows.
Expect the Clinton's to use every loophole the GOP uses. Fight fire with fire. I just hope you hold the GOP to such high standards.

No doubt the Clinton's are corporate Democrats. I like Bernie or Elizabeth Warren better but for me I'd vote for any democrat over the GOP. I helped Obama beat hillary. But I will help hillary beat whoever the GOP run.

I hope she picks Elizabeth Warren as VP. Garuntee to win the women vote and the 99%ers love her. She faught wallstreet and the bankers.

yeah, Clinton/Warren ------------- please run that ticket dems. you could have the first lesbian president and VP on the same ticket.
Why do you think the TV is conditioning us to be comfortable with gays? Bruce Jenner Ellen DeGeneres that woman from Glee who has a game show Will and Grace. There conditioning America to be accepting of gays. No longer will Dennis Hastert or Larry Craig or mark Foley have to hide their desires

Yes, the gay agenda is not about equality, rights, or discrimination. its about using the power of govenment to mandate that homosexuality be considered a normal human condition. But its not, and laws will not make it so. Laws cannot change biology.
Why does only normal get to be legal in your world?

did I say that being gay should be illegal? NO
did i say that gays should not be able to make a binding legal committment to each other? NO

What I said is that marriage is one man and one woman. You can call a gay union whatever you want, but its not a marriage.
I am once again confused. I thought that the Republican party was the party of the poor white man too stupid to not vote against their best interests.

Hillary certainly knows what it is to be poor. Too poor to be able to buy more than two mansion.
Which ancestor of Bill Clinton or Hillary Clinton was filthy rich?

Don't know, don't care.

But she uttered these words, but I think they may have been said under sniper fire she was receiving because whe was named after Sir Edmund Hillary.

Hillary Clinton: We Were 'Dead Broke' Upon Leaving White House

Is that someone you really want running the country? She lied about that and just about everything else.
How has Jeb Bush made his money these last 20 years? Or since leaving the governor's office in Florida? The same way Hillary and Bill have

Soooooooooo, lets see here. If Bush did it, that makes it right? But I don't recall a Bush foundation getting millions from foreign interests while he was SecState----------oh, thats right Jeb was never SecState. So your analogy attempt fails once again.
We warned you of this exact same scenario a foreign entity didn't win favor with a candidate by secretly donating to their pac. Bad idea. Glad you agree

Not sure how you think that justifies the clinton's taking bribes while she was SecState. But the liberal mind is rarely logical.
Trump would be an improvement over the Obama train wreck. Here are some good points about Trump:

* He has vast experience in the business world and understands how business works.

* He does not sugar-coat his message. He tells you exactly where he stands and what he thinks.

* He has taken many failing businesses and turned them around.

* He has extensive experience in high-level, complex negotiations. Trump would have never been so stupid and wrong-headed as to trade five Taliban leaders for Bergdahl.

* He's not afraid to stand up for AMERICAN economic interests, unlike TPP-pushing Obama.

The Republicans in Congress overwhelmingly supported TPP.

Correct!! It is Obama and the Democrats who voted with the Republicans that are the turn coats, traitors to the middle class.
Perfect example of ignorant mentality. Because the Democrats went along then it's not the Republicans fault for leading us in the wrong direction

I changed my voter registration over this very issue, and others. I am now an independent who will probably vote Republican but never the less I left the Republican party. YOU, even though Obama and the democrats say they vote for middle class issues, will stay just where you are because party is all to you, at least that is my opinion.

That's the thing, the bill never would have passed without Obama pushing. It never would have passed without democrat support. Yes, Republicans supported the bill but they NEVER said otherwise. You are a hypocrite if you keep defending Obama and democrats by only blaming Republicans.
You are out of your god damn mind. Were you born yesterday? Do you not realize that Obama got us out of the Great Recession not seen since the Great Depression? And have you seen the actual numbers and how the economy is coming back despite the Republicans obstruction? I'm doing better now why aren't you? Last year the first time in 16 years American saw 3 percent increase in their pay and the top 1% saw an 11 percent increase in their pay. If you didn't why are you such a loser? If Bush McCain or Romney for president right now you'd be putting their faces on Mount Rushmore you intellectually dishonest retard. Omg!

you are the fucking idiot who is out of their mind..., actually i believe you have none.., i do not even believe you were born.., you were hatched from a turd and slthered from the primordial slime, something you libertards believe is how humans evolved.

3 percent increase in their pay and a 5% increase in goods purchased, it very plain you have been indoctrinated into the the liberfool philosophy. :up:

:up_yours: ......... :asshole:
Where do you think we came from and what evidence do you have of this? So why would I argue with anyone who argues a position that doesn't even require scientific evidence? Of course you think the way you do. The sheep easily manipulated. And what about you guys? Back in 2007 wind 700,000 jobs a month we're leaving the country you said things were fine why would we take you seriously on anything ever?
Trump would be an improvement over the Obama train wreck. Here are some good points about Trump:

* He has vast experience in the business world and understands how business works.

* He does not sugar-coat his message. He tells you exactly where he stands and what he thinks.

* He has taken many failing businesses and turned them around.

* He has extensive experience in high-level, complex negotiations. Trump would have never been so stupid and wrong-headed as to trade five Taliban leaders for Bergdahl.

* He's not afraid to stand up for AMERICAN economic interests, unlike TPP-pushing Obama.

The Republicans in Congress overwhelmingly supported TPP.

Correct!! It is Obama and the Democrats who voted with the Republicans that are the turn coats, traitors to the middle class.

Ok, that was weird.

What a shame. And your avi is so friendly, too...
Which ancestor of Bill Clinton or Hillary Clinton was filthy rich?

Don't know, don't care.

But she uttered these words, but I think they may have been said under sniper fire she was receiving because whe was named after Sir Edmund Hillary.

Hillary Clinton: We Were 'Dead Broke' Upon Leaving White House

Is that someone you really want running the country? She lied about that and just about everything else.
How has Jeb Bush made his money these last 20 years? Or since leaving the governor's office in Florida? The same way Hillary and Bill have

Soooooooooo, lets see here. If Bush did it, that makes it right? But I don't recall a Bush foundation getting millions from foreign interests while he was SecState----------oh, thats right Jeb was never SecState. So your analogy attempt fails once again.
We warned you of this exact same scenario a foreign entity didn't win favor with a candidate by secretly donating to their pac. Bad idea. Glad you agree

Not sure how you think that justifies the clinton's taking bribes while she was SecState. But the liberal mind is rarely logical.
It's always bribes when dems do it but business as usual when Republicans play by the same rules. Do you want to change the rules? Good then we agree
Trump would be an improvement over the Obama train wreck. Here are some good points about Trump:

* He has vast experience in the business world and understands how business works.

* He does not sugar-coat his message. He tells you exactly where he stands and what he thinks.

* He has taken many failing businesses and turned them around.

* He has extensive experience in high-level, complex negotiations. Trump would have never been so stupid and wrong-headed as to trade five Taliban leaders for Bergdahl.

* He's not afraid to stand up for AMERICAN economic interests, unlike TPP-pushing Obama.

The Republicans in Congress overwhelmingly supported TPP.

Correct!! It is Obama and the Democrats who voted with the Republicans that are the turn coats, traitors to the middle class.

Ok, that was weird.

What a shame. And your avi is so friendly, too...
I know that person fooled me for a second too
No matter who the Republicans run Hillary is going to win in 2016
Really? I don't think so. I'm a life long Democrat, I won't vote for Hilary under any circumstances.
During the primaries is when you fall in love with a candidate. You support Bernie Sanders? Now is the time to do that. But once the general election begins that is the time for you to fall in line and vote for whoever the Democratic nominee is. Support that person. She is better than any of the Republican candidates right now.
No. The Clinton's are one of the most corrupt political dynasties in US history. Ever hear of the Clinton Foundation? Interesting list of foreign donors. It seems the Clintons have found a way to do even better than Citizens United allows.
Glad someone else sees that.
Hilary is the worst candidate Democrats could choose, a sure loser. If the liberal Democrat machine weren't in the way, Jim Webb would kick ass in the general election.

Hillary is the most formidable candidate since Ronald Reagan and the movement to have her as a nominee is the strongest movement since the "draft IKE" movement of late 1951. I have already predicted Hillary at 57% and over 400 EV, and I stand by that prediction. If you think that the Obama machine was well oiled, you have not seen anything yet. Hillary has the experience of three large presidential cycles to draw upon (1992, 1996, 2008) and she proved herself in both 2000 and 2006 in New York State.
Trump would be an improvement over the Obama train wreck. Here are some good points about Trump:

* He has vast experience in the business world and understands how business works.

* He does not sugar-coat his message. He tells you exactly where he stands and what he thinks.

* He has taken many failing businesses and turned them around.

* He has extensive experience in high-level, complex negotiations. Trump would have never been so stupid and wrong-headed as to trade five Taliban leaders for Bergdahl.

* He's not afraid to stand up for AMERICAN economic interests, unlike TPP-pushing Obama.

The Republicans in Congress overwhelmingly supported TPP.

Correct!! It is Obama and the Democrats who voted with the Republicans that are the turn coats, traitors to the middle class.
You needed darker avatar
Don't know, don't care.

But she uttered these words, but I think they may have been said under sniper fire she was receiving because whe was named after Sir Edmund Hillary.

Hillary Clinton: We Were 'Dead Broke' Upon Leaving White House

Is that someone you really want running the country? She lied about that and just about everything else.
How has Jeb Bush made his money these last 20 years? Or since leaving the governor's office in Florida? The same way Hillary and Bill have

Soooooooooo, lets see here. If Bush did it, that makes it right? But I don't recall a Bush foundation getting millions from foreign interests while he was SecState----------oh, thats right Jeb was never SecState. So your analogy attempt fails once again.
We warned you of this exact same scenario a foreign entity didn't win favor with a candidate by secretly donating to their pac. Bad idea. Glad you agree

Not sure how you think that justifies the clinton's taking bribes while she was SecState. But the liberal mind is rarely logical.
It's always bribes when dems do it but business as usual when Republicans play by the same rules. Do you want to change the rules? Good then we agree

which republican candidate has a foundation that is doing what the clinton foundation is doing? Which of them has taken foreign bribes while holding a cabinet position?

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