Does anyone actually think that Donald Trump would make a good President?

Which one....................

Ending Free Trade..............and stop rewarding companies from leaving...............that's not a GOP mainstream platform.........
Stopping the flood of immigration......................the wall being a stretch..............but I haven't seen the full platform there................all I see is the current POTUS IGNORING ICE LAWS..............and liberal cities creating SANCTUARIES in direct confrontation to the laws of this country.
Not negotiating with's the deal.............or no deal instead of the begging going on now.............
Libya a mistake and currently a shit hole in foreign policy................nothing said by the left........

Maybe it's just his delivery. Maybe if he had something besides vague, generic sounding nonsense, serious people might take him seriously. As it is he appeals to the idiot constituency. What other kind of people would find his comments compelling?
You could easily make a case that your opinion of Trump applies to all the candidates running in both parties.
If we end up with Trump vs Clinton, you know this country is significantly fucked. If all this country has to offer is those two phony fucking assholes, and people vote for them, then we probably get what we deserve.
No matter who the Republicans run Hillary is going to win in 2016
Really? I don't think so. I'm a life long Democrat, I won't vote for Hilary under any circumstances.
During the primaries is when you fall in love with a candidate. You support Bernie Sanders? Now is the time to do that. But once the general election begins that is the time for you to fall in line and vote for whoever the Democratic nominee is. Support that person. She is better than any of the Republican candidates right now.
Maybe it's just his delivery. Maybe if he had something besides vague, generic sounding nonsense, serious people might take him seriously. As it is he appeals to the idiot constituency. What other kind of people would find his comments compelling?
You could easily make a case that your opinion of Trump applies to all the candidates running in both parties.
If we end up with Trump vs Clinton, you know this country is significantly fucked. If all this country has to offer is those two phony fucking assholes, and people vote for them, then we probably get what we deserve.
No matter who the Republicans run Hillary is going to win in 2016
Really? I don't think so. I'm a life long Democrat, I won't vote for Hilary under any circumstances.
During the primaries is when you fall in love with a candidate. You support Bernie Sanders? Now is the time to do that. But once the general election begins that is the time for you to fall in line and vote for whoever the Democratic nominee is. Support that person. She is better than any of the Republican candidates right now.
No. The Clinton's are one of the most corrupt political dynasties in US history. Ever hear of the Clinton Foundation? Interesting list of foreign donors. It seems the Clintons have found a way to do even better than Citizens United allows.
The only thing people need to know about Trump is that he has proposed a solution and plan to defeat ISIS by massive bombing and inserting hundreds of thousands of combat troops into both Iraq and Syria. His proposal is to bomb the ISIS oil wells and surround them with a ring of US troops to protect the commercial interest that will be needed to repair the bombing damage and deny renewed access to the wells from ISIS.
Anyone want to argue that this stupid idea will not require hundreds of thousands of combat troops?

What is he going to do after he invades Iraq? The insurgents go away when we are strong and come back when we leave. Is trump going to get Iraqis to fight instead of run after we leave?

And where is trump going to bomb? We bomb them now when they are all together or when we know where they are.

I think trump and you haven't a clue what's going on.
What's funny about Republicans is that when we were in a bad recession and their guy was in charge they denied the recession was happening. And then they deny an economic recovery is happening on Obama's watch? But at the same time they give any Republican governor power now credit for the economic recovery baby the night is happening on a national level. This is intellectual dishonesty at its best
Jesus one denied the Recession was happening.................................and as a matter of fact GOP committees said it was coming as early as 2005.......................and warned over and over again that it was gonna hit the fan.............

Yet ignored by both sides and the Dem side of the comittees.............

Again, your liberal skirt is showing as you give out one sided blame for all things............
John McCain quote the fundamentals of our economy are strong. That was before the Great collapse morons. Many Republicans feel we didn't deregulate enough. Wrong.

They saw countrywide quicken loans and the bankers were committing fraud as far back as 2005? The GOP passed a lot of bs before they lost power. Deregulated these industries, you know the story.

Just like the big bank bailout right as bush was leaving office. You'd think the gift haloburton got by us invading Iraq was enough no the really fucked us good the 8 years bush was president.

Worst leader in American history.
McCain is a who I want mounted on a wall.........perhaps you should address that question to someone who cares what that RINO says.
He got the parties nomination. Can't be anymore Republican than that. What is he then? He's not one of ours. He is the establishment my friend. They even told him who his nominee would be. Trump won't be told what to do. He has no chance. Even Obama had to make a deal with the bankers and chamber of commerce.
I voted for him due to a lack of choices...............and more than likely will be doing the same again next election................and now you make a mild attempt to throw Obama under the bus as well................except a hot wheels bus is a toy..........
You could easily make a case that your opinion of Trump applies to all the candidates running in both parties.
If we end up with Trump vs Clinton, you know this country is significantly fucked. If all this country has to offer is those two phony fucking assholes, and people vote for them, then we probably get what we deserve.
No matter who the Republicans run Hillary is going to win in 2016
Really? I don't think so. I'm a life long Democrat, I won't vote for Hilary under any circumstances.
During the primaries is when you fall in love with a candidate. You support Bernie Sanders? Now is the time to do that. But once the general election begins that is the time for you to fall in line and vote for whoever the Democratic nominee is. Support that person. She is better than any of the Republican candidates right now.
No. The Clinton's are one of the most corrupt political dynasties in US history. Ever hear of the Clinton Foundation? Interesting list of foreign donors. It seems the Clintons have found a way to do even better than Citizens United allows.
Expect the Clinton's to use every loophole the GOP uses. Fight fire with fire. I just hope you hold the GOP to such high standards.

No doubt the Clinton's are corporate Democrats. I like Bernie or Elizabeth Warren better but for me I'd vote for any democrat over the GOP. I helped Obama beat hillary. But I will help hillary beat whoever the GOP run.

I hope she picks Elizabeth Warren as VP. Garuntee to win the women vote and the 99%ers love her. She faught wallstreet and the bankers.
One thing you can say for Trump, he knows who his target audience is, and he knows how to exploit a really stupid idea.
Which one....................

Ending Free Trade..............and stop rewarding companies from leaving...............that's not a GOP mainstream platform.........
Stopping the flood of immigration......................the wall being a stretch..............but I haven't seen the full platform there................all I see is the current POTUS IGNORING ICE LAWS..............and liberal cities creating SANCTUARIES in direct confrontation to the laws of this country.
Not negotiating with's the deal.............or no deal instead of the begging going on now.............
Libya a mistake and currently a shit hole in foreign policy................nothing said by the left........

How many Republicans here agree with you on free trade? You being for tariffing companies and taxing companies that import export in and out of this country. Because you're sounding an awful lot like us liberals now. So you are pro regulations
Not many...................but both Sessions and Shelby from Alabama voted against Fast Track........................

No pro regulations....................look at the CFR'S for this country or the TEN THOUSAND COMMANDMENTS and get back to me....................we have too many job killing CFR'S......................If you want to talk GLASS and STEIGAL...............different horse.................I think they should never have been repealed..........................and would remind you that Clinton signed a deal that helped lead to the crisis..............and supported by the GOP..........that allowed the TOO BIG TO FAIL to SELF REGULATE.........................and did so to extremes until they blew the whole dang thing up......................They knew they were trading matter how they perfumed the was still shit underneath and they sold it anyway............................then took out back door loans to the Federal Reserve for 16.2 TRILLION at virtually 0% while the gov't SAVED THEM WITH TARP.................and utter joke and a battle for another day.
You could easily make a case that your opinion of Trump applies to all the candidates running in both parties.
If we end up with Trump vs Clinton, you know this country is significantly fucked. If all this country has to offer is those two phony fucking assholes, and people vote for them, then we probably get what we deserve.
No matter who the Republicans run Hillary is going to win in 2016
Really? I don't think so. I'm a life long Democrat, I won't vote for Hilary under any circumstances.
During the primaries is when you fall in love with a candidate. You support Bernie Sanders? Now is the time to do that. But once the general election begins that is the time for you to fall in line and vote for whoever the Democratic nominee is. Support that person. She is better than any of the Republican candidates right now.
No. The Clinton's are one of the most corrupt political dynasties in US history. Ever hear of the Clinton Foundation? Interesting list of foreign donors. It seems the Clintons have found a way to do even better than Citizens United allows.
Glad someone else sees that.
One thing you can say for Trump, he knows who his target audience is, and he knows how to exploit a really stupid idea.
Which one....................

Ending Free Trade..............and stop rewarding companies from leaving...............that's not a GOP mainstream platform.........
Stopping the flood of immigration......................the wall being a stretch..............but I haven't seen the full platform there................all I see is the current POTUS IGNORING ICE LAWS..............and liberal cities creating SANCTUARIES in direct confrontation to the laws of this country.
Not negotiating with's the deal.............or no deal instead of the begging going on now.............
Libya a mistake and currently a shit hole in foreign policy................nothing said by the left........

How many Republicans here agree with you on free trade? You being for tariffing companies and taxing companies that import export in and out of this country. Because you're sounding an awful lot like us liberals now. So you are pro regulations
Not many...................but both Sessions and Shelby from Alabama voted against Fast Track........................

No pro regulations....................look at the CFR'S for this country or the TEN THOUSAND COMMANDMENTS and get back to me....................we have too many job killing CFR'S......................If you want to talk GLASS and STEIGAL...............different horse.................I think they should never have been repealed..........................and would remind you that Clinton signed a deal that helped lead to the crisis..............and supported by the GOP..........that allowed the TOO BIG TO FAIL to SELF REGULATE.........................and did so to extremes until they blew the whole dang thing up......................They knew they were trading matter how they perfumed the was still shit underneath and they sold it anyway............................then took out back door loans to the Federal Reserve for 16.2 TRILLION at virtually 0% while the gov't SAVED THEM WITH TARP.................and utter joke and a battle for another day.
Don't ignore all the changes bush Tom delay and Dennis hastert made after Clinton left office. They passed a lot of bills. Bush didn't veto one bill until pelosi reed took over. Not one???
Trump would make an excellent president

1. he is using his own money, he does not owe any favors to any special interest groups
2. he knows what it takes to succeed
3. he understands international trade and relations
4. he understands the US economy
5. he is not afraid to speak the truth
6. he is not a life time politician
7. his wife is hot
8. he knows how to create an environment that will creat US jobs
9. he will secure the border
10. he will keep our military strong
11. Two or Three SC court appointments will probably come up in the next 4 years.
12. He will get the hispanic vote
13. liberals and democrats are scared shitless of him
14.He will obliterate hillary in a debate
15, He will make this nation great again.
One thing you can say for Trump, he knows who his target audience is, and he knows how to exploit a really stupid idea.
Which one....................

Ending Free Trade..............and stop rewarding companies from leaving...............that's not a GOP mainstream platform.........
Stopping the flood of immigration......................the wall being a stretch..............but I haven't seen the full platform there................all I see is the current POTUS IGNORING ICE LAWS..............and liberal cities creating SANCTUARIES in direct confrontation to the laws of this country.
Not negotiating with's the deal.............or no deal instead of the begging going on now.............
Libya a mistake and currently a shit hole in foreign policy................nothing said by the left........

Maybe it's just his delivery. Maybe if he had something besides vague, generic sounding nonsense, serious people might take him seriously. As it is he appeals to the idiot constituency. What other kind of people would find his comments compelling?

Yeah, next he will be talking about generalities like Hope and Change, what a damn crock.
If we end up with Trump vs Clinton, you know this country is significantly fucked. If all this country has to offer is those two phony fucking assholes, and people vote for them, then we probably get what we deserve.
No matter who the Republicans run Hillary is going to win in 2016
Really? I don't think so. I'm a life long Democrat, I won't vote for Hilary under any circumstances.
During the primaries is when you fall in love with a candidate. You support Bernie Sanders? Now is the time to do that. But once the general election begins that is the time for you to fall in line and vote for whoever the Democratic nominee is. Support that person. She is better than any of the Republican candidates right now.
No. The Clinton's are one of the most corrupt political dynasties in US history. Ever hear of the Clinton Foundation? Interesting list of foreign donors. It seems the Clintons have found a way to do even better than Citizens United allows.
Glad someone else sees that.
Hilary is the worst candidate Democrats could choose, a sure loser. If the liberal Democrat machine weren't in the way, Jim Webb would kick ass in the general election.
One thing you can say for Trump, he knows who his target audience is, and he knows how to exploit a really stupid idea.
Which one....................

Ending Free Trade..............and stop rewarding companies from leaving...............that's not a GOP mainstream platform.........
Stopping the flood of immigration......................the wall being a stretch..............but I haven't seen the full platform there................all I see is the current POTUS IGNORING ICE LAWS..............and liberal cities creating SANCTUARIES in direct confrontation to the laws of this country.
Not negotiating with's the deal.............or no deal instead of the begging going on now.............
Libya a mistake and currently a shit hole in foreign policy................nothing said by the left........

Maybe it's just his delivery. Maybe if he had something besides vague, generic sounding nonsense, serious people might take him seriously. As it is he appeals to the idiot constituency. What other kind of people would find his comments compelling?

Yeah, next he will be talking about generalities like Hope and Change, what a damn crock.

Trump really scares you libs, I find that very amusing.
What qualities does Donald Trump have that would make him a good President

there is not enough bandwidth for me to name them all that i agree with so i will just post this link, i know few if any libertards will click on it, but i do hope every CONSERVATIVE minded poster will.

Donald Trump on the Issues
No matter who the Republicans run Hillary is going to win in 2016
Really? I don't think so. I'm a life long Democrat, I won't vote for Hilary under any circumstances.
During the primaries is when you fall in love with a candidate. You support Bernie Sanders? Now is the time to do that. But once the general election begins that is the time for you to fall in line and vote for whoever the Democratic nominee is. Support that person. She is better than any of the Republican candidates right now.
No. The Clinton's are one of the most corrupt political dynasties in US history. Ever hear of the Clinton Foundation? Interesting list of foreign donors. It seems the Clintons have found a way to do even better than Citizens United allows.
Glad someone else sees that.
Hilary is the worst candidate Democrats could choose, a sure loser. If the liberal Democrat machine weren't in the way, Jim Webb would kick ass in the general election.

I agree. I have always liked Webb. I am quite sure that the dem power brokers and money people would love to find a way to dump hillary. They hate the clintons and know that she is a terrible candidate, an evil person, and would be an awful president------------but the idiots are probably stuck with her.

If I was Hillary, I would hire a food taster. :ack-1:
Trump would make an excellent president

1. he is using his own money, he does not owe any favors to any special interest groups
2. he knows what it takes to succeed
3. he understands international trade and relations
4. he understands the US economy
5. he is not afraid to speak the truth
6. he is not a life time politician
7. his wife is hot
8. he knows how to create an environment that will creat US jobs
9. he will secure the border
10. he will keep our military strong
11. Two or Three SC court appointments will probably come up in the next 4 years.
12. He will get the hispanic vote
13. liberals and democrats are scared shitless of him
14.He will obliterate hillary in a debate
15, He will make this nation great again.

Trump is a superficial know nothing, a shallow dim wit with no discernible talents or intelligence of any kind.
One thing you can say for Trump, he knows who his target audience is, and he knows how to exploit a really stupid idea.
Which one....................

Ending Free Trade..............and stop rewarding companies from leaving...............that's not a GOP mainstream platform.........
Stopping the flood of immigration......................the wall being a stretch..............but I haven't seen the full platform there................all I see is the current POTUS IGNORING ICE LAWS..............and liberal cities creating SANCTUARIES in direct confrontation to the laws of this country.
Not negotiating with's the deal.............or no deal instead of the begging going on now.............
Libya a mistake and currently a shit hole in foreign policy................nothing said by the left........

Maybe it's just his delivery. Maybe if he had something besides vague, generic sounding nonsense, serious people might take him seriously. As it is he appeals to the idiot constituency. What other kind of people would find his comments compelling?

Yeah, next he will be talking about generalities like Hope and Change, what a damn crock.
I'm sure that's just about as far as Trump's thinking takes him too.
Trump would make an excellent president

1. he is using his own money, he does not owe any favors to any special interest groups
2. he knows what it takes to succeed
3. he understands international trade and relations
4. he understands the US economy
5. he is not afraid to speak the truth
6. he is not a life time politician
7. his wife is hot
8. he knows how to create an environment that will creat US jobs
9. he will secure the border
10. he will keep our military strong
11. Two or Three SC court appointments will probably come up in the next 4 years.
12. He will get the hispanic vote
13. liberals and democrats are scared shitless of him
14.He will obliterate hillary in a debate
15, He will make this nation great again.

1. He knows the way to succeed? Do you? Well what is it? Tell all. Does he know what it is like to be poor
2. Like all Republicans they understand the economy from a rich person's standpoint. Correction a greedy persons perspective.

3. How many divorces?
4. What will he do about illegal employers who hire illegal immigrants? Because Mexicans can just come in on a visitor visa and stay if there are jobs here for them.
5. He is hated by the Hispanics how is he going to get their vote?
Really? I don't think so. I'm a life long Democrat, I won't vote for Hilary under any circumstances.
During the primaries is when you fall in love with a candidate. You support Bernie Sanders? Now is the time to do that. But once the general election begins that is the time for you to fall in line and vote for whoever the Democratic nominee is. Support that person. She is better than any of the Republican candidates right now.
No. The Clinton's are one of the most corrupt political dynasties in US history. Ever hear of the Clinton Foundation? Interesting list of foreign donors. It seems the Clintons have found a way to do even better than Citizens United allows.
Glad someone else sees that.
Hilary is the worst candidate Democrats could choose, a sure loser. If the liberal Democrat machine weren't in the way, Jim Webb would kick ass in the general election.

I agree. I have always liked Webb. I am quite sure that the dem power brokers and money people would love to find a way to dump hillary. They hate the clintons and know that she is a terrible candidate, an evil person, and would be an awful president------------but the idiots are probably stuck with her.

If I was Hillary, I would hire a food taster. :ack-1:
The pendulum has swung, the Republicans are a lock for 2016, I'd put money on it.
If Trump got the nod and actually won, his head would explode because he isn't in it to win it he's in it for the 15 minutes, to stir the pot. We're too far out anyway, let him ramble. Although I must say, I do enjoy that he isn't the least bit pc, doesn't care that some get offended (oh boo hoo hoo), doesn't give a shit about it because he's getting just what he wants ... reactionary leftists (and some rightists) wailing about The Donald. :lol:

Redfish started a thread saying Dems would do anything to stop Donald Trump but when I asked what Dems had said or done to stop him, it was crickets.

You say "reactionary leftists (and some rightists) [are] wailing about The Donald" but, except for Lindsey Graham and Reince Preibus, I haven't seen that.

So, I'll ask again, who is actually threatened or afraid of Trump?
One thing you can say for Trump, he knows who his target audience is, and he knows how to exploit a really stupid idea.
Which one....................

Ending Free Trade..............and stop rewarding companies from leaving...............that's not a GOP mainstream platform.........
Stopping the flood of immigration......................the wall being a stretch..............but I haven't seen the full platform there................all I see is the current POTUS IGNORING ICE LAWS..............and liberal cities creating SANCTUARIES in direct confrontation to the laws of this country.
Not negotiating with's the deal.............or no deal instead of the begging going on now.............
Libya a mistake and currently a shit hole in foreign policy................nothing said by the left........

Maybe it's just his delivery. Maybe if he had something besides vague, generic sounding nonsense, serious people might take him seriously. As it is he appeals to the idiot constituency. What other kind of people would find his comments compelling?

Yeah, next he will be talking about generalities like Hope and Change, what a damn crock.

Trump really scares you libs, I find that very amusing.

Haaaa, me a liberal, now that is down right funny.

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