Does Anyone Doubt That Kavanaugh Will Be Confirmed ?

If he isn’t, this process will be repeated until there are no more judges on the court.
Gorsuch seemed to get through OK.

The Nazis did not see Gorsuch as shifting the court. They did see such a shift with Justice Kavanaugh. The dream of ending the Constitution using the court dies with the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh.
If he isn’t, this process will be repeated until there are no more judges on the court.
He will be.
Don’t underestimate the sleaze and anti-Americanism of the Democrat party.
Exactly, if they've sunk this far all bets are off IMO. They haven't even summoned Gloria Allred from the Underworld yet.

There is no bottom to how low the Nazis will go. The question is whether America gives a fuck? Swetnik is a proven liar, Debbie Ramirez was coerced into making claims against Kavanaugh by the Nazi party. I think America has had enough of these Nazi fucks and their disgusting lies.
If he is confirmed, he will forever be under the cloud of the lies and partisan statements he has told. The idiot claimed his problems are the result of the Clintons. The Clintons never did anything to that Alex Jones supporting idiot.

What lies? Name them with the proof they were lies.
What partisan statements? If you are being smeared by the DNC and you SAY you are being smeared by the DNC, how is that partisan? What is partisan are the democrats!
How do YOU know what the Clintons did or did not do? You have Hillary's phone number? Brett has been right in there in DC for YEARS. I bet he knows lots more than you.
How is Brett Kavanaugh under a cloud of doubts but Ruth Bader Ginsberg ISN'T after publicly calling the president a fake that she would do all in her power to resist?

Here's a few from his previous hearings. A longer list can be found here Kavanaugh: 29 Lies and Counting – Demand Justice – Medium
In 2004, Kavanaugh claimed that the nomination of anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ judge William Pryor was “not one that I worked on personally.”
Newly released emails showed Kavanaugh was involved in selecting Pryor, interviewing him, and working to confirm him.

In 2006, Kavanaugh denied he “primarily handl[ed]” the nomination of Judge Charles Pickering, who had pushed to reduce the sentence of a man convicted of burning a cross in front of an interracial couple’s house.
Emails released this year show that Kavanaugh prepared documents on Pickering and worked on a draft op-ed in support of the nominee.

In 2006, Kavanaugh denied that he “handled” the nomination of William Haynes.
Recent emails revealed that Kavanaugh played a large role in Haynes nomination, including determining that Haynes “would be an across-the-board judicial conservative”.

In 2004, Kavanaugh denied knowing that he had received documents stolen from Democratic senators during the Bush administration, claiming that he was “not aware of that matter ever until I learned of it in the media late last year.”

Emails showed that Kavanaugh received stolen information about Senator Leahy and was told to hold it in the “strictest confidence” and to keep it confidential — Kavanaugh should have known that it was improperly obtained.

Kavanaugh’s claims otherwise were deemed by one fact checker to “defy logic”.

In a 2004 written questionnaire, Kavanaugh wrote “These meetings, calls, and emails were typical of how judicial confirmations have been handled in past Administrations.”
As Glenn Kessler noted in the Washington Post, Kavanaugh’s claims that his interactions with Miranda were “typical” of past administrations is “not accurate”.

In 2006, Kavanaugh again denied knowing that he had received the stolen documents saying that he “Did not know about it, did not suspect it.”
Emails showed that Kavanaugh received stolen information about Senator Leahy and was told to hold it in the “strictest confidence” and to keep it confidential — Kavanaugh should have known that it was improperly obtained.

In 2018, Kavanaugh denied knowing that he had received documents that were stolen from Democratic senators during the Bush administration, claiming that his interactions with Miranda were “the usual kinds of discussions that would happen.”
Kavanaugh’s description that his interactions were “usual” has been categorized as “not accurate”.

During his confirmation hearing in 2006, Kavanaugh said, “I was not involved and am not involved in the questions about the rules governing detention of combatants.”
One year later, it was reported that Kavanaugh had in fact counseled a group of White House lawyers regarding the administration’s decision to deny lawyers to enemy combatants. There are now at least three recorded examples of Kavanaugh participating in discussions of Bush administration detainee policy.

During Kavanaugh’s 2006 confirmation hearing, he lied under oath about his work on warrantless wiretapping. Kavanaugh denied involvement in a controversial Bush-era surveillance program and said that he didn’t know about it until the program was revealed by the New York Times.
A newly released email shows that Kavanaugh asked the Justice Department about the constitutionality of “random/constant surveillance of phone and email conversations of non-citizens who are in the United States when the purpose of the surveillance is to prevent terrorist/criminal violence.”

LIE 10
Kavanaugh claimed that his previous testimony about his work in the Bush White House was “100 percent accurate.”
As Leahy detailed, “There is evidence that Mr. Miranda provided you with materials that were stolen from me,” Mr. Leahy said at the hearing. “And that would contradict your prior testimony. It is also clear from public emails — and I’m refraining from going into nonpublic ones — that you had reason to believe materials were obtained inappropriately at the time.”
If he is confirmed, he will forever be under the cloud of the lies and partisan statements he has told. The idiot claimed his problems are the result of the Clintons. The Clintons never did anything to that Alex Jones supporting idiot.

What lies? Name them with the proof they were lies.
What partisan statements? If you are being smeared by the DNC and you SAY you are being smeared by the DNC, how is that partisan? What is partisan are the democrats!
How do YOU know what the Clintons did or did not do? You have Hillary's phone number? Brett has been right in there in DC for YEARS. I bet he knows lots more than you.
How is Brett Kavanaugh under a cloud of doubts but Ruth Bader Ginsberg ISN'T after publicly calling the president a fake that she would do all in her power to resist?

Here's a few from his previous hearings. A longer list can be found here Kavanaugh: 29 Lies and Counting – Demand Justice – Medium
In 2004, Kavanaugh claimed that the nomination of anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ judge William Pryor was “not one that I worked on personally.”
Newly released emails showed Kavanaugh was involved in selecting Pryor, interviewing him, and working to confirm him.

In 2006, Kavanaugh denied he “primarily handl[ed]” the nomination of Judge Charles Pickering, who had pushed to reduce the sentence of a man convicted of burning a cross in front of an interracial couple’s house.
Emails released this year show that Kavanaugh prepared documents on Pickering and worked on a draft op-ed in support of the nominee.

In 2006, Kavanaugh denied that he “handled” the nomination of William Haynes.
Recent emails revealed that Kavanaugh played a large role in Haynes nomination, including determining that Haynes “would be an across-the-board judicial conservative”.

In 2004, Kavanaugh denied knowing that he had received documents stolen from Democratic senators during the Bush administration, claiming that he was “not aware of that matter ever until I learned of it in the media late last year.”

Emails showed that Kavanaugh received stolen information about Senator Leahy and was told to hold it in the “strictest confidence” and to keep it confidential — Kavanaugh should have known that it was improperly obtained.

Kavanaugh’s claims otherwise were deemed by one fact checker to “defy logic”.

In a 2004 written questionnaire, Kavanaugh wrote “These meetings, calls, and emails were typical of how judicial confirmations have been handled in past Administrations.”
As Glenn Kessler noted in the Washington Post, Kavanaugh’s claims that his interactions with Miranda were “typical” of past administrations is “not accurate”.

In 2006, Kavanaugh again denied knowing that he had received the stolen documents saying that he “Did not know about it, did not suspect it.”
Emails showed that Kavanaugh received stolen information about Senator Leahy and was told to hold it in the “strictest confidence” and to keep it confidential — Kavanaugh should have known that it was improperly obtained.

In 2018, Kavanaugh denied knowing that he had received documents that were stolen from Democratic senators during the Bush administration, claiming that his interactions with Miranda were “the usual kinds of discussions that would happen.”
Kavanaugh’s description that his interactions were “usual” has been categorized as “not accurate”.

During his confirmation hearing in 2006, Kavanaugh said, “I was not involved and am not involved in the questions about the rules governing detention of combatants.”
One year later, it was reported that Kavanaugh had in fact counseled a group of White House lawyers regarding the administration’s decision to deny lawyers to enemy combatants. There are now at least three recorded examples of Kavanaugh participating in discussions of Bush administration detainee policy.

During Kavanaugh’s 2006 confirmation hearing, he lied under oath about his work on warrantless wiretapping. Kavanaugh denied involvement in a controversial Bush-era surveillance program and said that he didn’t know about it until the program was revealed by the New York Times.
A newly released email shows that Kavanaugh asked the Justice Department about the constitutionality of “random/constant surveillance of phone and email conversations of non-citizens who are in the United States when the purpose of the surveillance is to prevent terrorist/criminal violence.”

LIE 10
Kavanaugh claimed that his previous testimony about his work in the Bush White House was “100 percent accurate.”
As Leahy detailed, “There is evidence that Mr. Miranda provided you with materials that were stolen from me,” Mr. Leahy said at the hearing. “And that would contradict your prior testimony. It is also clear from public emails — and I’m refraining from going into nonpublic ones — that you had reason to believe materials were obtained inappropriately at the time.”

Not only is all that stuff petty and hearsay, I was talking about lies pertaining to relevant current stuff like Ford and his confirmation!
If he is confirmed, he will forever be under the cloud of the lies and partisan statements he has told. The idiot claimed his problems are the result of the Clintons. The Clintons never did anything to that Alex Jones supporting idiot.

What lies? Name them with the proof they were lies.
What partisan statements? If you are being smeared by the DNC and you SAY you are being smeared by the DNC, how is that partisan? What is partisan are the democrats!
How do YOU know what the Clintons did or did not do? You have Hillary's phone number? Brett has been right in there in DC for YEARS. I bet he knows lots more than you.
How is Brett Kavanaugh under a cloud of doubts but Ruth Bader Ginsberg ISN'T after publicly calling the president a fake that she would do all in her power to resist?

Here's a few from his previous hearings. A longer list can be found here Kavanaugh: 29 Lies and Counting – Demand Justice – Medium
In 2004, Kavanaugh claimed that the nomination of anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ judge William Pryor was “not one that I worked on personally.”
Newly released emails showed Kavanaugh was involved in selecting Pryor, interviewing him, and working to confirm him.

In 2006, Kavanaugh denied he “primarily handl[ed]” the nomination of Judge Charles Pickering, who had pushed to reduce the sentence of a man convicted of burning a cross in front of an interracial couple’s house.
Emails released this year show that Kavanaugh prepared documents on Pickering and worked on a draft op-ed in support of the nominee.

In 2006, Kavanaugh denied that he “handled” the nomination of William Haynes.
Recent emails revealed that Kavanaugh played a large role in Haynes nomination, including determining that Haynes “would be an across-the-board judicial conservative”.

In 2004, Kavanaugh denied knowing that he had received documents stolen from Democratic senators during the Bush administration, claiming that he was “not aware of that matter ever until I learned of it in the media late last year.”

Emails showed that Kavanaugh received stolen information about Senator Leahy and was told to hold it in the “strictest confidence” and to keep it confidential — Kavanaugh should have known that it was improperly obtained.

Kavanaugh’s claims otherwise were deemed by one fact checker to “defy logic”.

In a 2004 written questionnaire, Kavanaugh wrote “These meetings, calls, and emails were typical of how judicial confirmations have been handled in past Administrations.”
As Glenn Kessler noted in the Washington Post, Kavanaugh’s claims that his interactions with Miranda were “typical” of past administrations is “not accurate”.

In 2006, Kavanaugh again denied knowing that he had received the stolen documents saying that he “Did not know about it, did not suspect it.”
Emails showed that Kavanaugh received stolen information about Senator Leahy and was told to hold it in the “strictest confidence” and to keep it confidential — Kavanaugh should have known that it was improperly obtained.

In 2018, Kavanaugh denied knowing that he had received documents that were stolen from Democratic senators during the Bush administration, claiming that his interactions with Miranda were “the usual kinds of discussions that would happen.”
Kavanaugh’s description that his interactions were “usual” has been categorized as “not accurate”.

During his confirmation hearing in 2006, Kavanaugh said, “I was not involved and am not involved in the questions about the rules governing detention of combatants.”
One year later, it was reported that Kavanaugh had in fact counseled a group of White House lawyers regarding the administration’s decision to deny lawyers to enemy combatants. There are now at least three recorded examples of Kavanaugh participating in discussions of Bush administration detainee policy.

During Kavanaugh’s 2006 confirmation hearing, he lied under oath about his work on warrantless wiretapping. Kavanaugh denied involvement in a controversial Bush-era surveillance program and said that he didn’t know about it until the program was revealed by the New York Times.
A newly released email shows that Kavanaugh asked the Justice Department about the constitutionality of “random/constant surveillance of phone and email conversations of non-citizens who are in the United States when the purpose of the surveillance is to prevent terrorist/criminal violence.”

LIE 10
Kavanaugh claimed that his previous testimony about his work in the Bush White House was “100 percent accurate.”
As Leahy detailed, “There is evidence that Mr. Miranda provided you with materials that were stolen from me,” Mr. Leahy said at the hearing. “And that would contradict your prior testimony. It is also clear from public emails — and I’m refraining from going into nonpublic ones — that you had reason to believe materials were obtained inappropriately at the time.”

Not only is all that stuff petty and hearsay, I was talking about lies pertaining to relevant current stuff like Ford and his confirmation!

Didn't go to the link, did you?
Earth to RWNJ, if that is so how come this wasn't done to gorsuch?

Face it, these are true, he's a serial rapist.

And you don't care.
There is no "If" unless you're an idiot. Gorsuch made the balance even, Kavanaugh makes it advantage to GOP. Duh!

'As far you calling K a "serial rapist", all one can say is HA HA HA HA. Forever you're an ASS CLOWN in here. Good grief. Do realize how stupid you look ?
I have some doubt, Flake could fuck the nation. His hero McCain did. Flake wants a place on MSNBC, that is his long term goal, I think he will do the honorable thing, but he MIGHT shit on the Constitution as payment for his place in the leftstream media.
They should erect a statue of Flake. With tar and feathers all over it. He's a total POS. After he leaves < Good riddance.
There is no bottom to how low the Nazis will go. The question is whether America gives a fuck? Swetnik is a proven liar, Debbie Ramirez was coerced into making claims against Kavanaugh by the Nazi party. I think America has had enough of these Nazi fucks and their disgusting lies.
After Kavanaugh is confirmed, the govt needs to go after each and every one of these lowlifes, and teach them a lesson. Jail time, big time.
Here's a few from his previous hearings. A longer list can be found here Kavanaugh: 29 Lies and Counting – Demand Justice – Medium
In 2004, Kavanaugh claimed that the nomination of anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ judge William Pryor was “not one that I worked on personally.”
Newly released emails showed Kavanaugh was involved in selecting Pryor, interviewing him, and working to confirm him.

In 2006, Kavanaugh denied he “primarily handl[ed]” the nomination of Judge Charles Pickering, who had pushed to reduce the sentence of a man convicted of burning a cross in front of an interracial couple’s house.
Emails released this year show that Kavanaugh prepared documents on Pickering and worked on a draft op-ed in support of the nominee.

In 2006, Kavanaugh denied that he “handled” the nomination of William Haynes.
Recent emails revealed that Kavanaugh played a large role in Haynes nomination, including determining that Haynes “would be an across-the-board judicial conservative”.

In 2004, Kavanaugh denied knowing that he had received documents stolen from Democratic senators during the Bush administration, claiming that he was “not aware of that matter ever until I learned of it in the media late last year.”

Emails showed that Kavanaugh received stolen information about Senator Leahy and was told to hold it in the “strictest confidence” and to keep it confidential — Kavanaugh should have known that it was improperly obtained.

Kavanaugh’s claims otherwise were deemed by one fact checker to “defy logic”.

In a 2004 written questionnaire, Kavanaugh wrote “These meetings, calls, and emails were typical of how judicial confirmations have been handled in past Administrations.”
As Glenn Kessler noted in the Washington Post, Kavanaugh’s claims that his interactions with Miranda were “typical” of past administrations is “not accurate”.

In 2006, Kavanaugh again denied knowing that he had received the stolen documents saying that he “Did not know about it, did not suspect it.”
Emails showed that Kavanaugh received stolen information about Senator Leahy and was told to hold it in the “strictest confidence” and to keep it confidential — Kavanaugh should have known that it was improperly obtained.

In 2018, Kavanaugh denied knowing that he had received documents that were stolen from Democratic senators during the Bush administration, claiming that his interactions with Miranda were “the usual kinds of discussions that would happen.”
Kavanaugh’s description that his interactions were “usual” has been categorized as “not accurate”.

During his confirmation hearing in 2006, Kavanaugh said, “I was not involved and am not involved in the questions about the rules governing detention of combatants.”
One year later, it was reported that Kavanaugh had in fact counseled a group of White House lawyers regarding the administration’s decision to deny lawyers to enemy combatants. There are now at least three recorded examples of Kavanaugh participating in discussions of Bush administration detainee policy.

During Kavanaugh’s 2006 confirmation hearing, he lied under oath about his work on warrantless wiretapping. Kavanaugh denied involvement in a controversial Bush-era surveillance program and said that he didn’t know about it until the program was revealed by the New York Times.
A newly released email shows that Kavanaugh asked the Justice Department about the constitutionality of “random/constant surveillance of phone and email conversations of non-citizens who are in the United States when the purpose of the surveillance is to prevent terrorist/criminal violence.”

LIE 10
Kavanaugh claimed that his previous testimony about his work in the Bush White House was “100 percent accurate.”
As Leahy detailed, “There is evidence that Mr. Miranda provided you with materials that were stolen from me,” Mr. Leahy said at the hearing. “And that would contradict your prior testimony. It is also clear from public emails — and I’m refraining from going into nonpublic ones — that you had reason to believe materials were obtained inappropriately at the time.”
NONSENSE! Kavanaugh has not lied about anything. That is pure jibberish fake news, as we see all the time. Ho hum'

In contrast, Christine B Ford has been lying left and right. She claimed she couldnt fly. She been on airplanes many times. She claimed in 1982 she reached into her handbag, took out her cell phone and made a call. They weren't invented until 1984, were $4000 apiece, and were as big as a brick.

She claims she doesn't know where or when this so-called "party" was, and has no recollection of how she got home. The woman is a laughingstock, and so are the Senate Judiciary idiots pulling her puppet strings.

If he is confirmed he will be a serial rapist blackout drunk pre-perjured supreme Court Justice. Another first for tRump.
Another evidenceless absurdity, from someone we are lucky holds no official office in the US govt. :rolleyes:

EARTH TO CREPITUS: the accusations are only a ruse to stall the confirmation, past the November elections. Every Senator knows that.
Earth to RWNJ, if that is so how come this wasn't done to gorsuch?

Face it, these are true, he's a serial rapist.

And you don't care.

Shocking.....totally disgusted.

Sincerely, Bill " have trou will drop" Clinton
You're right, bill should drop his nomination for the supreme Court immediately.

Now that you are done drawing false equivalencies would you like to address my post?

Nothing of worth to address. I am no fan of Gorsuch or Kavanaugh since they are jesuit schooled and hardcore catholics. Why does it seem that the only SCOTUS nominees are either hardcore commies or catholic jesuits? Jesuits put communism into practice in South America back in the 1600's...that being said, the way that Kavanaugh and his family have been attacked by the leftard clown posse of commie pussies is extremely repulsive. Are we clear on this? You need further schooling? Let me know as I am here to help!
If he is confirmed, he will forever be under the cloud of the lies and partisan statements he has told. The idiot claimed his problems are the result of the Clintons. The Clintons never did anything to that Alex Jones supporting idiot.
What difference does that cloud make if hes in the club? His vote will be there for decades, cloud or no cloud. Republicans win.
If he isn’t, this process will be repeated until there are no more judges on the court.
He will be.
Don’t underestimate the sleaze and anti-Americanism of the Democrat party.

They have bribed a former classmate to spew lies, but I suspect they have beaten the dead horse past effectivity.
Have you reported this bribery?

To what effect, Nazi?
You obviously have important information about a crime that should be reported.
If he is confirmed, he will forever be under the cloud of the lies and partisan statements he has told. The idiot claimed his problems are the result of the Clintons. The Clintons never did anything to that Alex Jones supporting idiot.

What lies? Name them with the proof they were lies.
What partisan statements? If you are being smeared by the DNC and you SAY you are being smeared by the DNC, how is that partisan? What is partisan are the democrats!
How do YOU know what the Clintons did or did not do? You have Hillary's phone number? Brett has been right in there in DC for YEARS. I bet he knows lots more than you.
How is Brett Kavanaugh under a cloud of doubts but Ruth Bader Ginsberg ISN'T after publicly calling the president a fake that she would do all in her power to resist?

Here's a few from his previous hearings. A longer list can be found here Kavanaugh: 29 Lies and Counting – Demand Justice – Medium
In 2004, Kavanaugh claimed that the nomination of anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ judge William Pryor was “not one that I worked on personally.”
Newly released emails showed Kavanaugh was involved in selecting Pryor, interviewing him, and working to confirm him.

In 2006, Kavanaugh denied he “primarily handl[ed]” the nomination of Judge Charles Pickering, who had pushed to reduce the sentence of a man convicted of burning a cross in front of an interracial couple’s house.
Emails released this year show that Kavanaugh prepared documents on Pickering and worked on a draft op-ed in support of the nominee.

In 2006, Kavanaugh denied that he “handled” the nomination of William Haynes.
Recent emails revealed that Kavanaugh played a large role in Haynes nomination, including determining that Haynes “would be an across-the-board judicial conservative”.

In 2004, Kavanaugh denied knowing that he had received documents stolen from Democratic senators during the Bush administration, claiming that he was “not aware of that matter ever until I learned of it in the media late last year.”

Emails showed that Kavanaugh received stolen information about Senator Leahy and was told to hold it in the “strictest confidence” and to keep it confidential — Kavanaugh should have known that it was improperly obtained.

Kavanaugh’s claims otherwise were deemed by one fact checker to “defy logic”.

In a 2004 written questionnaire, Kavanaugh wrote “These meetings, calls, and emails were typical of how judicial confirmations have been handled in past Administrations.”
As Glenn Kessler noted in the Washington Post, Kavanaugh’s claims that his interactions with Miranda were “typical” of past administrations is “not accurate”.

In 2006, Kavanaugh again denied knowing that he had received the stolen documents saying that he “Did not know about it, did not suspect it.”
Emails showed that Kavanaugh received stolen information about Senator Leahy and was told to hold it in the “strictest confidence” and to keep it confidential — Kavanaugh should have known that it was improperly obtained.

In 2018, Kavanaugh denied knowing that he had received documents that were stolen from Democratic senators during the Bush administration, claiming that his interactions with Miranda were “the usual kinds of discussions that would happen.”
Kavanaugh’s description that his interactions were “usual” has been categorized as “not accurate”.

During his confirmation hearing in 2006, Kavanaugh said, “I was not involved and am not involved in the questions about the rules governing detention of combatants.”
One year later, it was reported that Kavanaugh had in fact counseled a group of White House lawyers regarding the administration’s decision to deny lawyers to enemy combatants. There are now at least three recorded examples of Kavanaugh participating in discussions of Bush administration detainee policy.

During Kavanaugh’s 2006 confirmation hearing, he lied under oath about his work on warrantless wiretapping. Kavanaugh denied involvement in a controversial Bush-era surveillance program and said that he didn’t know about it until the program was revealed by the New York Times.
A newly released email shows that Kavanaugh asked the Justice Department about the constitutionality of “random/constant surveillance of phone and email conversations of non-citizens who are in the United States when the purpose of the surveillance is to prevent terrorist/criminal violence.”

LIE 10
Kavanaugh claimed that his previous testimony about his work in the Bush White House was “100 percent accurate.”
As Leahy detailed, “There is evidence that Mr. Miranda provided you with materials that were stolen from me,” Mr. Leahy said at the hearing. “And that would contradict your prior testimony. It is also clear from public emails — and I’m refraining from going into nonpublic ones — that you had reason to believe materials were obtained inappropriately at the time.”

Poor Nazis, you're melting down.
Here's a few from his previous hearings. A longer list can be found here Kavanaugh: 29 Lies and Counting – Demand Justice – Medium
In 2004, Kavanaugh claimed that the nomination of anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ judge William Pryor was “not one that I worked on personally.”
Newly released emails showed Kavanaugh was involved in selecting Pryor, interviewing him, and working to confirm him.

In 2006, Kavanaugh denied he “primarily handl[ed]” the nomination of Judge Charles Pickering, who had pushed to reduce the sentence of a man convicted of burning a cross in front of an interracial couple’s house.
Emails released this year show that Kavanaugh prepared documents on Pickering and worked on a draft op-ed in support of the nominee.

In 2006, Kavanaugh denied that he “handled” the nomination of William Haynes.
Recent emails revealed that Kavanaugh played a large role in Haynes nomination, including determining that Haynes “would be an across-the-board judicial conservative”.

In 2004, Kavanaugh denied knowing that he had received documents stolen from Democratic senators during the Bush administration, claiming that he was “not aware of that matter ever until I learned of it in the media late last year.”

Emails showed that Kavanaugh received stolen information about Senator Leahy and was told to hold it in the “strictest confidence” and to keep it confidential — Kavanaugh should have known that it was improperly obtained.

Kavanaugh’s claims otherwise were deemed by one fact checker to “defy logic”.

In a 2004 written questionnaire, Kavanaugh wrote “These meetings, calls, and emails were typical of how judicial confirmations have been handled in past Administrations.”
As Glenn Kessler noted in the Washington Post, Kavanaugh’s claims that his interactions with Miranda were “typical” of past administrations is “not accurate”.

In 2006, Kavanaugh again denied knowing that he had received the stolen documents saying that he “Did not know about it, did not suspect it.”
Emails showed that Kavanaugh received stolen information about Senator Leahy and was told to hold it in the “strictest confidence” and to keep it confidential — Kavanaugh should have known that it was improperly obtained.

In 2018, Kavanaugh denied knowing that he had received documents that were stolen from Democratic senators during the Bush administration, claiming that his interactions with Miranda were “the usual kinds of discussions that would happen.”
Kavanaugh’s description that his interactions were “usual” has been categorized as “not accurate”.

During his confirmation hearing in 2006, Kavanaugh said, “I was not involved and am not involved in the questions about the rules governing detention of combatants.”
One year later, it was reported that Kavanaugh had in fact counseled a group of White House lawyers regarding the administration’s decision to deny lawyers to enemy combatants. There are now at least three recorded examples of Kavanaugh participating in discussions of Bush administration detainee policy.

During Kavanaugh’s 2006 confirmation hearing, he lied under oath about his work on warrantless wiretapping. Kavanaugh denied involvement in a controversial Bush-era surveillance program and said that he didn’t know about it until the program was revealed by the New York Times.
A newly released email shows that Kavanaugh asked the Justice Department about the constitutionality of “random/constant surveillance of phone and email conversations of non-citizens who are in the United States when the purpose of the surveillance is to prevent terrorist/criminal violence.”

LIE 10
Kavanaugh claimed that his previous testimony about his work in the Bush White House was “100 percent accurate.”
As Leahy detailed, “There is evidence that Mr. Miranda provided you with materials that were stolen from me,” Mr. Leahy said at the hearing. “And that would contradict your prior testimony. It is also clear from public emails — and I’m refraining from going into nonpublic ones — that you had reason to believe materials were obtained inappropriately at the time.”
NONSENSE! Kavanaugh has not lied about anything. That is pure jibberish fake news, as we see all the time. Ho hum'

In contrast, Christine B Ford has been lying left and right. She claimed she couldnt fly. She been on airplanes many times. She claimed in 1982 she reached into her handbag, took out her cell phone and made a call. They weren't invented until 1984, were $4000 apiece, and were as big as a brick.

She claims she doesn't know where or when this so-called "party" was, and has no recollection of how she got home. The woman is a laughingstock, and so are the Senate Judiciary idiots pulling her puppet strings.


Remember. people like Bullshit are not the loyal opposition, they are the enemy. They don't have a different idea on how to govern, they seek to crush America and end civil rights. They to seek an honorable compromise, they will do anything inclusive of murder and rape to enslave or slaughter those who oppose the brutal Stalinist dictatorship they advocate.

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