Does Anyone Doubt That Kavanaugh Will Be Confirmed ?

Does anyone doubt that Kavanaugh will be confirmed ? If so, how do you think that could happen ? So what if Democrats were even able to succeed in stalling the Kavanaugh confirmation beyond the midterm elections ? Does anyone think that Democrats might win back control of the Senate ? I'm thinking that Republicans will gain even MORE seats in the Senate, from the midterm elections, and will retain control.

And I'm not the only one who thinks that, >>

2018 Senate Forecast

So if Repubicans DO retain Senate control, where does that leave Democrats with respect to Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation ? By pissing Kavanaugh and Republicans off, Democrats may have succeeded in doing just one thing, Getting everything they want denied by the Supreme Court, which now is apt to be in no mood to grant them any concessions.
Of course he'll be confirmed.
Does anyone doubt that Kavanaugh will be confirmed ? If so, how do you think that could happen ? So what if Democrats were even able to succeed in stalling the Kavanaugh confirmation beyond the midterm elections ? Does anyone think that Democrats might win back control of the Senate ? I'm thinking that Republicans will gain even MORE seats in the Senate, from the midterm elections, and will retain control.

And I'm not the only one who thinks that, >>

2018 Senate Forecast

So if Repubicans DO retain Senate control, where does that leave Democrats with respect to Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation ? By pissing Kavanaugh and Republicans off, Democrats may have succeeded in doing just one thing, Getting everything they want denied by the Supreme Court, which now is apt to be in no mood to grant them any concessions.
If he is confirmed he will be a serial rapist blackout drunk pre-perjured supreme Court Justice. Another first for tRump.
...except he didn’t rape anyone
You assume that.

You are already an ass, don't try to make one of me.
Does anyone doubt that Kavanaugh will be confirmed ? If so, how do you think that could happen ? So what if Democrats were even able to succeed in stalling the Kavanaugh confirmation beyond the midterm elections ? Does anyone think that Democrats might win back control of the Senate ? I'm thinking that Republicans will gain even MORE seats in the Senate, from the midterm elections, and will retain control.

And I'm not the only one who thinks that, >>

2018 Senate Forecast

So if Repubicans DO retain Senate control, where does that leave Democrats with respect to Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation ? By pissing Kavanaugh and Republicans off, Democrats may have succeeded in doing just one thing, Getting everything they want denied by the Supreme Court, which now is apt to be in no mood to grant them any concessions.
If he is confirmed he will be a serial rapist blackout drunk pre-perjured supreme Court Justice. Another first for tRump.
...except he didn’t rape anyone
You assume that.

You are already an ass, don't try to make one of me.
Gorsuch didn't start his hearing with a partisan political attack, didn't dodge direct questions and ask his questioners if they drank to the point of a blackout, and his temperament wasn't such that he cried through a large part of his hearing. Kavanaugh is a basket case who shouldn't be allowed to judge a dog show.
No he's not. And his reaction to the Demonrat kangaroo court was that of a normal person reacting to sleazy injustice. The problem is leftybirds expect everybody to be their concept of "temperment" > an inhuman, cold ROBOT.

What would the Dems reaction been to Kavanaugh if he was cold and unemotional in the hearing? My guess would be he was not emotional enough, he was a cold fish and with no compassion he would be unfit for the court.
And ‘more proof’ he’s guilty.
Efforts for putting Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court are collapsing. He has to worry about maintaining his current job and not facing impeachment.

Based on WHAT?
Recent news reports regarding Kavanaugh's lying. including his lying to Congress during his previous hearings for acceptance as a judicial nominee and his current ongoing hearing about his drinking problems.
What drinking problems?
Efforts for putting Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court are collapsing. He has to worry about maintaining his current job and not facing impeachment.

Based on WHAT?
Recent news reports regarding Kavanaugh's lying. including his lying to Congress during his previous hearings for acceptance as a judicial nominee and his current ongoing hearing about his drinking problems.
What drinking problems?

It’s a made up problem the left is trying to float out there. More unsubstantiated allegations, it’s all they have.
B Kavanaugh will be confirmed!

Sending blessings and strength to him and his family! :thup:

If he is confirmed, he will forever be under the cloud of the lies and partisan statements he has told. The idiot claimed his problems are the result of the Clintons. The Clintons never did anything to that Alex Jones supporting idiot.

With the rolling cascade of lies and deceit the Dems just rolled out.....
It takes a REALLLLLLY messed up person to say something THIS Dumbasstic

Something tells me you delusional Snowflakes are in for one hell of a fall

Bon Voyage!
If he is confirmed, he will forever be under the cloud of the lies and partisan statements he has told. The idiot claimed his problems are the result of the Clintons. The Clintons never did anything to that Alex Jones supporting idiot.

What lies? Name them with the proof they were lies.
What partisan statements? If you are being smeared by the DNC and you SAY you are being smeared by the DNC, how is that partisan? What is partisan are the democrats!
How do YOU know what the Clintons did or did not do? You have Hillary's phone number? Brett has been right in there in DC for YEARS. I bet he knows lots more than you.
How is Brett Kavanaugh under a cloud of doubts but Ruth Bader Ginsberg ISN'T after publicly calling the president a fake that she would do all in her power to resist?
If he is confirmed, he will forever be under the cloud of the lies and partisan statements he has told. The idiot claimed his problems are the result of the Clintons. The Clintons never did anything to that Alex Jones supporting idiot.

What lies? Name them with the proof they were lies.
What partisan statements? If you are being smeared by the DNC and you SAY you are being smeared by the DNC, how is that partisan? What is partisan are the democrats!
How do YOU know what the Clintons did or did not do? You have Hillary's phone number? Brett has been right in there in DC for YEARS. I bet he knows lots more than you.
How is Brett Kavanaugh under a cloud of doubts but Ruth Bader Ginsberg ISN'T after publicly calling the president a fake that she would do all in her power to resist?

It's hard to know if these Snowflakes are really THAT stupid....or just that delusional.

Show of hands it's BOTH?
If he is confirmed, he will forever be under the cloud of the lies and partisan statements he has told. The idiot claimed his problems are the result of the Clintons. The Clintons never did anything to that Alex Jones supporting idiot.

What lies? Name them with the proof they were lies.
What partisan statements? If you are being smeared by the DNC and you SAY you are being smeared by the DNC, how is that partisan? What is partisan are the democrats!
How do YOU know what the Clintons did or did not do? You have Hillary's phone number? Brett has been right in there in DC for YEARS. I bet he knows lots more than you.
How is Brett Kavanaugh under a cloud of doubts but Ruth Bader Ginsberg ISN'T after publicly calling the president a fake that she would do all in her power to resist?
Ruth has a blue dress with Lincoln's stains on it.
Does anyone doubt that Kavanaugh will be confirmed ? If so, how do you think that could happen ? So what if Democrats were even able to succeed in stalling the Kavanaugh confirmation beyond the midterm elections ? Does anyone think that Democrats might win back control of the Senate ? I'm thinking that Republicans will gain even MORE seats in the Senate, from the midterm elections, and will retain control.

And I'm not the only one who thinks that, >>

2018 Senate Forecast

So if Repubicans DO retain Senate control, where does that leave Democrats with respect to Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation ? By pissing Kavanaugh and Republicans off, Democrats may have succeeded in doing just one thing, Getting everything they want denied by the Supreme Court, which now is apt to be in no mood to grant them any concessions.

I have some doubt, Flake could fuck the nation. His hero McCain did. Flake wants a place on MSNBC, that is his long term goal, I think he will do the honorable thing, but he MIGHT shit on the Constitution as payment for his place in the leftstream media.
I have some doubt, Flake could fuck the nation. His hero McCain did. Flake wants a place on MSNBC, that is his long term goal, I think he will do the honorable thing, but he MIGHT shit on the Constitution as payment for his place in the leftstream media.

Kinda agree. He has nothing to lose by voting no.....but everything to gain by voting no. I expect He'll turn McCain on us.

After all, like ALLSnowflakes, he's a real Flake.
If he is confirmed, he will forever be under the cloud of the lies and partisan statements he has told. The idiot claimed his problems are the result of the Clintons. The Clintons never did anything to that Alex Jones supporting idiot.

If he is confirmed, he will have just as much clout as any other justice.

Remember, you Nazis raped him. You violated everything decent and good in this nation.

I believe Judge, Justice Kavanaugh is a good and decent man. Still, you raped him in front of his children, repeatedly. While he will attempt to rule in a fair and just way, you Nazis have made an enemy.

I'll never forgive you vile and vicious scum for what you have done. You are subhuman filth that cannot be tolerated by decent people.

And you didn't rape me. But you did rape Justice Kavanaugh. It will come back to you filthy, disgusting cockroaches.

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