Does Anyone Doubt That Kavanaugh Will Be Confirmed ?

Look....Q said it .....a cou[le of days ago already...

B Kavanuagh will be confirmed....

thats all you have to know! :2up:

Welcome B Kavanaugh!
Q said it? Seek therapy....


Q said B Kavanaugh will be confirmed.:)
Q is a cult for morons, you are better than that.


I can not be better than Q


NOTHING is better than Military Intelligence


You can not get better than Military Intelligence.


You bet! :2up:

Show some respect for them (not me) here!

Show it!
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What cause do you hold to deport American citizens for opposing you politically? I'm second generation Scottish American. Would you deport me back to Dundee?
I didn't say anything about deporting Americans. I said the leftist loons will join the deported illegals > by leaving themselves, on their own accord, like they said they were going to, if Trump got elected.
Gorsuch didn't start his hearing with a partisan political attack, didn't dodge direct questions and ask his questioners if they drank to the point of a blackout, and his temperament wasn't such that he cried through a large part of his hearing. Kavanaugh is a basket case who shouldn't be allowed to judge a dog show.
No he's not. And his reaction to the Demonrat kangaroo court was that of a normal person reacting to sleazy injustice. The problem is leftybirds expect everybody to be their concept of "temperment" > an inhuman, cold ROBOT.
Yes. Kavanaugh didn't "start his hearing" that way either.

But listen you've already proven to me WHY you're a liberal. You're simply unable to think your way out of it. You cannot, you simply cannot think past the simple talking points they craft for simple-minded people.

Congrats. I guess.
True. Liberals are captive to their talking points. Even when they are idiotic, like this ludicrous anti-Kavanaugh stupidty.
Gorsuch didn't start his hearing with a partisan political attack, didn't dodge direct questions and ask his questioners if they drank to the point of a blackout, and his temperament wasn't such that he cried through a large part of his hearing. Kavanaugh is a basket case who shouldn't be allowed to judge a dog show.
No he's not. And his reaction to the Demonrat kangaroo court was that of a normal person reacting to sleazy injustice. The problem is leftybirds expect everybody to be their concept of "temperment" > an inhuman, cold ROBOT.

What would the Dems reaction been to Kavanaugh if he was cold and unemotional in the hearing? My guess would be he was not emotional enough, he was a cold fish and with no compassion he would be unfit for the court.
Correct. Gorsuch was never accused of attempted rape, and he never had several previous class mates say he lied about his drinking and other behaviors. If credible witnesses had made those claims about Gorsuch, there would have been additional hearings for him too.
Actually, Kavanaugh spoke a lot about himself drinking beer. More than anyone migt have expected. But th very fact that the Demonrats are making czse out of a teenaged boy drinking beer, and even to excess, if that were the case, shows how bent out of shape these gooneybirds are.

EARTH TO DEMONRATS: Drinking beer (and often excessively) is WHAT TEENAGED BOYS DO. Get a life !!
Just what we need. An openly partisan operative on the SC.
Like SC Democrats haven't been ? (for decades)

Morals haven't been a problem for republicans for several years. I would say do your worst, but you've already been doing that for quite a while.
Morals haven't been a problem for Democrats, going back a lot further than "several years" Think slavery, Jim Crow, The 1965 Immigration Act, illegal immigration today with sanctuary cities, instigation of race riots, affirmative action racism, support of Muslim Koran evil, etc etc
If he is confirmed, he will forever be under the cloud of the lies and partisan statements he has told. The idiot claimed his problems are the result of the Clintons. The Clintons never did anything to that Alex Jones supporting idiot.
He was referring to him being a part of the Ken Starr investigation that lasted forever. I agree it was a strangely partisan slip, but given the vindictiveness and dirty tricks of the Clinton's, I wouldn't put it past them.
If he is confirmed, he will forever be under the cloud of the lies and partisan statements he has told. The idiot claimed his problems are the result of the Clintons. The Clintons never did anything to that Alex Jones supporting idiot.
He was referring to his being a part of the Ken Starr investigation into Clinton that lasted forever. I agree it was a strangely partisan slip, but given the vindictiveness and dirty tricks of the Clinton's, I wouldn't put it past them.
If he is confirmed he will be a serial rapist blackout drunk pre-perjured supreme Court Justice. Another first for tRump.
Another evidenceless absurdity, from someone we are lucky holds no official office in the US govt. :rolleyes:

EARTH TO CREPITUS: the accusations are only a ruse to stall the confirmation, past the November elections. Every Senator knows that.
Earth to RWNJ, if that is so how come this wasn't done to gorsuch?

Face it, these are true, he's a serial rapist.

And you don't care.

Shocking.....totally disgusted.

Sincerely, Bill " have trou will drop" Clinton
Efforts for putting Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court are collapsing. He has to worry about maintaining his current job and not facing impeachment.
Just what we need. An openly partisan operative on the SC.
Like SC Democrats haven't been ? (for decades)


She is one partisan nut, she needs to recuse herself on every issue that involves Trump due to her comments prior to the 2016 election, she has proved she is not fit, nor is she objective in her opinions conspcerning this administration. They complain about Kavanaugh being partisan, then maybe we need to reconsider Ginsberg and impeach her.
Of course he willl., Republicans don't care about truth, honesty or family values.

After all, the dumbasses voted for Trump.

The big mistake the GOP made was not to bribe Kennedy into retiring sooner than they did.
Is there a doctor in the house ?

He shouldn't be. But for this reason

Kavanaugh’s 'bizarre' claim of Dem conspiracy revealed he can’t be ‘nonpartisan': Dem

Kavanaugh’s accusation that Democrats are attempting to block his nomination as "revenge on behalf of the Clintons."

We are going to appoint a conspiracy theorist nut to the Supreme Court? WOW! Well, I guess if we elected one president why not huh?

This appointment is horrible. They should not appoint this right wing partisan hack.

that he would accuse Democrats of a vast conspiracy to do him in and even dragged in Hillary Clinton," Hirono said. "I found that bizarre. But we hardly need somebody on the Supreme Court who has these conspiracy theory notions.”

Kavanaugh, who has been a federal appeals court judge since 2006, worked for Ken Starr when he was the independent counsel investigating the Clintons during Bill Clinton's presidency.

Hirono said that at the hearing, Kavanaugh “totally showed himself to be … the political operative and the partisan operative that he has been.”

So don't tell us this guy isn't going to legislate from the bench. That's just another lie.
That's what Hirono is showing HERself to be. Everything Kavanaugh said is right.
You can't be a credible witness for yourself if you are making the accusation, jack wad. Her witnesses are credible only for Brett's defense. None of them support Ford.

You need to move on. Even the democrats in congress have dumped her in the dirt. Brett drinks beer, don't yaknow? Maybe not in the "Lion of the Senate" Ted Kennedy's league.
Or Tip O'Neill. Or Pat Leahy (who appeared before the Senate and spoke while drunk).

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