Does Anyone Doubt That Kavanaugh Will Be Confirmed ?

Being a pathetic drunk is no reason not to confirm him for the Supreme Court. He will be confirmed .

So he is a drunk today? Did you ever get drunk? Did you ever drink to get drunk? As a teenager in that era, we had parties, they called them keggers and the only purpose of those parties was to get high and get laid. You knew if you didn’t want both, you didn’t attend.

Should we see how many Congressmen and Supreme Court Justices got drunk at one time or another in their life? Should make a law that if you ever got drunk in your life that should disqualify your from public service? What about drugs? If they ever experimented with pot or coke that should exclude them from any public service? That would have made pot smoker Clinton ineligible, George Bush ineligible and Barrack Obama ineligible, however Donald Trump would be elible, is that the new standard you want? You nuts just don’t think.
Efforts for putting Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court are collapsing. He has to worry about maintaining his current job and not facing impeachment.

Based on WHAT?
Recent news reports regarding Kavanaugh's lying. including his lying to Congress during his previous hearings for acceptance as a judicial nominee and his current ongoing hearing about his drinking problems.
Being a pathetic drunk is no reason not to confirm him for the Supreme Court. He will be confirmed .
Hey, look at Pat Leahy and Tip O'Neill. Nobody's condemning them.

Oh, you mean Kavanaugh drank beer and got drunk with his buddies, when they were teenagers ? WELL, imagine that !
Does anyone doubt that Kavanaugh will be confirmed ? If so, how do you think that could happen ? So what if Democrats were even able to succeed in stalling the Kavanaugh confirmation beyond the midterm elections ? Does anyone think that Democrats might win back control of the Senate ? I'm thinking that Republicans will gain even MORE seats in the Senate, from the midterm elections, and will retain control.

And I'm not the only one who thinks that, >>

2018 Senate Forecast

So if Repubicans DO retain Senate control, where does that leave Democrats with respect to Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation ? By pissing Kavanaugh and Republicans off, Democrats may have succeeded in doing just one thing, Getting everything they want denied by the Supreme Court, which now is apt to be in no mood to grant them any concessions.
He shouldn't be. But for this reason

Kavanaugh’s 'bizarre' claim of Dem conspiracy revealed he can’t be ‘nonpartisan': Dem

Kavanaugh’s accusation that Democrats are attempting to block his nomination as "revenge on behalf of the Clintons."

We are going to appoint a conspiracy theorist nut to the Supreme Court? WOW! Well, I guess if we elected one president why not huh?

This appointment is horrible. They should not appoint this right wing partisan hack.

that he would accuse Democrats of a vast conspiracy to do him in and even dragged in Hillary Clinton," Hirono said. "I found that bizarre. But we hardly need somebody on the Supreme Court who has these conspiracy theory notions.”

Kavanaugh, who has been a federal appeals court judge since 2006, worked for Ken Starr when he was the independent counsel investigating the Clintons during Bill Clinton's presidency.

Hirono said that at the hearing, Kavanaugh “totally showed himself to be … the political operative and the partisan operative that he has been.”

So don't tell us this guy isn't going to legislate from the bench. That's just another lie.

So anyone that believes in say the “vast right wing conspiracy” should not hold public office?
Efforts for putting Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court are collapsing. He has to worry about maintaining his current job and not facing impeachment.
Democrats are quitting politics, and going into COMEDY. :haha::laugh:
Efforts for putting Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court are collapsing. He has to worry about maintaining his current job and not facing impeachment.

Based on WHAT?
Recent news reports regarding Kavanaugh's lying. including his lying to Congress during his previous hearings for acceptance as a judicial nominee and his current ongoing hearing about his drinking problems.

Lying about how much he may have imbibed as a high schooler, based on what the definition of "passed out" is.

This is going to be SO much fun when we inflict this on your people. You think we never will, does that about sum it up? You think we cannot elect Trumps? You doubt us?
She is one partisan nut, she needs to recuse herself on every issue that involves Trump due to her comments prior to the 2016 election, she has proved she is not fit, nor is she objective in her opinions conspcerning this administration. They complain about Kavanaugh being partisan, then maybe we need to reconsider Ginsberg and impeach her.
She'll be leaving soon enough. When she does, the other Democrats (outvoted constantly) will feel meaningless and quit. SCOTUS will be 9-0, All conservative within a few years. You watch. :biggrin:
She is one partisan nut, she needs to recuse herself on every issue that involves Trump due to her comments prior to the 2016 election, she has proved she is not fit, nor is she objective in her opinions conspcerning this administration. They complain about Kavanaugh being partisan, then maybe we need to reconsider Ginsberg and impeach her.
She'll be leaving soon enough. When she does, the other Democrats (outvoted constantly) will feel meaningless and quit. SCOTUS will be 9-0, All conservative within a few years. You watch. :biggrin:

Can you imagine the looney left at that point! OMG, they would be screaming and crying like never before, the laughs would be unlimited as the nuts would just amp up their stupidity.
Can you imagine the looney left at that point! OMG, they would be screaming and crying like never before, the laughs would be unlimited as the nuts would just amp up their stupidity.
I'm thinking (hoping) they'll all move to Canada. We could set up a fund for their transportation (one-way of course).
Recent news reports regarding Kavanaugh's lying. including his lying to Congress during his previous hearings for acceptance as a judicial nominee and his current ongoing hearing about his drinking problems.
Hear that ? >> "news reports" Oh boy! :rolleyes:
If he is confirmed he will be a serial rapist blackout drunk pre-perjured supreme Court Justice. Another first for tRump.
Another evidenceless absurdity, from someone we are lucky holds no official office in the US govt. :rolleyes:

EARTH TO CREPITUS: the accusations are only a ruse to stall the confirmation, past the November elections. Every Senator knows that.
Earth to RWNJ, if that is so how come this wasn't done to gorsuch?

Face it, these are true, he's a serial rapist.

And you don't care.

Shocking.....totally disgusted.

Sincerely, Bill " have trou will drop" Clinton
You're right, bill should drop his nomination for the supreme Court immediately.

Now that you are done drawing false equivalencies would you like to address my post?
If he is confirmed, he will forever be under the cloud of the lies and partisan statements he has told. The idiot claimed his problems are the result of the Clintons. The Clintons never did anything to that Alex Jones supporting idiot.
Dr ford is the lying bitch...
Does anyone doubt that Kavanaugh will be confirmed ? If so, how do you think that could happen ? So what if Democrats were even able to succeed in stalling the Kavanaugh confirmation beyond the midterm elections ? Does anyone think that Democrats might win back control of the Senate ? I'm thinking that Republicans will gain even MORE seats in the Senate, from the midterm elections, and will retain control.

And I'm not the only one who thinks that, >>

2018 Senate Forecast

So if Repubicans DO retain Senate control, where does that leave Democrats with respect to Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation ? By pissing Kavanaugh and Republicans off, Democrats may have succeeded in doing just one thing, Getting everything they want denied by the Supreme Court, which now is apt to be in no mood to grant them any concessions.
If he is confirmed he will be a serial rapist blackout drunk pre-perjured supreme Court Justice. Another first for tRump.
...except he didn’t rape anyone

Kavanaugh didn't "start his hearing" that way either.

But listen you've already proven to me WHY you're a liberal. You're simply unable to think your way out of it. You cannot, you simply cannot think past the simple talking points they craft for simple-minded people.

Congrats. I guess.

I was mistaken. Thank you for the correction. His partisan crap was later in the hearings.
One example starts about 2:55

Wrong again. Just wrong. Again.

His "partisan crap" was NOT EVEN IN THE FIRST HEARINGS.

Hello? Not even in the first rounds at all. It ONLY CAME when he was accused of rape and all manner of other heinous acts, which Gorsuch was never accused.


Yes, That's what I said when I wrote
post #51 "I was mistaken. Thank you for the correction. His partisan crap was later in the hearings."

I note that you didn't try to deny the partisan political aspect of his remark. Are you saying you want to have an openly partisan political operative on the Supreme Court? I figured as much, but this is the first time I've seen a RWNJ admit it.

And why not? To answer you for RBG and Kagan, just to name a couple.

But his animus will be even more profound, because it will be deeply personal.

This is exactly what we mean by sow the wind, reap the whirlwind. There's some Bible knowledge for you.

Here's a little more Bible knowledge. Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye

Says a Clinton supporter
Being a pathetic drunk is no reason not to confirm him for the Supreme Court. He will be confirmed .
Hey, look at Pat Leahy and Tip O'Neill. Nobody's condemning them.

Oh, you mean Kavanaugh drank beer and got drunk with his buddies, when they were teenagers ? WELL, imagine that !
Let’s not forget the prodigious drinking habits of the lion of the Senate and head of its Life Guard team, Edward “Teddy” Moore Kennedy, who did a superlative job upholding the family’s finest traditions of boozing and whoring around while upping the future family’s responsibility ante by one dead corpse. Top that, kids!

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