Does Anyone Doubt That Kavanaugh Will Be Confirmed ?

He is a flake, but he is more of a "yes" vote than Collins.
I hope you are right. We will see.
Flake was literally shot at by a Democrat.

He is not going to be flipped.
Perhaps not; however, he doesn't like Trump. I would not put it past him to give a no vote just to piss Trump off.
He is a flake, but he is more of a "yes" vote than Collins.
I hope you are right. We will see.
Flake was literally shot at by a Democrat.

He is not going to be flipped.
Perhaps not; however, he doesn't like Trump. I would not put it past him to give a no vote just to piss Trump off.
I doubt it.

McCain was a special kind of wacko that isn't easily replicated. Even Graham is standing strong.
Typical hypocrites


Bette Midler and her daughter saying lock up your daughters because of Kavanaugh yet here she is with the biigest rapist Harvey!

shadow941x on Twitter
He is a flake, but he is more of a "yes" vote than Collins.
I hope you are right. We will see.
Flake was literally shot at by a Democrat.

He is not going to be flipped.

He may not be running in November but he has some major political desires. If he does not vote for Kavanaugh, his future is pretty damn glum. He WILL vote to confirm.
He is a flake, but he is more of a "yes" vote than Collins.
I hope you are right. We will see.
Flake was literally shot at by a Democrat.

He is not going to be flipped.

He may not be running in November but he has some major political desires. If he does not vote for Kavanaugh, his future is pretty damn glum. He WILL vote to confirm.
He is still politically screwed either way.

If he was smart he would act like Graham is.
Unless this FBI check finds a major bombshell which is possible but in my opinion unlikely he will be.
Will the public have access to the FBI report? If not, the dems will pretend that the report implicates Kavanaugh whether it does or not.
Unless this FBI check finds a major bombshell which is possible but in my opinion unlikely he will be.
Will the public have access to the FBI report? If not, the dems will pretend that the report implicates Kavanaugh whether it does or not.
I’m pretty sure we will not much point in making a report if the public can’t see it. If this report has no shocks in it and Democrats try and delay again they will have overplayed their hand.
If he isn’t, this process will be repeated until there are no more judges on the court.
Gorsuch seemed to get through OK.

They didn't care about him as much; he replaced Scalia. It was a wash.

Gorsuch didn't start his hearing with a partisan political attack, didn't dodge direct questions and ask his questioners if they drank to the point of a blackout, and his temperament wasn't such that he cried through a large part of his hearing. Kavanaugh is a basket case who shouldn't be allowed to judge a dog show.
Nor did the Republicans withold tens of thousands of documents on Gorsuch from the Democrats to hide his past.
If he isn’t, this process will be repeated until there are no more judges on the court.
Gorsuch seemed to get through OK.
Gorsuch replaced a conservative judge. Kennedy was a swing vote. So would have Kavanaugh bee, but because the liberals shit on this nominee, don't count on Kavanaugh to be agreeable to your liberal causes anymore.
Are you saying that Kavanaugh isn't impartial?
Does anyone doubt that Kavanaugh will be confirmed ? If so, how do you think that could happen ? So what if Democrats were even able to succeed in stalling the Kavanaugh confirmation beyond the midterm elections ? Does anyone think that Democrats might win back control of the Senate ? I'm thinking that Republicans will gain even MORE seats in the Senate, from the midterm elections, and will retain control.

And I'm not the only one who thinks that, >>

2018 Senate Forecast

So if Repubicans DO retain Senate control, where does that leave Democrats with respect to Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation ? By pissing Kavanaugh and Republicans off, Democrats may have succeeded in doing just one thing, Getting everything they want denied by the Supreme Court, which now is apt to be in no mood to grant them any concessions.
Of course he willl., Republicans don't care about truth, honesty or family values.

After all, the dumbasses voted for Trump.

The big mistake the GOP made was not to bribe Kennedy into retiring sooner than they did.
Does anyone doubt that Kavanaugh will be confirmed ? If so, how do you think that could happen ? So what if Democrats were even able to succeed in stalling the Kavanaugh confirmation beyond the midterm elections ? Does anyone think that Democrats might win back control of the Senate ? I'm thinking that Republicans will gain even MORE seats in the Senate, from the midterm elections, and will retain control.

And I'm not the only one who thinks that, >>

2018 Senate Forecast

So if Repubicans DO retain Senate control, where does that leave Democrats with respect to Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation ? By pissing Kavanaugh and Republicans off, Democrats may have succeeded in doing just one thing, Getting everything they want denied by the Supreme Court, which now is apt to be in no mood to grant them any concessions.
He shouldn't be. But for this reason

Kavanaugh’s 'bizarre' claim of Dem conspiracy revealed he can’t be ‘nonpartisan': Dem

Kavanaugh’s accusation that Democrats are attempting to block his nomination as "revenge on behalf of the Clintons."

We are going to appoint a conspiracy theorist nut to the Supreme Court? WOW! Well, I guess if we elected one president why not huh?

This appointment is horrible. They should not appoint this right wing partisan hack.

that he would accuse Democrats of a vast conspiracy to do him in and even dragged in Hillary Clinton," Hirono said. "I found that bizarre. But we hardly need somebody on the Supreme Court who has these conspiracy theory notions.”

Kavanaugh, who has been a federal appeals court judge since 2006, worked for Ken Starr when he was the independent counsel investigating the Clintons during Bill Clinton's presidency.

Hirono said that at the hearing, Kavanaugh “totally showed himself to be … the political operative and the partisan operative that he has been.”

So don't tell us this guy isn't going to legislate from the bench. That's just another lie.
No "conspiracy", just FACT. The Dems have exposed themselves and he WILL and SHOULD be confirmed. Dems can and will GO TO HELL.
If credible witnesses had made those claims about Gorsuch, there would have been additional hearings for him too.
Credible witnesses for BallsInMouth-Ford? LOL. Are you drunk?

Trump said she was credible
. You can't be a credible witness for yourself if you are making the accusation, jack wad. Her witnesses are credible only for Brett's defense. None of them support Ford.

You need to move on. Even the democrats in congress have dumped her in the dirt. Brett drinks beer, don't yaknow? Maybe not in the "Lion of the Senate" Ted Kennedy's league.
If credible witnesses had made those claims about Gorsuch, there would have been additional hearings for him too.
Credible witnesses for BallsInMouth-Ford? LOL. Are you drunk?

Trump said she was credible
. You can't be a credible witness for yourself if you are making the accusation, jack wad. Her witnesses are credible only for Brett's defense. None of them support Ford.

You need to move on. Even the democrats in congress have dump her in the dirt. Brett drinks beer, don't yaknow?

Really? There were only 4 witnesses named. 3 of them only said they don't remember the night exactly as Ford did. They didn't say it didn't happen, and some even say they believe her. The 4th one is Kavinaugh.
Does anyone doubt that Kavanaugh will be confirmed ? If so, how do you think that could happen ? So what if Democrats were even able to succeed in stalling the Kavanaugh confirmation beyond the midterm elections ? Does anyone think that Democrats might win back control of the Senate ? I'm thinking that Republicans will gain even MORE seats in the Senate, from the midterm elections, and will retain control.

And I'm not the only one who thinks that, >>

2018 Senate Forecast

So if Repubicans DO retain Senate control, where does that leave Democrats with respect to Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation ? By pissing Kavanaugh and Republicans off, Democrats may have succeeded in doing just one thing, Getting everything they want denied by the Supreme Court, which now is apt to be in no mood to grant them any concessions.

I have doubts. I think its likely, but not certain.

This investigation had nothing to do with 'finding the truth'. It was a stalling manuever because republicans didn't have the votes. If they do the investigation and it comes back clean, Flake will side with the GOP. If it turns up dirt, Flake may not.

Regardless, this process has damaged may have further damaged the GOP brand with women. And may have repurcussions in November regardless of Kavanaugh's actual confirmation.
Being a pathetic drunk is no reason not to confirm him for the Supreme Court. He will be confirmed .
Unless this FBI check finds a major bombshell which is possible but in my opinion unlikely he will be.
Will the public have access to the FBI report? If not, the dems will pretend that the report implicates Kavanaugh whether it does or not.
I’m pretty sure we will not much point in making a report if the public can’t see it. If this report has no shocks in it and Democrats try and delay again they will have overplayed their hand.
. If McConnell doesn't take the vote this week, there will be Hell to pay.

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